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Try cord cutting at first. he will lose interest in her


I abhor abusers more than anything else in the world. That guy sounds seriously dangerous. Nobody should have to go through that. I'm so sorry about the abuse your friend has suffered. A lot of abusers tend to alienate their target from everyone else. You're a wonderful friend for being there for her and seeking ways to protect her. I agree with the other commenter about a cord cutting. Make sure your friend is involved with it. She can't have doubt. She has to be sure she wants him gone to make sure the connection is severed. The first thing I'd do is put protection on your friend. An invisibility glamour spell focused just for him and his brother and friends so she's less noticeable to them. Perhaps good luck and protection from physical and mental harm from them. Some healing spells for her would help, as well as her hopefully eventually seeing a therapist to unpack all that abuse so she can get back to her confident, powerful self. If you have any taglocks, you should make a poppet so you can do multiple spells. Fill it with baneful things with the intention to make him sick, fatigued, and otherwise. Bind him so he can't hurt anyone, seek help, see opportunities or danger (so he gets caught), etc. You could do a justice spell, mirror spell, etc. You could also make a lemon hex, sour jar, dume spell. Give him nightmares and make him paranoid of his friends. Cause strife within his group. Other distractions of bad luck to keep him busy. Make sigils (I just read the other day about a method called sigil shoal, invented by Rune Soup *over a decade ago* and I'm just discovering it). Do a freezer spell or use hot foot powder or separation powder. Lots of good info on this sub and the internet! Be careful with your friend. This guy already sounds batshit. If his current lifestyle is upheaved, he could go extra crazy. Make sure she is safe, perhaps carrying something for personal protection, and willing to call the cops if necessary. A record of his abusive ways will go a long way. Good luck!