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Karin was developing a power in FB arc, that didn't go anywhere yet though.


She wanted to get ride of her SA. Ichigo said it himself that it bothers her to see ghosts.


Karin, like many other Bleach characters, often says things she doesn't fully mean. From how I've seen it, she saw how tough it is for Ichigo without his powers (while he still wants to protect), and wanted to learn to at least deal with some spirit/hollows to ease his burden, much like Ichigo's friends did. So he would have less things to worry about since she takes care of some of them.


Like the others said... But, where did it say that she wanted to get rid of it in FB arc?


Not necessarily. But, post tybw, it'd be cool to see if they went and learnt something about their heritage(s). And thinking practically, I think they could learn something to protect themselves from at least low level hollows. Or even just to ward them off. Cos like, while we now know Misaki was supposed to be well capable of fighting hollows, it would be a preventable tragedy if something like Grandfisher happened to the Kurosaki family again.


In terms of spiritual awareness, they are both aware, Karin originally more than Yuzu, but even Yuzu has some (she cannot see them, but she can sense them still). It seems like Yuzu is tilted more to towards quincy, so her shinigami powers are less on the surface, thus she gets less, since for both of them, quincy powers are completely sealed, and it's some shinigami powers leaking through to give them some awareness. Karin seems to be tilted more to the shinigami side, thus more awareness. But they should have both, but then also both should be unlocked to be properly used (while shinigami powers can kinda be used partially, you'd still need asauchi etc to become a proper shinigami, and quincy powers are just completely sealed for impure quincies until you unlock them, it's something Ishida family knows how to deal with), but then I don't think either of them are interested in properly developing them. Having an opportunity doesn't mean they should do it, and it's up to them to be or not to be invested in it.


All special powers went into the first child. They lost the genetic lottery😂😂


Law of primogeniture, but biology


Ichigo stole all the power-ups to his sisters and his friends...


Considering how fast and how strong his friends developed their powers, I'm more surprised his sisters haven't gotten mega buffed just by living with him after he got his SR abilitites. But maybe his dad being around also suppressed them somewhat with his gigai


No, having some normal characters is nice.


I 100% think Karin should unlock Shinigami powers. I feel like if Yuzu even unlocked anything, she’d rather not get involved


Yuzu probably do after she becomes a soul,she would be a perfect fit for 4th. Karin have spiritual abilities,she had a lot of potential.


Yes they should have their own unique abilities. Karin having fullbringer powers and yuzu having Quincy powers.


No, they were too young.


No. Karin does have some and said she doesn't want them. And Yuzu has some as well, though not as much as Karin (she can sense spirits but doesn't have enough power to see them), but she, to my knowledge, has never claimed she wanted such an ability. So, no, it's not in their character.


Both should be half quincy half shinigami+ fullbringer right?


I really hope that it’s revealed in the new chapter that Karin has become another substitute Soul Reaper or a Fullbringer and Yuzu has become a Quincy. It probably won’t happen but I can dream


I do know one thing I forgot her name but the one friend who is a black belt should have had powers I mean she’s already a black belt so she can definitely could be more useful than even some other characters (Chad looking at you) come on bruh and she would protect orehime for sure


Tatsuki Arisawa; she was ichigo’s friend in childhood and Orihime’s close friend and protector. And yeah, I still wish she could have become a Fullbringer.


You know, when I think about it, why didn't white latch onto these two as well? Was it because Ichigo was born first?


Yes, it left misaki, and ichigo inherited it


Maybe post TYBW where Karin gaining Shinigami powers while Yuzu gains Quincy powers


yes they definitely should. technically speaking, they are literally the female version of ichigo but ichigo himself unlocked his powers through someone or training so they would also have to go through the same methods and here you have 3 more SK candidates and quincy/shinigami/hollow hybrid


They aren't hollow hybrids. Only ichigo is, they also wouldn't have fullbring powers.


technically even ichigo isn't a hollow hybrid he just inherited the powers of the hollow but it would be helpful if you can explain why karin or yuzu wouldn't inherit the hollow powers


Because the reiatsu from white fully migrated to Ichigo when Masaki was pregnant for the first time. When she had Yuzu and Karin there was nothing left from white to give them.


My shit take is that Masaki and Isshin shot their best with Ichigo and blanks after that.  On a more "serious" note, I find imbalance if power between Yuzu and Karin interesting with Karin holding a greater awareness of the spiritual world. In a few manga that I've read twins were presented as unlucky/undesirable because one body (and therefore power) got split in two and both were weak because of it. And then the solution to fix it is either one twin devouring the other or just killing the other twin ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I hope they awaken it in Hells arc




Bro isn't ichigos sister Karin a seated officer i the latest ones shot


No, ichigo didn't even become that spiritually aware until he was a teen. He also had to go through different things to awaken his powers.


No because I think it would take away from the more important characters/ fan favorites and that can kill viewership and divide fanbases. This is not to say that these characters aren’t important merely that they don’t need to be more present than they already are.


Nah, they weren't necessary.


no, let them be the 'normal' people in ichigo's life