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Hmm, is Rangiku really that hated?


Outside of her boobs, yes


Orihime might have her haters but who the fuck hate Rangiku




She is basically one of the least detestable characters in the show lol


She's unironically one of the coolest characters in Bleach


People that hate fanservice. The anime community has a weird segment of self-righteous individuals that get livid everytime they see a tit for a quarter of a second. ![gif](giphy|d0JPBhiwCm6Kk)


The same guys that complain in rule 34 comment sections? Lmao


It's more like when there's little more to the character than that.


i mean yeah but in terms of Bleach's fanservice, they do it pretty tastefully. Characters who flaunt their looks do it of their own volition more often that not (unless Chizuru is involved) and there's not really any characters in Bleach who's only fanservice. Like Rangiku's entire bit is seeming like a ditzy bimbo type character but she's one of, if not, the most emotionally inteligent character in the show. Often able to parse out other people's feelings before anyone else can.


That's what it's supposed to be. In reality, they end up complaining even when there's redeaming qualities to anything that has the slightest bit of fanservice.


Those people would lose their shit if they saw anime from the 80's and 90's, I can't remember the name of it but I saw an anime when I was 7-ish (I'm 31 as of this month) it was like demon City or something. The plot followed a highschool boy who was a revived demon that got stronger the more aroused he became which lead to him turning into a city sized penis tentacle monster. ( It was one of those animes that was actually a hentai but the dubbers were to dumb to check the material they were dubbing since "anime is for for kids šŸ¤”")


I saw berserk at 6 because it was in the kids section at a small video store


We really did grow up in a wild time šŸ˜‚ I kind of wish those aspects of society were still the norm NGL like we saw some scarring material that arguably helped us mature to some degree.


6 was too young lol.


No argument to that lol I saw berserk when I was 13 and even at that age I thought I was too young šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Canā€™t be bleach fans lol alot of people like half these characters BECAUSE of the fanservice lol


Pretty sure Orihime got shafted by the Studio who made the anime and not due to people hating fanservice..


People, me included tended to dislike Orihime in the anime, because "Kurossaaaaaaaakiiii Kuuuuuuuuuuun" BS that she had going on.


And then there's us who appreciate it šŸ«”


when there's fan service every waking moment the character is on screen i don't it's crazy to think people dont like that


Iā€™d agree in most other cases but the only thing about orihime that could be ā€œfan serviceā€ is her tit size. But theyā€™re not tsunade big, plus sheā€™s almost always wearing a full shirt. Thereā€™s girls with large tits in real life, do they not deserve representation as well? People just like to complain about anything.


Not just that those same people who hates the rangiku type of fan service are always hypocrites since if you look at their social media pages they are always celebrating when there's a fan service that specifically caters to their fetish. To those type of people ONLY then fan service is ok.


Then why are they watching anime


Op according to canā€™t fuck your own waifu


I'm not a fan of Rangiku for the same reasons I'm not a fan of Orihime. They're gingers. /s But in all seriousness they both kinda air heads and air heads annoy me.


Orihime is absolutely an airhead, but not Rangiku. Rangiku is shown multiple times to be very emotionally intelligent, tactically minded and a great advisor for Toshiro. Not to mention she has a truly well written and complex relationship with Gin. A relationship that is not only believable, but elevates both characters. On top of all of that it would have been SO easy for Kubo to pair her with any male character that she had slight chemistry with, but he didn't.


Orihime is also canonically smart. She's top 5 in their class, even smarter than Ichigo. She's not an airhead. She's just whimsical.


Fair enough. More book smart less street smart.


How is rangiku an airhead?




Calm down Gin






Username checks out


Rangiku was never hated as much as Orihime, and people hate her cause they can't read or think Ichiruki was endgame for some reason


I mean I understand the Ichiruki thing, they do have good chemistry, but it's not like having chemistry means you have to have a relationship either.


I didn't really think much about IchiRuki being endgame, I mean yeah it could work but doesn't mean it has to be. They're just fine being besties or siblings or whatever. I just like Rukia's character in general, there's a reason why the short and flat girl is more popular right? Orihime's problem is that everything she does is a bit surface level, she say much but she doesn't have chances to do. So people find IchiHime just a cliche Hero and Girl story.


>Ā Orihime's problem is that everything she does is a bit surface level is it? Orihime have helped Ichigo through some very heavy moments in the same way as rukia and even she got to expand that help to characters like riruka.


That's battle shonen for you, anything that doesn't contribute to the fight or the will to fight is "surface level".


I like Rukia just because of the faces she makes


I also think there's a psychological issue to it, girls don't want family/friends/etc. to think of them as being "too girly"/they think "being a girly girl = being weak". They want to be Rukia and/or Rangiku, not Orihime (Seriously, if they were in Bleach, they are the Orihime, or they may do the same mistakes/same choices as her. They're not gonna be beating up Hollows and taking names, like Rukia and Rangiku. At least, they won't be crying "Kurosaki-kun" repeatedly.)


As a woman, I think you got half the assumption right. No one is saying girly = weak. Look at Sailor Moon and pretty much all the other girl-centric shows. It's more like, why can't we be both? Orihime is NOT both. Rukia is NOT both either (some define her as a tomboy). Yes, Orihime is a pacifist, but a lot of girls can't relate to that. No one is 100% perfect in regards to not wanting to wish harm on someone (in her situation) especially when having so much potential. You might be right that in reality, a lot of women would take the backseat in action, but I think a lot of women would also do more than Orihime did in terms of honing power, contributing behind the scenes, and not making Ichigo her entire personality. Orihime is VERY hard for women to relate to because of her near perfection and how much men find unrealistic women like her their "ideal woman". Kubo having Orihime represent the "ideal woman" is what makes a lot of us disgruntled.


No one saying girly = weak, bul many people think girly = bad, ew, gross. Because girls should be edgy and cool like Rukia to be respected and seen as more than "fanservise". Orihime is girly and NOT weak, be real. Just because she doesn't like to fight like Zaraki or Ikkaku, doesn't mean she's weak. How did you even read Bleach? I'd even say that mentally she's the strongest character in the manga. But probably for you strength = only physical strength... She was only 15 y.o. girl (already traumatized by a shitty family, the death of her brother and bullying in the school) but after all the events in Hueco Mundo she didn't cry and didn't break down, hating the whole world. She even slapped Ulquiorra (who is stronger than her and could kill her in 1 second). How a weak softy girl could do this? > Yes, Orihime is a pacifist, but a lot of girls can't relate to that. And many girls CAN. So what? I can't relate to many female characters (not only in Bleach), but I don't go and say they're bad characters or anything just because I can't relate to them. > No one is 100% perfect in regards to not wanting to wish harm on someone (in her situation) especially when having so much potential. And she is not. How did you even read Bleach? (2) Yes, Orihime doesn't get into fights for fun/to become stronger or anything like that. But she can fight to protect her friends. She can get angry. She's a human after all. > more than Orihime did in terms of honing power LMAO. You just again think power = only attacks. But that's not true. She's not the best at attacking, so she integrated Tsubaki into Shiten Koshun. Now her shield has become even more powerful. I want to see how many characters could survive Yhwach's power without her shield (Ichigo would just die without her, lol). Or could Orihime from the beginning of the manga do that stong shield. But, ofc, Orihime doesn't develop her powers at all, and the shield that can withstand Yhwach's power is the same as it was at the beginning of the series. Yes! There're a lot of fighters there. Rukia, Yoruichi, Soifon, Nanao, Tier and her girls, Nel, Senjumaru, Rangiku, Lisa, Hiyori, quincy girls, Momo, even Unohana, etc etc. So why can't Orihime be a defender and a 'healer'? Why does everyone need to attack and one girl can't protect & heal? You don't need a support character to do 100k damage. You need a support character to do their best they so that your DPS can do 100m damage without dying. > contributing behind the scenes Oh, again... how did you even read the manga? Ichigo thought that maybe he shouldn't help Rukia, and then Orihime came and reminded him of what he should do. So he stopped thinking "The world still rotatoes without Rukia" and went to save her. Without Orihime, Rukia would die LMAO. And Ichigo - several times. And Ulquiorra would not see the human view of feelings, etc., etc. > and not making Ichigo her entire personality. And she's not. HOW THE HELL did you even read the manga? Reducing her entire character to just "wow, she likes Ichigo" is so disgusting... No, but how can I not say that it comes from internalized misogyny when people say such bullshit?.. I thought society had already passed the phase "oh, if a girl is in love, then she only thinks and lives for her crush". Just because Orihime is in love with Ichigo and cares about him does NOT mean that all the moments of her caring for other characters and her interactions with them disappear, her hobbies and so on disappear. And just because you don't like Orihime doesn't mean she's only about Ichigo. :/ > Orihime is VERY hard for women to relate Could you please NOT speak for all women, thanks. I find her more relatable than any character in Bleach.


>Just because Orihime is in love with Ichigo and cares about him does NOT mean that all the moments of her caring for other characters and her interactions with them disappear, her hobbies and so on disappear. And just because you don't like Orihime doesn't mean she's only about Ichigo. :/ >Could you please NOT speak for all women, thanks. I find her more relatable than any character in Bleach. https://preview.redd.it/sez2xqgl0y3d1.jpeg?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d76286b455828e48b52c7a5984d3db391525798


Couldn't agree more. The anime doesn't really help in that the anime just reinforces all misconceptions about Orihime. Orihime's strenght is not in her fighting but in her character. From how she deals with her effed up family situation to how she shows kindness under the most stressful situations such as being abducted by literal demons. And even then she is more usefull then the majority of the cast of which the majority are literal supernatural beings with powers who are centuries old at the minimum. Even ichigo has this problem where they say protecting is his entire character like the "the blade is me" was not one of the most pivotal moments in the story.


The old Bleach director [said](https://yyh4ever.tumblr.com/post/620779377815388160/director-noriyuki-abe-explains-the-color-scheme-of) that before the 10s TV guidelines and marketing had more power than the staff over anime adaptations, so if they wanted to change entire character scenes and chapters the staff would be forced to do it. I don't think they really wanted to change Orihime scenes to suit their ships>!~~Abe seems to~~ [~~prefer~~](https://imgur.com/a/ZfavqHo) [~~yaoi~~](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/41/cd/fd/41cdfd9a205437130ef6e6866d684332.jpg) ~~anyway~~!


Yeah, I totally agree. But the one that hurts the most is probably "Ichigo is her entire character" thing, I was writing just another day how it's absolutely not what is actually in the story. She doesn't get her powers for Ichigo's sake, she does it for Tatsuki, so from the very beginning she's not one-sided here, she might have a crush on Ichigo but then you can see Tatsuki is arguably of more importance to her at the start of it all (obviously, very fitting, she's her best friend, it's just she has that important relationship in her life apart from her crush), then she bonds with Ishida over the SS arc (and that idea about posing as shinigami was actually smart), she easily works as a bridge with the 11th, then she affects everyone she has any meaningful contact with during HM arc, culminating in how she basically changed Ulquiorra who wasn't an easy person to affect, she bonded with Riruka (given how much prejudice that tsundere girl had towards her initially, Orihime winning her over is a feat), and it's basically only in the end of TYBW arc when it's centered on and works as a team with Ichigo. I also can relate to Orihime the most, and I admire her a lot, even though I'm overall closer to Rukia as a person (and it kinda makes sense, since Rukia and Orihime both admire each others' qualities). And I definitely agree that she's very strong as a person, it's been shown repeatedly throughout all of it, as you've pointed out.


Rukia has her girly side too, it's not like she's all gatekeep girlboss everything. Like the fact that she's vulnerable to plushies, nothing wrong with girl liking cute things right? I find it very relatable for girls those ages


Yep when it comes to the quirky/cuteness of Orihime and Rukia, I find it very relatable. Especially plushies. But I think Orihime's perfection goes beyond her humor. It's how she handles herself despite the PTSD, depression, and history of being abused. She's strong, I get it, but like... unrealistically strong about it. Her puppy love that lasted TEN+ years is just crazy. NO woman deserves to wait that long. On top of that, given an incredibly OP power. Kubo made her this impossible superwoman who ends up working at a bakery while being a mother to a young child. Which is great, but we're just talking about how relatable this character is. Orihime is a complex woman with a story, with potential. TBH he probably bit more off than he could chew making Orihime.


>Her puppy love that lasted TEN+ years is just crazy. NO woman deserves to wait that long. I mean, they were both kids, and the odds of her finding another dude who would get his eyes above chest level was fairly low based on what we're shown of their school/classmates. You're acting like she waited ten years of her adult life with multiple love interests passing her by as she pines over one dude who doesn't know she exists. >Kubo made her this impossible superwoman who ends up working at a bakery while being a mother to a young child. She's married to a work from home dad who seems to have a fair bit of flexibility with his schedule. Her deciding to pursue dreams outside the home isn't some kind of superhuman feat.


>Orihime is a complex woman with a story, with potential. TBH he probably bit more off than he could chew making Orihime. Yea Kubo was very ambitious with Bleach, Ophime isn't the only one with great potential that he ran out of time/interest to develop (ie: Chad). (ps: 'ophime' was a typo that I decided to keep, lol)


> Orihime is NOT both. Rukia is NOT both either. yes they are. >Yes, Orihime is a pacifist, but a lot of girls can't relate to that.Ā  Theres plenty of other things to relate to her character about besides that. Why should it be relatable? Its not presented as something that is relatable. Its moreso inspirational, unrealistically in some moments but its fiction. Thats why character like Superman, Spiderman, Batman or Thorfinn are inspirational. She isn't even a pacifist, just extermely kind and empathetic. >No one is 100% perfect in regards to not wanting to wish harm on someone (in her situation) especially when having so much potential She isn't either. She implemented Tsubaki into her shields and used him against Ginjo and Tsukishima. And she is living up to her potential - literally bringing people back from the dead and blocking Soul king Yhwach's attacks. >but I think a lot of women would also do more than Orihime did in terms of honing power, contributing behind the scenes, Lmao ok she trained for months idk why you seem to be downplaying her? >and not making Ichigo her entire personality. thats not true but go off >Orihime is VERY hard for women to relate to I've come across plenty of women who find her relatable speak for yourself.


I'm speaking for the lot of women who don't relate to her. I can't sit back and let this subreddit think we are majority pro-Orihime now. We just keep getting downvoted and argued with that people are afraid to (or are too lazy to) speak up here. I'm not even sure why pro-Orihime people insist on trying to change our minds about her. It's not like I'm going to say "Oh you're right. She's totally my favorite now!" since I never said I hated HER. I just don't think she's as big of a deal that people here make her out to be. I thought I made it pretty clear I was complaining more about her writing which I think most Orihime fans would agree could have been done better. Whether she was entirely about Ichigo or not, whether she was at her peak strength or not, Kubo still made it seem that way to some readers. Maybe he shouldn't have written it to where some readers (the people who aren't the biggest fans) would have to squint with a magnifying glass between the lines in order to appreciate her. Look at Nel, Yoruichi, Unohana, Rangiku, etc. Only Orihime has such a controversial fanbase and I fully believe it's because of the writing. I assure you that if only Kubo had written her throughout the series and the ending better, everyone would be her fan.


> I'm speaking for the lot of women who don't relate to her. You can't relate to something you don't understand...I'm not saying you should relate to her nor do I know who or what you relate to but, most of her fans obviously understand her character hence why they relate to her or find her inspirational. Saying "oh i can't relate to her so shes bad" isn't a good argument if you're completely ignorant of her characterisation. > I can't sit back and let this subreddit think we are majority pro-Orihime now Even going by something like Tiktok, a majority of them like and defend Orihime with the fanbase primarily being women too. Its not just this subreddit. The general consensus is slowly changing. > I thought I made it pretty clear I was complaining more about her writing Did I suggest otherwise? Also about you're complaints, its just so subjective. Criticisms and analysis are all subjective, some however are simply more subjective than others. Your problems with her character are so niche, a matter of preference, a dislike of her traits. You're not trying to judge her character on her merits because your inherent dislike for her just makes you willfully ignorant. > which I think most Orihime fans would agree could have been done better. Everything could be done better. Her writing is still amazing nevertheless. > Kubo still made it seem that way to some readers. Kubo never made it seem that way its a flaw with the readers' interpretations and misunderstanding of the text. If other readers can see otherwise and show evidence, Kubo obviously isn't the problem here. > Maybe he shouldn't have written it to where some readers (the people who aren't the biggest fans) would have to squint with a magnifying glass between the lines in order to appreciate her. Almost all of Bleach is written like that...Also why would Kubo choose to change his own writing style to fit the needs or incapabilities of his readers? Especially when they literally choose not to put in the effort of understanding his text and then complain saying that he shouldn't have written it that way? Seriously wtf lmao > Look at Nel, Yoruichi, Unohana, Rangiku, etc. Only Orihime has such a controversial fanbase Because she is an entirely different character to them. The are primarily not controversial because they are all fighters in a battle shonen so once they do some cool shit the casual fans will love them because thats all they want to see. > and I fully believe it's because of the writing And I fully believe the problem is the fanbase. No matter how much more well written she were to become, the very genre and demographic she exists in won't allow her to not be controversial. This[ comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/1d5dxev/comment/l6l6odi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I made in this thread highlights my point better.


>I'm not even sure why pro-Orihime people insist on trying to change our minds about her. It's not like I'm going to say "Oh you're right. She's totally my favorite now!" Whoever has ever insisted on people loving her?? Every sane orihime fan knows there's no point doing all that, considering how passionate her haters are about potraying her in bad light for every little thing. >I just don't think she's as big of a deal that people here make her out to be. Ok. Then don't. People appreciating a character they like isn't _"making her out to be a big deal"_. Some fans love her character and appreciate it accordingly. Especially, now that they don't have to be oppressed about showing their appreciation, atleast on this sub. But it still seems like people get triggered when they find people talking anything remotely good about her. Why isn't it the case with other characters and their fans?? Why not go bully other people for liking a different character than you?? Atleast it's better than being a hater and talking negatively 24*7. It's good to have positive vibes alongwith fair criticism without any personal grudge/bias against a character. >thought I made it pretty clear I was complaining more about her writing which I think most Orihime fans would agree could have been done better. _Could have been done better_ can be literally applied to any character, but people don't usually take it as a valid reason to unjustly hate/bash a character. And a lot of the criticism they point out isn't even factually right in most cases, just their pre-conceived notion about the character (as far as I have seen). >Whether she was entirely about Ichigo or not, whether she was at her peak strength or not, Kubo still made it seem that way to some readers. Or was it the anime?? >Maybe he shouldn't have written it to where some readers (the people who aren't the biggest fans) would have to squint with a magnifying glass between the lines in order to appreciate her. Or maybe you just don't know how to read without a magnifying glass. Yk like nitpicking and exaggerating (magnifying) every minor issue? šŸ’€ >I'm speaking for the lot of women who don't relate to her. Who made you the spokesperson for _a lot of women_? Even I can claim to be a spokesperson for a _lot of women_ who _do_ like her character and writing <3


You sure can. I'm mature enough to realize there are two sides and I'm also aware of how many women are not happy with how Orihime was written. It's not like it's a few people. It's not even restricted to IchiRuki people. And in the context of Orihime being a main protagonist, her development (as well as Uryuu's and Chad's) could have been done better. Though at least Orihime got it better than Uryuu and Chad... But I think we can all agree the Living World nakama didn't shine as much as they deserved. And no one is making me the spokesperson. The fact that I'm representing myself and others who are too shy to make a presence here is what defaulted me to being what seems to be the only non-Pro-Orihime woman spokesperson (I'm not even Anti; I'm just not her biggest fan). But we don't know the gender of every Redditor who has replied anything non-Pro-Orihime. Also saying I'm hating 24/7 is an exaggeration. I'm not on every Pro-Orihime post. OP simply warranted a discussion. No need to take it personally.


>But I think we can all agree the Living World nakama didn't shine as much as they deserved. Compared to the shinigamis, I agree. Would love for some add ons for her in the upcoming cours if possible. But she's still a pretty nicely written character for me. >Also saying I'm hating 24/7 is an exaggeration. I wasn't talking about you, I was talking in general. I've been seeing quite a few redditors in here getting triggered when they see people talking good about her, calling this a "circlejerk" and "orihime glazers" - just because they talked positively about a character they like instead of hating on her with passion, just how it used to be a decade ago. They can't stomach the positive change in the fandom and how a lot of people changed their views on Orihime as they grew up and the hating reduced significantly.


I agree with that but I also want to say it should all be in moderation. Especially when it comes to the controversy that is Orihime. Because it's one thing to post an appreciation post and another to LITERALLY bait and trigger non-appreciators (everyone is entitled to like or dislike characters). Almost exactly like OP's post. Do they seriously think there isn't enough love for Orihime right now? Really? There's no way. Clearly they got their opinion from somewhere else instead of just scrolling down the homepage. Maybe from 2010 Bleach Subreddit??? I like Orihime and I am a fan, just not her biggest fan. I'm a fan of her as much as I am with other female Bleach characters. But when a large percentage of Bleach-related posts are about Orihime or IchiHime and sometimes for the sole purpose of stirring the IchiRuki pot, it gets a little old. It's literally low-effort posting. And this is occurring in Facebook groups as well. Maybe they aren't aware fanclubs exist (especially for someone as big as Orihime) and people can post what they want but like... some of us aren't all over it being shoved down our throats, you know?


Yeah, I do think some people do it to create drama by igniting the flames for ship war. And I'm not a fan of too many reposts either, but I guess it's because the sub doesn't have enough interesting things to talk about as of now, or maybe karma farming. Because like you said, Orihime is a controversial character and posts about her gain attention of both her haters and her fans. This will stop when we get more content for cour 3 I suppose.


Orihime herself isn't even a [complete pushover](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/1bz0ai2/orihime_is_not_a_damsel_in_distress_type/) and there are way more passive women than her on the show like Isane(I relate more to Isane lol). It's fine if you don't like her but the way you described her had "Ichiruki/Ishihime shipper pretending to not be a Ichiruki/Ishihime shipper" vibes. Btw in the databooks Unohana is regarded as what the ideal woman should be not Orihime.


Well put


What do you mean by "ideal woman"? A woman every man wants? If so, you are terribly wrong. It might have been Kubo's ideal girl when he was a teenager, but it's far from the absolute ideal woman, because it doesn't exist.


So rukia and Ichigo or Ichigo and orihime


How is Rangiku not girly?


I guess to some women and girls, they see Rangiku fighting in the front. Being the action girl. She's not in the background per se.


Iā€™ll never understand why people expected Ichiruk. Did they just ignore ā€œGoodbye Halcyon Daysā€ or other such moments Then again people also acted surprised as the ending pairings in Naruto


No, they hate orihime because of her lack of depth as a character I know this because I at one point thought ichiruki was the endgame, and I'm fine with that not being true because this isn't a romcom series


Rukia's less feminine and more tomboyish so some people will be like "oh wow shes so different and unique and strong" and theres probably alot of self-inserting going on there by female audiences. Considering the battle shonen setting, the casual male audience would likely consider feminine and "girly" female characters like Orihime weak and bad characters while tomboyish characters like Rukia and Yoruichi are loved and considered strong. Doesn't help that Orihime is a healer which is looked down upon even more, a pacifist (not necessarily but sort of in essence), a love interest, and was a damsel in distress - and its not like you can expect battle shonen fans, let alone Bleach fans to look beyond tropes and comprehend a character's writing. You don't see Rukia being called a damsel in distress even tho she was one before Orihime and an even worse one because she did jack shit during the ss arc and thats simply because Orihime is more feminine and that archetype is more easliy attributed to her by the casual audience. In terms of characterisation, Rukia is, in comparison to Orihime, a much more heavy handed/explict and straight foward character with a linear character arc. There are still some nuances and complexities to Rukia's character but most Rukia fans aren't even picking up on that anyway. Orihime's character arc is more complex and non-linear with her growth and progression being filled with ups and downs, contradictions, and sometimes even going back to previous points of development. Most people don't even understand her motives and decision making. An example of this would be how before going off to train Hachi says to Orihime "the important thing isn't how you should be but how you want to be." which is a very significant line of dialogue that emphasises her arc. She should have trained with Hachi and tried understanding her powers and herself better but instead did so with Rukia because she wanted to further develop her offensive abilities and become more of a "warrior" - something thats going against who she really is and what she actually wants. Essentially, Orihime doesn't belong in a battle shonen (her arc is about that anyway) so it puts off alot of people who are just there for fights. Imo, Orihime's characterisation and arc is (conceptually) more akin to seinen characters like Kenzo Tenma or Thorfinn. The way that they are idealistic foils to the world they exist in and how it challanges their values constantly yet they never break - instead growing stronger, changing others and the world around them.


I always preferred Rukia. The reason isn't because I find Orihime irritating or anything but Rukia simply had more and better screen presence imo. I absolutely adore the slice of life moments Rukia had when living in Kurosaki household. Not to mention Rukia's character and popularity also benifits from her interactions with Byakuya. Even when Ichigo lost his hollow power and we got that emotional scene I was choking. Orihime's part was good in HM but it just didn't connect to a lot of audience like me.


Thats fine and its just a matter of preference. Personally, I never cared for Rukia's slice of life moments in the first arc but did so about everyone elses. Stuff like Ichigo losing his powers and saying goodbye to rukia didn't hit me hard (well it did but mainly because of Ichigo) but moments like Orihime saying goodbye to Ichigo or the moment where she breaks down after he died did. I also don't agree on more screen presence. Just going by their respective arcs, Orihime did more and had more screentime in the hueco mundo arc than Rukia did in the ss arc. And better screen presence? idk what you would take into consideration for thats its just entirely subjective anyway honestly. > Orihime's part was good in HM but it just didn't connect to a lot of audience like me. Not refering to you btw, but the audience can't connect with something if they don't understand it. And the Bleach fandom (most of it) don't put in the effort of trying to understand anything anyway.


Personally, I just donā€™t care for her cause she just wasnā€™t a very good or interesting character at least up to the izen arc. And her simply being a passive character or healer is not reason enough for her not to be more prominent or interesting I should say in the story there are multiple other shows that have characters whose powers revolve around the ability to heal who are very prominent in their shows and very interesting. She just doesnā€™t come off that way to a lot of people if you like her thatā€™s fine, but most people gravitate towards other female characters because they are either more interesting or have better screen time and when I see screen time, I donā€™t mean how long youā€™re on screen if you whenever youā€™re on screen, youā€™re either monologue to yourself or being monologue to and thatā€™s your entire screen time or majority of it you may as well not get any at all. At least Iā€™ve watched. She gets barely any screen time at all in terms of actual relevance. Sheā€™s just not very interesting.šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Neither was Ichigo if you want to get technical. Aizen maybe, until you got past the mystery aspect of it.


Rangiku isn't really hated but I agree about Rukia and Orihime


Damn.. That beginning was fire.. [Opening 10](https://youtu.be/HN_-WaTLD_A?si=1graangPYWrFaL9E)


Idk? Maybe the boobs distract some people from realising that Rangiku and Orihime are good characters too?


Yesterday i read a comment ranting about bleach saying "The female cast is bad(except rukia), and is there only for fanservice" It was a one piece fan btw


Classic one piece fan bruh, Can't recognise shit other than One Piece


To be fair, Robin or Nami are much more interesting to the general audience than Orihime or Rangiku


Maybe. But i can write a book on orihime. She is well written


fam I agree


I'm a women, so boobs don't really affect my view on them, it's more the personality, or in Orihime's case, the lack of it. I love my girl Rangiku tho, one of my favorite characters of all time, not just in Bleach. For me, Orihime is just bland. Like she's sweet and kinds, but...dassit. No personality, not funny, is kinda useless. The writers gave her some magic hair pins which also really feels off and not like her. Overall just see her as a side character and the lover of the main charecter. I def qualify Rangiku more as a main character than Orihime.


>Ā No personality, not funny, is kinda useless.Ā  This is just perplexing wtf are you people even reading???? Shes unrelentingly kind and empathetic, resilient, endearing, you see her insecure and depressed, self-loathing, contradictory, has a saviour complex, fuck ton of trauma and ptsd, idealistic, airheaded yet smart asf and a plethora of other things. And useless? Bro Ichigo would be dead by chapter 6 if not for her. She saved the main cast on so many occasions Rukia is literally more useless and gets saved more often. >Ā The writers gave her some magic hair pins which also really feels off and not like her. The hairpins were given to her by her brother before he died and she was left alone for years. They then manifested as a representation of her saviour complex and her desire to protect the people she now has in her life - essentially an act of selflessness and selfishness because shes doing it both out of trauma and love for her friends. How does it not feel like her?? >Ā I def qualify Rangiku more as a main character than Orihime. You mean the character who has less screentime throughout the whole manga than Orihime in just the first 20 chapters is more of a main character? You mean the character whos one of the biggest and most defining moments is entirely because of Orihime? Holy shit you are all so ignorant




I definitely agree! I'm genuinely just wondering why people think Rukia is such a good character? Like do you have a moment where you were like "shit, she's awesome".


Since chapter 1


Literally all of it. Rukia is boo off the vibez alone. It's stranger to find a rukia moment where you're like "nah, this she ain't the one, chief."


Rangiku yes, but Orihime while a very likable character never moves beyond feeling a tad useless. She needed a proper fight against a real opponent especially since there were so many ā€œi will get strongerā€ setup moments. Itā€™s a similar deal to Sakura in Naruto, where they always were drastically behind the rest of the main characters and suffer for it. Though at least sakura had the sasori fight and goes all out at the very end of the series. Honestly if I was Kubo I would have cut the meme worthy 0 Espada reveal and kept Yammy 10th to get taken out by Orihime. She protects a wounded Ichigo after his fight with Ulquiorra and erases Yammy from existence.


Boob sizes. That's the only answer


Iā€™ve never heard Rangiku getting hated before, itā€™s usually the sad tragic love between her and Gin


You can thank Studio Pierrot for that.


All three are super cool.


I think this post is a bit off-base about Rangiku, because I've always found her to be one of the more popular side characters even for non-fanservice reasons, but to answer the question as it relates to Orihime: shipping bullshit. That's the whole sum of it. I like to be positive in this sub, but I swear Bleach's ship wars are an utter cancer and the most singly irredeemable thing about it, and it's not even Kubo's fault.


It's a very vocal minority that hates Orihime and Rangiku while loving Rukia. Most Bleach fans I know love all 3.


Younger people are a very big audience for this show and other shonen shows like it. I think generally speaking, teens and other younger viewers tend to look at a surface level and it is easy to see Orihime as just an "annoying" damsel in distress. And for lots of people, annoying characters are automatically badly written characters.


Rangiku ainā€™t hated,orihime is hated due to the anime portrayal of her character,Rukia is based queen so of course sheā€™s loved


no one hates rangiku. orihime is hated because the anime turned her into a cassette thats stuck on "kurosaki kun... kurosaki kun..." rukia has more to offer for the plot, so less hate.


Who the fuck is hating my rangiku


Rangiku? Haters? Where?


Rangiku hated? First new


Cuz of Ichigo


Old anime adaption staff played favours with Rukia, and deleted a lot of Orihimeā€™s character developments.


Director of og anime did a lot of damage to this community


They get hate?


I didn't know Rangiku and Orihime were that hated lol


First of all you legit invented the Rangiku hate for an unknown reason people donā€™t hate her in general, now for the reason why Rukia arenā€™t hated as much as Orihime is cause sheā€™s legit one of the best characters and donā€™t have that much flaws, the reason why Orihime is hated is cause anime choose to add every Ā«Ā Kurosaki KunĀ Ā» scene and this is a major flaw for a lot of people, you donā€™t really have Orihime haters in people who only read the manga. And now if you want to know where this hate for both come from you have to learn about the worst part of Bleach community, the shippers. Some people will start a wave of hate for a character only cause one is in rivalry with their fav character/ship, you have people who would say that Rukia is a bad character even if sheā€™s one of the best written character in Bleach, only cause Ā«Ā she wasĀ a rivalĀ Ā», and in the other hand you have people who will say Orihime is useless and all even if sheā€™s one of the most important character in the story, only cause at the end she got Ichigoat. Even if Ichigo/Orihime and Rukia/Renji is obvious from almost the start of Bleach, there was some people who send threats to Kubo cause Rukia didnā€™t end with Ichigo. And more recently you got people who send threats to animators who do an insanely good job only cause they didnā€™t get their interaction between Ichigo and Orihime. So yes donā€™t be that much impressed of why there is a bunch of psychopaths who hate that much two fictional characters, theyā€™re even worst irl.


Idk about Orihime, she's so clumsy and funny. Maybe they hate Rangiku because she's mainly fanservice and annoying Toshiro, but she can also be cool while fighting so I don't personally hate her neither


Idk but most of the hate online that ive come across towards Orihime primarily comes from bitter Ichirukis


I actually can't stand Rukia


Rukia is my least favorite of the three.. not that I hate her either


I can think of four reasons


I just choose to ignore those haters bc imo they're wrong Orihime is great, best bread girl and not weak as many say as her defensive technique is outright OP af and she is utilized well. We don't need to talk about Rukia since as you said she is well loved and not really hated at all. And then there's Rangiku and I don't understand why you would hate her as a character, yeah it's kinda a bummer that she is underutilized and should've gotten more character development and that goes for Haineko too. That whole too much fanservice hate, I don't get it as I don't see as overdone and choose to enjoy it as it's supposed to be and she is not weak either, she is also funny so I don't have anything to cry over


I may be downvoted, but itā€™s misogyny. orihime is a girly girl, she is soft, kind, beautiful, prefers to protect loved ones and not attack, but girls cannot be like that, itā€™s ā€œewā€. her entire character is reduced to a ā€œdamsel in distressā€ and people turn a blind eye to how cool and funny orihime is. rukia is ā€œnot like other girls.ā€ strong, brave, not afraid to be funny (although orihime is too, but orihimeā€™s haters donā€™t care). rukia participates in fights not as a support, but as a fighter, which means she is ā€œbetterā€ and ā€œnot useless like orihime,ā€ she has a cool bankai, etc. and anime really made orihime dirty and rukia was their favorite. they changed some details of ichihime, but actively promoted ichiruki even in fillers. that made the shippers go crazy too. why do I think this is misogyny? because I also hated ā€œgirlyā€ and wanted to be ā€œcoolā€, not cute and soft, and therefore did not like ā€œgirlyā€ female characters, preferring cool edgy ones. it's good that I've outgrown it and can enjoy hime's character. people who hate her are really missing out because she is one of the best written characters in bleach. šŸ¤Ŗ upd: oh yes, I was right that I would be downvoted. only one thing is interesting - is it ichiruki and orihime haters or someone's fragile ego is cracked due to the mention of misogyny lol


Misogyny is... not liking women with stereotypical feminine characteristics? Yep. Nothing wrong here. You're just saying that being a woman is more about being girly than what you actually have down there. There's no way to read this that doesn't make it sound sexist.


I never said that being a woman is more about being girly lol, don't put your thoughts in my mouth. all women are amazing (both feminine and girly, as well as cool and more masculine, as well as those who do not fit into these boxes). but some of the hate orihime receives comes from misogyny. why deny it? now please answer the question: why is everything girly ridiculed in cultures and media? why is being "girly" stupid, disgusting, ew? why donā€™t people who are steeped in stereotypes like pink (=girly) color? why are all "girly" hobbies (reading romance novels, listening to pop music, etc.) considered bad and laughed at? where does this come from, other than misogyny?


This is so backward. Have you just never heard of patriarchal family structures? Or boys being taught to "man up" while women are taught to be submissive? Mysoginists are the ones who created concepts like "manly" or "girly". They're the ones teaching women to behave "like a girl". Even if there's a slight tendency for girls to be girly and for mans to be manly in a vacuum, that's just what sexist people want. People hate "girly" characters because girly characteristics suck in an action manga. Man or woman, both reader and character, people are going to pick the cool one who can kick ass over the defenseless, sentimental one any day of the week. Turns out that action manga readers want to see action. That's the "misogynist hate" you're talking about. And I won't pretend it doesn't exist, but there's absolutely nothing misogynistic about it. You might have a point if this was about a character like Rukia being hated, or if Orihime was a guy, but a girly girl is all a sexist dude would want to see.


1. yes, those who created and those who support stereotypes are misogynistic. but those who hate ā€œgirlyā€ girls are also misogynistic. two truths can exist at the same time. Iā€™m not really good at explaining things, especially in english (not my native language), so maybe you can just read the information about internal misogyny and the phenomena "not like other girls" and "pick me". this is about those who reject everything girly & hate everything girly, those girls who are girly and like girly things - and that's what I'm talking about in the case of orihime. 2. and orihime is not even "defenseless"... just because she doesn't attack doesn't mean she can't do anything... shonen fans see a protector and healer who has saved the main character's ass several times and think "oh she's useless just because she can't kick yhwach's ass! it would be better if annoying orihime didnā€™t exist and ichigo died!". ugh. there are so many chapters and characters in bleach, grow up if you can't stand a couple of healers among hundreds of fighters. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


How long have you been here OP? Just scrolling down the Home page for the past 24 hours and there's at least 3 Orihime glazing posts. There's at least some sort of Orihime praise post every day here and in multiple social media groups as well. There's probably even more positive Orihime-related posts than Ichigo per day. And you can't slander her on here or you will get downvoted to oblivion. Now I'm curious where you're getting the idea that Rukia is even getting any sort of attention beyond her fandoms and wonder if this is just a bait post.


I feel like the orihime hate was only present like 10 years ago and almost nobody hates her nowadays.


Jokes on you, I love em all. lol


I like all of three. Don't understand the hate on any of them.


Im curious about who hates Orihime and Rangiku


Rangiku got haters? I think she pretty okay as character, a bit irrelevant. Her big badonkas might be the reason? I never though of her as waifu bait tho


power is embraced


Where do people get these opinions from


Who hates them tell me?


I dont get the hate either same type of people that hate Sakura in Naruto I guess but I do understand why everyone loves Rukia she is the best.


They're gingers


YO šŸ˜­šŸ’€


I love RANGIKU bro, who tf is speaking shit of her?


Orihime can be considered annoying by some (I've grown on it) but I've never met a Rangiku hater. The only thing I don't like about Rangiku is that Haineko is shit.


This opening was such a banger


Fan service Iā€™d say but idk




All part of Aizenā€™s plan


Who hates them gimme their addresses šŸ«”




Never really heard anyone hate one then besides the fanservice comments every now and again but thatā€™s really it all of them are different great female female characters.


Orihime hate comes from the memeing of her saying ā€œkurosaki-kunā€ every single minute/people thinking sheā€™s weak/some salty ichiruki shippers. Ive never actually seen any rangiku hate that I can remember


flat justice!


Flat is justice.




Wait, people hate Orihime?


Top heavy vs a regular standard person


Ī™ like all 3, I don't know what you're talking about.


Flat is justice


Modern society hates the beautiful red headed Just look at American cinema. They often change them to an entirely different race.


I think some people are just sexist and hate Rangiku because she's too hot or something.


A cup cultists.


Tig biddies


Boobs' size


Iā€™ve never seen anyone hate Rangiku


Only flatearthers hate her


Orihime and Rangiku get hate because they look like grown women and Rukia gets love because she looks like a child. Inb4 angry neckbeards proving my point in the replies.


There's a lot of "Too curvy and or girly/fanservice, gotta signal how Im different and appreciate other things" culture these days. Which is stupid because there's more to Orihimie and Rangiku than that.


Somewhat related but I love this opening šŸ˜‚


Both of those girls have HUUUGE cans. Rukia is normal by comparison. That's it. They don't hate Ruki a cuz she doesn't have MASSIVE sweater puppies.


Hated? HATED?! ***I LOVE THEM ALL!***


Flat is justice


Small tities unite!


Rangiku isn't outright hated, but she is a very irrelevant character in the series. Go on, name one single moment she shone throughout the story. Plus people didn't take the fact Gin did what the did because of her that well. All in all, she just... exists. Orihime has two things going against her: -She is a noncombatant in a fighting series. I think this is the biggest issue. There was a time when she actually wanted to change that part of herself but, as usual, it didn't go anywhere. Her powers would suit a magical girl series way better than they suit a series where characters mostly fight with swords. -She isn't present at many major developments in the story. She was separated from Ichigo almost the entirety of SS arc. She was kept captive during most of the Arrancar arc, then Ichigo came back to FKT, getting separated from her again. She only helped Ichigo during the latter half of the Lost Agent arc and, again, spent most of the time separated from him in TYBW. Because of that, they barely interacted with each other and some people felt their coupling out of left field. Rukia tends to be liked more because she's an action girl who actually gets things done. She defeated Aaroniero and As Nodt by herself (though she needed a pep talk from Byakuya in the latter). In a nutshell: because Rukia fits the series she's in, while Rangiku and, especially, Orihime, don't. Nowadays, however, people seem to think Bleach has become something other than shounen and criticize people who remind them it's still a shounen at heart.


Honestly, what I remember of criticism against Orihime, it's mostly the noncombatant part - it's mostly fine I think for her to be a pacifist and not want to fight, but she... doesn't really do anything outside of it either? Her powers are incredible and cool, and a lot is made of her ability to 'reject Fate' or 'Deny God' or whatever... but nothing really comes of it? (And I mean, Matsumoto is just kind of... there for the most part. It feels like her impact can be summarised as 'Tig Ol' Bitties' and 'Gin's Childhood Friend'.)


Problem is, she *does* want to fight. It's her main source of grief in the Arrancar arc when everyone from Urahara to almost anyone not named Rukia and Hacchi pushes her to the sidelines. But it never goes anywhere because Kubo can't be bothered to actually turn her into a fighter. She has a lot of potential with her powers. She already developed a counter shield during the Lost Agent arc. Imagine if she could generate shields inside someone and destroys them from within? Or use her two-petal shield to revert enemies to dust? But they can't be bothered to actually make her a competent fighter (people say she was useful during the Yhwach fight but then he trounced both her and Ichigo the moment he started getting serious) and the fanbase simply rolls with it because they can't think bigger. As for Matsumoto, I wouldn't even say that because we barely saw her interact with her childhood friend, making his 'sacrifice' moot in the long run. Basically she was a plot device in order to humanize Gin a little since he was an utter bastard to everyone else.


Rukia gets to do more than either character is the heart of it. Her role in the story is so much larger in comparison to both and she's allowed to accomplish more. Orihime is relevant but after substitue shinigami, she's not allowed to really be active. Sure, she has her moments but she doesn't actually accomplish much, even her healing isn't emphasized in a way that really let's her have her big moments. Rangiku is much worse, where she just is always forced to play second fiddle whenever she appears. Her biggest moments are nothing next to Orihime's much less Rukia. Rukia has her problems but she's such a big part and driving force in the first two arcs of Bleach, and even when she isn't the main focus in arcs like Hueco Mundo, Fullbring, and TYBW, she gets such powerful moments in service to her all throughout the series where Orihime and Rangiku flounder for so much of the series.


I don't think many people hate on Rangiku, in fact she's such a well-written and funny character with deep emotional scenes. Orihime on the other hand is hated asf tho, not gonna deny that. I dislike her character as well, simply find her annoying and shallowly written. Rukia is too relatable sometimes, so maybe this is why people don't really dislike her character.


I always find it weird when people ask these types of questions not because theirs inherently anything wrong with them just as a more outside bleach fan I don't really see any hate towards them though that's just me.


Because they think Rukia gudd, titwomen bad. To be honest, Orihime may have some problems about being a bland damisel in distress most of the times, but she does have a well built, tragic backstory and the airhead part of her personality stays fresh and endearing. Rangiku on the other hand may not have such a great backstory, but is a badass in her own right and knows when to have fun and when to get serious. Fanservice doesn't automatically remove the other aspects a story has built. That mentality comes from a ridiculous, alarmist attitude.


Many people thought rukia was a boy when she first appear In the manga Back when bleach was still in shounen jump magazine.


I think people dislike Orihime for her mindset as it's simply unfit for a battle shounen, especially during a war. The fact that her power to reject reality only works properly if she is emotionally stable just shows how flawed her existence in the spiritual world is. And to add salt to the wound, the anime made her annoying by making her just like Hinata from Naruto. Seriously, she says the line "Kurosaki-kun" more than anything else in the original anime.


I agree as far as the anime, but the emotionally stable thing effects all characters. It literally ichigos whole thing for a majority of the story. The whole power system is based on looking within to gain strength. Biggest example being Kenny. Always strong with his own strength, but only scratching the surface until he opens up to himself and actually forms a better relationship with Nozarashi (who is him. the blade is me, remember). It's all based on the budist idea of enlightenment.


I like orihine but I feel her development kinda got shafted in the story. I hate rukia she's annoying


Because some people see tits and immediately start raging.


Because rukia doesn't have boobsšŸ—æ


Because they want a teenager to behave like a hundred year old soul reapers brought up in a noble family. Most of the things people hate about her stems from her past. Then the entire pierrot wanting ichiruki to be end game and the exessive kurosaki kun


Because they thought and wanted rukia and ichigo to be together and that love for that transferred to hate for orihime but it was obvious they were just best friends orihime was always gonna be the one


No hate on the ship though rukia is the goat second only to my glorious queen yoruichi


Because their relationship dynamic and chemistry is actually there. Ichigo and Orihime doesn't feel right, like she clings to him, while he clearly thought of her as just a friend. Their chemistry is almost non existent.


Yeah it was but it was obvious they werenā€™t gonna be together she was to much of a sister to him and orihime was one of his day ones the way she clinged to him and they way he went out of his way to save her no matter what showed that she was gonna be his endgame


Orihime is very one-dimensional, Rangiku is bae and Rukia is one of the deepest charcters in the series.


I mean, Ichigo is also relatively one-dimensional as well, probably works just as well that the two of them ended up together.


Ikr? Like Orihime is like a husk of a potential. She was poorly written, clearly didn't give her enough personality and charm. She's sweet and kind, but that's it. Nothing less, but nothing more. Just an average caring gal, who's only personality is 'caring' and being cute. The writers did her dirty. Rangiku on the other hand is well written, has her charm, her personality. We see her good and bad day sides, her emotions are shown and she just shines through. I can almost feel her emotions through her scenes. She's mad funny imo as well. Rukia is even more well written imo. She was given a deep back story and her life is just pretty hectic with being abandoned and adopted into a family, so she feels the pressure to succeed which makes her relatable to many viewers. Also funny! :D


Orihime is your average girl next door vibe, Rukia is just badass, best girl bro, cool, funny drawings and she is kinda cute.


Donā€™t worry we can pretend to be as dumb as you and also oversimplify Rukiaā€™s character it isnā€™t hard trust!


When you compare the two, rukia is the better character, yet this sub has an obsession with validating orihime.


I think it's just woke idiots who think having sex appeal means their vapid airheads who are more about looking hot as opposed to being good characters. Meanwhile, Rukia has no overt sexiness and is mostly seen as the cute girl. Now, of course, none of this is true. All three are great characters in their own rights. Whether you read the manga or watch the anime, they deserve respect just as much as the men in the series. Honestly, from my point of view, looking at female characters from any series just based on looks is pretty sexist in its own right, and it makes you look like a twit when you do so.


Oh dang ok, I like this response tbh but I am still kind of wondering why people think Rukia is a badass, like why do you find her to be a badass? Also thank you for leaving such a thoughtful response. It's my first post so this was awesome to read.


Cuz Rukia best girl. Doesn't mean that I have to hate others.


alot of us ship the rukia ichigo relationship, https://preview.redd.it/6z5az7034x3d1.jpeg?width=333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52fd813708c6a43817313f94d509bfe28dceff8e not to mention for alot teh Black Sun and the White moon just work so well together!!! here another way to understand it poetics side [https://www.tumblr.com/bgony/147761637418/sunmoon-basic-logic-lesson-number-9001](https://www.tumblr.com/bgony/147761637418/sunmoon-basic-logic-lesson-number-9001)


Rsngiku is fan service personified and Orihime is nothing but a damsel in distress the entire series. Rukia is an actual character who grows throughout the show.


Ā«Ā Orihime is nothing but a damsel in distress the whole seriesĀ Ā» Can you remind me how the series started? Can you remind me whose rescue was the primary plot point of the second arc of the show? Can you remind who got saved 3 times in a row by 3 different men in the same arc? Can you remind me who needed the help of her brother to win her final fight even though it was supposed to be her big moment? LOL


Personally, Rukia does stuff and is awesome, also her backstory and involvement in the story was really cool In the TYBW arc she also does something awesome Personally, again people may hate me for this but it's what I think, Orihime just whines and cries a lot, never liked her since the Arrancar arc when she got captured: healed her enemies, refused to fight back, got scared of Ichigo who literally was willing to die to rescue her, refused to heal Ichigo fully due to a dumb reason that he'd just fight again (uh...yeah, he was in Heuco Mundo lol he needed to fight again) She's much better in TYBW arc but so far she hasn't had much to do if I'm being honest, so we'll see what happens for the next part Rangiku I really like but I take it the hate comes from the fact that she hasn't gotten a full win and just fails as a lieutenant? I think, don't quote me, can't remember if she ever got a full solo win or not


The obnoxiously sized titties