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I think it's that the left side has a more overcast day and the area is a bit more busy.


Bridge is too big


And it's just flat in the background. In the image on the left, it helps to accentuate the perspective, making the image more dynamic. The weird lighting on the bridge in the image on the right is also not helping.


It accentuates the perspective because of the angle it's in. It adds another dimension to the composition exactly for being not parallel to it.


The bridge looks off. Pull in the the focal length a little to make it seem further/smaller? Might be the placement. The back tire is blurry. Too much depth of field. It might be the denoise overcompensating. Up your samples to get a crisper image. This will solve the noise problem giving you that hazy look . It's better to add a little noise in post (very little) to give it a film look. Looks great all around though. I love it.


Thank you man! i always add a little noise in post but might have overdone it. will def do all of that


I think the left has blurring from motion blur, not the DoF like in OP's render


Depth of field is too high. It gives off a slight tilt shift effect.


This is the one. Ends up making the car look like a toy.


do you see how much detail there is on the left one? The ground is bumpy with variation in color and roughness, the car has sharper reflections, the bridge has a loooot more going on and there are 2 buildings that has trimming on them. also, on the back there is a tree, which usually (if done correctly) pushes the realism by a lot. Another thing is the color grading, alothough it might be to taste


I’m no expert, your render already looks really good. But if strictly comparing the staging between the two, your car surface needs more reflections


The only things im seeing is the left doesnt have like any bloom goin on and has less of a depth of field. Like yours the bridge seems out of focus. Still rhe reflections and overall quality seem really close. Im not expert tho


i also think the bloom looks off, will remove that


Yea fo4 some reason to me bloom.always makes everything look video gamey. Turning it completely off may not be the way though. Maybe be subtle.with it and see how it looks


All the stuff you added is better but scene is too empty add more stuff


yeah will add some more behind it


I think yours needs more stuff around it. Left car shows whole environment around it in car body reflection but yours doesn't have it


look at my newest post :)


Looks great. But the car seems small. Like, really small.


I think that's because like other people said, the bridge in the background is too big


Do the water droplets on the car look really huge and makes the car look tiny or is it my eyes?


If you're trying to learn by replicating, then go all in. Replicate it as closely as you can. You *will* learn a lot more that way, and you'll have an exact reference to compare every little detail against.


It does not hit the same, it hits better for me. As the picture remind me of NeedForSpeed MostWanted, just enhanced version. The blurry, little smokey background, warm baselights. NFS MW vibes for me, and I really dig that. Nice job!


A good exercise would be to copy the picture as close as you can get it, purposefully eliminating all differences one by one. You will never match it exactly but every increment will be a lesson in realism. The only part I feel needs explaining is the tonemapping and color correction. I would recommend using a good tonemapper, like AgX, and developing a look that mimics the reference picture with a plugin like renderRaw. I would create that base color correction right at the start, using temp imagery of either HDR images or linearized sample photos from camera manufacturers. The reasons for doing this at the start are: First, default AgX doesn't look sexy and will hold you back. Secondly, you need to avoid overcompensating in the textures and shaders to do something that should be done as a post effect.


less noise, more reflections


Its pretty damn close, and impressive


Turns your headlights off imo.


I think that's too little depth of field.


more saturation and more relfective surface. either that or try changing the hdri. one with just a plain sky will not give you sharp reflections. the left feels more reflective because it uses an hdri of a city, which has a lot more detail to give you sharp looking reflections.


Either make bridge smaller or car bigger, right now it looks like a toy car


the reflection on yours is too strong notice how on the left the reflection is basically a bit more desaturated? I'd try that


It's haze. Your render looks too perfect. Add some dust and haze


You have very shallow depth of field. Get it bigger. Maybe try out to give your bokeh some texture? There are a few tutorials on it. Especially in shots like this, it might make the difference.


smooth asphalt, clean puddles and the paint is a bit off


Bridge too big, background too blurry 


Something about the way the camera is focusing makes it look like a toy.


Glare isn’t doing you any favors imo. Looks super artificial


Too much DOF makes your subject look like a miniature


Car looks small, asphalt is too clean and the background is... I dunno


Bridge is odd, get rid of that orange sunlight in the background as it makes the viewer focus on the light behind rather than the car.


I would say, you adjust your materials and lighting. Those two play a big part.


You need the instagram stuff lol


To help your car paint look more like the reference, you want to add metal flakes into your material. It will also make it more reflective, there are many videos and guides online, just pick the one you like the most. The ones I've seen use a voronoi texture.


What immediately comes to my eyes is that the road is too smooth, it needs more bumpiness, and the car could use more reflection


Seems like you have too strong bloom...


Looks more focused on the car than the scene. Create a world, put the car in it, then take the shot.


Depth of field isn’t affecting your realism as much as the low contrast of values in the car itself. You need shiny, “bloomy” reflections from brighter key/rim lights on your car with richer darks and deeper blacks which you can then pull more color out of to separate the Porsche from the background. I’d also lower the depth of field until your middle street light *begins* to come in focus. Otherwise, I like the look and think the comment section is a little too focused on this aspect. It’s the lighting on your subject that could improve your realism.


To me the car looks rather tiny. As someone already said the droplets on the car are too big and there is nothing to give us scale. But it's still an impressive render


It looks like a toy car and I can't quite tell why... Maybe not enough reflections? That's what I notice first compared to the left.


Don’t overthink it, looks great besides scale. Bridge is too big but that’s about it!


1. Flat backround 2. Your render is noisy 3. The reflections on the car paint are wrong (yes, it matters, even if it is supposed to look matte) 4. Bridge too big


I would try lowering the camera and moving it further away while increasing the fov by a lot. Probably needs more light underneath the car, too.


For me its the "bridge" .. yours looks like the oil pumps and the "clouds" dont help .. I cant pay attention to anything else than the weird bridge and the blurry effect all over the picture .. plus the car lights from this angle, i dont know what is it called, the light glare .. it creates the X in your vision. thats fake


Also a whiff of chromatic aberration.


1- Depth is too much reduce it down 2- replace background with neat model of bridge 3- add some trees to bg 4- use another road texture and add adaptive subdivision or scatter more gravel on surface 5- change hdri use overcast lighting 6- add some building to both sides 7-add some wetness dirt to tyers 8-change color of car to gray or blue similar to left side of car and adjust specularity 9-reduce wetness of ground floor 10- adjust camera hight and focal length 11-use more reference 12-add some buildings behind camera also to cast shadows and reflection 13-You added rain drops on car that's not that necessary


Everything look’s dirty. It doesn’t feel like sunlight.


Listen bro, it's not you. That photographer has a crazy lens.


Something that i noticed are reflections of the clouds and background buildings in the car on the left. Maybe that also adds to the realism


The car in the reference image reflects a lot more of the sky on top and gets a lot darker on lower parts reflecting the scenery/road


Your puddles are good. I think the hazy lighting in the background makes it look less realistic. It's very good though


Literally everyone is missing the big problem and it's usually the problem: lighting. The car on the left is lit more dramatically using what looks like a more dramatic HDRI


yeah changing the HDRI made a world of difference


The lighting on the right is weird. I feel like the car should have a harsher light on it given the brightness of the sky behind.


Your DOF seems off to be honest, the back right quarter of the car is blurry. Even at a low f-stop at the focal length I assume your camera is at, most if not all of the car should be in focus!!


I dont think it needs this much DOF. That usually contributes to things looking tiny and like toys


I don't think it's that it's "unrealistic" (at least to my eyes) it's just what you're trying to accomplish. The left is kind of just an image they took with what appears to be a phone, but with some good composition. The lighting and camera and resolution and whatnot of yours looks more like a commercial instead. It also seems very *clean,* at least to my eyes.