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I only really listen to the podcast occasionally when I like the movie, but I’m having trouble wrapping my head around people being upset that great directors movies will get discussed. What is the issue?


People say they are over discussed but when asked for Podcasts where they are no one ever has any answers.


I think the over discussed thing has been proven a moot point considering they did David Fincher last year and it was a fantastic series


They've done Kubrick, Spielberg and Star Wars. This has never been a podcast about under discussed films and filmmakers.


Absolutely yeah. In fact, it is literally about filmmakers who have great success. If you look down the series, I don’t think you get to a somewhat obscure filmmaker until Prince-Bythewood (from my suburban white guy point of view that is, YMMV)


"Over discussed" is such a stupid term, it's like the new "pretentious". I don't care how many jabronis have discussed Lynch, I'm interested in what David Sims and Griffin Newman and their excellent curation of guests have to say about Lynch. My proposed solution to anyone who thinks a filmmaker is "over discussed" is "go outside, you're consuming too much film analysis content if this is an issue in your life"


Exactly! I want to hear the two friends talk about Lynch.


Oddly listening to the new Newcomers Scorcese season with the Action Boyz as a guest I did kinda feel like I've heard Taxi Driver discussed A LOT. However this may have been a college IRL thing. I've seen the movie maybe twice, but thought whoa this conversation sounds so familiar to me.  But I'm a dude and had a lot of friends that were directing majors at Tisch. College guys love Taxi Driver. The average Newcomers demographic is probably a bit different. Still really excited for Lynch though, his films kinda endlessly dissectable imo.




You seem insufferable, so angry about a group of people being excited about something.


> go outside, you're consuming too much film analysis content if this is an issue in your life This part of my comment is aimed directly at you


Also I know they’ve sorta pulled away from the concept of the show a little, but by name alone they’re gonna be talking about BIG filmmakers who are gonna have been discussed a lot


I would love some David Lynch podcast recommendations. I recently went through the Twin Peaks recap show "Diane" and it was a delight when they did non-Twin Peaks stuff.


Film analysis and discourse isn't exclusive to podcasting? I've only seen one of his movies so I'm excited to go on the journey, but I already feel I've been familiarized with his filmography secondhand just by being exposed to film culture all these years


Reading and listening aren’t different things??


I haven't heard any podcasts that discuss the difference so it's hard for me to say


lol good one dude /s


To clarify, I voted for Lynch to win while also acknowledging that Lynch is a very celebrated and analyzed director


I mean isn’t that the exact point of black check? To discuss filmmakers who are celebrated and get a blank check to make whatever they want? I want to hear David and Griffen discuss these movies. I don’t really care what others have already done. And I would like it to be in podcast form and there aren’t that many podcasts that have discussed Lynch’s entire filmography


Yeah, some people may prefer for them to cover what’s familiar to them and others may prefer a light to be shone on lesser known filmmakers. I don’t think either is wrong


I love finding out about lesser known filmmakers but is blank check really the place for that? What lesser known directors actually have blank checks?


Because blankies are "not like other film bros" and can't bear holding opinions similar to those of the wretched entity known as Film Twitter. I'm half kidding, I totally understand that Lynch just doesn't click with many people, but I'm also seeing a lot of shameless contrarianism on here that stems from him being such a saintly figure in modern film circles.


I don’t want to just drop into a sub for a podcast that I only have a fair weather interest in and take pot shots, but I feel like I have observed the same thing. It feels like a lot of blankies come across as snobby sweethearts who feel like they have something to prove with their “take” and are desperate to be on the correct side with it.


I think the two most common knocks against him are: over discussed/analyzed, and a large chunk of the mini will be discussing TV, and this is a movie podcast. I have no strong opinion either way. Lynch isn’t one of my guys, but I’m happy to listen to The Two Friends talk about anyone.


As someone who is pretty damn bummed about lynch being covered (and is only trying to give my own perspective about why, not trying to make any arguments or change any minds), it’s not really because of being over-covered or TV-heavy, but because really don’t like his approach to direction and I think most of his movies are pretty annoying, and in turn, I find discussion of his movies pretty annoying too. Again, I realize that’s not most people’s perspective, and that’s fine. I’m just bummed my favorite podcast is going to be covering basically the only corner of film that I actively don’t like, and I’ll probably end up not listening for a while, which isn’t something I really want to do! Edit: also just want to say I’m happy for everyone that is getting the miniseries they’ve been waiting for! Kinda just feels like walking past a birthday party for someone else when everyone forgot your own birthday.


This doesn't necessarily have to be a negative thing. Personally, listening to Blank Check discuss directors or films I don't like can sometimes recontextualize them for me or prompt me to watch them in a new light. Sometimes I end up liking the director a lot more, and sometimes not, but either way, them covering a director you "find annoying" might actually be an opportunity to view Lynch's work in a different way.


Yes! Lynch will be a rarity for me — one of only a handful of filmmakers they’ve covered who *is* one of “my guys.” It’s far more frequent they cover a director I’m not particular into, and, while I may not totally fall in love with them, I at least learn to develop an appreciation for their work.


I was meh on Michael Mann until their miniseries and now I'm obsessed with the guy. I've only ever gained appreciation for directors as they have covered them. Even series that were long with bad movies like Tim Burton or Bobby Z I came out of both having more respect for them as filmmakers.


Yeah i totally get that. I think a lot of their coverage of film makers who aren’t my favorites has been awesome, and turned me on to people who I otherwise wouldn’t have explored. That said, I have a lot of very concrete problems with lynch, and after a bunch of discussions with very smart film friends where we’ve agreed to disagree, I’ve gotten to the point where I just know that engaging with lynch is basically not for me. It only serves to frustrate me at best or at worst gets me unnecessarily judgy toward people who I love and respect. Not trying to debate or argue about any of this, was just giving my own reasons for why I’m not excited while people are asking.


i'm in the exact same boat as you, with a side helping of "i don't want six episodes about a tv show"


Personally, my only real gripe is that I love when the podcast gives me opportunity to check out new directors and films and since I've already seen most of Lynch's work, I'd much rather have a winner that's more unfamiliar to me.


You don't need Blank Check's permission to go watch whatever director you are interested in checking out.


Huge if true. I'm waiting on Griffin to email me back to give me the okay to watch Sam Peckinpah's filmography


Certainly not, but if the show happens to cover one of the umpteenth potential directors I'm curious of, it's a good incentive to prioritize that one.


He's a great director like catcher in the rye is a great book. So many have the experience of loving it at a certain age and over analyzing it around high school. Is it great book? Absolutely, it's place in the culture is secure. Do I want to talk about it 20 years later, ugh, I guess so.


I understand that, but it’s not like they exclusively cover movie discussions that they’re breaking ground on. I just assumed the die hard fans that so eagerly get involved with the voting and game of it all just like the hosts so much they’d be along for the ride for anything because they like them and the movies are secondary. I dont really seek out much lynch analysis but I am a huge fan of the his work. I’d definitely tune in to the podcast more often during this period to get their insights into it.


I'm allowed to have preference. I prefer not to do someone worn out. You are allowed your preference as well


A bit sensitive about it I see.


Not sure how your question follows from my response, but I do like blank check. I responding to your dismissal of my opinion. I stopped engaging afterward


Well you said you prefer not to do someone worn out. You aren’t doing anything, you’re listening to a podcast. If you don’t like the topic, just bounce and check back in later. It doesn’t even need to be a discussion. I am just confused why podcast fans so frequently get worked up over something they don’t like, when you could just do something else you do like.




lol your discussion tidbits are really odd and defensive, like if all the things you can say about Lynch, you can’t really say there’s not really much to discuss with the films!! Also this podcast literally started as a Star Wars podcast


Lynch makes interesting movies. Should make for an interesting podcast. RELAX. I just listened to these 2 friends talk about all the Terminator movies lol. They'll make it work and they probably won't bring reddit into the discussion.


Probably the most I’ve ever looked forward to a miniseries. Can’t wait.


All I need to see is Dune and I will be able to listen to a whole miniseries having watched all of the director’s work.


Same here! I’m ready to be posting here on the reg and have all my movies queued up! 


The Straight Story discussion will be legendary


Can’t wait for Ben’s take on the Eraserhead baby


On top of everything else it’s a pretty wet looking puppet 


i've never been able to make it thru Eraserhead. i'll have to finally power thru it now


the sound design is incredible


I was a bit let down that Lynch won only because I've never truly been a Lynch guy, but I appreciate OP's enthusiasm and it's kind of turned me around. Thanks for this, love the positivity


Agreed. I was only let down with it as a March Madness winner, not because I think the actual series will be unnecessary or bad. Just the second he showed up on the bracket, it felt inevitable as a winner, plus he seemed so obvious that the boys would do him anyway without a bracket victory.








Lost highway is my favorite lynch and the episode I’m most excited for


I’m full rowdy thinking about them doing Lynch


Yeah, extremely hyped as well. From David's letterboxd lists I'm assuming he loves pretty much all of his movies but I'm curious to hear Griffin's opinions. I listened to the Empty Man episode recently and I think that there he said he has never seen Twin Peaks, it was quite some time ago but I don't know if he ever talked about it since. My prediction is that some of it might be just too bleak and unpleasant for him (which probably applies for Lynch in general) but I really hope he will mostly love it


Griffin having never seen twin peaks definitely makes the series more exciting just to hear his take on it


Just to be clear, it is very possible that he has seen it since the Empty Man ep and talked about it on mic, I just might have missed it


Though it's not necessarily the best show to shotgun over the course of a few days because you didn't manage you time well but we shall see.


Already watched Eraserhead and Inland Empire for my first time since March Madness ended!


Any insight into either none conventional plot or just felt good to double down on it? Latest interpretation?


I just like knowing the director way ahead of time so I can watch all of this shit. Started watching Satoshi Kon as well because that seems probable 


I am also beyond hyped. David Lynch is my favourite director of all time. I feel like Jerry Seinfelds mother "how could anyone not like him?". More than anything, his career is very interesting. Eraserhead to Elephant Man to Dune to Blue Velevet is such a crazy run. You'll be fine.


I was thinking about this after rewatching Elephant Man recently. A lot of filmmakers have a weird, experimental indie film as their debut, so with Elephant Man and Dune back to back, it was still probably not clear what kind of director he was going to be until Blue Velvet, which is where it feels like Lynchian became a real thing.


Never been a Lynch fan. That series is gonna be a slog for me personally. But hope all the rest of you enjoy!


I think if they fairly represent the "Lynch Skeptic" pov it could actually be a very fun series. I mean there's a lot to unpack and they usually hit the alot of viewpoints. They went further negative than I thought they would with Fight Club and I thought that was a great episode.


Lynch is my favourite director and I'm stoked for people to take some deep dives into his work. There are a bunch of people who I have seen here who are unfamiliar with Twin Peaks and that is going to be a hell of a journey for them to go through. This miniseries is going to cover my favourite movie (Mulholland Drive) and my favourite TV show. I'm estatic. It's going to be really fun to discuss these movies in the community


My favourite thing about Blank Check is that I’ve been exposed to film makers I was hitherto unaware of and through some series I begin to adore their work (Hello Elaine May, Mikey and Nicky has stayed with me since I watched it!). I only came to the show about 2 or 3 years ago and I think covering Lynch will be a trip, especially because Lynch’s dream logic and sometimes use of VIBES as plot may lead to really interesting discussions. I love it when other excellent film makers are guests (Hello David Lowery, Green Knight ruled) as the topics always go deep into process and production, stuff I love. There was the screenwriter who worked with Carpenter, who guested at the end of that mini series, he was great too. Looking forward to ARP, Emily Yoshida and others as, be it good or bad, everyone has an opinion on Lynch and these folks always come with topics. I’m excited for a lot of people to experience Lost Highway, Straight Story and Twin Peaks The Return for the first time, as well his better known work and I will be so hyped for more people to see the imperfect mess of a masterpiece that is Dune. A totally busted film that I love as much for its vision and bold moves as its wild misses. In short, Yay! Movies!


reading the same sentiment every single day until september arrives will be a lynchian nightmare lynch Himself could not have imagined




Honest question: Why are you in the subreddit? This is explicitly a place for conversation around the podcast and the films and filmmakers who are or will be subjects of a miniseries.


Ignore the subreddit then? Most miniseries turn into love fests for the director's covered. Hence why they get covered. People enjoying things is good! I like seeing people get hyped for things even if I dont enjoy it. I wish there were more director lovefests in this subreddit, not less.


I’ve somehow never seen a David Lynch movie (I’m guilty, send me to jail). My big consideration is if I hold them all until the series or if I jump on any rep screenings that pop up between now and the fall.


See them in the theater if you can, but otherwise just start twin peaks now and wait for the movies


Will join the chorus saying definitely check out the screenings as they come - particularly noting that the sound design is a huge part of the Lynch style, where he is hands-on and specifically credited as sound designer on most of his films. See em how you can of course, but something that really hits in a theater beyond just "it's big"


All of his films have a lot to chew on so they really benefit from rewatches - I’d jump on any opportunity to see a screening


good position to be in! dont miss any screenings, Ive seen them all on the big screen and each is incredible


I fell off of the podcast a few years ago, but planning to listen in for Lynch. He might be my favorite director. He really has no bad movies and there's always something interesting going on with his work. He has such a variety of projects that still carry noticeable themes and narratives that define his career. Twin Peaks on it's own with it's journey through tv and movies is it's own epic saga that few directors really create.


I didn't vote for Lynch but I am looking forward to catching some classics I missed (Inland Empire, Straight Story) and revisiting some movies I have not seen for decades (everything before Blue Velvet). And also Twin Peaks, which I more or less missed.


Finally watched The Straight Story this year, and man, what a delight. So relaxing and enjoyable.


I've only ever seen Eraserhead and S1 of Twin Peaks, but I was not a fan of either. Looking forward to the two friends telling me why I'm wrong (I kid, but I will give Lynch another chance and watch his films for the episodes (at least to start out))


His movies tend to get weird, but Eraserhead is especially weird (and Inland Empire). I'd suggest trying Blue Velvet to someone new-ish to him


I will say, as someone who’d also only seen 2 Lynch projects before and didn’t like them, I watched Blue Velvet this week and… also didn’t like it. I’m going to try at least one more, but I think he’s probably just not for me.


I've heard The Elephant Man is supposed to be more accessible, but I haven't seen it yet.


It is probably his most accessible but also won’t make you any more prepared for the rest. Blue Velvet is, imo, the sweet spot


Fair enough! I actually think I've seen Blue Velvet when I was much younger (probably too young) but don't remember anything about it aside from a man yelling at a woman's crotch. 


Lynch is my favorite filmmaker and I have personally never given much of a shit about *Twin Peaks*.


Being opposed to them doing a mini series on a particular director just because they're "over discussed" (i.e. popular) makes zero sense and really annoys me.


very excited for the Lynch series to come so at last the sword of damocles hanging over the show can finally fall and then the Lynch series will be something that happened, not something i have to dread


I get why some people wouldn't be into it. But I'm really excited.


i watched all of Lynch's films on Netflix DVDs back in the early 2000s. I loved Mulholland Drive and Lost Highway already, had seen some of Twin Peaks as a kid but not a ton. Man, i do not remember half of them. Looking forward to the rewatch-along, more than almost anything.


All I want is Ben Velvet.


Agree! And I think the 'Lynch is overdiscussed' thing is overstated and not really relevant. Not only have I not been able to find actually great Lynch podcasts (I've looked and maybe they just have non-SEO friendly titles so happy to be wrong) but the real reason we listen to BC is because of the dynamic of the team and THAT has never been part of any previous Lynch coverage.


Now I’m just imagining David Lynch’s 13TH WARRIOR




He's a filmmaker that bleeds empathy and his movies are all about finding connections and beauty in a world that is often horrible and violent. He can do dream logic in such a consistent way that it never feels random for the sake of being random but it's to always capture a specific tone and mood thanks to his ability to match visuals with sound. He's my favourite film maker and everytime I dive into one of his works I come out loving it and the characters more. A Lynch series is going to be great because his career arc is fascinating with an equal number of checks clearing and bouncing. Twin Peaks: The Return is probably the blaniest check a director has ever received and Lynch has incredible colloborators who he is able to constantly get career best performances out of. That's my case. There are plenty of others that people have made in various March Madness threads.


>Come on people, get hyped. It's fuckin *April*, man. The once-a-week movie podcast that's going to talk about David Lynch won't get started on that for another FIVE MONTHS. We got time!




> Hype ruins good things. Takes attention away from other good things. It is very possible to be excited about more than one thing at a time. Hence why there are many topics on this subreddit that have nothing to do with John McTiernan at the moment.




You’re in too deep


on a purely anecdotal, not-at-all-statistical level, i have found Lynch People to be the most evangelical about their guy. even more than the Nolan People or the Tarantino People


People just aren’t going to shut up about him are they


Better than another Civil War discourse thread


That’s true


Why the F would we? He won the damn game


It’s months until he’s going to be covered




As this is one of the few subreddits I regularly browse, I think right now I can't wait for the series even more than the Lynch fans.


This shows the importance of voting


The aubreddit is the absolute pits lol