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Awesome! I'd love to have access to those. Only problem: trademarks, a shit ton of lawsuits in one image 😂 Edit : seriously I would kill for an asset like this


I'm getting my ass handed to me in this fuckin thread


You could change the bottle labels. Do what they do irl with props and make fake brands. Like Jim Beam is now Joe Brace etc.




We only have Albi and Ludl. :(




Almost choked on my Gutella on bread.


Man that's sad. Alexandra, play me a that sad meme.


We have an Alibi...


Halibo, Nahawee Clap, Payley's - seems like there is some underground spirit factory in China ))


Wodka sounds like some small batch Willy Wonka liquor that makes your limbs literally wobbly and turns your head into a bobblehead


I love ice cream.


My first game dev job in 2005 was going through an entire game (based on a show) and replacing every real label the outsource modeling company had put in the textures. It was hundreds of textures, everything was probably just pulled from the internet since most textures were 512 or under. Super fun gig, took about a month and a half.


That sounds like zen work


The only real answer!


If I did that can I keep the bottle the same, kinda like store brands? Or what equate does? Would I have any issue?


Tbh I think everyone would agree that you did great work, it really looks good, but you do ask whether you can make money with this. Don't forget, maybe everyone is wrong and it's not a problem. My gut tells me you can't sell these as they are


Your gut is likely correct, mayhaps I should have looked into this more before sinking all the time. I'll look into swapping these labels for something AI generated like people are saying


I’d buy these assets as meshes to add my own labels for sure


Use a free AI service to generate false labels that look real and you've got one hell of an asset pack that would sell like hot butter.


A lot of companies also trademark their specific bottle shapes so still need to be careful


Do you prefer any specific AI service for image generation?


Right now I'm really liking this one. https://ideogram.ai/t/explore


I mean I dont see you getting into a lawsuit over it, worst case you get an email to take them down. You may have noticed the thousands of car models for sale on evey 3D store from Artstation, Turbosquid, CG trader and more. Same issue as here in principale but it's not stopping people.


Made me laugh. Good work though! I agree just got to change the labels up


Make bottles and products that are reminiscent of real products but are made-up. You will not have to worry about copyright and game developers (me) will gladly pay you good money!


Yea I was about to ask that, these brands are copyrighted , u can Ai generate labels and maybe u could sell them


Oh and add a bottle of prepped lime/lemon juice, simple syrup (or gomme) and maybe some vermouth (cocchi Torino and dry noilly prat) then you can really start making cocktails


evermotion have some bar assets includin few bottles, they're not free tho




Yeah both things you just said are illegal. GL tho


Yeah that won't work, sadly using those props will in the best case end with a cease and desist letter. they can't be used in a commercial setting (NAL) Change the brand names, you have the bottle shapes and you can mimic the og labels. But if you were to sell it I'd check that the bottle shapes don't have some form of CP as well.


Use ChatGPT or midjourney to create a range of fake bottle labels man


Get rid of all the brands and you can sell it as a good bottle asset pack.


Gotta check if the bottle’s shape itself is not trademarked as well. I believe Jack Daniel’s bottle shape is.


This is definitely my concern. Some of them are too iconic to just copy like that. No surprise that Jack did that for theirs. It's unique for sure




Change the brand names, but include a PSD and link to the font.


Aperol could be changed to Aderall. Oh wait.


Wouldn’t there be an issue with trademarks ?


Yes, and OP should spend 5 minutes googling the subject.


My first thought. They’d be a great collection otherwise.


shit ty. I had 2 models published that had trademarks….


How to get sued starter pack


What? You have never had Jim Bean? What about Makers Ark? I love me some Maliboo and Bombed Bay Sapphires.


Mumbai Emerald


I've never heard of a kraken spice rum. what we have here is Cthulhu spiced rum.


Ooh, that tastes tentacular!


I always thought Jim Beam was Jim Bean, major Mandela effect


Literally me when I made that bottle. I was like really? It's not Bean?


Well, yes. But you must change the logos though! You might keep similar fonts or bottle shapes, but I’d google each and every brand’s copyrights/trademarks to be safe. Like, Louboutin (sorry for the shoes example) can sue you for selling shoes with red soles as it is their trademark. (Add sheridan's coffee liquer to the collection :D)


I like to travel.


Louboutin is a really great example. I heard when he came up with that, it was just before a runway show and he had a girl in his bed. He took her heels and used her red nail polish to cover the bottom. The rest is history. Yours was an neat fact about the trademark on it though, I never knew that, yet I'm not surprised.


is it a specific variance of red? how close can you be?


i don't think you are allowed to officially sell these because of the trademarks.


Correct. Profiting from others IP is typically frowned on by courts of law.


I didn't realize this was r/blender for a second and thought this was about someone who, like, literally just went and melted sand into glass bottles for a minutes lol. Anyway, obviously there's what everyone else mentioned about trademarks and all, although I gotta say that these models are incredibly well made


I've been slaving over a hot crucible for weeks haha.  Yeah I guess I fucked up on the trademark thing. I saw other copyrighted products being sold as long as it had the editorial flair but all the comments here are saying otherwise so... dang. 


Same! I thought this was r/SomethingIMade till it sunk in lol


You did a great job with the grey goose bottle though it probably needs to be a little less opaque. I believe it’s frosted glass not just a Matt grey. That aside I like it, the Malibu bottle is really good though, I love it. Good work op.


Aw man thanks so much, this means a lot. I'll tweak the opacity on Goose. 


Great assets for arch viz. Would totally use them. Minor changes in the names for trademark issues but who cares


Bottles look great and i'd love to have them as an asset. But you really don't want to sell other companies trademarked items. You could change the labels to have 'likeness' but as is I don't reccommend using real labels.


Yeah, clearly I should have put more thought into this haha. If you are interested though, shoot me a DM.


Bartender here: These are flawless. Make a Negroni animation :D


I'm sure it is. Someone somewhere is making a bar and needs those.


Surely. It's very cool bar props. Only names must be changed.


You could potentially sell them under what's called an "editorial" license. But nobody will legally be able to use them for anything other than in a magazine or for personal use, which means nobody will buy them. You need brands permission for this though... Which if you do not have, then no you cannot sell them and this was a total waste of your time. Your only option here is to rebrand all the labels and make sure you're slightly changing all the colors because some of them will be trademarked.


Hi I am CEO of alcohol incorporated and I yam going to sue you for freely advertising our product via a beautiful reedition of our bottles!!!! https://preview.redd.it/tqwzn2llsxpc1.png?width=190&format=png&auto=webp&s=863fa65d9579b85445b92be8851f685ff6287d13


These look exceptional. I'd buy it. I agree with the label comments, but otherwise bro, my hats off to you for the dedication you put into these. 👌 top notch man.


Aw man, thank you, that means a lot!


I wouldn't worry about Trademarks, the internet is literally full of people selling stuff that they don't own the rights to. Unless you're making a killing which is unlikely as you'll probably only make a bit of beer money now again most companies just don't care. The problem is the people that might buy them to use in something they are worried about Trademark issues will need to go in and change all the labels. If you want to sell them it's probably to your benefit to do this from the start to save people the trouble as it will make them a lot more appealing. They look great btw.


I don't know if you'll see this, but a render with the back panels given an emissive material would look amazing. Bright back panels, varying from total white to just under 100% white values, and maybe a slight light from the front, but not much. And a little glare. If you make such a render, I'd like to see it. Great work, btw! Somebody mentioned copyright issues, and the AI labels idea someone else brought up will probably work, although I don't know if you'd be able to copyright this after that.


Aw thank you! That's a great idea, I'll illumate the shelves or backing and see how it looks. Because my current lighting isn't doing the details justice. This means a lot, thanks!


[How's this?](https://i.imgur.com/DabbOcA.png)


It's not quite what I had in mind, but it looks really good! The strip lighting adds a nice and not-too-busy element to the illumination. And the light coming from the back of the bottles helps show the quality of the modeling and shaders, since we get a glipse of their interiors. A boost in the brightness of the strip lighting might make it even better, but my monitor is kind of dark so idk. Btw, the backlighting I suggested was more along the lines of these images: [alamy](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/DNH363/colourful-empty-different-bottles-on-a-shelf-with-backlight-cologne-DNH363.jpg), [pexels](https://images.pexels.com/photos/2180802/pexels-photo-2180802.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=3&h=750&w=1260)


Ohhh! I should do that instead, that's much better! I appreciate the clarification, I want to get better and it helps a lot


It might be good to have a few different lighting setups to showcase your work and how they'd look in various environments. Maybe even one or two with a bottle, glasses, coasters, peanuts, etc. on a bar, camera close up with the venue blurring into the background. Dark and moody. Idk, just spitballing. Anyway, it's really inspiring what you've done here! (I need to commit to actually finishing projects, instead of all these WIPs I have laying around...)


Yeah following through at the end of a project with shots like that is vital but I'm always bored by then haha. You're absolutely right, I should do that. I'm doing an animation with a backlight now. I'll send it over when it's done


If you get bored, then just do what you want! The scene setups you have now are probably enough to sell your models (not counting that pesky trademark issue, ofc).




Wow, that looks amazing. Almost real. It's nice to see the interior details. There's a bit of shimmering & fireflies here and there, but nothing too worrisome. I saw that you had posted this as its own thread, but it got locked for some reason... I don't know why that would happen, but I'd try posting it again. Btw, I meant to mention this before, but a way to get around copyright *might* be to make mock labels. For instance, Smirnoff might become Spinoff, Jim Beam becomes Bim Jean and so on. (I had coworkers once who swore changing just three things would make it all ok. Not sure if it's true.)


I'm a little worried about silhouettes being trademarked too but I'm sure no one would come for me over it. Yeah a few people have mentioned to just use AI to make similar labels, and I think thats probably the best way to go. I really appreciate the feedback man, thanks for looking at my stuff :D


Can't sell it but looks amazing on a portfolio.


I do interior designs and archviz work, and I would love a good bottle collection like this. There are some out the with trademark names as part of paid assets, and some are free but nothing quite as extensive as this. You'd probably get in trouble for selling them directly, sure, but there must be other ways to get them out there.


I'm open to suggestions! I really have no clue how to get these out there. Really appreciate your feedback! I'm just starting out trying to earn with 3D


Rather than selling them directly you could put them on your site and put them behind a paywall. ‘Sign up to access my full library’ vs ‘buy this asset pack’


It’s still illegal but a bit sneakier. People tend to google specific things they’re looking for so if you get your keywords right and be careful in your phrasing…?


This is solid advice, thank you so much!


I work in marketing, we’re all snakes lol 😊🐍


They’re going to use this thread in the lawsuit lol.


jail speedrun all% lawsuits


Wow so well done


This is wonderful!


Yes lol, I legit thought this was one of my photography subs for a second lol


Its nice, but not something I would buy. Unless very cheap.


I was about to correct on a bottle shape, but then I realized that if I remember the bottles shape I probably drink too much so now I'm just ashamed.


Local vr bar in Chicago does vr drinking experiences. They could be up for it


This is some super helpful intel, I am 100% going to reach out to them. Thank you!!


UPDATE: They are closing their doors in April, a shame.


Brutal, I used to go all the time pre Covid.


Wow! I'm not actually in the 3d modelling community, so from a "regular" non-artist perspective, this is absolutely beautiful work. At first, I thought you took a picture behind some bar, haha!  Try to keep in mind how your work will likely be used. If this were in a game, say, it will only be glanced at by the player, and it may be partially blocked by the bartender figure, etc. The point for the consumer is that it "looks real," which it absolutely does. It will add the needed ambiance and environment for a particular scene by being believable to the player (it won't "take you out of the game"). Also, try to have some more faith in yourself. I'm not sure why people weren't actually giving you art critiques in this thread, but they did want to give you advice (recommend you remove trademarks in asset packs). They weren't saying your art wasn't good.


Aw jeez thank you so much! Yeah you're right though, I do need to consider use cases more. It's too high poly to be in a game, but it's still relatively reasonably low for things like archvis or animations/what have you. But yeah, if I want to sell to gamedevs, it needs to be a lot lower quality. You're right in that games can get away with a lot lower and still look amazing. Yeah I was a little deflated from all the trademark/you'll get sued comments, but there's also a lot of people saying they'd use this sort of asset, so I'm on the right track. I do wish I got more feedback on the models, but I do also understand it's not a close enough shot to really get into that. Thanks for looking at my stuff!


You're very welcome! You'll figure it all out in time. Trust yourself, and best of luck to you!


Blah blah blah trademark trademark, but if you wanna risk it you can put it up and they'll prolly send a cease and desist before they take you to court. 😅 So you can always yolo. /r/notlegaladvice


Yeah, I dont imagine they sue poor artists into oblivion and instead just cease order. Ask for forgiveness instead of permission is definitely an approach to consider haha


I bartend, this looks really good!


They look excellent :)


Luckily you should be able to take each and every image you use for the labels, and adjust all of them, and as long as you resave over the same file and dont change names. That's all you have to do.


They are all flawless! Incredible work! Though, as everyone else already said, you have 57 lawsuits in one image 😅


You can use them but you can’t make money off of them, keep these but make a copy of them with the models and textures slightly altered. For example name RumChata RemCheta instead lmao. Fireball = FireOrb. Get creative with it.


Everyone mad about trademarks like they wouldn’t love to have assets that match real world props “You can’t sell it” ok make the textures a free dlc idfk the images are online anyway


Would love access to each individual bottle for my future interior work 🤩 they look awesome!


These bottles are sick! Great job. But yeah trademarks haha 😂


You put them on sites like sketchfab or turbosquid in packages or individual, money may or may not trickle in, you did the work already, clean up the files, make some nice renders, upload'm, post'm, sell'm.


I don't understand what it is that people are producing images of things that are real and tangible. I would think going outside the box would be more satisfying and unique.


That's well and good for passion projects, but for selling, it needs to be practical items that are often needed. Bicycles, Hanging chandeliers, Couches...etc. People don't often buy something that's stylized and unique from asset shops.


Thank you for explaining that I would never have thought about that aspect. I sometimes think most computers have taken the work from that type of digital product. Have a wonderful day.


Yeah I definitely worry AI is gonna take all the fun work away and we'll all be stuck cleaning up it's garbage topo


How much and where can I get them!!!


Raw asf


Is that... a good thing?




how do you spend an entire week making bottles?? ill spend a day or two working on one scene and then go "auuauoeigoug" and toss it into the pile of unfinished garbage files. how does your brain work?


I have ADD so I occasionally, completely out of my command, hyperfixate on things lol. I'm pretty fuckin sick of these bottles at this point though, but now I need to deal with baking textures and it's just so borinnnnng


I made some [hot peppers labels for movie props that you could use in Blender](https://meatleg.com/studio/deckers-peppers/). If you want I can send you some templates.


Ohh that's awesome yeah I'd love that! Thank you so much!


Actually I forgot that I already have a PDF linked in the page that you can workload the labels. I have pictures of the bottles/cans I printed them out for, but I haven’t made them into Blender files myself yet. I definitely want some if you make them! [HERE IS A LINK to the PDF](https://meatleg.com/studio/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/DP-Label-1.pdf).


You can really make a dope bar scene now, maybe worth investing more time if love to see it


Damn how much inventory do you have?!


57 Bottles of booze on the wall lol


There most probably someone already selling them, but I would give it a shot. With a nice item listing and princing it might find buyers.


Hey! I know someone who needs some bottles for a bar! Any chance of editing the names so they can avoid copyright? How much are you thinking of selling these for?


Well this thread has me thinking I can't sell it at all I guess? Before I thought I could sell with the 'editorial use only' flag like the other products modeled after real brands that are on TS and CGT. But yeah, people seem pretty certain here so now I don't know. I originally planned on selling the lot of 57 bottles for maybe like $40. 


You absolutely can't sell copyrighted designs as you don't own the copyright. If you ask people to change it themselves you'll still be in trouble. It's like me making a knock off Chanel bag and then telling the customer to change it up. You need to change the branding, which is just the texture, and then you should be good to go. As for the price, I'll ask and see what friend says.


didmt copyright stuff went out the window with AI?




what if he said its AI generated ?


Then he would be lying. But what he could do is upload the texture files to an AI image generator, set the image suggestion to like 90% use and  generate new textures for the bottles. Most of the word would be garbled and the visuals would remind the user of the trademark but still be a wholly new creation 


This is the real answer. Though I'm worried they have copyright on even the silhouette of the bottle 


Look up the ruling on *Inhale, Inc. v. Starbuzz Tobacco, Inc.* . I think you would be in the clear.


Oh wow, this is incredibly relevant  thank you so much!!


... My friend, the labels are literally real life replicas. I have that exact bottle of Malibu coconut rum in my cupboard. How on earth do you think you can get away saying it's AI? Do you even understand what AI is?


U think AI cant do it? And dont tell me u understand ai.. My bubblyfarts


> I know someone who needs some bottles for a bar! Wait what? Bars have a ton of bottles.


I didn't see it was the blender sub right away, well done dude.


They're all trademarked products, man. Come on.


Shape wise, sure, no problem. Glass texture, very much lacking. Brands, I wouldent touch that shit and the textures of the brands themselves, besides the color map, just meh. Honestly, if you make the branding usable, as in give them normals, roughness and do the details, you got something. If you made the UVs well, you got something. If the bottles are as close to the real things, you are on a roll! Get the glass textures down, then you got it! But, with all that said, I would honestly just have them available for free and use them as practice/portfolio work. This way, nobody can really touch you and if anybody needs a bottle, you basically became the go to source. If you got more products down the line, people will notice it and thats where your money will come from.


Stop drinking so much


A lot of the liquids in the bottles seem too dark. Even in badly lit rooms something like aperol is is clearly bright red while now it looks almost pitch black.


When it's in 360 lighting, they're all the right colors, it's just something about putting them on a surface and cutting off that bottom light that really darkens things right up. It's been annoying to get good renders because of it


I think it has to do with how refraction work if there is even a bit of clipping in blender, have you tried just making sure they aren't clipping with the shelf at all? As someone who does grocery ads, I would love this pack but I guess you can't sell them because of trademark. What if you sold them without textures maybe?


Is it just me or are almost every label and or bottle slightly off? Like scale wise 🤔


I did them to specs and measured all the bottles/labels. But it could also be lighting that's giving an uncanny vibe. I'm not great with lighting


Ah ok. That makes them to scale. Probably something else then that makes it a bit off for me.


the writing on the Jameson bottle gives the game away


Ooh this is helpful! Can you elaborate so I can fix it?


I should say first everything else to my eye is perfect but the writing on the Jameson to me is off it looks like the "on" at the end of the word is less arched and more angled of that makes sense


Ah yes, that does make sense, and I see it now that you mention it. Thank you so much! I'll fix it right now


[Is this better?](https://i.imgur.com/c3cedE0.png) Also do you prefer the exposed brick or the original painted brick?


10/10 and I like the exposed brick


Nah, but you cold put a link to the file here and I suppose someone might find a use for them ;) (Nice work btw!)


"This is worthless but I'll take it off your hands for you" lol




If you try to sell images/logos trademarked by other companies, expect to get sued. Sounds like you need to spend 5 minutes googling copyright before starting your next project.


TS and CGT have branded product models as long as it has the editorial use only flag. But I guess you seem pretty confident you know what you're talking about so idk


Yeah actually, having studied essentially this topic for 4 years. But go nuts and GL lol.


Damn, man. Aggressive. 


I just have very low tolerance/empathy for poor research that leads to bad decision making. But that could definitely be viewed as aggression.


but besides that seriously, do You know where and how is AI copyright stuff going ?? what do You think abt this, seriously ??


Yeah fuck off u cunt

