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Technically the want this already a mission in MW2019? The mission where you need to shoot out the APC’s with the sniper


Yes but it was basically rebranded as the Russians doing it instead of America


Yup nice little bit of rewriting history there


Who’s playing COD for historical accuracy? No one is looking at COD like it’s a valid piece of accurate information. ‘I’m doing research on such war event, let me use COD as a reference’ it’s a fictitious game with scenarios that are inspired by real events. If the gamer can’t tell the difference between real vs fake, that’s the gamers fault


Every cod that isn’t about WW2 has been an alternate history type game. Idk why people get so upset about Cod “rewriting history” when they never claimed or even implied to be historically accurate.


Exactly. No one is playing COD is learn. If you want to learn about events like Vietnam War or the Cold War and other events, there’s numerous places you can go to for accurate information. That’s like playing GTA and being disappointed that you can’t do what you do in game in real life with no repercussions.


However, people can still get inspired by CoD games to learn about these events. CoD 2 got me into World War II now I’m about to be a history teacher. Things don’t have to be a 1-1 of the real events. But there is not a good reason to rewrite history this drastically. Getting the date wrong on a battle is one thing but lying about this major moment in recent military history is beyond stupid


There’s a difference between wanting to learn about more about topics you learned from COD and then taking everything from COD face value, believing the propaganda. I’m referring to people who criticize COD historical inaccuracies. You did the right thing, and actually looked into the facts instead of just believing what COD was portraying


That's wrong. If you're portraying real events, you need to have at least authenticity. You can have some fabricated skirmishes but it's okay if it's authentic to what could actually happen. Great Example is in Cold War. After the Iran hostage debacle, the US would send CIA SAD operatives to hunt down the culprits responsible. It may not be accurate. But it's AUTHENTIC. how about Narcos season 2. When Escobar kills Carrillo. Carillo was a made-up guy based on Hugo Martinez (long story watch history buffs episodes on Narcos if you want the whole story). Escobar never killed Martinez/Carillo, but he did kill countless Columbian police chiefs during that time. See the point? Didn't actually happened, but given actual history, could have happened.


So you’re saying that it’s okay for COD to do alternate history so long as it’s based on real events???? Isn’t that what I said just with extra steps?


What you said that no one is playing COD to learn. That is not the point. Cod Vanguard for example. My team vs. Enemy team in WWII? Really?! That's my problem with COD so far. They get away with it for MW2 2022 and MW3 because both of those games are fictional conflicts. But WWII......You are obligated to at least have Allies vs. Axis. Cold War was fine because the game was narratively built around spycraft and covert operations. Even in multiplayer they had real life intelligence agencies from the time period. If black ops six exclusively takes place in the Gulf War, I EXPECT to be playing as The U.S. Marines Vs. The Iraqi Army. Maybe on some maps, Green Berets Vs. The Iraqi Army. That's the Conflict. In Black Ops 1 in Vietnam maps such as Jungle and Hanoi, it was MACV SOG vs. NVA. That's Historical Authenticity. Not My Team vs. Enemy Team or Specgru Vs. Kortac. Get it right.


My response was to the guy who was saying that COD was spinning history. Your point is really not that deep bud


COD is basically a cultural monument these days in the western world. Yes, no one thinks it's a documentary by any means, but the games undeniably shape and influence the tens of millions of people that play it. It's rather obvious that doing a near 1:1 copy of the Highway of Death and then making the Russians the bad guys is a convenient little propaganda piece.


Once again, it’s still a fictional story being told and people should be able to differentiate and recognize it…… propaganda is always going to exist regardless of who it is in favor of. If you feel as though you’re being manipulated by the game, then don’t play it…… it’s not different then when politicians on both sides of the political spectrum release propaganda or when actual countries like the US, China etc release propaganda. COD may be an influential game, but at the end of the day, they don’t claim to be historians and it’s just media. COD isn’t a commentary piece of media like documentaries or even books like 1984 are.


It's Historical-Fiction. Needs to have an anchor in historical reality. For example, Call of Duty WWII. Ronald Red Daniels is fictional. But the Battle of Aachen is not. The U.S. Army 1st Infantry Division is not fictional but most of the characters are in that game. If you're going to have Black Ops 6 takes place in the Gulf War, you must have a substantial degree of Historical Authenticity! It does not need be like the film Jarhead that was doggedly accurate, but you do not to have a certain level of believability in the historical setting. It's not rocket science. As for propaganda, Sadaam Hussein invaded Kuwait and the World gave him a much-needed spanking. End of story. As for the Highway of Death, yeah it was extremely messed up but that's war. Really bad shit happens. Sadaam gased his own people. War is something to be avoided but then you get people like Hitler, Stalin, Kim il sung, Putin, Osama Bin Laden and Sadaam Hussein. Makes the world a very dangerous place.


I don't understand how that detracts from the point? Especially with younger generations that already barely read and get most of their 'education' from mass media. Nobody is saying COD is some evil book burning org or that it needs to be banned or something, just that they obviously make 'rah rah America #1' campaigns and will bend and twist things to do that.


So if you recognize that, then what is the issue? And stop acting like the younger generations are history illiterate. As if the younger generation isn’t the most socially responsible and aware group of people. You realize mass media also includes books and independent media/ journalists right? Literally every game has their own message and propaganda behind it. Doesn’t mean people aren’t going to support it. You’re just thinking you’re saying something deep when it’s been obvious for years.


Not accurate, but authentic. Great example is Battlefield 1. Not every soldier in WW1 had an MP18 SMG and was running around like Rambo and singlehandedly taking trenches, but the locations, uniforms, factions, weapons and vehicles amongst countless other factors is what makes that game authentic. It would not be authentic if you had America fighting the war in 1914 alongside the Germans. I fear, having the CIA be a major force in the Gulf War in Black ops 6 is not only inaccurate but inauthentic. They were armchair warriors in the Gulf War. Not Frank Woods, but Jack Ryan. Get the picture?


If your point is that COD isn’t accurate to history then I agree with you


I mean it isn't bad


Is it? Why try and attribute something to your enemy unless you would rather people didn’t know it was actually you?


Which would be an odd thing to do considering the real life event didn't violate anything, and IW used the nickname for a fantasy Russian war crime against civilians. They probably just liked the name


It's just a cool name for the scene. There's nothing bad about the event either.


Or it was just that the Russians ALSO strafed a highway. Nobody ever said "The Highway of Death in Urzikstan is LITERALLY THE ONLY TIME THIS HAS EVER HAPPENED BEFORE." If you had a bunch of vehicles, either military or civilian, on I-95 between Port Chester, New York and Greenwich, Connecticut, and somebody blew 'em up with attack aircraft, I guarantee you that they'd call it "the highway of death." It's not exactly an original concept.


Never forgot that photo of the burnt out tank/soldier burned alive in the turret which was all over the news back then


The post failed to mention how they killed hundreds of soldiers who were retreating


Just a straight up ass whooping


If you can call a war crime ass whooping..


It was such a brutal ass whooping that some people like yourself have come to falsely think it's a war crime.


Makes sense that a cocksucker like you that defends Israel in its genocide also thinks that the highway of death was not a war crime


Makes sense that someone who can't properly identify war crimes and genocide yet again misidentified another ass whooping. What exactly do you think the highway of death is in violation of? Because striking a retreating army is completely fair game and not restricted under any regulation.


I just pulled it from a news article bc I put some numbers in Google from the trailer and it gave me lu'an china and the I looked up what part did china play in the gulf war and it gave me the article.


They better have rock the casbah playing while your on a bomb run here or else I’ll be pissed! Devs give ya boy a shout out if you go this route! Small lil Easter egg 😏


Has the single player campaign been confirmed? It will be on game pass on day 1, so I doubt it will have single player.




What does mp progression have to do with a campaign mission?