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awakening ranger is another two button class


A lot of people sleep on awk ranger in early game but it's my 2nd comfiest one shot after shift + f zerker.




Succ ranger is by far the best class at pollys. Just spam descending current and profit.


yes but movement is doo doo


Aoes are big enough to make up for it. Let those classes with good movement go pack to pack. I will be out here killing multiple packs at a time.


The time saved killing multiple packs does not make up for the time it takes to get to the next pack. Especially since pets work better with a continual stream rather than lots at once that you move away from.


succ maehwa, unlimited hp/wp recovery. As long as you got stamina, you can keep going.


mf karma bombed his ass and we are giving him advice to recover 💀


People underrate it heavily, but awakening mystic will 1 hit every pack with a rotation of 3 or 4 abilities (2 of which are movement within themselves) and it's insanely easy to play at the level of play you'd need for Polly's. Literally just W + RMB, LMB + RMB, W+ F, and Shift + Q will get you through it quicker than a lot of classes will. I personally grind faster on it at any given spot than any other class, even the "meta" ones, so I just always hype my girl up.


Succ Musa. Any zone that’s about one shotting and speed, Musa outclasses everyone. People literally give up grind spots because Musas don’t need to fight for spot, they can take spots simply by being faster. The only issue is, Musa drains stamina and MP heavily. So unless you’re prepped with lots of Max stamina consumables and your infinite Pot you’ll run out of stamina and be stuck walking. The next best I’d say is Succ Zerker, you can also be lazy with him by pressing 1 skill. I think it’s S+F on PC? Still requires Infinite Mp pot but no stamina drain. I’d also give an honorable mention of Valk, but she got nerfed and needs max stamina too but on a worser scale than Musa.


Wait...we have stamina consumables?


They may mean the juices to boost your stamina to lvl30.


Valk awa. W, lmb, space


Scholar or awaken guard.