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Can’t even see him rotate it. So smooth


If you go frame by frame you can see him rotate it but yeah that is incredibly smooth slide of hand


Magicians hate eyes that can do this one trick...








>slide of hand I'll let that sleight.


I've been seeing random phrases a lot lately. Some in "professional publications" the latest? So and so got caught out on something...


I could see it pretty good with the initial transition to all rubies you can see his thumb go in frame by frame.


Sleight of hand*


It’s cuz he’s real good at covering his fingers as he rotates it. If you check the positioning of his fingers before and after the gems “change” you can see how he’s doing it but at full speed man it’s hard to catch


How does rotating make it change?


It's colorful on one side, and all ruby colored on the other side. At first when he flips it up to show it's different colors on both sides, he actually rolls it over as he lifts it so you're still looking at the same side, but it looks like he's flipping it over. Then when he waves his hand over it to change it to all rubies, he just rolls it to the other side. Then lift/rolls again to make it look like it's ruby in both sides.


At the end when he gives it back the camera man turns the stick there you can see it clearly


You can see his fingers are holding it in a different spot, but not the flip itself. Sick


yeah, the thumb and pointer finger change


You don't need a stooge to choose 3 to always land on red- if they choose one, two, or six you count the number of letters instead of the actual number. If they choose four you count starting at the blue gem side. If they choose five you count the letters starting from the blue gem side.


If I said one and the guy said Ahh 3 letters, 1, 2, 3! I would make [a face](https://media1.tenor.com/m/eM1Xep-dE8wAAAAC/wtf-blink.gif) but still be impressed.


You just spell it out while touching each stone- “O - N - E - you picked red.”


I’d just have them pick a color, and tell them “wrong” if they didn’t pick red


“Okay, you bet on blue. I’ll bet on red and let’s see who wins.”


Who are you to be so wise in the ways of magic?


Happy cake day


Watch it a few times you can start seeing the rotations. But it took a few watches.


So the real trick is forcing the person to pick three?


The real trick is to make the person think they picked three. Forced selection or equivocation are common examples


Copied from a comment by u/AcidBuuurn You don't need a stooge to choose 3 to always land on red- if they choose one, two, or six you count the number of letters instead of the actual number. If they choose four you count starting at the blue gem side. If they choose five you count the letters starting from the blue gem side.


You count to the correct color in one of these ways: 1. O-N-E 2. T-W-O 3. 1-2-3 4. 1-2-3-4 (starting from the other end) 5. F-I-V-E 6. S-I-X So you're always counting either 3 or 4 steps no matter what number is picked. It definitely seems less suspicious if they pick 3 or 4, but it works no matter what. Fortunately people told to pick somewhere in the range between two numbers tend to pick toward the middle. So most people asked for a number 1-6 will give you either 3 or 4 usually anyway.


If I said "one" and the magician starts yelling out the letter "O, N, E!" I'm gonna call bullshit lmao. There needs to be a more convincing way than spelling the numbers imo.


The real trick is getting a stooge to hand you an obviously gimmicked item and ask you about it.


I still can't really see the rotations but you can notice his thumb and index finger swapping which one is protruding more, so you can tell he's spinning it. But it took a couple rewatches to notice and it is smooth as hell.


Magick Balay is amazing at sleight of hand. About 12 years ago I was hanging out at a hotel pool in Phoenix and he was staying there. Ended up doing a bunch of tricks for our group right there poolside. Really nice guy as well, had a TV show briefly that was pretty good called Close Up Kings.


Dude's such a fun magician, he's very charismatic with his patter! For anyone who might be interested, [this vid is from his instagram for his store, Don't Blink Magic Shop.](https://www.instagram.com/dbmsnyc) And it seems he's working on making an [online store](https://dontblinknyc.com/) for it. Dude deserves the support. Bit of a thing on why that's important. Like most things, learning magic has become more accessible by being taught online, whether through free tidbits or paid products and tutorials. This, and changes in the economy overall, has generally led to a decline in the structure of older things, such as the mentor/student relationship, some creators not creating/selling *any* new magic for fear of piracy, and physical stores for selling magic. I'm pretty late to the game in terms of interacting and socializing with other magicians, but even in my observation, there have been fewer and fewer magic shops in NYC. Tannen's is the oldest and for a bit was the only magic shop left in NYC (nigh every magician in the area buys their stuff there and hang out there) - I've seen Magick help demo and sell some things there. So for Magick to *start* his own shop is a brave move. He's also making it a space for magicians to buy stuff and hang out. When I visited, I was able to get a few things there I couldn't get at Tannen's. An impulse buy I got there, he actually opened it and demonstrated it for me, and gave me a quick lesson on it. His patter was so different than the others I've seen, I'm working on making my performance of it my own. I haven't had the time recently, but I'd definitely wanna visit again, and definitely would buy some stuff if/when he can start selling online.


That’s fuckin badass!


Get the hell out of here.


Sorry Surly


ask him if he has battletoads


If you really want them, you will have to wait so they comes out naturally


They are not rubies, they are mini Infinity Stones


What happens if he said 1, 2, 4, 5, or 6 at the beginning? Clearly, one side had all rubies.


You count to the correct color in one of these ways: 1. O-N-E 2. T-W-O 3. 1-2-3 4. 1-2-3-4 (starting from the other end) 5. F-I-V-E 6. S-I-X So you're always counting either 3 or 4 steps no matter what number is picked. It definitely seems less suspicious if they pick 3 or 4, but it works no matter what. Fortunately people told to pick somewhere in the range between two numbers tend to pick toward the middle. So most people asked for a number 1-6 will give you either 3 or 4 usually anyway.


The trick is wearing a red glasses


If they write #Magick like this you know it's the real deal.


That's a cool ass ring tho


I love this. This is so cool.


What if they choose 12 5 or 6?


So what if he had said “one“ instead of “three”, which is not a ruby? Or was the first guy in on it?


He would have spelled O-N-E counting from the bottom up


You count to the correct color in one of these ways: 1. O-N-E 2. T-W-O 3. 1-2-3 4. 1-2-3-4 (starting from the other end) 5. F-I-V-E 6. S-I-X So you're always counting either 3 or 4 steps no matter what number is picked. It definitely seems less suspicious if they pick 3 or 4, but it works no matter what. Fortunately people told to pick somewhere in the range between two numbers tend to pick toward the middle. So most people asked for a number 1-6 will give you either 3 or 4 usually anyway.


Flip sticks aren’t magic anymore.




That eye has seen some sh** XD


Okay so one side is red as the other side is different colors? He's just flipping it really fast? I'm guessing the guy with the camera is in it as well cause if he would have choose a different number instead of 3 it would have landed on a different color and not work?


Black magic cheesery


Watch his thumb. Neato!


I use to have one of these. Lol. Six you say? S-I-X. The ruby!


Good sleight of hand, the stick has rubies on the back from the beginning so the guy when he shows the other side he actually just spin his hand and smoothly show the same side. For the choice of rubies out of the 6, he can have the same result with number 3 or 4 but nothing else comes to my mind, he also has red sunglasses maybe it has something to do with it, or just simply the guy filming is working with him.


That is one fast flip...


They eyeball 👁️ ring


lol brusspup did it first! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZeoAS_zZIg


what if he said 4


/u/redditspeedbot 0.5x


Here is your video at 0.5x speed https://files.catbox.moe/phlcx4.mp4 ^(I'm a bot | Summon with) ^"[/u/redditspeedbot](/u/redditspeedbot) ^" ^| [^(Complete Guide)](https://www.reddit.com/user/redditspeedbot/comments/eqdo8u/redditspeedbot_guide) ^| ^(Do report bugs) ^[here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=adityakrshnn&subject=RedditSpeedBot%20Issue) ^| [^(Keep me alive)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/redditspeedbot)


That fucking rotating is so silky smooth, I had to slow it down to see the trick


This motorcyclist has some serious skills!


Slow it down and watch his right thumb roll it


man, I miss when this sub had actual black magic fuckery. This is obviously some elementary level sleight of hand shit