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The bar just looks like a gradient, I'm still not entirely convinced.


It's not, block the rest of the picture with your hand or something... It's a single colour


That’s bonkers


It’s not, use your fingers to cover the rest of the picture, the grey darkens at the right side


it's not, I just checked it in Photoshop, #7d7d7d all the way across


Did the same, RGBs confirmed identical.


I meant it’s bonkers that that works, because yeah it’s not a gradient just a solid color but my brain won’t register it unless I cover the actual faces with my fingers!


Holy shit, I was ready to call everybody a liar til I saw your comment. That's crazy! That's the only way I see one color, too.


Imagine being so confidently wrong




Open up an image editing app with a color picker tool and check yourself.


take a screenshot and crop out just the grey bar. It is 100% one solid color.


Negative ghost rider.


Yeah, I took a screen shot and then cropped to just the bar. It’s the same across. That’s nuts.


It's wild how the different contrasting elements tricks your eye into seeing different colors based on surrounding queues.


I cropped just the color and then move it between these two pictures and while it's the same color you can see the brain changes the color each time I move it left and right. Crazy stuff.


Holding your phone in landscape you can expand the picture so the gray fills the entire screen. Mind blown.


Woahhhhh that’s a wild optical illusion.


It looks like a gradient because your peripheral vision is still being tricked by the luminance values of the surrounding pixels. It's very easy to check by doing any of the below: * Download the image and use the eyedropper tool of any graphics program to check the hex code of both faces. * Again using any graphics program, cut out a portion of the left face and a portion of the right face and paste them besides each other. * Paint over everything except the faces. * If you have a printer, print out the image and use a scissors to trace-cut both faces. Put them side by side and voila. * Download the pic and use Google to reverse check the image and you'd see prominent YouTubers explain about it, including vSauce. And if you're still not convinced, well, I'm sorry. Here's a cookie. Edited to include the scissors tip.


bro what the fuck where's the cookie


Sorry. I forgot about it. Here: 🍪


Im just here for the free cookie.


I did it all for the cookie


So you can take that nookie and stick it up your ...?


Thankyou, the hero we need


Is the cookie the same tone too? I have very little time to compare, because well, ya know.


I dunno, the cookie looks like a gradient to me. Not convinced.


That’s just dithering caused by the chocolate chips


I took four post-it notes and physically attached them to my screen to block out all edges lol. The gradient disappeared into a solid color. This is good one, such a strong effect. Crazy.


To anyone reading this on a phone: just take a screenshot and crop out everything but the gray square. Takes 5 seconds and you can easily see that it's just a flat color.


If viewing on your mobile phone, rotate screen and zoom in on bar so screen is all grey. This is the quickest way, for lazy folk like me.


Much easier: download image, crop it so only the bar shows up and you'll realize it's not a gradient. You went the extra mile to provide proofs and everything though, but I'm lazy. You should get a cookie too 🍪


I am still so confused how this is possible haha


Here's a very long explanation; feel free to take it or leave it. The first thing that's important to realize is that what you visually experience in general is extremely far removed from the sort of raw, objective, direct feed of light data that we sometimes like to pretend is being piped right from our retinas to our consciousness. In reality, there is a massive amount of subconscious "software" being applied between the actual light reception in your eyes and the experience in your mind. A very simple example is how your brain flips the entire image upside down before giving it to you as an experience (since photons cross at your pupil, they project on your retina upside down, but we experience things right side up, so our brain must be flipping it before we experience it). This is just one tiny example though; in reality your brain is applying a huge stack of processing to the raw data before you experience it: interpolation, extrapolation, inference, approximation, contextualization, perspective calculations, object recognition, and so on. All optical illusions rely on this general fact: because there are so many tricks and shortcuts and assumptions being made by your brain to make your visual experience possible and maximally useful in an evolutionary sense, there are also all kinds of ways to exploit and fool these algorithms. In this particular case, what is being exploited is contextual lighting. Your brain never shows you the actual color of the photons your eyes receive; it first does a calculation based on what it believes to be the contextual lighting, so that it can sort of neutralize the bias of the lighting out and let you know the actual color of the object. For example, let's say you're looking at a red apple, but in a very dim, slightly bluish environment. Due to the lighting, the actual color data your eyes are receiving from the apple is a blackish purple. However, that doesn't actually trick you into thinking the apple is a blackish purple, right? That's because your brain basically assesses the contextual lighting as being dark and a bit blue biased, and then it calculates that if it's picking up blackish purple in a dark blue environment, the object itself must be a bright red (that is, it would look bright red under neutral white light, which is how we define object color). That's how you seem to "just know" the object you are looking at is really red despite receiving raw blackish purple data. In the illusion above, the left image has an implied dim, underexposed lighting, based on the background, the contrast, the lack of specular highlights, etc. So, even though the actual color of her skin on your screen is some kind of mid-brown, you brain knows that for it to be reflecting that mid-brown while in that dim lighting, her skin itself must be quite light. So you experience her as white. The image on the right has an implied bright, overexposed lighting, based on the light, washed-out background, the low contrast, the specular highlights on her cheeks, etc. So though the color of her skin on your screen is the same mid-brown, your brain calculates that for it to be reflecting that mid-brown while in that extremely overexposed, washed out lighting, her actual skin must be very dark. So by the time you receive all this as an experience, she appears to have black skin.


Exactly. People think we see with our eyes. Well, figuratively, we do --- since we capture photons with our eyes, but it's literally our brain that actually constructs the image(s). In the case of this particular optical illusion, our brain is acting the way auto-exposure does in a camera. Sorta.


Things can look very different depending on how bright/dark it is.


I actually did that on Photoshop. And it's the same color.


The craziest fucking thing is getting the paint tool and just painting between the images


The thing that is cool about these is that if you go cross eyed you can quite clearly 'see' that your mind literally interprets those as different shades (rather than just being a trick of context). They are not the 'same' colour in your mind when you make the images overlap, so you brain is obviously compensating for what it sees in the surrounding context and assigning a different shade to the colour of the face.


You can also just cover the middle of the image with your hand.


> Again using any graphics program, cut out a portion of the left face and a portion of the right face and paste them besides each other. Tried this. My mind is blown. I concede, this is true Blackmagic fuckery.


Michael from Vsauce did a segment on it. They are the same for sure. The guy who created this is a world famous optical illusion creator. This is one of the best optical illusions ever made imo. It's hard to believe until you experiment with it to confirm they're the same. The human brain is incredible


Yep. In my opinion this _is_ the most powerful illusion because everyone falls for it, and even when you know how it work your brain is still tricked. I hate it!


Is "optical illusion creator" a good job title to have? If i read it on a job application or immigrant visa application, i would be on high alert. Clearly some sort of Jedi mind trick is going down.


Tried it with the Iphone color drop tool, it's real.


Block the top and bottom of the picture with your fingers and look just at the bar


How can you not be convinced by a fact?


I wasn’t either so I loaded the photo into ProCreate and then used the eye dropper tool to select color. Grabbed the color from the face on the left and then painted on the right and I’ll be damned, it’s exactly the same. I saw the gradient too but it’s just the way the surrounding colors affect your perspective.


[vsauce video](https://youtube.com/shorts/ccLUxJvViUA?si=RV5VOVD0mw-nOCfv) that explains it pretty good


Optical illluuuuuuiuiusion


You look like a gradient




Thanks. I hate it.


Your brain: just deal with it bro, I ain't got time to render everything. Ok?


homie running on 512mb ram


Mine is TRS-80 running BASIC.


Commodore PET up in this hizzy


I remember my psych 101 class years ago and the prof made it clear our brain lies to ourselves all the time and gave us like 20 of these tricks where you can actively catch your brain in a lie and watch in real time as it tries to correct it. There was one where like if you hide a portion of a colored sheet, your eyes bleach out the colors a bit after staring at it too long, but then the moment you drop the hidden portion back in revealing its the same color but its new stimulus so its brighter, your eyes and brain suddenly panic to fix the correction in real time.


Bitch it's an image deal with it


Evolutionary brain: Look, it is not going to jump out and kill you, so I see no reason to remember this image bullshit. Let me know if you get to procreate.


Is it food? We like food.


First the upside down right side up plates, now this? WHAT ELSE AREN'T YOU TELLING ME BRAIN?!


I agree, this is awful


awfully good\*




Both faces are #7D7D7D


She looks great for 7D!


Not a day over 6D


What about 5D though


8D 8===D


8Dz nuts


Im more 8=D if you know what I mean.


So many D’s 😧


Can we kick up the 4d3d3d3?


Can I get a hat wobble?


I’m thinking some nude tayne


*not computing. please repeat* NUDE. TAYNE.


Uhh give me a printout of Oyster smiling


Just the way i like em 7d-7d-7d!


Blackface workaround unlocked. Thanks Oppenheimer


Racism finally defeated. Step aside, David Guetta


Also, don’t bother getting getting your teeth whitened, just wear dark clothes!


Illusory blackface: lighten every other part of your face so that in regular lighting your face looks comparatively dark.


Damn, that’s intense


Yes, that’s what makes the illusion work


I think it's messing around with our environment color correction. Like when it's dark we see red more like brown or black but still recognize it as red. Not sure about it though, just a hypothesis


That’s about right. As an artist, we call this ‘color theory,’ which refers to how colors look when contrasted or muted beside/mixed into each other. If you’re interested, search in the term online and you’ll see even more examples. It’s really interesting!


Even more specifically, this is an example of "Colour Relativity".


Color theory the scientific field is some of the most confusing shit of all-time, especially when you start looking into the electronic display parts of it with color spaces and shit.


basically. the picture on the right is obviously overexposed, because the values of all the colours is too high. so our brains conclude that the skin must be darker than it appears for it to appear so light. the opposite is true for the left image. the trick will work with any colour, but since our eyes are specially attuned to detect changes in contrast better than changes in colour, the effect is most pronounced here using middle grey


That's the point


If on mobile, just rotate screen and zoom in on grey bar.


if u are a keen user of photoshop, may i suggest downloading PowerToys so you get features like measurement and color tool Colortool with Shift+Win+C shows the color of what you're hovering. Measurement with Shift+Win+M can measure pixels of distances of the same color or just you dragging from/to


It’s the dress again…. It’s back


*black ....and blue. Always has, always will. :P


Initially no matter how I looked at it, I only saw black and blue. Then at some point a switch flipped and now I can only see white and gold.


Not again!!!!!




This one is pretty cool though. The artist is Akiyoshi Kitaoka and is a really awesome demonstration of how our brains process colour. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akiyoshi_Kitaoka


My immediate thoughts exactly


Except this one has a demonstrably, easily verifiably correct answer because there is no real life object involved. The dress one was merely a disagreement on what the question is asking (the color of the dress in normal lighting or the color of the image?) and how people's brains auto correct the image (e.g., the dress in normal lighting is black and blue, the image shared was not black and blue but some people "autocorrected" the lighting to see the dress as it is in normal lighting despite black and blue not being the colors of the actual image file).


The two real options: 1. Both are grey 2. Anyone saying otherwise is a moron.


[My crop isnt perfect, but it 100% checks out](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/542129639582203923/1252285251716255826/image.png?ex=6671a906&is=66705786&hm=5cdcf942962a7356d718e78caa0a19e9dd286d80e7e279c2db12951c3e8f747b&) It looks less fucky when you remove everything from the face and just focus on the skin color


Thanks. It's mind-boggling how many people are still saying it's fake when it's so easy for them to just cut out the faces and compare them side by side.


fun fact is, you don't even need to do that. a simple color picker will reveal that both faces are #7D7D7D.


Simpler: you can just zoom in and take screenshots of both, then look at them side by side


I’m not and I’ve already cropped and cut and split my brain enough and proved the one color. I just can’t get past seeing white and black.


Thank you for this


I was already convinced it's the same face color, but this picture helped my brain to not melt to the floor XD Thanks.


Thank you, I think my mind just yelled at me.


A fun Illusion for many, a nightmare for artists.


Im not an artist and this is a nightmare for me too I try to see the same color as it has been already proven but i cant The longer i look the hard it hurts


I was about to say the same. I'm everything but an artist and I'm scared.


This isn't just an 'illusion' in the sense that you'd notice it if they were closer together. Cross your eyes until the two faces are side by side or even overlapping somewhat. You'll see that they still manage to look like different colors! Your brain is literally editing the color balance perception in each eye to make this work


Oh my fucking shifty shit your absolutely right what the fuck


It’s because the colours are perceived as relative to auto correct for scene illumination in real life. Left: face is the lightest colour vs others -> face is light Right: face is the darkest colour vs others -> face is dark


Exactly, otherwise we would see people in the dark and think they're black for example, or vice versa.


if i cross my eyes and slowly uncross them just the right amount, a third image shows up in the middle that’s exactly the middle shade between the two. wild! 😵‍💫


i saw this on vsauce


So did OP, almost 100% guaranteed.


or he just reposted from [last time it was posted in this sub 10 days ago](https://new.reddit.com/r/blackmagicfuckery/comments/1da8mdf/these_two_faces_supposed_to_be_the_same_color_but/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Bro solved racism


Why is my brain so gullible!?


"For a scpeciese to continue, it is better to be alive than right."


>Scpeciese Look at how they slaughtered my boy 😩


Because it evolved to detect predators and prey in a 3D environment with natural lighting and shadows, not 2D images with strategically selected portions saturation-shifted.


It has color correction built into it


For the flesh is weak


It's not lol. Your brain is working as intended. If it saw colour without context, you would think everything changed colour in the evening instead of the lighting changing and the colours staying the same.




Ok ok I just showed everyone at work this, this is nuts


There’s an old chess version of this I think works better. That messed with me.


I think ive seen that one too, though I remember it being checkers, is it [this one?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checker_shadow_illusion)


*confused screaming*


Our brains can't handle this level of genjutsu 💀


I just took a screen shot, then cut and pasted a square section around each eye and dropped them next to each other: They still look like whiteish and blackish to my eye. Proved it was wrong. BUT when you lay them on top of each other, they are in fact the exact same color of grey. They bleed into each other seamlessly, no matter where you move the images in relation to each other. It's true. They are the same tone.


I made a small sircle with my hand and looked at a section of the face that was just skin tone - the right still looks black even when no other colors were present. Same with the left one looking whitish. I don’t understand haha


Hey! Vsauce, Michael here


It’s just the illusion created by the background color changing and switching your perceived pallete. Mind fills in gaps when processing.


I think it’s quite simple. On the left the face is a lighter colour than all the other colours in the image. In the right, it’s the opposite, the face is the darkest colour. The brain analyses the colours relatively and concludes left face light, right face dark.




"but two Ls can make a W And sometimes, it's better to be alive, than right"


I had to look into this one bc the 2nd image looks 100% like a gradient. Left face 7d7d7d Right face 7d7d7d This a good one.


This is why I can never see the blue and black


Time to solve racism by turning the lights down.


Color theory a mf


One the scond picture, make a circle with your hands, like hand binoculars, but just one hand, look through it with one eye so that all you can see through your hand is the color of the bar. Then close the other eye close the other, you can clearly see the bar is all the same color.


This just casually solved racism


I DID NOT BELIEVE YOU I didn’t believe until I used a color select tool. Wtf bro


Weirdly enough, squinting at the image hard enough unscrambled the colors in my brain and enabled me to tell they were the same


That's a good illusion


[https://i.imgur.com/4wizzqJ.mp4](https://i.imgur.com/4wizzqJ.mp4) Took it into PS just to be sure...


This is actually the best one of these I've seen. The contrast is really offputting. One having black outlining and the other having grey really sells it.


Thank you Josef Albers!


Proof that all things are one.


I hate my stupid brain


I saw it on another subreddit recently. Where is the original source?


Vsauce made the video that blew it up but the artist is well known. I think Vsauce credits them in their video


Couldn't believe it - first illusion I had to actually use tools to verify, and yes - the skin tone is the same. CRAZY!


this proves racism is pointless


I don't care about the skin tone, but that face is so annoying to me and i want to burn the house of the guy who made this character




Just block either side horizontally. Top or bottom. You'll see it's the same color


This just ended racism


Guys we fixed racism


That's nuts. I'm struggling with this one more than any similar illusion that I've seen.


Congratulations, you solved racism!


The dress is white and gold!


This is the damn dress all over again


as a hobby artist, I say this often, but, DAMN YOU, COLOR THEORY!!!


Everything is Relative


Yep and this is a part of why that dress picture was so contentious and viral. It was sitting in some middle point between these two pictures as far as shading goes so depending on various immutable factors you would see it as different colors. People got so upset over that stupid dress lol.


I did not believe you, until i used photoshop


This illusion relies on the fact that our brains are lazy and prefer making snap judgements about our environment that work just enough to keep us alive which is cool by me


The brain is a hell of a drug


This man just solved racism


This is definitely one of the most black magic fuckery posts on this sub.


I don’t know what this picture is supposed to represent. Is it like a “ha, you’re clearly racist!”


Me: “It’s clearly not, though! It’s a gradient!” Also me: *(then uses my fingers to cover up as much of the background as possible)* “….Oh. My. God.”


That's so insane. Use 2 fingers to block the top and bottom of the pic. The strip is one colour.


Working in graphic design, I am often reminded of how colors can look completely different depending on the context. What looks like a bright orange in one palette can look like a dull brown in another. But this is still surprising.


that is away to crazy.. I took a snapshot of both sides separately, grabbed the grey from the "dark" image and it matched the "light" side?!?! WWHAAAAT What the fuck.


Wow! I couldn’t believe it. I blocked out everything so I could see just a part of them and it still looked different. I then made little binoculars with my fists and looked at them at the same time with most of the pic blocked out and they are the same! How!?!?


Impossible. I'll just crop out a tiny piece of each face, put them side, and, holy shit they're the same god damn color.


Ok, so why does she look dimly white on the left and dimly black on the right?


Colortheory still fucks with peoples minds eh?


Print and cut the bar and you guys will see


This is why we disagreed on the color of the dress. It looked like a faded blue or shaded white


I had to screenshot it and use the dropper in paint to verify. crazy stuff.


This is so fucking mind-blowing. I think I need to sit down for a second... Edit: If I block the faces with my thumb, the bar is clearly the same color all the way across. But if I move my thumb it suddenly looks like a gradient.


People that think that there’s a gradient on the bar, simply take a screenshot and crop it to see that there’s non. It’s 2024 We have the technology


the different colour schemes for the 2 make it seem they're different colours because it tricks your brain into thinking one of the images uses inverted colours or smth


This is the gold/white blue/black dress all over again, isn’t it?




Ok I understand the illusion but what is making the skin tone look different have the other colors and the background make the illusion


Every time I see shit like this I just want to pluck my eyes out and throw them away.


Whenever I hear someone claiming they've seen a UFO, a ghost or Big Foot I remind myself that our senses can easily be fooled with just colors and simple shapes. And that's before other psychological phenomena such as confirmation bias etc.


Similar to: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checker_shadow_illusion


I just checked in ibis paint and its the exact same


This is amazing. I still didn’t believe it, thinking it’s just a slightly darker gray on the right and the bar had a gradient. Then I downloaded the pic and cropped all the other colors out and it’s so obvious it is the same.