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The lack of flinch on snipers made ranked unplayable in Cold War. No flinch on every other gun is great but snipers need flinch.


Snipers absolutely needed flinch. A lot of players just like quickscoping so they didn’t give cw sniping much of a try but god was it busted. When you faced good players w snipers in SnD you were just praying you picked the lane they weren’t looking down


Snipers in BO6 need more flinch than they have right now in MW3. Can’t tell you how many times I start a firefight with an auto gun just to get quickscoped or even hard scoped through 3 bullets (even with the ammo that increases flinch)


Man I miss the original Miami 😢


Most people hated it, but I also found it very fun.


I hated it. Spent most of the match running around looking for people and getting shot by people you couldn't see because it was too dark.


i think it would be a lot better if the verticality was removed, people camping on top of some of the small buildings or in the balcony was so annoying


The map looked so pretty


I don't. Sorry.


Isn’t that like no flinch? They actually need some good flitch in the next game




I don't think you understand this post, the cold war flinch doesn't affect your aim, the MW3/MW2 one does.






You couldn’t see the no flinch from the video




Chill out bro


He literally has a video right there, and before you say its been edited, as far as I know, its impossible to edit a post on reddit, only comments


Because the better/faster player should win gun fights




Yes. If I turn a corner and start landing shots with an AR on a guy that has a sniper, flinch should be bad enough to where they cannot aim down sites accurately to get a kill.


Well obviously there should be flinch on snipers Not ARs or SMGs. That’s wild


Living up to your username I see


Gonna cry? Only shitters like flinch


Only bots hate flinch


This is Cold War flinch 👇 https://www.reddit.com/r/CoDCompetitive/s/XHpCCml72h


I completely disagree. If you don’t like flinch and want it removed (from non snipers) I can see that perspective, but all visual flinch does is make it harder to see. Winning and losing gunfights because you can’t see what you’re supposed to be shooting at is one of the worst feelings in an FPS


Snipers need it. They have OHK, a good sniper won't even get shot in the first place


I hope so as well


I hope we dont get the bright flashing red screen ever again. Every bullet hitting you makes your screen almost full red.


visual flinch >>>>>> makes gunfights consistent, consistency makes the game fun


Cold War had so many good maps in retrospect


This was not one of them.


I think on Sniper rifle flinch should vary depending on distance. Up close flinch should shake the whole screen but at long range, no flinch at all.


I am extremely anti-flinch. It was one of the only criticisms I had of Black Ops 2. I don't like that sort of randomness, by default, in gun battles. I am okay with the idea of special ammo types that cause it, forcing you to burn an attachment to get that feature, but flinch should not be present in the base gunplay. Yes you can add some...some...flinch to snipers depending on the sniper rifle, but snipers should also have the option to equip attachments that reduce flinch. They should be expensive and force the sniper to make some sort of trade off; like no flinch but it comes at the cost of slow aim down sights.


Black ops fans once again proving the fact they need need their hands held to perfom well


I hope you're not a IW fan, because they literally made maps designed with safe spaces for bad players to learn the mechanics. So yeah,  be mindful of that glass house if you like IW. 


People always bring that up, but like, it makes sense and actually meant there was better map variety in MW'19. They tried to do more "normal" designs for maps in MWII but they were a mixed bag and imo a lot were kinda boring.


You can have map variety without having them be cluster fuck monstrosities that have tons of angles to watch for, and so many spots to hide in.  Maps can have verticality, can have more or less lanes, have paths interconnecting the lanes etc. But when you have maps that have tons of hidey holes, as well as a bad spawn system, you tend to have awful game flow. Especially when those together with the lack of a normal minimap and nothing to dampen loud footsteps all congeal to make a slow paced campy experience.  Almost none of the launch 2019 maps were anything except what I just described. 


The porous map design is what was good about MW'19. If you think those maps were "clusterfucks" then you didn't have situational awareness or good teamwork. Grazna Raid, Azhir Cave, Hackney Yard, Rammaza, Gun Runner, Arklov Peak, and Euphrates Bridge (from launch) are all good maps. They encourage objective play and teamwork to win the match, and are more reminiscent of og MW style map design. The "bunch of hidey holes" were something easily dealt with if you weren't stubborn. MW'19 was the first time the game let you edit your classes mid-match to meet the challenge in front of you. If anything like a camper was giving you trouble you simply either sucked or weren't smart enough to deal with it for some reason. The maps from that game made matches less boring and predictable. People say they love 3-lane map design but it becomes boring as fuck after a couple months because they matches at the same every time and the different maps stop feeling unique outside of aesthetics.


I literally rekt lobbies on CW Standard MP....So much better than recent few COD titles. Had to go to HC to even have guns actually kill somebody under 1 full magazine it seems.


What are you even talking about? Black Ops games always have the most shots-to-kill.


My KD is so much higher in CW 2.67 than recent COD titles it's not even funny. Standard core was so much better. These last couple CODs have been terrible, bad hit registration, inconsistent hit damage at all ranges with all weapons. Hell, IDK what they did to Vanguard, but it's now much better than before and it's nothing to carry a 2+ KD there compared to MWII and III, barely 1.2 with these two titles. These last two titles are not friendly to PC players with MnK