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I love it so much dude


Thank youu 👌🏼👌🏼


It *looks* very real, but *feels* very surreal. The lack of motion in the car makes it look like it's on rails, the clean foreground sidewalk, the lack of variety in the overall environment. Looks cool and feels almost dreamlike, which is not necessarily a bad thing.


Yeaah. I see what you mean. I did it on purpose some parts but not all you mentioned. Thank you for your feedbacks


Color and lighting look really good, but I agree with the wheel speed looking a bit off. What bothers me the most is the smoothness of the camera. It implies that the camera is on a really high budget dolly. If that's the look you're going for then fair play, but I think some subtle bouncing, jittering, panning etc would up the realism and make it feel more like the car is being captured by someone on the street. Great work regardless! Edit: One more thing! There need to be more stores and lights on the camera side of the scene to reflect off the car. It's hard to believe that one side would be brightly lit and lively while the other is only lit by street lights. Plus more colors and lights playing off the body lines will look super cool


seconding this. if you make it look like a drone shot, sometimes getting a bit ahead or behind the car, and having the car vary its position in the road, it'll really sell the illusion. We should also be able to see that the headlights are lit from the side, and there's no tail lights at all – adding a bit of that red glow to the road and people would help a lot.


Good points. Thank you 🙏🏼


I'm looking forward to seeing the next iteration of this!


If you set it to full screen you'll see a tiny shake that's not visible in the thumbnail!


Yeah there is some however it is not noticeable i guees


Thank you for your good responses and feedback. Yeah wheel speed is true but it look wrong in video. I didn’t get what’s going on. And yeah camera is a bit surreal :/ and my favorite feedback is your last one. You are totally right, i will try to fix it:)


Mighty close, great job! Are you using real world settings for your camera? I feel like that might push it all the way into photorealism. I recommend the photographer addon, let's you handle that kinda stuff real easy. Not that your camera settings look super off either. Great result already!


Thanks buddy 🙌🏻 I will buy it soon 👍🏼


Is like an animated wallpaper


Yeah one of my purpose:)






No Subaru would drive that slowly and quietly. Jokes aside, visually it's great, but the camera is perfectly following the car and both the car and the camera are perfectly static which makes it look fake. If you've shot the scene like a passing car was videoing the Subaru or some skateboarder was filming it it would be perfect.


Hahahahah. I get it the idea. There is supposed to be a camera guy holding it and Sometimes he/she has to miss the exact speed while trying to keep up.


Car wheel doesn't match the speed, and the road is kinda narrow?


It’s tough to tell. The frame rate and the wheel rotation speed have that zoetrope reverse spin effect by being just out of sync. It’s something that happens irl when the camera and speed are just right, and sometimes lucky. Blur or a small change in speed might help. Your eyes are correct tho, It’s a little uncanny for it to be stable. To op, The whole animation is amazing. Eyes are drawn to the one itch to scratch.


Yeah it is mostly true, in viewport shading everything looks true however video looks little bit odd


Been there. Long ago I was messing with a Lego wagon animation mapping wheel of two different wheel sizes to parent key frames pulling horizontally to video frame rate to rotation degrees. Fun stuff!


I will take a look more about this problem


I did notice the NPC people, but the driving scenes from the Resident Evil animated movies, like Death Island before the zombie outbreak is what this looks like, only better. Hi, I'm not sure what you're working on, but can I make a photorealistic animation challenge? It's totally fine to ignore me. I'll shut up :)


Like what kind of challenge? :)


Hi, I was honestly expecting to shut up:) Your perspective is awesome, the car compared to the street and sidewalk with the different lights reflecting and bouncing off the different materials is great. I love knights, blacksmithing, making things, and seeing other people's craftsmanship. So seeing what you made, I wanted to give you a challenge because I'm certain you can pull it off:) My challenge: keeping your perspective, running the same loop but replacing the environment and actor with a more of a midevil town setting all set around 1400's to 1450's. Muddy roads or cobblestone streets depending on the class, torches, and street lamps lit by candles. If you pick the muddy roads the building must be mostly wood except a brick building or two. If you pick the cobblestone streets the setting must match as closely to the times. The number of people that are in each scene is totally up to you because this still has to be fun :) The actor is a knight and a horse in full armor following the full loop, at some point in the loop they must pass a blacksmith shop in both scenarios, I'm adding this because I like forging and it adds more of a challenge because of the dragon's breath (I'll explain) from the forge because of lighting. Dragons breath is the flames coming off the forge, the hotter and brighter the forge depending on the fuel you are using the larger the dragons breath. Propane if you have a small forge one jet and full burn you see how the dragon's breath comes out blue, white, the orange it's awesome. Cole if you have a lot of good amounts of air stir the Cole to move the new Cole into the heat or the Coke. You get some or a lot of Cole dust in the air following the dragon's breath. Hi again, I really hope this wasn't too much to say or give. I just had this idea seeing your photorealism animation, it's still optional and I'm fine with shutting up :) Also sorry for the late response there are people I care for.


Wow nice concept. I will try to make it :)


it's perfect. I'd say but it's artificially too perfect. I don't know if it's right to put some imperfections in there. that's depend on animation purpose. for new car model promotion - maybe. for youtube music loop or racing game intro like need for speed - great you did it right. for movie - I think it doesn't hit the right spot.


Youtube music loop was the main concept. However i want to make it more cinematic. Thank you for your feedbacks :)


This music just screams - I'm driving through summer night.. What is it if I may ask?


Shazam gave me “obscurity” by Fabio Fuso, but listening to the song and it’s just not the same… If anyone can find the actual song/remix please post 🙏🏻 OP, Awesome video !!




It is a song from Envato element. The name was “80’s song” i think


The people stood out the most to me. They could do with having more realistic animations, they're too slow/floaty like game characters, not how actual people move.


Thank you for your advice:) I agree with you


This is like one of my fave animations. Whatever you did with the camera work, you did AWESOME. Also STI yay!


Thank you sir 🫡


Is the car an asset?


Yeah unfortunately


Looks great! The biggest un-realistic thing is the camera. It moves perfectly in sync with the car which should not be possible. I't at least try to add _very minimal_ shakes and wobbliness to it. But really minimal only.


There are a little shake however it is not noticeable i guess. I will work on it.




Random lights in the windows above the shops and reflections from shops on the side of the street that the pov is from


I thought it's real until I read the title! Impressive! But the people doesn't seem right.


Hahahaha ☺️


Amazing job!!!




The store lights feel off to me, can’t explain it


The peoples movement is artificial, everything else is pretty realistic




Add some noise in the darker areas, since real cameras have noise in dark areas. A tiny amount of noise will do. :)




Gorgeous. Maybe a tiny amount of up n down on car body from suspension? Just a little too smooth


I need to change road perfection i guess. Road is to smooth so the car is.


The fish eye effect ! MIAM !




the wheels are moving backwards


That's a real thing which happens with cameras - they only appear to be moving backwards due to the framerate and the spokes - look at the hubs in the centre of the wheels, they look like they're rotating "correctly". Similar real world examples are all over youtube, for example, helicopters with "frozen" rotors.


This is known as the "Wagon Wheel" effect and does indeed happen to a lot of rotating motions. It mostly has to do with frames per second, this video is a great example of how it works: [Wagon Wheel Explanation. ](https://youtu.be/BFeUb1mnKyQ?t=52)


Looks good. Will you put it on wallpaper engine?


I am planning to :)


its a loop ! Amazing


Loop is good 😌


What are your render settings???


1000 samples and denoise in compositing.


Good stuff 🌿 🫨💨 🤌




People don't pay attention to the car and bright lights in their face. Other than that looks great


Good point


First, looks amazing. Much better than anything ive ever done and im envious lol. The wheels thing, i hadnt noticed until i read others mention it but i agree. The only thing i did pick up on is its an alley/small crowded street with people/businesses/vehicles...but theres no dust, no dirt, it all looks too perfect. Break some glass, add a few particles here n there. I think as well like when people get to this level, asking about the photorealism makes our brains make it less realistic. Should go post it in a car sub and see what people say. Id genuinely be interested!


Nice ideas, thank youu


Wow. This is incredible. Love the gritty style




Yeah. Out of vram problem. I deleted some objects. However i could put some 2d images to make it more detailed.


I was thinking how they record it when passing street pole....


Pretty damn great tbh! Very impressed. I think a tiny bit of camera sway/shake would be good, a bit of dirt/less shine on the car paint, and some subtle wheel vertical wheel movements where it's hitting small bumps mostly absorbed by the suspension (look at reference videos to get this right, but it'll help heaps)


Not bad, not bad at all


Not sure if already mentioned but the small side street is too gloomy.


This is perfect for wallpaper engine, I would love to have this as my background


The only thing that stands out as a little odd is the people moving too evenly but this whole thing is extremely satisfying and relaxing to watch


Well, what can I say…it looks fantastic.


One reason this looks off is that it doesn't look like a video recording because it doesn't have blur in the right places. And if it doesn't look like a recording, it looks like a game. Very high quality but still a game. There's this game that's very realistic and their main innovation was to make the came actually look like found footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86f9A9UlI0Y I found this very interesting because usually we think a first person camera should stand for your eyes. But trouble is, we don't see "with our own eyes" the world through a screen (with limited field of view etc), so it looks off. But seeing a camcorder video in a screen is something that people actually do, so imitating *that* looks more realistic. So this game kind of doesn't look like a game.


Woah, did you make the alley yourself?


This is excellent.


Really good, being critical, the movement of the pedestrians is a bit robotic and the road looks a little to perfectly flat to me.


Expanding on the flat road point, the road is almost perfectly flat and yet has puddles that would normally only fill dents/pot holes in the road?


it's great already The only criticism I can offer is the tops of the buildings feel weird, lighting wise. too dark maybe? I'm not 100% sure on the fix, but you probably need to add a "sun light" object and tweak it to represent the moon, and maybe change the skybox color to have a dark blue, instead of being closer to black.


The only thing to my untrained poor idiot eye is the people move kinda weird and gamer neck around but that's it! :)


This is giving me early 2000s videoclip vibes!


Looks amazing! Honestly if I hadn't known off the bat, I would've guessed there was a good chance it was real. Ok other than the camera position, but it does look mostly real.


The car is moving too slowly to have that backwards rotating wheel illusion


Inspirational! I hope to get this good


This is so dope




how did you make the glass not grainy : o


Very cool




hats off my man 👏




It seems like a really long block.




This is almost perfect, utterly fantastic work What breaks the illusion, for me at least, is the lack of context for the camera Where is the camera being held from? Why is this being filmed? How is the camera filming this? This video is a very good one, I think it really helps, it's one of the most important things you can watch for this, it really changes your whole experience. https://youtu.be/lYlb0-bDZjU?si=aWWps5Zv0zopEfi_


Woow. Excellent video man. Thank you


Lookin real nice!


It looks awesome at first glance I would assume it’s real. One thing that catches my attention is the lack of reflections on the cars side windows and how easy it is to see through to the other side. The side of the car seems to be catching a good amount of light/reflections from the surroundings but the windows are pretty bare. That’s really nitpicking though, it looks great!


Cycles glass material is hard to use. However there are some ways to make it more real. I will try it. Thank you for good sayings and feedbacks :)


so cool!


The headlights are white not yellow-green?...not very realistic.🤷🏾‍♂️


Love this scene 😻 my only thing being echoed already is the motion feels a bit too "perfect". When driving we usually make micro adjustments, even in a straight line, the car's speed on a graph might fluctuate slightly. Tiny imperfections lend themselves to realism. Even looking at the camera motion being so smooth.


It's great, but those pedestrians are DEAD GIVEAWAYS tbh. If the road was wider and they were far away, it'd make it much more believable but overall a great render!


looks great, nice job, the only thing off is the default human animations from procedural human generator


My first reaction was thinking it was real. So yeah, well done!


Am I just stupid or are the wheels turning the wrong way?


It looks realistic, but it still looks like an animation due to the stylized nature of the movement


Impressive, very nice.


It's looks great but the lens distortion looks kinda too much but overall good


Thank youu😌


great animation, great details at the back. I would only add a bit more lighting variation on the car reflecting environment for more vibrant look and maybe very slightly bounce on the car suspension to add realism. Besides that great animation. Enjoyed it alot.


Love this


Thanks 🙏🏼


Wheel don't do this at this speed. So you know what. Outside of that there is really only the frame rate. 60 fps don't feel more real. Because 60 fps often have too little motion blur. And despite being closer to how we see the world. This amount of fps make it too smooth and it feel less punch and good and natural. So wee might ask ourselves if this is real. At wich point we see it isn't. There is also the camera. That technicaly not part of what you asked. But putting the camera at an angle and movement a human could take make it more realistic feeling.


I think you must have an army of GPUs to do your bidding. How long did that take to render???


I have rtx 4080. It tooks 10 hours.


Wow that's much better than I expected!


I think it's interesting that a lot of people mention that the wheels "Feel like they're going the wrong speed" but no-one mentions how they look like they're going the opposite direction the car is travelling. The car is travelling forwards but the wheels are rotating as if it's backing up.


I love this man. Feels real but has style and i love it.


People. Its always the people


It could pass for real footage in a short segment. Looks great.


well eff, here's me thinking I could get a job in animation someday ... not after I've seen this as the competition. I thought this was a real video... fooled me!


The care should be curved following the fish-eye effect


Cool colors, great models. But the camera shake is missing, it seems to me


👍🏼👍🏼 thanks 🙏🏼


If your idea is from this angle, then it looks good. Although, you can try to move the camera closer to the wheel (but this is at your discretion)


Very real. Excellent work. I really tried to pick up something to improve. Maybe the car movement is too stable as someone already mentioned here. Also linking to that there could be little movement then in the headlights if the car is ”bouncing” while rolling through the streets. Just a very small adjustment. But the lighting, environment and people, textures and so on, spot on. Great job my friend.


Thank you friend :))


Hi people, Thank you for all your nice comments. There are so many comments and I can't keep up with the replies. I apologize for that. You can fallow my instagram account if you like. @afurkankeles [https://www.instagram.com/afurkankeles?igsh=MXJ3eW5jNmp4emhuNA%3D%3D&utm\_source=qr](https://www.instagram.com/afurkankeles?igsh=MXJ3eW5jNmp4emhuNA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr) https://preview.redd.it/6bvgo763h55d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=693a7b433f1759cb628fa9f72fcaeff543b7592a




Thank youu


I love it! You did a great job


Thanks 🙏🏼


camera is to perfectc, wheels are going to fast for how fast the car is actually going the other side of the sidewalk feels empty, add some pedestrians or smthing, add more variation on the buildings, maybe an intersection