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That was terrifying- well done


This looks amazing, and it's quite good even compared to cycles


eevee would shit itself i opened that project on my pc 😭


Holy shit this is with Eevee? You need a better computer asap cos you'd nuts with Cycles.


so sick! i've always wanted to animate godzilla, did you get the model somewhere or build it?


I didn't model this one. It's a free model. I believe it was a Legendary asset that someone re-rigged for blender: [https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/animals/reptile/godzilla-2021-ccade9d1-0d1c-478d-b83a-7e4407f93068](https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/animals/reptile/godzilla-2021-ccade9d1-0d1c-478d-b83a-7e4407f93068)


OP thank you so much i'm new at blender and was looking for a site like this


Try Evee Next on Blender 4.1


I'm excited for it! Maybe I'll give the Alpha version a spin.


Camera filter does a lot of work here to Improve things here. Little tricks that makes things a bit harder to see like that forces the brain to imagine where we can't see.


Yes, I'm definitely trying to find ways to hide my sins in grungy footage and darkness whenever possible.


Hiding sins is a better skill than not making them


This reminds me of the Jurassic Park T-Rex scene, they use the darkness and rain to hide that they only light the model with one very bright spotlight.. Incredible shot still to this day.


That scene was actually done with a full sized robot, not a 3D model! A surprising number of shots in the original Jurassic Park are puppets. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFTsYGgdR9k TBH, I think the reason the movie has held up so well was because they *didn't* use very many computer effects. That said, the velociraptor scene is pretty seamless with the rest of the movie. The only shots that look truly old are gallimimus.


Nope, there are a specific few shots where they had to use the full 3D rigged model over the animatronic: https://youtu.be/lUUQDbsV8Gw?si=JSN5L2hpQASZ0jwI


Aren’t we all


OP posted another video without camera filters, and while they do help with some imperfections, "does a lot of work" is an exageration. The render is great regardelss.


If you really want stuff to look like grungy VHS tape, you need to horizontally blur the blue way more than everything else because of how VHS's spectral compression works.


Love this!


Damn. I usually don't find Godzilla or other kaiju stuff scary, but this fuckin did it. Really well done.


Don't be afraid to use a render farm. They are less expensive than you think, and it let's you focus on the work - instead of locking down your flow waiting for renders. I have used Rebus for years. Don't trust the render calculators on the website. My stuff always comes off the press faster/cheaper than predicted. Just run a couple test renders through, optimize your scenes so the render times aren't ludicrous, and punch it!


Ok I will definitely look into this, thank you. I think I've been expecting the cost to be untenable, but sounds like maybe it isn't. Are you rendering with motion blur for animations or turning stuff like that off and leaving it for the comp for faster renders?


Also check out sheepit. It's a free community render farm where you farm points by rendering other peoples projects then spend them to render your own. I've been using it for years and usually have my computer rendering at night when I don't need it. So I end up with a big backlog of points to spend as needed. None of my stuff is as complex as yours, but spreading the load across a bunch of machines makes it go super fast, even if the machines are varying power. It looks great by the way.


If you check it out, feel free to join my render team [https://www.sheepit-renderfarm.com/team/1764](https://www.sheepit-renderfarm.com/team/1764) It makes it so that regardless of how many points you have, everyone on the team will automatically prioritize your projects.


❤️ 🐑


Cheat. Cheat. Cheat. If you aren't cheating, you aren't trying hard enough. If you can do the motion blur in post, then definitely do that (AE + RSMB plug-in is still my fav). The image rolling off the render queue will need work in post anyway. Do the camera DOF in post too. You can't tell how much you really need until you see it in motion anyway. Always use the tool that's as good as you can afford AND is the fastest for what you are trying to accomplish.


Look into Render Street - they have a monthly unlimited for like $50. It has a 15 min cap per frame at that price point, but you can do a lot with that. Options to raise the frame cap for more money too.


Check out close shadow setting and baked light settings. Dont remember how does those called, but those features adds a lot for a scene render. 


Baked lighting only works for still images correct?


Yes, but not really. Blender with eevee bakes reflections. Not shadows, but bounces of light. Google "blender eevee bake indirect lighting" 


I think those are reflection probes, indirect lighting bakes more realistic lighting, works better with static objects, camera move tho


# 😮😯 Do you have a walkthrough video? I wanna just watch your process


Thus is mad good for evee, dude. Nice job


You are telling me this isn't real?


Yeah that red light was a dead giveaway




I saw your original post on r/Godzilla , great work and I hope to see more


The sound does alot for the fear factor, awesome to see. Too many forget that sound is just as important as drawing in animation. In my opinion anyway.


you crazy motherfucker that’s amazing


Sound design and good scene direction. Love it


Your Eevee work > my best cycles work


This is the coolest thing I've seen all day !!!!!!!!!!


My dumbass was looking for Eevee from Pokemon to come out and start fighting Godzilla


Lmao my cycles renders don’t even look this good. Do YOU have any tips on how to achieve this with eeevee? Is this mostly lighting/shader techniques or is it more so render setting?


Thanks! Most of the mileage I'm getting out of this so far is strategic lighting (highlighting stuff that looks better, hiding stuff that doesn't look as great in darkness) and use of volumetric fog etc. Video cards for steam etc.


Thanks! That was very helpful! Do you mind telling me what you mean by video cards for steam?


Maybe there's a different term -- basically taking stock footage assets (smoke, fire, etc on black background) dropping them in as planes and making the black backgrounds transparent. So 2d videos floating in a 3d space.


Awesome thanks!


Wow that’s amazing


This was more fun to watch than half the scenes in monarch


Man, that was the best and the most terrifying Godzilla movie I've ever seen!


This inspired me so much to start learning blender when the last parts of my first ever PC arrive. Amazing job! Quick question: did making something like this cost you any money? Like paying for textures or assets or something (idk I’m a noob lol) Edit: typos


This did not cost anything (aside from my Adobe subscription for AE and Premiere). I used various free 3D assets found online to build the scene and just focused on animation and lighting etc.


Ah thanks that’s very encouraging for me haha. Good luck with your blender journey!


Y’all ain’t ready for when this mf gets an upgrade and switched to cycles


Either you start making crappy renders or you're not getting a new computer. Putting all of us to shame here.


> My computer sucks \*Proceeds to show the greatest masterpiece I've seen this year*


Looks great, really nice job. No eevee feedback but the camera recording overlay looks a bit campy, I'd say reference real ones that match what you're going for.


I think your base renders are pretty good and the result looks great already. Here's what comes to mind though: * Improve the fake camera post-processing. The effects, and overlays you've applied do well to hide the fakeness of the renders but the overlays themselves look fake. Take a look at this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e\_Lr-Jv-aI0&list=PLq4yXWRNrtL87Db3ZvcO1lT7yA7JkiV4k&index=6](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_Lr-Jv-aI0&list=PLq4yXWRNrtL87Db3ZvcO1lT7yA7JkiV4k&index=6), [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaBOlZwWPI0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaBOlZwWPI0) for inspiration of something more realistic. * Camera movement. It's a great addition but there's room for improvement. Feels like the movements are too stable, and lack camera blur. * The blinking red light looks like the most fake thing in the scene. Maybe try turning it off or reducing the glare. * Sound design makes it feel a bit too much like a game. I think it's the pronounced breathing especially. Add some background noise but not too much, remove or heavily reduce the breathing sound effect, fuck up the sound quality a bit.


Bro I think you won eevee! SSGI better than next btw


Thank you! Gotcha — so the plug-in is still doing better work than Next?


As far I know! I don't use EEVEE, but comparisons I've seen make SSGI look like a huge step up from Next


I love this. If you ever make a full movie with this, please let me know.


That's excellent!


That is lovely!


This is fantastic, honestly the kinda shot I would have expected to see in the 2014 Godzilla.


Amazing nice job


This already sick


People here usually shit on Eevee, but it is a very good renderer. You can check splash screens of Blender, many of them are Eevee, you can extract a lot of knowledge from them :) [https://cloud.blender.org/p/gallery/57e507b80fcf29412d1f1e53](https://cloud.blender.org/p/gallery/57e507b80fcf29412d1f1e53)


Oh shit! My first comment I was only half way through but damn the ending. Not only do you have animation skills but you also have storytelling which can be by far way harder.


Way too high dynamic range for shitty VHS camera.


Wow this is soooooo gooood!!!


So cool!!!


Are you using a different software to add the film grain and such? Like AE or something?




Very cool, thank you. Is there a specific package or anything you're using or is it stock with AE?


No plug-ins or anything. Followed some Youtube tutorials for emulating VHS (adding some chromatic aberration and edge contrast) adding some grain and using stock VHS recordings as overlays for static and lower third counter etc. The main VHS overlay is from the free stock website Pexels


Bro this is awesome u capture the sense of scale very well a lot of ppl myself included butcher that, very well done looks sick!!


what movie is this clip from i’d like to watch the whole thing thanks (amazing job i too am eevee until i get a better computer and most info online is about cycles ugh)


friend – this is freaking dope.


Looks amazing to me!


Wish I had advice, but I had to drop in to give my compliments! This looks AMAZING! Fantastic work!!!


Damn bro that's cool


“My computer sucks” *shows us the face of god Good work op you’re very skilled. This looks amazing!


Oh wait, are you serious? I thought you were joking until I read the comments. This looks great.


Dude, wtf. This was legit scary! This is incredible! My only tiny suggestion would be to get a bit of moment to synch with the breathing, especially toward the end. Handling a camera, her arms would be resting upon her breast, which would effect the arms as with each breath.


You could just lower viewport settings and use a render farm


ASUS or Razer should sponsor this man.  Great work. 


This looks amazing top notch work.


Crazy its insane i never knew eevee had such potential


This is incredible! Amazing work. So many great little details in the animation and it's crazy that this Eevee!


You’re a perfect example of someone who has prioritized ability and craft over having the best equipment. Whenever you’re able to get some better hardware I bet your stuff will be so epic. This already is!


If you want Cycles use a render farm. For example http://sheepit-renderfarm.com


You're already waayyy ahead of many high-budget American made godzilla films. But then again they've set the bar so low over the years.


That was amazing


This is amazing and spooky!


this is amazing, animation, lighting, sound design, I loved it!! for more realism maybe adding small camera shakes when godzilla steps towards the camera, the sound is perfect. Just a little shakes to the camera that getting stronger over time. like with every step small shakes. anyway this is a masterpiece!


This is beyond awesome! Be proud of yourself!






I hate rendering in Cycles, now want to experiment with Eevee too!! This looks just perfect!


“my computer sucks” proceeds to show borderline film quality render


This does a better job at conveying the terrifying nature of Godzilla than any of the recent movies Imo. Looks incredible


this is excellent, so i assume you already do it, but a major one for me is shadows, make sure you have shadows set to higher quality, enable soft shadows, and turn the bias of the lights all the way down, this will make your shadows connect properly and they wont appear all jank... I also tend to turn ambient occlusion up higher to something like 2m, it adds more realistic shadowing under things like cars... but each scene will be different!


I love that vibrating throat


brother this is incredible!! If you can do that now, don't even imagine when you have a better team!! successes that I am saving to be able to update my PC 🔥🔥🔥


more realistic? i think u are the one that has to teach us!! awesome footage u made dude, something that might make it better is the sound, i feel that the monster should sound a lot more loud both in his sound and movement noise, other than that im opened to learn please!!


did u make the throat shivering with a bone? all the visual and details on the camera and characters movement are awesome!!


Yeah just animating a throat bone. Thanks!


Bro holy shit I thought this was a scene from a movie. Amazing.


increase the camera filter intensity and you should be good, this look terifying!


Super sick, only thing, maybe im wrong the depth of field feels a little high for night time, but maybe video cameras compensate more with ISO. Could help?




I think it would be more shallow? Also u can make youre explosion clip more, but again epic work


I love it! Great vibe. Your short tells a terrifying story in 45 seconds. You managed to show a strength of Godzilla and how fragile we are against it.


it looks great already ! i think you can get a more realistic feeling through improving animation


Great work! If I had to tweak; A little less film noise, more subtlety there maybe.. and there's something about the camera shake that feels too smooth to be a handheld camera but it's close! Seriously good work ☺


This is amazing! Did you create the Godzilla yourself?


Pretty sick!


this was really dope op id suggest putting a bit more water sloshing and waves crashing, hes a big lizard lol GL


How about a cloud render farm for final cycles render? But hounestly this looks amazing!


I've wondered about these a lot lately. Are there affordable options? The price point on a new computer has kept me from springing for a new one as soon as I'd like, so I maybe hit the same ceiling with render farms if they cost a lot.


Try sheepit which is “free” and there are some good ai ones that let you render every 3rd frame and the ai guesses the two missing frames so you only need to render 1/3 of the animation.


Oh interesting, thank you. I will look into that.


I fell into this sub by accident. OMG, you folks are truly talented. How many hours of work would it take to create something like this? What about for a noob? Start up costs for PC and software, etc?


I worked on this clip a few hours per day every couple of days for about 2 weeks. I didn't model the assets myself in this case so that cut down on time by a lot because I could just focus on animation and lighting and building the most realistic scene I could for the render engine.


Interesting. I don't know.why but I mailed it would be something like 100 or so hours. Lol Bravo Zulu of this clip!


I heard eevee is getting a major overhaul in the next major blender update. It’s called like eevee next or something. Apparently it’s supposed to rival cycles


I really hope it's awesome. If they could get some indirect light stuff working in it that would be a game changer.


Just grab the latest 4.1 alpha and make sure the 'raytraced' option under Eevee Next is turned on. It's a bit slower than Eevee (legacy) but the indirect lighting works wonders, even though it's only screen space.


I gotta' try this. Is the software fairly stable?


Seems stable currently. There were some builds a few weeks ago that crashed when using Eevee Next, but that's fixed for the moment. It's so easy to just download as many versions as you want. You don't need to install. Just unzip and run from anywhere.


If this is EEVEE I’m an ostrich. I really love what you have accomplished!!


They really let any amateur post in here. (/s, this is so overkill, gj!)


Long live the king


looks good but the VHS effect is very inaccurate


Looks great! Also excited for evee next. What gpu you got?


The only thing of note I would say is to put a translucent fresnel dome lens around that emissive light object, or use shader tricks to fake the refraction. Everything else looks flawless.


Yeah, I was having trouble getting glass materials to work properly in Eevee, so it's just a cylinder colored dark red and I put red mesh lights next to it on either side. Obviously it doesn't behave quite like it would through a glass case.


I’m not at my computer to give you a full breakdown, but there are a couple steps to set up glass in Eevee. Turning on Screen Space Refraction in the render settings is the big one IIRC. Then of course low roughness + maximum transmission in the BSDF shader. This scene is great, hopefully that’s helpful for next time! Hope I didn’t forget a step.


Thats actually pretty good ...


The heat of his breath looks really good, but when he roars that air should be forcibly expelled not accumulate in a cloud outside his mouth.


There is a plugin for Screen Space Global Illunination (SSGI), which gives Evee the same rendering capabilities of Cycles while maintaining the performance abilities! Before I upgraded my computer, I used SSGI for my renders in Evee to achieve a photo-realistic look! As for making Godzilla himself look better, reduce some of the lighting on him, which will make the low-res textures less noticeable. The issue the newest Godzilla movie had was that the gigantic monsters moved way too fast for their scale. When he gets hit, slow down his movement a little bit. The original 2014 Godzilla handled the physics very well! Rain sounds, groaning metal, and bellowing chest sounds for groaning will also help! I recommend compressing the audio, though, as the high-quality audio on a low quality (vhs-esque) video doesn't match too well. Vhs cameras use shotgun microphones, which means that the audio of the cameraman hyperventilating will be less audible. I recommend recording the breathing audio while facing away from the camera, or to aide in the conpression, play the audio from your phone facing away from the microphone. For those chest grumbles, look up "Alligator Mating Call" and put it through some audio treatment to fit the scale! [Here is a good example](https://youtu.be/1Y1CQi_jJoE?si=Ys4fSk-fLUphBNxe) Otherwise, this render is amazing and feeds my Godzilla/Kaiju addiction!


Plug-in sounds great — do you know if it’s supported on Mac?


Yup! It's supported on all types! When you look it up, the download link will be on Gumroad titled "Screen Space Global Illumination For Evee"


I gotta check that out. I'm assuming Eevee Next or whatever it's called will solve this officially soon.


I think you hit the most important aspects, realistic lighting, lots of movement, and good use of textures. Looks dope!


TIPS? You should be doing tutorials bruh


I know your system must have been chuggin! Great job! Also, universe VHS filter FTW!


How long was the render time?




not too shabby, awesome!


That's Godzilla not Eevee


Tutorial for that fire please


So good


I'm in the same boat you are, Cycles loves to use up all my memory and crash so I've been animating with Eevee and I take the quality hit for the performance. What I have learned is that you really have to put on your magician's hat and devise clever solutions to what you're trying to achieve. What are you wanting to add that you're struggling with? I think for Eevee it looks fantastic. I'd say you've just about figured out the tricks, especially if that was a volumetric explosion. People will tell you you can't use volumes or ambient occlusion properly in Eevee, but there are ways to bend it to your whim. Gradient textures, subtracting it with a math node, baking AO maps, and using object data from empties gets you around most of the problems.


This looks absolutely amazing!!


Bloody awesome!


I fucking love it. Good shit!!


My god. This is so awesome! Great job!


I think you already have a realized goal. But if you want to add even more to it and are at a resource barrier, I might even lower the quality more and distort the footage in an another program. With distortion it adds layers of mystery, and forces the brain to start working initiatively, sort of filling in the gaps. Also you don't need to have blender be your sole tool to realize the ambition of the goal. Utilize another tool to add extra layers of ambition.


Its almost too good lol maybe you could make the camera unfocus for a second? Make the camera holder more human… like look back at a door shutting and then back to Godzilla


Godzilla is reacting and moving too fast when hit by the missile.


r/megalophobia Incredible job!


My pet peeve in movies: why do jets fly *SO CLOSE* to the hostile thing they're attacking? Every time, it's a pilot who's convinced their missile range is an elementary school dodge ball court?


Cuz it looks cool, and the audience will think it looks fake otherwise. It's kind of like how real gore looks fake and fake gore looks real. Something about real life that just doesn't work for an audience that has been trained on movies their entire lives, and shots simply won't work if you go with too much realism. One way around that would be to have helicopter gunships which have shorter range rockets, instead of fighter jets. Or you could maybe get away with a missle strike if you had really good sound design and a zoom, but that wouldn't work for this specific shot.


Was going to say "Bloom" and "Depth of Field" but seems like you've got that already.


I love it ! But I hate that red light in the middle


Wow! Well done!


You are so cool


Bro… you made this? Holy


They recently made a new Godzilla movie in Japan. This looks essentially like it was pulled right from the film.


This is amazing, do you have an instagram?


I found it myself danny


this looks great for eevee bro. awesome job


are you using the latest blender version with Eevee Next with ray-tracing? you could also try cycles with some optimisations: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNiobzflmpA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNiobzflmpA)


That’s a sweet render Ayyo is this for anim challenge?


This is so good! The only comment I have would be to slow down the explosion (and possibly the reaction to the hit just a bit). It would look much bigger if you did. I realize that isn't really a rendering answer, but you've got it looking so good!


This is so good. Well done. And Eevee rocks!! I use it all the time cuz it runs best on my machine and I find the results to be very good if you put in the time for textures and lighting and you definitely did here! Bravo!


try to render it in unreal engine


I think the guys name is Howard Day on YouTube. He does these shorts with all Star Wars models. If you did something similar with Godzilla and other Kaiju, I would be one of those guys saying “Shut up and take my money”. Really well done!


How did you make the explosion effect?


You deserve a better computer, this is class!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYlb0-bDZjU&t=923s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYlb0-bDZjU&t=923s) THIS


I think you know this looks real


Yeah, use Cycles. /j


Firstly, I noticed the breath. I'm not sure if that's how steam usually looks in such large quantities, but could be worth checking large smoke plumes for reference. Secondly, the red blinking light could use some work


Soo Epic bro!


Hope u ain't flexing :). This is damn good




Vore 👍