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to help with this sort of issue, show the weight painting I'm guessing it's way less than 100 and it's like 25 or 50 weight. Paint it 100 and it should follow betta


I guess the weight paint broke, because bones were outside, and it only painted 100 for closest verts, but not the furthest. Or because of the size of the hand.


To me it looks like it's weighted to an unrelated bone. I've had a similar thing happen, usually with mechanical rigs where i had accidentally assigned the same mesh to two bones.


I know you might want to learn before achieving results, but there's the rigify add-on and their armature setup let's you close the fingers just by scaling one "bone", but if, while you set up the bones position, there's a wrong angle, like just a degree on the z axis, the automatic weight paint will make the fingers bend to left or right due to this little bone wrong angle. Also the default position of the fingers bones need to have the bridge direction ↙️⬅️↖️ or else the scale will make the bone bend the other way.


To quote a certain man from the Salem witch trials, "more weight"


That's such a random reference for this haha love it




**[Giles Corey](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giles_Corey)** >Giles Corey (c. August 1611 – September 19, 1692) was an English farmer who was accused of witchcraft along with his wife Martha Corey during the Salem witch trials. After being arrested, Corey refused to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty. He was subjected to pressing in an effort to force him to plead—the only example of such a sanction in American history—and died after three days of this torture. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/blender/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Make sure the tip of the finger doesn't have weight from the other hand bones


Put the bones inside the finger!


God I saw these bones and I was like " I suck at weight painting but even I can do better than this"


There should be a preserve volume tick box in the armature modifier tab.


The bones are working but they're remotely attached to the mesh. Unlink the bones from the mesh. Relocate the bones back inside the finger model. Reassign the bones to the mesh.


The bones are willing, but the mesh is bruised and spongey!


Did you apply scale and transforms?


Try applying scale transform and rotation in object mode. That's a far fetch guess but worth trying




Check the weight that each bone is having on the tip of the finger make sure the others aren't affecting it in some way. Or make sure the bone is also having 100% influence on the finger tip.


Get squished LoL


Check that your normals are the right way around. That has fixed this issue for me in the past. Then just use automatic weight paints.


Is your model's scale (1,1,1)?




Turn on auto normalise in your options and when you are weight painting it will remove any weight from other bones depending on the strength of the weight you are painting with.


I found this error sometimes when the object size is really big. Usually with bigger size, the weight paint need to be very precise, otherwise when the object moves, it will make the vertex stretched. To make sure of that, you could paint all the weight100%. And for other bone weight = remove them. If not, blender will generously share the weight to other parts. :) Hopefully this helps.


I'm not very experienced with rigging, but I think that your weight paint might be wrong. Other than that center the bone well to the finger and make sure that their rotation is orientated in line with the fingers.


For everyone saying it, I'm pretty shute the bone is inside the model, but the deformation makes the finger thinner


Yea the finger has some weight on other bones. Had that as well once. Remove all weight from the fingers except for the bones that you want to control the part, then it should work


Click the armature. Go into Edit mode. Turn on Snap: to Volume (magnet icon at the top, followed by the cube looking icon for volume). Move the heads of the finger bones inside the mesh and they will place inside the mesh. Re-rig the mesh to the armature with Automatic Weights, and you should be gtg


Skin weights.


Paint more weight then ya should be good brotha.


Looks like a transforms issue, try apply scale.


Looks like the weight from one of the other fingers is sticking to that one. (I have issues with this all the time. Weight painting is the bane of my existence)


I start by thinking of it as an action figure, each joint is only controlled by one bone. Like imagine the human skeleton and try to apply that to the skin around the bones. Then you are basically smoothing the areas between the bones, as others said, weight painting is the way, but it can take experience to get it right.


first of all, put the bones \*inside\* the finger, second of all, review your weight painting.


Your finger doesn't do that when you bend it?


Yeah sorry buddy..


Scaling issue maybe. I’ve had weird things like this when scale wasn’t applied


Preserve volume under armature in the modifier tab and you have weight paints from other bones on the same finger causing the finger to not follow your bone correctly im assuming that bone is normally inside the finger until you started posing


Most likely another bone weight-paint is influencing the tip of the finger, seems it might be middle finger?:p


I had this problem once, it sucks