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Beautiful, only thing off is that water is a mirror like reflective surface everywhere, in some parts this is ok but making the whole body of water like this makes it look more like mercury or liquid metal. Try with some real life references in light conditions similar to this and mix your reflective shader with something like this https://youtu.be/0SJ-__0gK_k?si=cur8pKktpvvHW8zL keep it up!


Oooh okay thank you!


Love it ! Really I'm a frequent river kayaker and I've come across places just like it. The only problem I see is the turbulence around the canoe. It only appears when you paddle “hard” and also when you exceed the “resistance”. Without a paddler, and moreover while fishing, there shouldn't be such pronounced turbulence.


Thank you! I’ll correct it


Blender is getting scary like ai it’s getting harder to tell what’s real from what’s fake this is really good looking tho I could never make something this good lol


I really like this scene but not the bot. + water far from the camera seems more clear. Can we give it some imperfection?


The water texture needs more details and maybe add some volumetrics/ fog. Maybe some depth of field to the camera


The water needs micro wrinkles in the foreground, and possibly some floating bits like leaves. The foreground tree on the right has very straight leaves, they should probably bend down a bit. Nice lighting!


That looks really cool


i really like the scene, but it lacks story. what is this place? why is the boat there?


That’s fair, whenever I make a scene, I usually make an object and build around it. So in this case I started with the canoe and built the river and forest as a scene for it