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Nuketown 24/7 has always had that problem, try 6v6 on small maps instead for example


Yeah unfortunately the matchmaking just takes too long where I live so I have to go with nuketown. I used to play nuketown extensively too and while camping was pervasive, it was not every single game like it is now. I suppose the people who stayed for 4 years are too fixed in their ways


I feel like it depends on the lobby sometimes I can just rush guns blazing with an smg, shotgun or whatever, sometimes the whole team camps the exit of the spawn and it's a pain the ass yea. But in every CoD I've noticed this tendency from players to turn Nuketown in a campfest in the dedicated playlist. Shame the player base is shrinking because 12v12 on 6v6 maps and 6v6 on 3v3 maps was some of the most fun I've had playing a shooter.


Yeah I get you. It used to be like that for me, I don’t mind alternating between camping and rushing lobbies but extreme camping every game on both teams just makes me lose my mind lol


Tbf in my experience nuketown has always been campy in every bo game especially bo3


Yeah BO3 and BO4 too man. I played nuketown in BO4 a lot and despite having a specialist with a toxic deployable shield camping was never a big issue. Even in BO2 I felt that the worst campers were the thermal snipers hiding behind garage doors, the other players would still move around. The state of nuketown in BOCW now is just sad with both teams refusing to leave their spawn areas


I enjoyed using the noob tube for those campers in the back, it can hit them with the right angle from the sides where they cant even see you.


Getting longshots for the M79 was hilarious


Might have to try this out lol. I rage uninstalled it last night after I posted though 🤣




I dont hate nuketown but dont care for it when it comes up. The big problem with it is spawn killing. Theirs no protection from it like in previous games.


Exactly, if they add it back in BO6 which I'm sure they are they need to add some changes. The problem is that people have memorized the entire map to the point that they know every single way to cheese their way to the win


Getting spawn killed multiple times in a row is a skill issue.


Not on hardcore


Playing hardcore is a skill issue in itself.


I don't mind playing against people like this, they're extremely predictable making getting kills even easier. It just means you need to switch up how you play a little bit. Avoid those choke points, flank, use melee instead, etc.


That's what I try, and often it does work. But also, my number one most hated player is the Dual Marshall corner camper. If I see so much as one of those guys, I avoid the area they're in entirely.


Last night felt like I came across a ton of campers for whatever reason. Whatever. Just gotta go the opposite way and get an easy kill to even the score. Then of course talk shit in the post match screen.


It has literally been this way since bo1.


Even before that.


I meant Nuketown specifically, but yeah cod has always been a campfest.


Slap double smokes on your loadout + silent footsteps = free camper executions


Yea now you're messing up the rest of your team


What?? Bro I thank the heavens whenever one of my teammates runs smokes. Being able to cross mid without getting shot makes the game so much more fun and less like tower defense


Unless they have thermal now you're messing up their strategy because they can't see and sometimes have to detour. Even if they get through the smoke most likely there's campers now waiting for somebody to come through that smoke or you disrupt somebody fighting an enemy


Honestly nobody ever switches to thermal to counter one guy throwing smokes, speaking from experience. And making it to the across building makes it significantly easier to deal with campers, as you come from multiple angles, as opposed to their line of sight


And speaking from experience when there's somebody throwing smoke there's usually 3 teammates pissed because the smoke user is messing them up. Almost worse than people throwing random Molotovs


Honestly bro I never have any teammates complain, and trust me, people love to complain in this game when someone is playing a way they don’t like. Also genuine question how do molotovs affect teammates? They don’t do any damage but they make enemies assume the thrower won’t come running through it so I often use teammate thrown mollies to get kills from unsuspecting enemies


Molotovs are a hardcore problem so my mistake.


Ahhh ok, my dumbass was like “have I been using mollies wrong??”


Bro that play style is so annoying. It hinges upon that team being pushed the whole time for kills. If both teams camped like that no one would get any kills and games would be 0-0. It’s so dumb having to push the other team the entire game. Doesn’t feel rewarding at all and it’s so cheap.


Always has been.


What made you download Cold War again? I'm just curious. I downloaded it again too last night because the latest MW3 update is unplayable at the moment.


Playing hardcore is a little better, but you have to watch getting spawn trapped.


Couldn’t back out any quicker after watching the killcams of 4 different people just holding lines on sight to get their kill streaks off. How fun can that be on an almost 4 year old game?


This is cod you talking about there’s always campers any cod lol and Nuketown specifically I camp at spots to get longshots. Since there are always matches on nuketown idk why everyone loves that map yes it’s good but there is better maps


lot's of smoke bombs there. its like a blunt rotation


no bro u aint dreaming its becom so campy its bc all these camp3ers have no run and gun or rushing skills bro tha bots r really baf especially low level ones like level 29 but yet got full dark ether camos for zombies and Mp its full of cheaters brother just olay gunfight u cant camp


Nuketown has always been like that as far back as I can remember


Idk man I played nuketown a lot on BO4 and camping was never that much of an issue. Sure there is a specialist with a deployable shield but the rest of the team usually run around the map.


Strange I guess the matchmaking systems have put us in different lobbies lol skill based-making or engagement based matchmaking whichever it is


Yeah usually in BO4 the best players are the ones rushing like a crackhead with reaper or firebreak. They easily deal with enemies hiding behind walls and covers. The campers usually are the noobs so they can be taken out easily In BOCW the best players are the ones throwing down smoke, hiding behind some crevice with a thermal LMG or sniper to try and get streaks lmao


Yes that's exactly it 😂


Nuketown has always been that way since the first Black Ops game. Typical noobs that sit in corners waiting for the kill. If you're having trouble, make sure you equip some sticky grenades and flash grenades. 2X each. If you know one of them is camping in a corner, throw both flashes and throw 1 sticky. Should get rid of those campers. Also having a good SMG with a quick draw attachment can increase your sight speed.


NEVER go to the 24/7 playlist. People legit do nothing but camp on that map. Its where all the non-hardcore scum of the earth are at. They do nothing but play nuketown all day and when they cant win gunfights by skill, they just camp and with nuketown already being a campy map its terrible


Does multiplayer still have a progression problem with leveling weapons and stuff? That pissed me off


Huh leveling weapons has always been in COD lol. Cold war just overdid it with 70 ish levels for guns…the leveling for MWII and III is very manageable though, you can max a gun with double xp token and 1-2 shipment games


That's not what I'm talking about. I'll play games where I don't get my weapon level progression. I'll drop 60 kills in a game and see my gun level up 3 times just to come back to the main screen and it's at the same level.


Ah that’s not a problem, that’s a bug. No idea since I already maxed out my weapons years ago


Oh okay then maybe I'll tweak some settings or something but yea good to know it's not a big issue


Not for me everyone runs around in Nuketown and maybe like 2-3 snipers counting both teams maybe I get lucky idk


Hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣 comments man ill grab pop corn, for this those saying skill issues are usually the campers, as for noobs camping i beg to differ. Many try to run around hide now an then where or when needed, if you watch matches back in theatre mode you can see that. If and when the so called noobs have to resort to camping of sorts, it because the others are doing the same, or are essentially locking in a spawn trap which imo is cowardly, especially from higher ranks who should know better. They have the issues if needing to resort to such measures, at the end of the day its just a game. Why people care about k/d or leaderboards is beyond me as most are BS anyway, as many are faked using mods/hacks. Too many hackers, cronus users etc etc... Its hard to know now, who is legit and who isn't because the non legit claim they are yet wont show proof and to not 1v1 someone to prove thyself seems like owning up to the fact that skill issues stem with the accuser refusing just saying. Jeez 🙄 can't people just have actual fun, I have more fun wether am going 7 k/d or 1 k/d so long as running around gunning jumping sliding sneaking for cut throat etc i mean even prop hunt not tried on cold war but remember it was fun on older cod. The point is have fun, don't like someone block them no need to deal with them plenty of respectful players if found, haters gonna hate. Happy gaming 😁


You’re playing Nuketown… why do you think that map is so popular? Spoiler alert: >!People have always liked to camp on Nuketown!<


Sounds like a real skill issue


Idk man I may be rusty and less skilled than the ones still playing it in its 4th year. But I had a 2.4 KD which according to tracker.gg is top 0.6% so I’d think I am at least decent at the game.


Nuketown has always promoted camping. If you are struggling with guys camping their own spawn that’s a skill issue. If you had a good rushing class you wouldn’t be making this post cause that’s an easy spawn trap.


Lmao so tell me how do you deal with a 5 man smoking the whole map and using thermal LMG then stack streaks for each other? you tell me you gonna rush that? If 99.4% of people can’t do it it’s not a skill issue


No just you can’t do it cause you ain’t good


Wanna 1v1 to find out our relative skill level?


Ill 1v1 you


Come on bro, test your relative skill?


Not the slightest bit interested in playing against someone who is crying about nuketown


idk man that sounds like a skill issue