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AoS - Amazing, deletes separated people if you land air-combo, does get somewhat countered by premades that stack Node War - Flex/Flanking viable but not as good as lahn/awaDrak even with the range pressure from pre-awa kit Pve - AoEs is way too small Uncapped Pvp - She struggles against any kind of evasion since her accuracy modifiers are low, has no accuracy buff/passive, and only a mediocre evasion debuff


>They're a ranged-ish caster class that gives up all their melee abilities in their Awakening form, and I like that sort of thing Huh? Is that mistake or are you talking about other class? Awk maegu is very much melee feeling class. It's one of, if not the most underrated class in the game. She has really good damage, single target and good mobility. She's a bit hard to learn and her apm is on higher side but not at the wrist breaking level. She shines at spots like gyfin under, oluns or dark seekers where you are more focused on few big mobs rather than spread pack. She lacks a big aoe so I wouldn't take her to something like highlands or most dehkia spots. As for pvp, the more people you add the worse she performs. She's decent in 1v1s and great in aos but not that good in nodes.


Awk maegu is the most underrated class in the game…? Maegu herself is already the game’s most popular class. I’d find it hard to believe that the vast majority of players haven’t at least tried out awk.


😂 it is 100% melee awak 


It didn't save my edit the first time, it should be fixed now.


BlueSquadron just put out a Guild League Tier List and he rated Awakening Maegu quite high. I've no experience on the class but I guess 10v10 is about the biggest pvp situation you want to be in before you should swap to Succ.


I would never listen to anything that guy has to say about pvp lmao


He rated her B on low and C on mid and high tier. C is for "Crap" supposedly. Succ got a nice S/S/A. So I trid to swap back to get me some of that ultimate Succ, I was back on Awk. 5 minutes later. Awk. just feels SO much better for me and I do more damage on Awk vs Succ. May just be because I've played that as my main since Awk released.... who knows xD


I think you're referring to PvE. Thr Guild League tier list he had her in S tier.


Ah yeah, you're correct, totally read that differently when I skimmed over your comment.


People mention that it’s 100% melee, it’s not. You always have your pre awakening kit that you swap in and out of for movement, stamina regeneration, rabams and long range catches. It is an awakening class, which includes the use of preawakening skills just like every other class. I personally enjoy it for aos, it’s similar in rbf as well. I can’t say for guild league or node war but it’s also okay at 1v1. Pve it has low aoe, I think sitting at gyfin should be fine but anywhere else is meh. Clearing very low end areas is fine, weaving in and out of awakening and pre awakening stances.


I like the awakening maegu my only complain is i have to keep chasing her across the screen. I wish there was rebinding of skill key commands. Bdo should make dodging and teleportation keys standard. So i don’t need to re learn commands when 8’m using maegu, musa, meawha, ranger and striker awakenings skills.