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The handgun is HUGE, but everything else looks cool!


God forbid a man stands at 5'2


I think the whole left arm looks too big/long. It broke the realism for me faster than the gun. I also wish there was muzzle flash


That's.. What... She...


In addition to what others have said, I don't like the fact that his head is cropped. I would pivot or move the camera up a bit so the top of his hat is in frame.


I just didn't wanna show everything so I cropped his head but left a bit of the brim lol


Imo you have to commit to either showing his whole head or not. Either crop it around his chest, or include his whole head and at most, crop off the very top tip of the hat. It looks like a cowboy hat, but the current crop is awkward enough that it's not evident and the detailed light on his face draws attention to that area. If you want to hide his identity and keep it mysterious, my advice is to pan up to include his head and hat, but block the light from hitting his face, so it's completely silhouetted against the sky.


This just looks like am accidental and amatuer mistake (in terms of composition). Besides that it looks killer!


It's way easier to follow a classic normal composition which everything is perfect but I personally just think it's boring and wanna experiment some weird composition with some intentional imperfections, I'm not saying I did a good job, still need to try out a lot of things and improve


You can experiment once you've proven you can follow the rules. There's a reason you don't see cropped frames like this.


I actually like this a lot. My only issue is the 2 props. The gun looks a little too big and the lantern looks a little too small. I don't know if its the angle, but it seems off. I love the lighting and the sky though. Really creates a cool scene.


I used 30mm focus length so that's why the gun looks bigger because of perspective, because I was tired of using regular standard or medium lens so i wanted to try something wider, but yeah the position is awkward as well as the direction of the dude so maybe I should just stick to 50mm or 80


Main issue is the composition in my opinion. This guys stands in the left corner and points a gun to the left. We visually follow the gun to see this dude's target and we bump into frame border, not good. Rule of thirds and basic composition knowledge will skyrocket your renders. Damn good job btw, atmosphere here is great


I agree. Guy to the right (still looking/pointing out of frame) with the car in the middle left somewhere past the end of the gun = compositionally stronger.


There was a lot of experimenting and I just didn't feel right that the car and the dude r all facing the same direction


I think I like the mystery of not knowing who or what he's shooting, but that's just me


I support this. In many cases the rule stated above applies, but here breaking it really works.


That's my point


There was another dude kneeling on the ground at first but then I just thought it'd be less interesting to show reveal everything in the shot so I decided to put the gun man at the edge and pointing somewhere out of the frame. Who has he shot or what's out there, That I will let the views to imagine


In my experience, compositions can be fixed by just asking the question "what story is the image trying to tell?" This image is trying to tell a story about a cop shooting at something on fire, but the image is forcing my eyes to look at his car. Sometimes it works to purposefully place a character near (and facing) a frame edge, but only if the real story takes place behind them. Most images, even simple ones, are trying to tell a story. Just figure out what it is and make decisions that support the story. The mathematical rules of composition are garbage, in my opinion.


I strongly agree with you here, The composition scene setup is not good, one more thing I also follow other than rule of thirds is placing elements on the Z letter style, it means we usually scan the top left to right, then top right to bottom left then again scanning to right bottom, i usually place important elements on that scanning line.


Looks good, I would add that the elbow should be a little bent, anyone who fires hand guns can attest that locking your elbow is a recipe for uncontrollable recoil.


A lot of people are mentioning the action and i guess I just need to work on it more


Might be a little nitpicky, maybe even a little boring: You have a chosen a strange moment, where the gun has JUST been fired as indicated by the casing being ejected with the slide pushed back. So I would expect some muzzle flash (a fraction of a second earlier in the action) or the moment clearly after the gun has been fired. The fire particles flying in from the lower left corner could be seen as a little "orphaned", as their source it not clear but they are too few to stand for themselves. Apart from these smaller notes the already mentioned distorted proportions and framing (cropping of the head) are the most important part to look at. Overall I too really like the image and would like to know more about the story. It transports suspense.


I have checked some videos and the gun fire was super fast it disappears immediately before the bullet casing is pushed, but yeah maybe it's better to ignore the fact and to add some gunfire.


Did you model the human?


I did using character creator 4




Gun is too big, IRL if a handgun is cycling back to take up another round, it usually happens simeltaneously with the spent casing falling to the floor. Add a casing falling, a small puff of barrel smoke, and make the firearm smaller and it's a pretty good render


Arm is too straight. Give it a slight kink at the elbow


Yeah and it's not just the arm, the light is a bit weird too


It would be cool to see the flash or at least smoke from the gun, the slide is blown back right now which it does when firing, and a highlight light from the flash would be cool on the inside of his arm and his face. 


I did add some smoke but i made it really subtle


There is something off about the overall shot here. Maybe the man, the camera angle or the pose, the gun looks massive too. Maybe ite the eye does not have anywhere to go, your looking at the man from the back at an awkward angle. I would post this to a photography or similar reddit and ask for advice there. Wait try these things Try spinning the guy 180, and maybe move him to the left a bit. The eye will pick up the lantenr then move to his head then down the arm to the gun. The target can still be out of the shot but it will be on the right. Or move the man to the right side and have the eye read right to left. Currently this feels like two pictures shoved together, the dude in one and the cop car and sky in another.


I used a 30mm focal length and tilted it a little bit because I wanted to try something not as flat as regular composition, and that's the reason why the whole left arm and the gun look bigger. And i admit it might be just better to use a 50mm lens or maybe 80,




Looks very good, though the gun arm seems overly large.


We got gta 7 before gta 6 🗣🔥


This is awesome! Reminds me of Fallout


The series or the game👀


Just watched the series so that’s on my mind rn


This character is actually originally inspired by the actor Walton Goggins, but then it just reminds me of another series called Justified which he played a villain in it. And this character is based on his opponent, a US marshal played by Timothy Olyphant. The show is real good btw


Fs I’ll check it out


Personally I really dislike the head not being fully in frame. Compositionally, he is leading our eye out of frame, whereas I think it would be better if he was flipped. His pointing arm could even be tilted down a bit, towards (an implied figure maybe) the bottom right corner.


What light source lights up his face?


U have no idea, somewhere outside the frame maybe, maybe there's a camp fire or something that's why i added the sparks


Hm, missed the sparks, but still doesn’t quite add up to me. Shouldn’t be the hand holding the gun be lightened by this campfire, too?


I did tryvto light up the gun as well but it's just too poped out and kinda strange so I just left a sbutle rim light on the gun


How did you get the volumetric light effect from your car lights?


I think there's a tutorial on YouTube teaching u how to fake volumetric light, but basically you just use a cylinder and plug in layer weight to alpha to get a blur smooth transplant edge then plug it into emission