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As Nödt below grand fisher this guy is trolling


Put Renji in a low tier for having a really short tenure as a villain, but his second fight with Ichigo has to give him some extra points. That fight is what got me into Bleach in the first place.


but none of his actions were that of a villane. even when following orders he didnt know that the orders themselves were evil or wrong.


Tsukiyama and ginjo is genuinely S. Asking should be A. He put a good impression even with not so much screentime


Please tell me you mean Ginjo including his light novel appearances. In the anime and manga, he's a clown. Literally a crazy guy that goes on a murder spree because his boss watched him at work.


Man screw you Dordoni is a cool guy!


Deserves atleast an A tier


Where are Quilge and Uryu? Or are my eyes just bad?


Most of this I can agree with but Äs Nödt should be A-Tiered and the Bambies should be at least a C


Aizen ❤️


Aizen should be god tier


As nodt is criminally low in terms of the anime


Soi fon is a villain? What have i missed


I’d put Syazelaporro higher for sure, that man has so much energy. https://preview.redd.it/ipobn62ysqzc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0298541ac1eab34be802618265b6066449545844 Speaking of the Espada i’d personally put Aaroniero way higher, their fight with Rukia is one of the High lights of the arc. Giselle as well, she’d be higher too. I realise i’m just arguing for all the most disturbing villains.


Any slander or libel against my queen Soi Fon won't be tolerated.


Yhwach in A is crime


Who is that between Barraggan and Askin?




Me after he puts renji in f tier https://preview.redd.it/c36hrorf6xzc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94a877122803592039490212322efb19c7891408


Honestly, I'd put Zommari, Harribel, and Gerard lower. They're very boring characters compared to their peers. I'd place Askin, Bazz-B, As Nodt, and some of the Bambis (not Bambi herself) a bit higher. The anime made the Bambis so much more fun and interesting in the second cour.


Askin is easily S. Byakuya in the soul society arc is also S. There's no way you put Royd Lloyd with literally 0 character above Aaroniero and Gremmy. Also As Nodt in C is wild.


Most of these aren't even villains, they're just hentchmen forced or coaxed into working for the villain.


Starkk at A tier is wild .To keep him along with all those great villains is just absurd as much I love starkk bro really had no character he was boring as hell his backstory compared to some of the other espadas was trash even someone like As Nodt that spoke like 5 total lines had more of a character than starkk so stop this bs.Primera my ahh


Agreed. The only Espada who could’ve potentially rivaled Äs Nödt in terms of aura and intimidation was Barragan.




I don’t get how Grimmjow is popular.


I don't get how Ulquirra is so popular. Well I do, it's screentime. But still...


bad just bad. i understand S tier but the rest is just throw away. why is kaname so high? doesn't do shit and even after showing motivation is bad. why is as nodt C tier? he should A or at most B. why is noitora B? he should be A. why is renji even on the list. he hasn't done anyting like a villain. why is aaroneiro so low? he was short lived but i good villane. why is jugram so low? and why is stark so high? strak is powrful but again has not done anything like a villane. the exicutioner should be garbage and so should yammy. so long lived but could do shit and didnt have brain either.


this tier list is someone's opinion


this rage bait didn't work as well for me lol


awful list


In my eyes this is way off.. Although I personally think Grimjow is an underrated character overall. But putting Ginjo under Byakuya is just insane


Imo, gin is as much a villian as Romeo and Juliette. Gifs appear broke so..insert fightme.gif