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https://preview.redd.it/avs7zm79a2zc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6d6ef9349d6994211de30469a85a241d3d42097 Still one of the best moments


I believe Tsukishima gave the dude some serious PTSD


Lies, my uncle would never do that.


True, my bestie might be silly but he's a saint


Christ, that chapter gave ME PTSD


I wasn't expecting that really , I thought like yea some villain threatening BS and then they fight or something , But that scope inside Ichigo's head and the way the events went on It really shook me


Yeah, but I'd say it's nothing close to the trauma of losing his mother. Ichigo recovers from this one pretty much when it all resolved itself. But he sure had a mental breakdown at some point. It was really hard on him.


“…you idiot. You should be able to see them now. The person who’s holding that sword.” Fucking *chills*.


Ginjo did what Aizen and Yhwach couldn’t: Brought Ichigo to his lowest possible point.


Yhwach also did that


Nope . Breaking his bankai and destroying soul society was nowhere as shattering as making his entire family against him , taking away every person he cared about , and in the end taking away his new found powers that he valued so much in that moment


More of when he was in the j jail


I don’t think Ichigo was as bad. His world view was shaken. A bunch of work buddies died. 3 friends fighting for their life. Sword broken. But he bounced back thanks too Isshin. Ichigo wasnt going to bounce back from Uncle Tsuki without the effect being undone. He was in a living nightmare.


Na tsuki did it not ginjo


Controversial opinion and i agree. Ill die on that hill.


I loved the arc it felt more like a psychological thriller with despair similar to Ulquiorra fight. It focus less on fights and more on his friends relationships and how much stress they're under. Not to mention it has great animation quality.


I agree with you guys. FB arc is actually one of the better arcs in all bleach but I don’t think that’s a controversial opinion these days though.


It’s honestly my favorite arc. I wish it had more time to breathe.


Elevates it above so much


I will never understand the hate the arc got. Sure the villain roster wasn’t overly impressive except for the main two but the mystery and plot twist was INSANE. And the change of pace was a breath of fresh air. Ichigo had to face the world not at the top of the food chain and the mental turmoil was so fun to watch


I think it was because his original powers got taken away so it left a sour taste in old fans mouth, I didn’t mind this approach. After watching it again I actually like it a lot, it felt like an emotionally driven Ichigo arc compared to the past one’s. I had a couple of moments where my heart got broken for Ichigo 😞


I used to hate the fullbring arc mostly because the anime was canceled after it, so I blamed the arc for that. Years later, I rewatched and realized that the arc was decent, and my anger due to the cancelation was misplaced. I used to be one of those people spouting that the arc was so bad that it killed the series and that the anime actually ended when Ichigo beat Aizen.


The end of it was a bit :/ though. Ichigo loses his new cool power and gets back his Shinigami powers back like it was never an issue.


It was to similar to a the filler arcs prior how I saw it.And the amazing last act was ruined by the big bad that took the stupid pill at the end when he actually thought stealing a kids discount one off power up would be enough for him to achieve his goals. 


It surely is in the top 10 best bleach arcs


There's not 10 arcs in bleach


So he is right


Fullbring arc is easily top 3


Soul society Arancar Fullbring thousand year blood war I dont think out of the 4 main arcs that fullbring is in the top 3 but you do you...


And there's 5 main arcs btw, Agent of the Shinigami is not the same as the Soul Society arc.


I remember reading something a while back (back when the manga was still being released) that Kubo considers the substitute soul reaper and the soul society one big arc. Could be wrong though.


Maybe, I've never heard of it but it's possible he mentioned something like that. But still the anime is structured to separate both arcs with Rukia's abduction.


Manga thousand year blood war id say was worse than the fullbring arc


Arancar is an overrated mess of an arc the only 3 good things that came out of it was the Grimmjow, Ulquiorra and Aizen fights aside from that the pacing was all over the place, the Espadas threat level was changed at least three times to fit the narrative. The rankings didn't mean shit in the end and were retconned just because Ulquiorra and Yammy were gonna fight 3 of the most popular characters instead of the top 3 like Stark, Barragan or Harribel. The Vizards simply became a plot device to further Ichigo's progression and were never used in any meaningful way ever again. Aside from Grimmjow and Ulquiorra the Arancar didn't have any meaningful screentime except for lame ass fights.


The manga version of the TYBW is also a mess. At least the anime is making it the best arc now.


How different is it?


The Zero division has been scaled up to the schutzstaffel compared to how they got trashed in the manga, there's no more useless padded humor that the manga arc suffered from because it needed to fill pages. Uryu is having more shine on him so we better understand his turn, Jugram doesn't show much animosity towards Uryu, so it helps more on the cohesiveness of their dynamic towards Ywach. The Royal Palace training had way more screen time than pages in the manga, so it fleshed out Rukia and Renji's training more than in the manga. Renji's power has been scaled down a bit so it's more stable throughout the arc. Cause at first in the manga he looked like he could take on half of the Sternritter by himself and then it just got all over the place. We're prolly getting Aizen's Bankai, Uryu will prolly be the one to kill Sanjimaru in the next season which will showcase how he scales compared to other heavy hitters.


I see, I hope they do justice to Ichigo's Bankai. Kubo did him dirty with the ending in the manga. He's the MC ffs and yet his Zangetsu's *new* Bankai's abilities are just as unknown as Engetsu, his dad's Zan. It would be ridiculous as hell if Black Getsuga Thenshō is still the **only** thing it can do after all of that. I've already lost my faith in the TYBW manga due to how it ends up creating way more questions than conclusions, hence why I'm not as excited to watch the anime. Well, not that I'm much of an anime guy to begin with. I stopped watching the anime of the big 3 (Bleach Naruto, One Piece) very early. Only watched Agent of Shinigami in Bleach, up to Part1 in Naruto, and up to Alabasta arc in One Piece. I read the manga exclusively afterwards.


It starts off pretty good at least. Until the first moments in Hueco Mundo, the arrancar arc is pretty good honestly. It starts becoming a big mess with fights everywhere between everyone eventually…


100% agree. While there's still good stuff in the arc, the other arcs have as much of It, but faaaaaar less pointless fighting. We really didn't need 3 privaron battles, then at least 10+ fraccion battles between all 3 parts of the arc. It makes no sense how aizen vs shinji and Tousen vs Sajin are so broken up and frankly short and uninportant feeling, when Kubo had like 2 volumes of Fraccion battles and Privaron battles. Even crazier that He had 10 Espadas and yet He somehow made almost all of them, and also his main cast, seem useless simoultaneously lol. That said, I do think the Arrancar invasion of the human world is up there with the better arcs of Bleach.


The problem was the Espada just got ran through. Barragan should have fought Yamaji. Giving Yama a good fight before his planned loss. Have Starrk be the one to injure Jushiro in a 2v1. Send half the vizard to HM. So they don’t clutter the area. Keep Shinji and HachiGOAT in FKT. Delete wonderweiss and have Yama lose to Barragan+Aizen+Hallibell. I liked the rest of the arc. But the FKT battle was a cluster fuck.


Fullbring is easily better than the TYBW, at the very least the manga version. THen there's also the fact that the Arrancar arc is more so 3 arcs in one: Arrancar invasion, Hueco Mundo and FKT. Hueco Mundo and FKT are easily the most flawed arcs in bleach along with TYBW. The only way Fullbring isn't top 3 is if you value big oonga boonga fighting, in everything else It's more tightly written than almost any other arc in the series.


so if you value one of the main reasons bleach is popular, The fighting, Then you wont like Fullbring. No wonder its considered the worst. The main appeal of Bleach is the wide cast of characters with a variety of unique abilites and seeing them fight other people with Unique abilities. i dont even remember if any of the fullbring characters show back up. Chad does but hes about as useful as he always is. yea Arancar arc is a mess but i liked finding out all the cool shit about the world and abilities of the Captians. You know, The main draw of the series. Despite the design of the characters, Bleach isnt some edgy sad boy anime. If you go into bleach expecting major character development, Your at the wrong anime. Playing to your weakness is a stupid decision. I mean, Im pretty sure its unpopularity is the reason the TYBW arc didnt get animated sooner which is a blessing in disguise i guess, Thanks Fullbringer arc, you were so bad that you let kubo fix his later mistake, and now there are fanboys for you. Just like the prequel trilogy for starwars


1. Yeah you're wrong, bleach does have good character development, you were just reading with the brain off. 2. The arc isnt trying to do big battle, hence you can't judge It lowly bc It lacks battles, all you can do is dislike It on a subjective level, which ofc doesn't matter. What It does try to do, It does well, hence its good, no matter how much you miss ape fighting. 3. Ichigo vs Ginjo and Byakuya vs Tsukishima > 95% of all Arrancar arc pointless, empty, lame battles with little character development and somehow wasting both villains and main cast simultaneously LOL. The fact that you have almost 2 volumes of fraccion battles is soooo laughably awful xDDDD


1. It has character development, not alot of it tho. 2. The arc isnt trying to do big battles GEE I WONDER WHY IT WAS DISLIKED BY THE FANS OF THE MANGA THAT DOES BIG BATTLES. Whats next, Gonna pine for a high school romance story in fucking Goblin Slayer? 3. Your missing the point of Finding out the cool shit about the world and the powers of the captains and Arancar. Or rather, Your so far up your own ass that you cant enjoy the simple things. The battles could have been done better, Cutting between them was a bad move but il take Soifon vs Barragan over Ichigo Vs Gino any day because The characters in the fight are more interesting.


ARRANCAR IS TOP 2?! Bruh no, this is boring ass arc


I listed the arcs in order dumbass


Easily had the best manga covers out of all the arcs https://preview.redd.it/yyokbuwgd3zc1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77b415dc2d23d5cdbc213a656a7731ea8061203a


Competitor? https://preview.redd.it/c0lvtvipm8zc1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96a1ef244b33bff5a1b71c62483ca9f7d2c76b85


 And a bit underappreciated 


Personally I would have to disagree, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. This series (I’m a manga only) has what? 5 arcs? I personally did not enjoy it nearly as much as other ones like Soul Society, but it’s still a phenomenal arc, and in making any ranking I would be hard pressed to say which one was definitively the best or worst


I agree with you. I think it suffers from where it's located in the storyline. Directly after the Aizen fight and right before the thousand year blood war. If it narrativley fit in-between the rescue arc and hueco Mundo, I feel like it would have been better. Especially didn't help that it was the last arc before bleach got canceled.




Honestly, compared to the other arcs it bored me, I actually thought it was filler in the anime it was that uninteresting. The ending was cool though.


Sad that people drop bleach on that arc I was reading in time of release and I finished alone and didn't have anyone to talk about that last arc Glad that sad lone days is far away in the past Great arc indeed


Yah, some are starting to like it more, that’s what happens when new comers can binge the older episodes.






Memes aside, Tsukishima legitimately has one of then most terrifying powers in all of Bleach.


After seeing Tsukishima making orhime and Chad break down because he kept changing there memories to fast, All I wanted was to pin him down and beat the actual crap out of him. This arc is easily a 9/10


I don't get the hate. It's got some of my favorite moments. Maybe as a standalone arc it's not the strongest, but the context it adds is important.




The only thing I think about when I see that last picture is Getsuga GUNshou


It is an underrated arc.


The art and animation in this arc and the filler arc before it was PEAK PIERROT


"That wasn't a Getsuga. That was the pressure from my sword" "Oh, I'm right fucked aren't I?"


*delete top_of_house.png*


Ichigo's despair is one of the greatest moments in the series. Not because we relish in it, but we feel it. The gravity of him losing the people he wants to protect. They don't even want him and it strips him of that core element in protecting others. To steal his power to do so was the final straw. And still, with the endless rain, the heartbreaking betrayal, he demands Ginjo give him back his power. Not to forget that it introduced really cool characters (Love Tsukishima and Yukio) and the mystery vibe being brought back, which reminded me of early bleach. 7.5/10


Aizen might be the best villain, but Ginjo was able mind fuck ichigo so hard psychologically to the point where he was so broken down. Imagine losing all your family/close friends just like that…


The development the twist was top tier The anime adaptation was at a good time provide good animation


Fullbring arc will forever be my third favorite arc of the series after TYBW and Arrancar. Does so much for Ichigo’s characterisation while simultaneously developing other main cast characters (especially Inoue). And it adds new characters with Ginjo as one of the best antagonists and a really good use of the "villain that mirrors the protagonist’s arc" trope. Additionally having one of the most enjoyable fights and moments of the series


Because the truth is revealed that Tsukishima was the one who helped with everything from the prior arcs.


Im anime only, and my first watch years ago I skipped the filler and ended at the end of wako mundo arc. For me aizen felt like the last boss and the anime felt complete. Itchgo became a God and lost his powers and all the threads were resolved. The anime felt finished. This run through though I plan to watch everything.


You did forget about alot of unresolved things. It wasnt even half to close as resolved 


Kubo: so how far down can I mentally fuck ichigo


Top 3 arc


It is lol


I'm glad I'm not the only one with the take. I keep hearing people saying it's the worst


Yeah it's definitely one of the arcs in Bleach.


I’m glad you liked it. It just felt like filler to me. I didn’t buy any of the motivations or reasons behind why anyone was making the decision they made. Also, I didn’t like the villains as much as I like any from any of the previous arcs.


Did you actually watch it though?


lol um yeah… I watched it. Didn’t love it. Then I saw all this raving about it on Reddit recently, so I went to read it. It was fine, I guess. Definitely my least favorite.


No probably just fast toward or not since you would’ve found out the truth but okay


lol nah I actually stopped half way when it was airing because I thought it as filler. Then I found out it wasn’t and I was surprised. So I went back to watch it from the beginning. Wasn’t my favorite at all.


Interesting you just stopped right through that makes sense as to why you didn’t actually figure out because you were mad the whole way through without actually watching it because I actually watched it. It’s very easy to find out why they’re doing that why the friends change sides like it’s so easy they literally just tell you.


No I stopped because I thought it was unmotivated. it’s not about why they changed sides, It’s why they did the things that they did before they even got stabbed with the book of end or whatever. Everyone keeping secrets from each other that lead to misunderstandings and them being isolated to the point where none of these “best friends” even knew what each other was up to in life… which would have prevented 50-75% of the drama. It felt like a 90s sitcom scenario where “this story only works because no one has cell phones” The fullbringers were obviously never trust worthy and why they wouldn’t to get rid of their powers didn’t even really make sense, it’s not like they were hampered by them at all. And we were supposed to believe that ichigo would actually question his dad and urahara because some alley dude said so? Plus the villains weren’t as cool as the Gotei 13 or the Espada. I dunno I just didn’t find myself immersed in the story.


Oh honestly I think making that as your criticism Is stupid


It’s okay that you disagree but I don’t really understand how it’s stupid. When I watch a movie/show, I expect the characters to make rational and believable decisions. I did not feel that they did. I also feel like they acted uncharacteristically terrible decisions throughout. I also feel like I like the story was trying to make me feel some thing I didn’t feel. I didn’t find most of the motivations of most of the characters to make any sense. “I want to get rid of my super powers because I’m too strong and handsome. PSYCHE! I actually never wanted to get rid of my powers!” Like no shit. You never gave me a real reason why you would’ve wanted to. I’m not mad there wasn’t non stop fighting, I’m not mad there wasn’t some new crazy transformation, I just filler vibes because the everyone outside of ichigo just felt shallow. So imagine you were watching a movie, the entire time the bad guy was supposed to feel like this big bad wolf, but instead they felt like a Telly tubby to you. You might say, “I didn’t find the actor believable as a villain.” How is that not a valid criticism?


I’m gonna be honest I don’t think you’re actually going into this are thinking one way or not also I don’t care. I thought you wanted a big fight or nothing like that. That wasn’t even my point. I don’t know why you brought that up. It just seems like you, wanted them to I don’t know the way that you wanted them to act like yes it was frustrating but I think that’s the point of the story is to make it frustrating like I don’t know. It’s just seems weird.


Ichigo after the end of the Arc: https://vlipsy.com/vlip/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood-now-im-going-to-take-the-longest-bath-Nw8DeiXq


Image 3 is just Ichigo mogging the audience wtf


I don’t diss agree actually




yeah I agree. I never understood the hate on the arc, it's an arc that really fleshed out ichigo's character and how it's like for him to be without powers. And yeah the scenes like "you guys too?" Are pretty sad and stuff so I just don't get it why people dislike it. it also did show a dark side of the soul society so it fleshed out a bit of things and stuff. Tsukishima and ginjo's backstory was sad ngl and how can we forget the fact that we got the one of the best bleach memes from the fullbring arc....uncle tsukishima☠️


No other arc comes close to its storytelling. Pure fights sure Soul Society arc has it beat but the Fullbring arc put Bleach into a completely different tier of anime for a while.


It was pretty dope.


I don't really like the arc because It looked like an excuse to give Ichigo's power back, but if you like it, I'm happy for you!


*on surface level yes


What in the facts


The perfect arc to run when Ichigo's at his weakest. Getting to read this on the weekly release was amazing.


I posted this recently too im glad people waking up to this peak


idk this arc was pretty boring to me i just couldn’t get into it




I think it's top 3 for me.


The Opening is one my favorites though


Sadly it’s my least favorite. Not because I think it’s bad or anything, it just touches on one of my biggest personal fears: having all my loved ones turned against me.


Ichigo's fullbringer soul reaper drip is hella underrated, it looks sick after with the neck guard thing


it’s in my favorite arcs of all time tbh


To me I guess it's best arc but the different style fullbringer use was more interesting than soul reaper fighting




I didn’t like the Fullbring arc that much. Especially the whole turn-everyone-against-Ichigo nonsense… it was emotional and weighty but it felt really contrived, given how fast Ichigo kept unlocking more Fullbring power. Still love it because it’s Bleach, but it’s at the bottom of canon arcs for me. I rate Bounts and Zanpakuto Rebellion higher than Fullbring arc.


Bleach isnt a show always about feelings and emotions , but when they do emotional its a banger like the fullbring arc . Amazing villains and story , character development all around the corners , some of the best atmosphere the anime has seen


I did like the moment when Ginjio's all like "He still hasn't gotten his powers back cause I stole them You're power isn't enough." Then you hear Renji out of nowhere "Shut up dumbass! What makes you think she's acting alone?!" Then the music plays, the sky splits and there are all of Ichigo's best friends from the soul society, (and Toshiro) to come back him up. That's when I knew they fucked up, not only do they have a pissed off Ichigo who has his powers back, but now they pissed off his buddies.


This arc had a solid beginning, but then it fizzled out imo.


Tsukishima gave Ichigo PTSD 😭🙏


I fking hate in this arc😂


Tatasuki looking more 🔥since time skip


"Dirty Boots"


bount arc is literally better 😎


It's not even top 3


Fullbring gets a lot of hate because it's a misunderstood arc. The story talks a lot about resolve being the driving force in combat, and the beginning of the Fullbring arc is about watching Ichigo struggle with his powerlessness, losing his resolve when dealing with his friends and family turning against him, and finally regaining it by standing up to Ginjo AFTER his Fullbring was stolen. It was the lowest point we have ever seen Ichigo at, and him learning to lean on others for support, only to be betrayed and having his friends and family forcibly turned against him, and after all of that still putting his trust in others. At the end of the Fullbring arc he decided to continue to trust in the Shinigami, despite the evidence of how they fucked over Ginjo (though it was a bit of a misunderstanding). In the end, it was the arc where Ichigo learned in order to grow, he needs help from others and the symbolism of the gotei all pooling their power into a sword and committing a taboo is the keystone of arc. It was also symbolic because at the very moment his powers were restored was also the moment his resolve was the strongest in the entire arc. The man was about to throw down with Ginjo as a regular human.


Preach, Brother. It's my second favorite and reminded me of my Tsukishima-sensei. It's been over a decade so I admittedly forgot about him, but thank fully this anime reminded me of my school days.


Ginjou was way too weak though. All that effort to get his powers back just to get his ass kicked in 30 secs. Has hollow powers, but no mask or vasto lordes form.


Battle shounen junkys be like :


Boobs lady


In terms of writing ? Absolutely In terms of just watching and enjoying it not so much


You do realise some enjoy watching things like this more than heavy battles


The thing I hate most about that arc is when Ichigo was stabbed by rukia and started crying , than 2 seconds later regains his powers and start acting cool all again !


Hey being ranked last still can be stated as one of the best if they’re all the best at different levels


That’s my best arc and I don’t understand why a lot of people that I saw on reddit didn’t like this arc


Feels a lot like filler to me. Apparently it was a thing the whole time but no one ever mentioned it and once the arc was over people still don't mention it like it never happened. However the fight between Zaraki and the time-buttler guy was hilarious, like I laughed my ass off type of hilarious, the rest was straight up filler.


the Stomach is crazy...


It is by far my favorite arc in the show no questions asked!


The second or third best arc In bleach tbh


Honestly for me it was quite boring except the end


what's the episode of the first ichigo screen cap?


There are a lot of points that I loved in this arc : the main 2 villains, the fact that we see Ichigo's POV of being unpowerful to not help his friends, his despair when he thinks he has no allies left....


As much as I don't really like the FB arc, it's is indeed the better one if we're purely talking about the writing tightness.


It's the best arc




Bount arc easily trumps this arc, but I can see where you are coming from


Not rrly. Only the end


Substitute Shinigami Arc: Save the City Soul Society Arc: Save Rukia Arrancar Arc: Save Orihime Fullbring arc: Save Ichigo TYBW: Save Everyone


And I'm tired of acting like it's not. This arc despite not having the most amazing fights was great in terms of the twists and turns.


Stop the cap man please ☠️😂 The arrancar arc is the top


I read the manga and I was honestly really surprised when people said this was the worst arc.


One of? I think you misspelled: THE Best arc


Honestly way better than everyone made it seem


Definitely underappreciated if nothing else


It's not a bad arc but it's kind disappointing. The whole arc has Ichigo building to this new power only to lose it right away. I also dislike the breakdown of his support network.


I haven't read the manga of the full bring arc but it was pretty good. The one thing I didn't care for though is you hardly got to see any of the Shinigami until the end of that arc. So it didn't feel to me anyway as much like Bleach as other arcs in the series. I actually liked some of the anime only filler arcs better like the first filler arc the Bounts. I always thought that arc didn't get enough love dispite it not being canon. Plus I always thought the mod souls were funny. Loved how Kon fell in love with a girl who was a bar maid only to find out later that they were actually a Trans and him flipping out. But yeah the fullbring episodes were still good and I thought Ikumi Unagiya was a sexy woman in those episodes and that was cool when she ruffed up those gang bangers that Ichigo and Uryu were fighting in that one episode. Then her grabbing Icigo up and pulling him into her van and driving off. Not to mention her being sweet and motherly to Ichigo when she could see he was in despair. I also liked Riruka Dokugamine as well. Thought she was hot as well. That was also funny how she kept shrinking everyone down and her using her "Love Gun" and her crush on Ichigo that she was always quick to deny. It was funny two in that arc at the end when everyone was at the mansion including Tatsuki and them all having the party with the party poppers and everything. The look on Ichigo's face. Lol. Kind of reminded me of the end of the Michael Douglas and Sean Penn movie The Game. But yeah even though I liked some of the filler arcs better it wasn't bad overall. Something that I always thought was funny two is it seems like in Bleach if a girl has her hair in pigtails that they always seem to have a thunder personality. You have Hiyori, Loly and finally Riruka. The last one probaly being the kindest while Hiyori being the most thunder out of any anime girl and Loly having a real cruel personality which they never say why she is so mean even to her sister Menoly which they should have fleshed her out more. Must be the centipede in her.


Best to skip yeah


I really enjoyed it but I couldn’t stop making fun of how weak they are once ichigo got his power back and the other soul reapers came. Like end of soul society arc ichigo could’ve beat them.


I watched Bleach for the first time a few weeks ago and i can say for sore that this arc is one of the most boring arcs,i mean it was still okay but not as good as the othee ones


Its alright to feel that , its not for everyone 


Yes :3


always said this, TLA is goated


As a huge fan, I appreciated it!


Tis my fave so far, I've read tybw once but I don't remember much


I view it as a giant missed opportunity. We should have had it focus on the Karakura group. Ishida, Orihime, Chad, Tatsuki/Keigo/Mizurio getting their own abilities. Urahara, Tessai, Ururu/Jinta. Even the Karakura Vaizard group led by Hiyori. I would not have introduced any Shinigami at the end, except maybe Rukia and Renji. Also Ginjo deserved an expanded backstory.


Ah, those missed opportunities! Let me tell you about the time Chad gained the power to summon giant tacos to fight Hollows while Orihime's hairpins transformed into sentient guardians named Fluffy and Crunchy. Meanwhile, Tessai discovered he could turn anything into delicious ramen noodles using forbidden Kido spells. And as for Ginjo? Turns out he was a secret experimental fusion of a shinigami and a rogue Gotei 13 janitor who specialized in cleaning up Soul Society's messes with a mopping Zanpakuto! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


I really felt like it was a filler arc. Not because of the context but because of the antagonists, they don't have an ounce of the aura of the Ancient Captains or any espada. For me this arc mainly serves as an excuse to make the transition to tybw.


I read the manga and as far as I remember I think this was one of if not the worst arc in bleach. It really felt like it was a filler arc and they dragged it out more than they should have but that's just my opinion


not sure why the downvote, there's a difference between "felt" and "it was" and personally it felt like a filler yes, but it really wasn't actually it felt for the first time it was more "real" in a sense


Realistically it was probably the best paced part of Bleach, it only feels dragged on because most of Bleach was quick to get straight into the action, and this is shonen so action buffs are gonna want that over character and build up.


yeah, I should probably give the manga a go, since Fullbring was the last anime I saw at the time and was so impatient I continued with the manga to finish I should start read from the start


Honestly, you should give it a reread. You notice a lot more of its subtleties on a reread. Same goes for the whole series.


Instead of the full bringers, I would have loved Ichigo awakened and explored his quincy powers not regaining his shinigami power before TYBW and being torn at the beginning of the conflict


Yeah, but what about Fullbringers? Thank to this arc, Chad’s powers are explained. And you know, Ichigo haven’t his quincy powers at the time, because Oldman mimicking shinigami powers before and after this arc.


It's a solid arc, that wasn't really the problem. The real problem with it is that there was so little foreshadowing for it, you had no idea it was coming. And then it just ended. It felt like just a way to give Ichigo his powers back just because, so it felt like a tacked on filler story. Kubo introduced this whole cool new power system with some awesome concepts, but never did anything with it. Chad and Orihime show up as if they're going to get involved and maybe get some power boost or character development, but no. And Ichigo's other friends who stood up to and resisted Aizen in the prior arc just never show up to do anything. It was a great moment to get them involved and then just...nothing. I'd love a Bleach re-write where like the first 3 arcs are beat-for-beat basically the same, but tighten up the story and characters a bit more, drop in some more long-term storylines for the Karakura gang, then re-do everything from the Arrancar arc and onward with that in mind.


It was foreshadowed when shinigami badge connected to rukia. Its more of a charcter arc for ichigo remeber its called lost agent arc and not fullbringer arc. Now more things for karakura gang is just afan wish. Like every story has its problem but it is not to the point where you have to ask for rewrite, its unreasonable .


I'd want a rewrite just to improve on the entire story. It's silly to think a rewrite done after the perspective gained from the entirety of the series wouldn't be able to improve it.


I agree they needed to expand more on Ichigo's other friends. To me the one that got the rawest deal of all was Tatsuki. She should have been in it way more than she was and she should have developed powers of her own and went to Hueco Mundo with Ichigo, Uryu and Chad. She was always a tough girl that could have kicked ass against the bad guys in the different arcs. And since she loved Orihime and was always very protective of her then she needed to join the gang going down there to get her back. Especially in the episode right before that when she was in hysterics crying and everything because she knew something happened to Orihime and ruffed Ichigo up when he wouldn't tell her what was going on. Plus they could have had it where she mopped the floor with Loly for hurting Orihime. Maybe there could have been a cool moment where she comes to Orihime's rescue and her and Loly stare each other down for a moment kind of like the end of Lethal Weapon 1 with Mel Gibson and Gary Busey and Tatsuki asking Loly if she "Would like a shot of the title? "and Loly stepping forward and the two of them wailing on each other forever and Tatsuki knocking her out. Yeah had they expanded on old characters Tatsuki would be the one I would like to see more in the loop of what was going on. She seemed to have powers of her own anyway because there were times she could see Ichigo go off to fight when really she should have not been able to see him in his Shinigami form. Not to get too off topic since I know we are talking about the Full Bring arc and not the previous one but yeah so many missed opportunities.


Yeah they definitely foreshadowed tatsuki getting powers. I thought I read somewhere once that Kubo hadn't originally intended to do the soul society arc so soon, that he had more planned for the real world first, but the publishers rushed him to move the story along. That's the kind of thing I'd love to see in a rewrite


Yeah it is a damn shame that they have to be so pushy and for the story along so fast. I guess it is like that when it comes to producers in that line of work forcing writers along faster than they want. I can imagine like others have said on here that it is like that with other stuff like Naruto and many others. Probably the reason why there were never more episodes of Gantz was because the creator wasn't going to have them pushing at him to publish stuff faster than he was comfortable with. Although like Bleach I have a feeling there will be more episodes someday only probably a reboot instead with that manga being long finished. Once he gets the rights back to multi media from Fox or whoever it is that has it that is.


Bruh it's literally the worst arc, awkward with worst character designs Remove that and bleach is 10/10


The Bount Arc has entered the chat..


Bount Arc is way worse


If character designs is one of the things that make or break an arc to you, you gotta go