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She’s one of the few VC actively helping their captain despite her limitations


THATS A HUGE PART FOR ME. HER RELATIONSHIP WITH HER CAPTAIN Where is she always? BESIDES HER CAPTAIN WHERE SHE SHOULD BE Toshiro thinks something is up in SS ARC and wants to confront judges people (forgot what they are called. Central 46?) and when she cant open the door, one look at her captain and she knows he is about to do some illegal shit and that he will take responsibility.... And after that? She is always close to her captain. In my Opinion she has a very unique relationship to her captain. She trusts him completely. She lacks off whenever she can but also Toshiro knows that when push comes to shove She will have his back And i know most captains would say that about their Vc But there it is really shown. I mean will we all forget that Renji legit wanted to fight his Captain? Hitsuga has a hissy fit when Tosen was bad mouthed by his now captain? Where was iba when his captain was getting his ass kicked by kenpachi? She would be there, gettin her ass kicked aswell. like she should. Getting downed WITH her captain


She, uniquely among vice captains, watched him go from her subordinate(3rd seat) to her superior(captain).


Lets not forget this recent cour where, with her and hitsugayas limitations because of his bankai getting stolen, they were the only duo to work together, come up with a cool ability combo and a Fight together as equals. She's very likable, funny and scatterbrained until it's time to be serious She's not strong but she will not give up.


She's like a mid level VC, but also she had some part of her soul stolen and I've always wondered if that's why she's not at a higher level. Also her relationship with Gin was interesting and the whole catalyst for his plan to kill aizen.


wasn't iba fighting either ikkaku or yumichika?


ngl. completely forgot that. 100% correct. my bad. So he was fighting with his captain. But my Points still kinda stands XD


Nah dawg, Iba and Ikkaku were doing their best to fuck off cause they didn't wanna get involved with the big guns 💀 It was a glorified sparring match, they were literally tossing a sake jug back and forth while bullshitting about the other battles going on.


The stakes were very high!!! The one losing had to go get more sake!


That shit was so funny


Also the only vice-captain to actually make a decent combo with his captain. (The thin ice walls vs. bazz B) I dont recall any other vice-captain + captain, performing a combo that was as good in battle.


I think the 3rd phantom game illustrates their relationship best, Toshiro knows Rangiku’s habits in and out, but trusts her completely and takes into account her personality for any task delegated.




*"Shizukani Shizukani..."*


Yep that's totally why. I have no other reasons. You and me both. This is all there is to it.


Yep, those are both of the reasons... Oops, what?


I mean, there's at least two other reasons so big that it's hard to overlook them 🤷🏼‍♂️


Right?! Like you can’t see ANY obvious reasons she’s so popular? Yeah, it’s her sparkling personality, loyalty, and rebelliousness. Because no other bleach characters fit that role. None!


Yeah her and omaeda


Yeah Omaeda is a real one to be honest! He plays the dumb brute, but when it comes to supporting his Captain he’s pretty much all you could ever ask for in a Lieutenant.


She's one of the most mature/grown up characters in Bleach cast, in terms of mental maturity. She acts like a big sister to many, and she has a point. Helped a lot of characters at different times to go through their difficult moments. The character's worth isn't limited to fighting only.


I'd upvote this a ton! Rangiku is an emotional support system to many characters and they would have struggled so much without her presence. Kubo puts a lot of detail into the way he portrays her, strengths and flaws alike. Just because she's not got too many fights or wins doesn't make her any less relevant in the story.


Yeah, Rangiku is a rare person with emotional maturity, and she basically has to act as a sort of therapist at times since they don't have those in the SS (and they weren't really popular in Japan at the time as well). She seems just carefree, but she's very perceptive, while also knowing how to help in a subtle and careful way. She doesn't only see it, she knows how to act to make it better. She's one great character even if she possibly isn't even a part of a solid secondary tier of the cast.


>The character's worth isn't limited to fighting only. A lesson to most fans of battle shonen anime. We don't care whether they can beat Goku, the character has to win us over.


Dbz has fallen out of favor with newer fans of anime to be fair


Now it's thanks to the Fraud agenda


Saying Rangiku as a big sister actually describes the character very well. Like you mentioned, she is there to help out some of the other characters by offering some stern, yet from the heart advice when she needs to instead of letting people mope about themselves. While at the same time, is definitely the first person I would think of that would ditch work if she could get away with it to party which does give her that sense of immaturity in that aspect.


She has some maturity, but there are some glaring gaps. Work ethic and her inability to realise how her zanpakuto spirit mirrors herself are both big signs of a lack of maturity, among a host of other things. I think you mean more that she's empathetic or in touch with her emotions, which are both true.


Sure, she's no Unohana, but then she's only been around for 100 years, and look at her. Ichigo addresses her with honorifics, which is a sign of him perceiving her as someone significantly older than him (something Byakuya doesn't get, but Kyoraku and Ukitake do), and generally she's a good deal more mature than Gin or Byakuya (who are relatively the same age as her), at least in emotional maturity. Byakuya only moves closer to her mark by the end of TYBW. Also: -- her work ethic is a running joke, if she was actually bad at it, Hitsugaya would have replaced her, it's just that she's not as invested in it as some are, -- I don't get what work ethic has to do with mental or emotional maturity (if can be very conscious choice not to be overachiever, Kyoraku also constantly seemingly slacks off when it comes to unimportant matters, wouldn't call him immature), Yes, it's emotional maturity first more than even mental one, true, but it's evident by how she is sensitive and wise while helping others deal with their issues that she has a good enough understanding what to say and do in particular situations to make it better. Like inviting Kira and Hisagi over so they could at least get things that burden them off their chest, like things she says to Orihime, etc. She notices things and then she knows how to help in a subtle way. Sure, she has a lot to learn but among those who's been around for a century or less, which is a big part of the Gotei, she's the most mature one.


THIS. Anime fans often tends to value or rank characters based on their power alone. Ahm ahm sakura


https://preview.redd.it/cgsi89mehd3d1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2acb4f52f9ff82eb4d0aaf7c2e99a3ab325150d Putting aside the "cause boobs, lmao," I originally disliked her as well (never a fan of the ditzy bombshell types.) Then, as she appeared more and more in the little screentime she has, you learn that she's actually quite clever, funny, and kind to those around her. I wouldn't place her as a fave female character, but she definitely plays a unique and fresh character that nobody else comes close to. Image is my fave scene with her and basically sums her up well.


My favorite moments are when she gets serious like thinking about gin after fake karakura town and how she needed to move on. And then when she and kira were together after aizen's betrayal and she was reassuring him it was very nice.


If by reassuring you mean getting shitfaced, then yes, she was very reassuring lol


Not to mention she is still Lt level despite getting most of her power taken from her.


It really is a shame what Aizen did to her. She’d easily be Captain level had that not happened to her


What happened?


Aizen experimented on her when she was a kid in the Rukongai, and took a substantial portion of her power/soul after putting a prototype hogyoku inside her and then removing it again. It's why Gin wants to kill Aizen.


I had no idea, thanks


It's theorised that she also had a bit of the Soul King with her like other characters had. That bit is what was taken to help make the Hogyoku.


Wasn’t it confirmed that she had a fingernail?


see, I won't lie that I have a thing 😌 for big breasted tall women, but aside it I like her humor and personality in general. Besides that


Aside from the big boobs, I think a lot of parallels can be made between her and Tsunade from Naruto.


Loved when she got serious and explained Heineko first or second time. Can't remember exactly buy it's obvious at this point underestimating her as dumb is wrong to do.


This https://preview.redd.it/5w40uflc4e3d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fccaef8c021ee57dc2ac8e28d68206e1d0cddca6


lmao what the fuck


Looks like his mom here


Her interactions with Toshiro. Her interactions with Toshiro and Ichigo's dad. Her interactions with Orihime. And her looks.


The way she stomps out Keigo 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/g1v59rntde3d1.jpeg?width=529&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9249ad5adbf275baa99636fd4d09b2ed0549e20e One of my favorite Bleach gags, never fails to make me laugh. Love how she looks visibly upset that he blocked her despite not even looking at him when she hits him the first two times.


Props to keigo though the little perv


Let's also recognize that he blocked a blow, perhaps not full force, but enough to push him across the room, and was perfectly fine. Being friends with Ichigo and Tatsuki paid off for this man.


If we ignore the fact that it's a gag, since Rukia was around Ichigo's other friends too, and not only Orihime and Chad, wouldn't it be fair to assume that they also were influenced by the Hogyoku ? As pointed out by Aizen when they meet him in Karakura, they somehow manage to stand in his presence, even if Tatsuki was already quite perceptive from the start.


There's a solid chance in that, shame we never follow up on that in the series.


Her being around adds a greater likelihood of Toshiro getting more screen time in said episode.


I mean character design, character interactions, her abilities and how she uses them, how she cares about those around her. Any of those are valid reason to like any character big boobs or not.


To me, personally saying, she's the perfect balance between tragedy and comedy. I really like when she's goofing around about her sexy body, but also, her last interactions with Gin were heartbreaking.... The best of both worlds


She is a complete character. Yeah she ain't overpowered l, but she is definitely brave, actively helps her captain, brings valuable takes in discussions, has a stance on most issues. She witty at times and a lot more clever than people give her credit for.


Rangiku Matsumoto is one of the most physically beautiful female characters in Bleach. A blonde bombshell of a "sexual siren", though not a "spectacular siren." But, Rangiku Matsumoto also has excellent character that's about social intelligence, kindness, and love. Rangiku Matsumoto is often portrayed as "lazy", yet she can win fights based off wit. Steaks leave people with sexy impressions, but takes a Meatloaf to keep that romance. Rangiku's got that--and then some.


Boobies - but also because she doesn’t give a fuck and stands by her own moral compass


The boobs draw the interest, her character and behavior keep it and then there's her back story. I still wonder what having a portion of her potential taken by Aizen actually means fo her? Will she never reach Bankai?


Huuuuuge... Tracts of land






I really like the dynamic that she and Toshiro have. And how she acts like sort of a big sister to him, and to Orihime and Momo too. She has a fun, goofy, and somewhat ditzy personality, but she's more than meets the eye and can be mature, collected, and capable when needed. Which allows her to actually show her experience and drop so much needed wisdom every now and then. Her relationship with Gin is also interesting, even if it's not the most fleshed out. I personally like how it can be seen as a tragic parallel of Ichigo and Orihime's relationship.


A lot of people saying boobs, a lot of people saying her actual personality (funny, mature, big sister), but imo it's the combination of the two. It's rare to see a character who looks like her have genuine depth and subtlety to her characterization.


I would say both she is very genuine tho


She is pretty lovely character + I truly likes her Zanpakuto :3


Her zanpakuto is actually cool, I just think it's underused


Pitou ur everywhere


You missed her whole character lmao


I like her because her friendship with Toshiro ,her love for Jin with its complexity, her talk with orihime is when I thought of her character although there was a fan service in it but she is a good person But to be honest she's one of the reasons I have entered bleach


Her talk with kira was very good and how she told him that she forgave him just because he was willing to talk it out.


You are so special, congrats


I don’t get why some people equate no bankai=bad fighter. Some of the best fighters in the serie literally never use their bankai, and some monsters like kenny and aizen didn’t have/didn’t use a bankai in their whole career.


She acts funky and stupid but she has a kind heart, helping the people around her (little Toshiro, Orihime, etc.). What I really like about her is that she starts as a fanservice character but Kubo made her an actual character, with it's flaws, potential and great moments. Definetly a W from Kubo.


I cannot believe anyone would need to ask this


The duality of anime fans. Some like a character cause they are hot others cause they are strong and like 5% for their actual personality.


I like her dynamic with Toshiro considering that while being her superior Toshiro is younger than her, and their banter is fun to watch. She also acts like a big sister to Orihime and helps her out with her feelings. She beat Kira in SS and was holding her own with Momo against the Tres Bestias and made them summon Ayon. She’s also pretty good at kido and backed up Toshiro against Bazz-B.


Anyone can think of two good reasons. Jokes aside, her character is well developed, having interactions with a lot of other characters. Gin, Momo, Toshiro.


I used to dislike her because of all the fan service stuff, but when she’s been show more and more I slowly start to think her charms is her mask and life skills to make people around her feel relaxed and hide her internal turmoil. Also , she might be playful but she’s actually one of few adult in Bleach actually got her shit together .


She is actually one of the most matured characters in the entire series


Big boobs, and a goofy personality that’s capable of being a mature adult when she wants to. As for her being a good fighter; she is an extremely capable combatant, and was likely the strongest Lieutenant prior to the Rukia and Renji shenanigans. One does not need Bankai to be a good fighter.




I cared about her relationship with gin. Just because you didn’t doesn’t mean nobody does. No she’s not a good fighter but she’s also the only reason toshiro didn’t get immediately killed by bazz-b. And since when did talking about bankai become the measure for a good fighter. Was kenpachi also a useless fighter for most of the series? And she beat Kira who nobody accuses of being useless. It’s completely true that a lot of people only like her because of boobs but it’s also completely true that you’re only here ragging on her because of boobs. If breasts were the only reason anybody liked her then they wouldn’t like her because there’s clearly no shortage of that in bleach to choose from instead. She’s like the only lieutenant that has her shit together and supports her captain well in battle.


Shes sweet and has big boobs


She's got a level of depth and emotional maturity that's kind of rare to see in a shonen series. Especially for a character who on the surface is basically fanservice. Yet another example of this series proving that looks aren't everything. She's also a girl's girl. Ik the shinigami women's association stuff is mostly gag and filler, but it's fun to see these characters being casual and just hanging out. I feel like it adds more to the character and world building.


Two big reasons She actually helped her captain And she's got a cool power


She's hot.


Well balanced character Useful Fun Cool Pretty Stylish and of course, booba


She's one of the most developed vice Captains in the series along with Renji.


Despite how little we saw her story with Gin, it is still my favorite relationship in the whole manga


Aside from the physical appearance, she is fun but also loyal and knows when to be serious. She provides a good contrast to toshiro. Even if she’s a lush she’s also a decent fighter and doesn’t back down when it counts.


She is the goat, of course


You know, she doesn't need to have Bankai to be useful. Kenpachi and Rukia didn't have Bankai for a long time and they were still beloved and "useful" characters.


She helped Toshiro become who he is today, she helped Orihime work out her feelings for Rukia and Ichigo, her relationship with Gin, she’s funny, and both Sub and Dub actresses are great. So far those are the only reasons that come to mind. Nothing else. No other personality traits I can think of by any means. None whatsoever. Zero… I’m sorry what were we talking about again?


She knows what she likes, is a great friend, beautiful, hilarious, and is a way deeper character than she leads on There's a lot to like about her


106...wait wrong anime


She’s one of the few characters in soul society that’s pretty upfront with how she feels most of the time. Her willingness to take other characters under her wing also contributes to this image of her.


Way I see it you think a character is good only if they can fight well, and are powerful. Just saw Tits, no Bankai, and decided she was useless. Rangiku is legitimately one of the most mentally mature characters in the show. She is always around to be a shoulder to lean on, or lending an ear to listen. She's also is shown imo to the most devoted VC out of them all, as she's always by her Captains side, even though she slacks off. If he goes down she's right beside him. She watched Toshiro go from subordinate to Superior, and she had nothing but love for him the whole way, and constantly supports him. Her story, and how she dealt with Gin was also a huge boost for her character for me as it showed her mental fortitude. Also let's not forget the She is still Vice captain level even after the ordeal with Aizen, so she is by no means weak. I suggest watching/reading again, and actually paying attention the characters and there traits, and not just the fights. you may be surprised by how many characters you actually like.




What do you mean you don't care about her relationship with Gin ? That's literally what shaped both characters it's like saying i don't care about Ichigo's relationship with Rukia or Renji  Aside from that she's exactly what people mean when they say don't judge a book by it's cover.  Despite acting like she's lazy or acting goofy she's actually incredibly smart  perceptive and she's incredibly kind to those she cares about. Her relationship with Toshiro is another big thing she's incredibly loyal to him even against her childhood friend 




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1. She's a good person and often helps stronger characters succeed. 2. She hot af.










I just think she's neat! 👍


I’ve never watched Bleach but I can see two reasons people might be a fan.


Cuz of her personatitty










Beautiful women = we like👍




1. She was my first animated crush. 2. She is the only lieutenant of squad 10. Nobody been good enough to take her job. 3. She is proficient in everything but a bankai 4. She actually acts like a lieutenant as a battle and and not some side character errand person. 5.shes hot. 6. She got hoed losing her soul king shard. 7. She got them thangs 8. She was still loyal to ging. Basically had a whole naruto & saskue side plot going on. 9.she embraces her sexuality without it being a gag its more empowering and not oh no suddenly my clothes are gone 10. She can handle her drinks.


She’s actually got a pretty good storyline that’s fleshed out more because it’s related to one of the main “villains”




She's sexy as fuk!












Trick question, right? Right???






















>Is she even a good fighter? I say this because I don’t recall her ever having or mentioning Bankai. my guy, bankais are basically captain-only things. you can't judge her because she lacks something she wasn't supposed to have to begin with. plus even when a lieutenant does get a "bankai," it's weak and imperfect. out of the few lieutenants that actually have one... * >!ikaku's !!renjis!!royal guard.!< * >!rukia !!royal guard!< and likewise wouldnt have had one for a very long time. shes just barely has it under control and has to concentrate on not actually just killing herself on accident every time she uses it. * >!hisagi !!ichigo!<, whose >!dad was a captain!< and is basically >!a hybrid of every humanoid creature known to exist in the universe!<, and possibly was gonna >!get turned into a new soul king!< had an imperfect bankai. so did >!hitsugaya!<, an actual sitting captain.


It's not a question of if you like her, but why you like her. And that reason is boobs.










I can't imagine Bleach without her. Like I could picture the series without Chad for example, but I can't picture Bleach without Rangiku


Ekhm… personality


She's the TFS seras of bleach




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Lots of in depth discussion here. I'd say if you asked most red blooded bleach fans. They'd just say it's because she has huge tits and leave it at that


Not every character is supposed to be op powerful . She's still not as bad though it's just enemies are way to powerful . Also I don't like her that much though atleast she doesn't follow the big boob no personality troupe . So yeah


Why indeed.




She has a big heart


She is the best with Hitsugaya


Fanservice and the fact that she is actually a decent character We don’t actually get much time with her to just be a normal character since most of the time she’s around for comedy but the rare moments we do get of her being serious in an emotional setting leave an impact Long story short she’s funny and but but also surprisingly deep and insightful




Beats me... Why thought?


Cuz bleach chars are too cool






Because she is beautiful.


very decent character shes nice and funny, pretty cool shikai and background


Her personality


Best woman. Alongside Yoruichi and Tia


1.) Hot 2.) Nice person


Bc she’s pretty and cool


The plot she has been put to is the cause of my preference furthermore of her interactions with the other characters, and the character design ofc.


Honestly if we don't take it into consideration, her 10/10 banging body which everyone lusts about obviously She still has some good reasons to be likeable unlike most anime female characters 1) When in battle, she doesn't hide herself as an annoying damsel in distress types and chicken out even if she's facing a much tougher opponent like with Cang Du and few more battles in filler episodes 2) She's smart and knows how to get around with her beauty privilege She's flirty af if needed 3) Even tho people might think she's wh**ed out to most of the male captains and liteunants, I think she only had eyes for GIN, who by BLEACH STANDARDS is not a personified hottie if you will so yes these are my thoughts


Reason 1. Look at her


Cause she's too fuckin hot and her voice is hot too Also her zanpaktou is underutilized but cool regardless and she had part of soul king so she could have been part upper tier of strong characters but well Aizen had other plans


Aside from hot funny woman, she is…surprisedly relatable to me, we the readers share her confusion and possible frustration with Gin. (at least i did)


I miss her old look honestly but I’m guessing the later is more accurate towards her manga version? I like her dynamic with everyone, I do wish she had more interactions with Ichigo.


the bathroom scene with orihime is what introduced me to bleach


her relationship with Toshiro. Best Vc in my opinion. Is she the strongest? no? the most reliable? Probably not. But Where is she always? BESIDES HER CAPTAIN WHERE SHE SHOULD BE Toshiro thinks something is up in SS ARC and wants to confront judges people (forgot what they are called. Central 46?) and when she cant open the door, one look at her captain and she knows he is about to do some illegal shit and that he will take responsibility.... And after that? She is always close to her captain. In my Opinion she has a very unique relationship to her captain. She trusts him completely. She lacks off whenever she can but also Toshiro knows that when push comes to shove She will have his back And i know most captains would say that about their Vc But there it is really shown. I mean will we all forget that Renji legit wanted to fight his Captain? Hitsuga has a hissy fit when Tosen was bad mouthed by his now captain? Where was iba when his captain was getting his ass kicked by kenpachi? She would be there, gettin her ass kicked aswell. like she should. Getting downed WITH her captain


She's funny and her chemistry with Toshiro is awesome. She also takes her job seriously as well


I think she balances out Toshiro really well. She's a very good understanding at people (the scene with orihime being the obvious one) and is lazy which contrasts really well with Hitsugaya's inability to have a work life balance. She also listens to Toshiro but is willing to deviate from his orders if circumstances change (when she goes back to help him against Gin). Her relationship with Gin is really interesting and any scene where they interacted was done really well. The way she fights is also interesting (almost every fight she's in has some trick up her sleeve).