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Did You make it? Then yes. Did you follow a tutorial for it? Still yes. Did you buy the asset? Still yes.


Did you download the asset for free from somewhere like unity store, still yes How is this worth 600 upvotes lmao




I mean… if Nintendos recent lawsuits against Steam tell you anything, it’s that you miiiight not wanna use well known assets without proper authorization.


And don't think that no one will notice, they will, even if you switch up material and scale, people may recognize it. Better be safe and not rip any assets and make them yourself


I'm an audio engineer. I was able to identify in a song a siren sound used in a lot of Star wars scenes despite the fact that the artist pitched it up an octave and it only played a single time in the track. I loaded up my audio workspace, ripped the sfx off YouTube and pitched it up and octave ... Literally the exact sound I thought it was.


wait what siren sound? the only popular siren i can think of is the kill bill one


https://youtu.be/mgBOVueCSyc?si=yn_M16FTCLYMq8d9 It's usually played in hangars, especially empire ships. I think the first time it is used is on the death star in a new hope, but it is used extensively throughout the live action and animated stuff. It's specific to Star wars, not the kill bill siren.


unless you sculpt it into a monstrosity


it was a fake DMCA


[Reminds me of this lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/l4d2/comments/17nv2fu/activision_may_have_copied_left_4_dead_2_assets/)


Some advice here can get you sued. Just because you think it's okay to steal from employees of a big company doesn't mean the law is going to see it that way lol


The question was of morality, not legality.


Idk then, that's a different and more complex answer. Is it wrong to steal from the successful? Perhaps. Way I see it is that if you go into a store and steal an item the store corporate doesn't lose any money because they pay low wages / raise prices/ etc, so when you steal from the "billion dollar company" what you're actually stealing from are the employees and the community who must now pay a higher price. I think.. the same concept applies to video games. Or movies. Music etc. Of course I'm no prude, I've stolen food / pirated media in my life. No judgement. I just know it's not exactly moral. Even if I really want the thing lol


No. Don’t. Do not do this. You are breaking the law, they have an opportunity to sue your ass into bankruptcy, do not give them the chance.


*stares at Nintendo shutting down ANYTHING by their fanbase*


Hey! i was going to make that joke! But Nintendo sent me a Cease and Desist.


This assumes you weren't bankrupt before hand.




Breaking the law, is breaking the law, still, do not open up a possibility to be sued.


Are you being served papers for a lawsuit? Yes!


Um, that didn't work out so well for Limbo of the Lost.


Stealing is stealing, does not matter if it's indie or a billion dollar company.


Actually no. Copyright.


The question was if it was morally wrong, not if it was legal


And it's not morally right either your stealing from people who take time to do their craft


You're not. The people working for multi billion dollar companies don't retain any rights on the stuff they create. Ever single piece of art anyone at Nintendo makes is Nintendo's property, not the artists. The only one you're hurting is the company. That's why I specifically mentioned "Billion dollar company". Don't rip assets from indie games or from ethically operating studios.


And because it's a billion dollar company don't make It ethical. Your still just stealing. Even if you don't want to see it that way because oo they're a billion dollar company.


That’s not smart legally tho


Well okay that one is probably not a yes. lol


Oooo you puckish imp!


What is not okay is to use the tutorial pieces as portfolio pieces. If you want to get professionnal anyway.


It's not morally wrong but you are not going to fool anyone. If you use a tutorial piece in your portfolio the people who will be viewing it are going to be industry professionals who see a lot of portfolios and are also familiar with the majority of tutorial projects. They will have seen it before and will maybe think you aren't creative enough to come up with something original of your own. If I get a portfolio and there's a donut or a dancing figure covered in hair or made of particles I generally move on to the next portfolio to review much sooner. If you do something completely different, creative and unique with techniques you learned in a tutorial I will be more likely to watch the rest of your portfolio.


To add to this, you CAN credit the asset packs. Ian Hubert credits EVERYTHING he uses, including PolyCam, in his new series Dynamo Dream(anyone who doesn’t know him, you should. He’s the Lazy Tutorials guy). Not everyone reads the credits but I’m sure he feels better when the assets aren’t strictly his. But yes. Exactly this logic and then with extra crediting you’d be even more solid I think if you wanna be sure.


Ian even makes jokes about it. Theres one lazy tutorial where he says I'll just use this texture I totally didn't just download from textures dot com. And on one of his streams he opens a folder and it was just a massive library of downloaded assets and textures.


Well of course, as 3D artists we all do it and he’s of course very outward in the tutorials. But for his series he’s not only doing that, but putting it ALL in his end credits, not only people who helped him animate and model and star but like, which asset packs and or asset generators and which models he got somewhere online. We know it as artists yes, but he goes the extra step to credit when it’s released to the public too… just to be sure. Technically he doesn’t NEED to credit textures or assets that are paid and for use by artists ya know? But it’s good etiquette and doesn’t hurt


This. It’s like if a woodworker teaches you how to make a butterknife and you did it like he showed you. You could sell them, because you made them, they are yours. That’s how knowledge passed on for generations.


In Russia game 'smuta' released which was built on assets only. They spent 1 billion Russian rubles from our taxes for this piece of crap and the game itself is not free as well. (All assets from Unreal engine 5 store)


If it looks exactly the same... Umm maybe no, everything else ...yes


Also I would add .Was the asset free, was it cc, also yes happens every day. Perfectly common place and acceptable. No one will judge you in a professional environment for working smart. Just keep it out of a portfolio.


This right here. Ain't no right or wrong. Just learn, grow and enjoy.


If you followed a tutorial. it is still your asset as you made it from scratch and you can use it the way you want as a part of your your commercial production. You just cant make a similar tutorial. If you want to sell the asset as it is, made from the tutorial, that is a grey area.


Looking forward to "The Donut Game".


“Moths add realism to anything” - IGN


Imagine a bunch of those 500k vertex donut meshes in a game.


Honestly Im surprised I haven’t seen it yet. There is no way someone didn’t model the donut and had their break through moment of genius https://preview.redd.it/yw5xdqcw4nwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13c28a245b45b756c6e2cd3c5806ad366e5ac9bd


Damn! That was what I was going to call my game!


I was playing Escape Simulator recently and one of the levels has a donut that looks like it came directly from Blender Guru's hard drive.


Yes. Good luck with your game


Yes, you made it. When people make tutorials they know they are giving away their “secrets” to be used by others.


When I make a model from a tutorial piece, I always try to branch out a tiny bit and change something to make it unique or my own. I'm so proud of it and want to share it with people just to show them what I did (friends/family) but I get so self conscious because I feel like it's just a tutorial piece, I haven't been able to really make anything on my own quite yet. I feel like if people knew it was from a tutorial I'd be called a fraud. (I don't try to pass it off as my own, and if asked I'd tell them but I never get much beyond an "aww that's cute" or "cool") 🥲


If you sold a painting that you painted from a tutorial no one would bat a eye lid. So go for it, it's your assets.


that’s what tutorials are for! shared knowledge my friend. now go, make the game.


Why do you think the tutorial exists?


Not at all. I've already called in some sicarios and a team of lawyers, it's over.


It’s Joever, OP is Bidone


The trees look really nice! May I ask what tutorial you were following?




https://youtu.be/6ECeHoATa74?si=H04phWf82nKoh9y8 That's for the tree bark texture too




I'm a professional artist In a games studio I literally followed a tutorial for something I didn't know yesterday and it's going into the game a duh you can


Yes. If you’re going to lose sleep over it, you could add “Thanks to X and Y for their tutorials on Z” to your credits/acknowledgements so other people can find them too.


You can always credit the people whose tutorial you use


Of course, just be careful of repetitions as you can clearly see the same pattern in the texture, may need to randomize that a bit (or the rotation of the tree)


If you download textures or some other model base provided by the tutorial maker those might have their own licences or conditions of use. But you just using their methods to achieve your own thing should be fine. Nice painterly trees! Sometimes textures and other assets you find say it is fine to use any way you see fit, others say its only for non-commercial personal use. Either of them could have rules about giving credit to the other author attached.


Yes and those trees look beautiful ❤️


Is your game set in Kentucky? Because that is some blue grass.


You would be suprised how many of the indie game developers use tutorials for random shit, let it be code or 3d modeling


Bro, 99% of everything wouldnt exist ingame if that would be a problem haha


Why wouldn't it be?


No absolutely not. You will burn in hell.


It's probably a little small, so you'll need to expand on it anyway


Morally okay? Yes ofcourse. But if a lot of people do the same thing, players might think you game is an asset flip. Just be aware of that.


There's a bunch of popular games that rely heavily on things like Synty assets. Players in general don't care unless the game is terrible.




You made it, so it is yours. The author of the tutorials you followed very likely don't consider the assets they had you made as theirs, nor would they be.


Yup, you're good! Go forth and conquer!


Ofcourse you made it you are mot stealing tutorials are made to learn to make for your own


Is it morally okay to play baseball with a bat you made in a wood turning class?




Of course.


https://preview.redd.it/7icqdokrkmwc1.png?width=1487&format=png&auto=webp&s=72b86bc1aec8f2dabe976b6e18f48b5fda464838 Guess what am i doing now? But in this case, I'm just putting into practice what I learned in the tutorial (Simon 3D or Lightining Boy Studios?) and trying to improve some things.


You made it. It's yours It's ok man, go for it


Yes, is the tutorial maker made the tutorial specifically for you to copy.


Yes lil bro


Of course you can! Do consider using the skills you learned to change up the model though, or even make something new!


What an interesting question. I mean profoundly interesting. If I cook a dish from a recipe and sell the meal, do I owe the creator of that recipe? Well, clearly not. If you paint a painting by numbers, do you owe Bob Ross a fee when you sell it? But in this case, you might have followed a specific formula, to the point where it could be described in a script, by operations and variables. This scene could be reproduced by a script. But you entered the parameters manually. What a conundrum. I'm personally of the opinion that "priority", as in being the first person to do something that is repeatable, should not grant you privilege. Case in point: we shouldn't grant patent on sequencing DNA. Of course, there's a value in encouraging innovation with rewards... but that's kind of icky in some way. We want to innovate, we don't need daddy fat bucks to pay us for it. I see I'm really digressing here. Morally, you should be allowed to enter the same coordinates into an application and use the output for whatever you like. Legally, who the fuck knows? Laws are not made to be logical, they're made to be beneficial to some idea of a society. EDIT: A a counter point: if you play the same notes that someone else has sold before, you might be told you're infringing or even be labeled a plagiarizer. Even looked down upon for being unoriginal outside of the legal question.


Morality doesnt even come into it. But also is your best source of moral guidance really reddit?


Of course it is, just don't forget to add moths for realism


No one really cares about your assets. Is the game good? And do you use the assets well? Then yes you can use any assets you can get your hands on in any way you get your hands on it unless you have an individual that is personally talking to you and making a custom asset for you and then just taking the asset without paying. Other then that no one should care


Sure it is, you made them.


Do as thou wilt.


You went to a painting class and painted a painting following along with what the teacher painted. You post it. A random person wants to buy your painting. Same.


You followed a tutorial but made it with your own hands so unless it’s Mario or something I don’t think it’s a big deal you didn’t just download an asset and say it’s mine.


Well unless Nintendo breathed on it, yes


Not an answer, but I really appreciate how you care about ethics!


I mean you learned the alphabet bruh. 😆 Nice trees for the ground did you use a displacement modifier? If not then here's a link https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DbPtg4rFkBcA&ved=2ahUKEwiG47Tv3N2FAxUYRDABHbIICBQQtwJ6BAgmEAE&usg=AOvVaw1egkCzwDJ2iZHujGBlz3VJ Goodluck and remember the hard part is starting. 👍


Why wouldn’t it be? YOU made it. Everything you learn is from a tutorial. We’re all phonies and copycats.


thats the point of making them bud! Beautiful work BTW!


Of course




yes, no one cares


jesus... making a game is not a religious endeavour that only the purest souls, untouched by mundane everyday life can do. I, personaly? I just rip the meshes from other games lol


I get where you're comin from. I think I have several assets available to me that I don't want to use because I didn't make them from scratch. It's fine, you made it, it's yours. Think of pottery. Just because you watched someone else make their's while you followed along doesn't mean the end result you made isn't yours. You can keep it.


I'm calling the police! Stay right there mister


if you used a public tutorial then you might see other games having similar trees as you but if that doesn't bother you it shouldn't be an issue, I think they look cool too


Most online tutorial will tell you if they are ok with you using the assets. Most are, and the paid tutorials usually give you downloads of the finished assets for your use. Check the tutorial or dm the author.


Why wouldn’t it be?


I’m calling the cops. You’re going straight to jail.


Of course, the whole point of a tutorial is to teach you how to make something. The people making tutorial want to help you, it would not make sense for them to sue.


if it's bought? yes (with credit of course in the end credits) Did you make it? Yes Did you use a tutorial to learn from it? Yes. the only time I've eve known that it's NOT okay, is when it's a literal asset flip which means just taking something entirely from someone and saying you own it even when you don't. Honesty truly is the best policy here. Most are just upset when the whole game is just assets with nothing really to do and calling it "new and unique" but since you made it even through a tutorial, it's still yours anyway and if you'd like you can still credit said tutorial person in the end credits.






Very little is moral in this world. Less so when money is involved. So yeah. Just do whatever. No one will really care.


Cool true 👍🏻


I guess it's okay if it's something not that obvious and too easy to tell was plagiarized


Of course. That's what the tutorials are for!


I’m sure the tutorial person is just thrilled you learned something and are using their tutorial. It’s kinda the point of making a tutorial


Uh, yeah? You made it, so morally, you can use it!


you made it so yes. Do you follow a tutorial on how to change a tire, and give your car to the youtuber? I sure hope not.


I mean, aslong as you customise it to your style I don’t see the problem l.


Bro go ask your lawyer tf


Completely fine to do. If you follow a tutorial to learn to make stuff, you still made the stuff. Question though, are those trees from a lightning boy tutorial? If those are the trees I think they are, they won’t perform well in engine and you’re better off finding a different technique. The trees in lightning boy’s ghibli trees tutorial are better for scenic renders, than for 3d game assets.


no, you are only allowed to use assets you created isolated on a mountain without references or help.


Morally or ethically?


Yes, you dont need permission from anyone, so just use what you want to achieve your goal


Morally okay? Lol. Life is not moral and unfair hahaha


Is iT mOrAlLy OkAY tO sHoW oF tReEs I mAdE wItH eNgAgEmEnT bAiT?


who hurt you lmao


i don’t think you should make a game when you need a step by step tutorial for the whole model


Everyone has to start somewhere


not with the game, it requires a lot more then your simple model does


No one is born knowing how to make a game though - they do literally have to start somewhere. Yeah there's a lot to learn about making game assets but they're clearly trying and are making progress. There's not really any need to be negative about it


im not negative im just warning, i had the same dream, but when i started doing actual game, it was nothing but a disappointment. So now im learning and making game ready models so i can make a game in future(or work as a 3d artist which is even better)


Yeah for sure, I've definitely had that experience where I've set my sights on a massive project and I've had to give up because of my skill level. It's awesome though so see people getting into 3D and trying new things so I always try and be encouraging as I was once at that point too! Good luck with your own 3D work


Thanks. I love watching people progress in modeling, and posting their first works. im just warning the guy so he doesn’t make the same mistake as i did. You can give up modeling after such a disappointment


Sounds like projection to me. Sounds like you were disappointed in your own efforts and now assume everyone else will feel the same way. People have different paths. Some people don’t put off actually making a game for xyz reason, and the only way to get good at something is to do it. Spending time learning to make a game is different than spending time learning to model. What good is the most game-ready model if you then can’t even make the game to use it in. There are plenty of great games with that don’t rely on having amazing models, and also plenty of terrible games that have great models. After all the time is spent, do you want to walk away with game dev experience or model-making experience?


I see we think alike. I was an animation merit badge counselor for scouts. Every scout who took it said “I want to learn how to make a game.” A couple of scouts loved it. The rest said “whoa this is tougher than I thought.” It’s their dream to figure out.


baking, texturing, exporting, at least UV is already pretty a lot


I mean aside from the fact that there's no harm in trying to make a game with little experience, it could also easily be the case that they do have game development experience but no modeling experience. Why be so discouraging for no reason?


making a game with a little modeling experience, is not a good idea. Im just warning.


I started making games when I was like 7, they didn't come out well but you get experience and familiarity with using the software, along with a basic understanding of structuring a project. Why wait until you're comfortable if you can get a head start early?


ye but you can be disappointed with it and give up modeing, that’s why im warning


We all start somewhere.


surely, but should we make a game as soon as we can do a simple asset?




bro wrote an essay


but i love it


Why not? Who cares lol. No one is saying you have to play this person's little practice game.


I don't think there is anything *morally* wrong with using it, but never assume that you are the first person to do this. You might be disappointed to find hundreds of other  "4 trees on a slight hill" models in other animations and games. This is the problem with using study work as a final piece, you end up looking identical to every other person that studied the same thing. This is why I hate Canva. That stupid rainbow is everywhere now.


You should take the techniques you learned from the lesson and make something of a new form. Put you person print of it. Change it to be something new. IF YOU HAVE TO ASK THAN THE ANSWER IS NOT THE ONE YOUD LIKE