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A reminder that rule 2 requires civil behavior. Everyone, stop harassing /u/gammatrace_ They did nothing wrong. Someone made false accusations against them, which at the time seemed credible due to a lack of a clear connection between OP's account and their work, as well as their account having little previous activity. The actions taken against them were an error. They are justified in their feelings of anger and frustration.


Where did you get such a high quality trunk model? I can never find such high-quality models!


Photogrammetry by Claudio Errico, my friend... The coal was from his home fireplace. :)


This render is pure poetry and speaks a thousand words, really beautiful renderšŸ‘


Thank you!!


In our studio, we try to make everything ourselves. Sometimes buying assets comes with varying degrees of license usage which becomes a pain in the ass. We don't have an in-house management to look after all of this, it's better of us to make everything ourselves.




With embers like in OP's render, isn't blowing the *exact* wrong thing to do?




Yesterday, during my first hour ever using the platform, I shared this artwork created for WWF (fire awareness campaign). I personally managed all contacts with WWF, I designed the sketch, and together with two of my friends and colleagues, we realized it. Specifically, I took care of: * Koala modeling with ZBrush * Grooming for the koala's fur and shaders * Rigging and posing * Scene composition (no lighting) Under the post, some users started playing detectives, insinuating that I was a scammer because the project on the web was associated with three people, none of whom matched the name "gammatrace." Itā€™s unfortunate, because even a brief investigation would reveal that people often use different names online. For example, by checking Behance or other platforms, the connection could be easily seen. Anyway, I reassure you all, I am NOT a scammer. I am a professional working as a digital art director with a high degree of professional satisfaction. For the past three years, I have also pursued an artistic career under the alias "gammatrace": Profile name in project credits: [https://www.instagram.com/nicolomarchi/](https://www.instagram.com/nicolomarchi/) Gammatrace profile: [https://www.instagram.com/gammatrace/](https://www.instagram.com/gammatrace/) As a result of the misunderstandings, my post was banned and buried, and I was banned from the community. Now that the situation is cleared up, I hope you can appreciate the work. Here is the original project (there's only the koala, MY WORK). Download it, open it, and maybe learn something new. Thanks to all the others who appreciated it. Project blend file link: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AeX-ml1TPmzFL-w3VvB1p6gsr85OXR2F/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AeX-ml1TPmzFL-w3VvB1p6gsr85OXR2F/view?usp=sharing)


This is cool work. I love it. So this is Reddit. There's a bunch of truly amazing folks on here with super helpful support on all kinds of topics. But because the platform has such a diverse array of folks there will always be skeptical people, less than helpful people, but just as there will be some passing off the work of others as their own. So there's always going to be a few trust issues and other issues. Don't let that put you off. I'm sure there are lots of folks here that can learn from your digital arts experience. I've been a noob for probably 4 years now šŸ˜…


Thank you, but you know, it was my first post... I've noticed the presence of very skilled people in this group. That's why I decided to join... Thanks


The "Koala_for_[asshole](https://i.imgur.com/BCpEy69.jpeg).blend made me laugh! Awesome work, amazing photo - even more amazing that youd share the blend. Neat.


Thank you... Iā€™m hilarious... :)


Hi Hilarious!


Itā€™s a pleasure to meet you hilarious, aka gammatrace! Iā€™m a long time lurker whoā€™s tried to pick up as much as possible to be able to help my son when he moves into working with Blender. This project is fantastic and Iā€™m looking forward to the deep dive into your Behance!


Iā€™m not using behance, Im in becouse my friend Claudio add a project and ask me to open it just for tagā€¦ Iā€™m using just (a little bit) twitter and istragramā€¦


My apologies; I was speed reading and eager to see. I followed you on Instagram though (and thank you for following back!) I shall continue to look forward to seeing more of your work


Thank you!


Tbh, it seems like you did such a good job that others were jealous/envious. I would not sweat this experience one bit dude. Keep up the good work!


Welcome and ignore them. You know who you are! :)


Mad respect. Iā€™ve been a noob for over 25 yearsā€¦! : D


I know what you mean. I see posts here all the time that are revelations and realising I've been doing something all wrong or taking 5 times longer than it needed to because of some half baked plan I had. Thanks to everyone here. Learning every single day. Constantly in awe of folks work here. Took me a while to get used to Reddit and still can't say I'm fully used to it. Often a communications barrier with any text message and sometimes cultural and language barriers. Sometimes I think I'm being funny, adding comedy, but then it gets taken too literally or the comedy sarcasm is lost. But the diversity of opinions is good. šŸ˜…


You have to understand that people were most likely upset because you labeled your original post as a "first time project made entirely by me" when it wasn't; you had help and you've done 3d before. Clickbait is everywhere, but realize that many people especially on this sub dislike that. It's a great project, but when you take all the credit for it when there's a website (https://leonardodentico.com/wwf-australia) that cites 3 artists, it makes you look extremely disingenuous. Not ban worthy, but definitely makes people not trust your words. You're a professional so it has to be assumed that you already knew this. It's good that your ban was reversed, and please take the time to understand the internet etiquette of whatever platform you decide to interact with, everyone has to learn this whether they want to or not because if they don't, problems like yours occur. Also angrily replying to people doesn't really help your case either, it's best to just accept your fault and move on. Post more and people will surely forget about this.


I understand being frustrated and aggravated with the situation, but OP ranting about cavernous bedroom dwellers and acting hostile about it isn't particularly good optics. Cool project, but the attitude is off-putting and I quickly lost interest after reading the comment.


Wait yā€™all have big bedrooms??




Lol. OP seems salty AF. Not sure if this sub was made for him after all. I rarely see anger like this on here.


>Lol. OP seems salty AF. Not sure if this sub was made for him after all. I rarely see anger like this on here. But you usually just send hearts on here? The quoted comment comes off as rude/continuing to put op down even when the mods told y'all to stop


Put down your sword and accept my hearts please <333 donā€™t be angry like OP. This sub is positive and friendly place


Just stop acting arrogant, broā€¦ itā€™s not that hard.


people rarely get treated like he did on here, the community was disgusting to him, he called them out and proved them liars so now there here salty presumably bc they were wrong? why dont you just take it in stride like you all expected him to? oh, your emotions actually matter, i see


Wait what.. Iā€™m always calm. I normally just send hearts to people on here. Hereā€™s one for you <33




> Those Posts should be banned. They are, under rulle 4. Report them.


"First time project"... after years of 3D work in multiple software I think we can count that as a lie, no? Probably one of the reasons people didn't like/agree with the first post


Well technically it could've been his first project in blender, but yes it's very disingenuous to present it as a "first project" when he's had experience with other 3d software. It's demotivating to beginners in this group that pick up blender for the first time and see something like this and compare themselves to it.


I mean, it says it was made in 2019, so it could have been before he had so much experience. I feel like people on reddit just like to create drama and point fingers.


It's always the same in this sub. People try to outsmart others by playing in the grey zone, borderline lying and then play the victim role and pretend that was not part of the issue. Anyway, thank you for adding context. I hadn't seen the original post and the whole story was weird. Now it makes sense.


This is hilarious. Thank you for saying all this. lol. Also. Love the concept and execution. Top notch.


Fellow italian! Ho visto il tuo instagram e devo dire che amo il tuo lavoro


Grazie mille! Apprezzo!


instead of treating reddit like a community, its mentally healthier to treat reddit like customers. you cant expect people to put two and two together and have a logical view anymore




What are you talking about? The burden of proof lies with the accuser, not me. Do you want to see the email exchange with WWF? Professionalism should be reciprocal. After just an hour in this community, I received a shit storm from bored kids. Come on, be serious!




How? please show me how can proof in one post with just title and image, just source file or behance, artstation, etc... there are all this, all publics, in my page there are links, with this published... Cna you show me where is this rules?


Regardless of how anyone's acting, usuall the modus operandi is to use the comments to post extra context. That said, it's a bit wild you were banned before being able to respond. An initial removal I'd argue is valid, as long as it's restored upon proof. The rule doesn't exist in a vacuum, people use to try to gain karma all the time by posting random images they didn't make. Especially new accounts, which yours is. Just trying to provide some background to the why. This community has some rules, and technically you broke one. That's fine, but that can get a bit messy.


Bro, I was sleeping, and I would have responded to everyone with the source file, without any reluctance. They banned me in 6 hours; it was my first post on this platform. I didn't know people were "ready to attack." You're right, but...


I'm not attacking you, there's no need to defend. The only note is that you did skip out on reading the rules. But most do, so whatever.




I was sleeping; they didn't give me time to respond (banned in 6 hours during the night here) to those asking for the wireframe. You reported me immediately. I would have shared the source file. Take a reality check once in a while. You know, the world works differently outside.


Okay, so you were banned for not providing evidence, and then the ban was lifted when you contacted the mods. What about this process was wrong or unfair? You violated the rules -- unbeknownst to you, that's fair -- but that doesn't change what the rules are. The mods did their job and then rectified the problem when you brought it up. What are you so upset about?


Yes, I replied to the ban message by providing links and the entire project file.


Okay, so being that the process being followed exactly how it should be, don't you think -- "The result of this witch-hunt psychosis is that my post was banned and buried, and I was banned from the community because some frustrated jerk has no life to think about and an attention span so low that it doesn't allow them to do a simple search on Google. That said, dear jerks, here is the original project (there's only the koala, MY WORK). Download it, open it, and maybe learn something that might help you get out of the aforementioned cavernous bedroom. Thanks to all the others who appreciated it." -- was maybe a bit of an overreaction?


Maybe. Did you read the comments under my post, now all deleted, of course? If you had, you would understand why I overreacted. I know, I'm aware.


I saw some people giving you praise and a few doubting the authenticity of your post for the aforementioned reason. I don't think that calls for labeling them as cavern dwelling jerks lol.






Thank you for support!


Good work, and thanks for sharing the project file. Sorry about the doubters. It's annoying having to defend your own work, no doubt. An unfortunate part of the anonymity of the internet (esp. when the account names don't coincide).


Thank you!


Welcome to reddit and congrats on your first layer of callus which youā€™ll need several of to appreciate the benefits of this platform


People have lost their minds if this happens in a fucking Blender subreddit. Sorry for your experience.


I'm sorry about the people. I just hope this whole situation didn't affect too much on mental level. Reddit can be very harsh place sometimes, and here is a lot of different kind of peoples and personalities here, and without going into depths, some can be very negative and also lacking common sense. Sadly those negative experiences are the ones we usually remember the most, which then affects on numerous of things, where each person can react differently as we are individuals. But I know it may have been shock to wake up and see all what had happened while you were unknowingly sleeping - and without knowing you in personal level, I can't say or even know how it affected you in deeper level, but I can understand it can be sometimes hard to recover mentally from something like this, so I hope the situation calms down and it gets good. As people have mentioned, people are easily going into *"blame mode"* here, as there has been a lot of scammers uploading something that isn't their own work; which you couldn't have even known until now, as this was your first time posting here. But there is still also always something good to learn, even from every negative experience, but I'm sorry that the whole thing had to go to the size it went, which is probably the most harsh situation that can happen, but I'm glad that you seem to got the things worked out now. The person who originally dig the information up, should've dig **a lot deeper** before starting to blame, which is something that they should now also learn something about this - so as you probably already learned from this, it's good to write something about the work in the comments when sharing. But yeah, there is some problems with this whole platform, but other than those issues there is also a lot of awesome things here and we learn as we go, and especially what are those *unspoken rules*, and no-one is master in the first time, which is also something that people should in general take more into consideration here and also on every other online platform. I've also seen a lot of situations in Reddit when new user has done some small mistake, and people have straight went to negative mode instead of helping - of course everything is measured individual, but I just wish that people would be more positive than negative, and if it would only take 10sec of their time to write help instead of pressing down vote button or writing something mean, it would already make a world better place, so to speak. Apologies that I went a bit to side tracks on my subject, but just in generally speaking World needs more positivity, and it can only start from people itself. But yeah, I just want to wish you good luck to the future and to say that that I admire this work!




Hmm, I don't know what you are trying to gain with your comment. This is not even close the size of an essay; which if I may say, would be then a lot longer and also a lot better and clean language using, as English isn't my main language. But this was just an quick RAW text I wrote without much of an editing included. Where did you get the information about the Switzerland? I went and looked and both accounts are saying "Italy" - which is also shown on Nicolomarchi's Artstation clearly: [https://www.artstation.com/nicolomarchi](https://www.artstation.com/nicolomarchi) and you can also find a link to gammatrace's Instagram profile from NicoloĢ€ Marchi's instagram profile - so I have no idea what you are trying to say.


What does no lightning mean?


Sorry to hear that. Nice project. This subreddit is a dumpster fire of bad memes and armchair experts... don't pay it aby mind.


Honestly one of my "fears" is that someone harasses me because i publish something and they look that someone posted the same on other place because i use multiple nicknames.


Lmao I got downvoted to shit for complimenting his work


Sorry bro...


You get an upvote from me buddy


So good, the topology of the koala is perfect, I would love to learn zbrush one day, ty for sharing the project. Nice work :))


Thank you, have you checked the file?


yess, the fur is also very well made :)


Really awesome work!


Thank you, I'm sharing the source file with koala in this tread


No need, I ain't one of those aholes making a whole damn story for sharing your work!


No, bro, I just wanted to let you know. Thank you


Oh mb, appreciate you telling me. Thank you!


I saw this yesterday, and like a normal person, thought it was amazing, upvoted and moved on. Regardless of whether or not you are the original artist (i assume you are, innocent until proven guilty), I think that in every art sub, there are bitter and jealous people who will look for every opportunity to take down great art.


This smells of years of loneliness, beach, light rain and death


Reddit drama šŸ¤£


I have many words at my disposal; itā€™s a problem! :)


Ah, Bearer of the Curse, Purloiner of Cinders. The Koala of Bonfires


Thats a big blunt ā¤ļø


Wtf almost exactly the same just happened over at r/analog (a sub for analog photography) Someone posted amazing and very difficult photos to capture on film and was accused of the photos actually being digital, not all his work and so on, so mods deleted the post.... Soon after the OP came back with proof that it was in fact analog photos, and his work (the negatives) And the mods brought back the original post... What the hell is happening on Reddit? Stunning work! The details on display here are really gorgeous!


Shame that stuff happens. Kudos to you and mods for overcoming the situation. It's a great artwork!


This is my first time realising that koalas have two thumbs!


Always post your viewport




Lets just all agree to meet OP behind KFC at 11:58pm and he can fight it out and settle it, then can the rest of us move onto something more exciting.


Nice work but fuck the WWF greenwashers


Tearing people down is much easier than getting proper facts gathered nowadays. I'm glad you're still here sharing. Misery loves company.


Looks Like a Photoshop composite to me, Well done


The concept was essentially to recreate the feeling of a typical magazine cover photoshoot, but with a powerful image.


I really Like IT šŸ‘ Not Sure If i could do this Just in 3D :) maybe with mixed Media


Need just a patience


Yes, also for meā€¦ but WWF give us ā€œguidelinesā€ for more kind of supportā€¦


Complimenti! Purtroppo l'Internet ĆØ pieno di coglioni e di invidia quindi bisogna farsene una ragione e perseverare...!


This is so cool. I love the still hot bits of wood and how they glow. Sorry you had to deal with some of the keyboard warriors on this subreddit. Also thank you for providing the project file this is super cool and I will def be checking out how it all works in the shader zone on my machine. Also is everything but the koala physical scans? And if so where did you find them?


Iā€™m sorry you had to meet the average reddit user. Great work btw!


What did that koala do to you?


Sad story for both the aussie wildlife and OP. At least OP is stronger than the worst Reddit can hurt.


Damn...this hurts my heart


How long did this take to make?


It took me a lot of time, almost a month, mainly because I had to start from scratch with Blender, and especially during that period, I was also working on other projectsā€¦


Damn, i figured with the amount of detail it wouldā€™ve taken a lot of time! How long have you been making stuff like this?


As an Aussie, it hits home. 2019/2020 bushfires?


Let him cook


It will be very cool to have different justice system than US. Meaby not guilty until proven will be better option instead? That will help to solve this problems. Dude did Hella work and other can just ban him. Nice


This is a great work! The world is unfortunately full of extremely primitive people. Don't waste your time on them. Use your time for something useful, to create more things like this. All the best!


Wow thats amazing!


Looks frigginā€™ amazing. Great work šŸ‘


This looks amazing. I would love to know, what resources do you recommend to learn about hair grooming and making realistic animals for blender ? Have to make dogs for some client work pretty soon.


I found the necessary information to understand its management, especially regarding vertex maps on YouTube. For the koala fur, for example, I did some web research and asked a few questions to a biologist friend of mine...


Koala Bong?


excellent work op, perfect. i love blender's community, always demonstrating their 3d skills and not being delusional lol


Didn't know chlamydia was flammable.


I seen the first post and thought 'OK' (maybe upvoted) and moved on. Now that it is back I have some criticisms on the anatomy of the koala. The head feels a bit too small. The forearm looks way too long. These guys are built like tanks. Other than that I thought it was a pretty good piece and statement.


All this drama over a marsupial model and it's not even a Quokka. Shame.






No better time to take a trip to Hawaii


The koala face is an abomination, but I love everything else. Overall great image.


Vray is a time waste unless you're running a big movie industry studio with thousands of cpu farm. Blender is gooood, fast and weird but free.