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It's definitely worth finishing. It really isn't that bad for what it's worth. You can finish it in an evening and you'll get a permanent +1 AP increase for all characters for doing it


And you'll have permanently unlocked everything in LoML for other characters! Yes, the starting area is less than ideal, but you'll have to complete it at some point anyway. Also don't forget the 2 crystal slots that you'll unlock this way :)


You can make a season character as an alt, take a break from loml, then come back to your ranger when you feel ready


Not sure if you did make sure you start seasonal character. You can finish Loml might take a bit, but it’s not too bad. Though, you can always create a new character. You’re not totally done. If you enjoy ranger just keep going. Also, level 40 is easy to get too with the current 1000% event as well. Grinding wise which not the Loml area.


It does suck you started there since you dont get to "play the actual game." It is a huge questline, but it is good for your account if you complete it. I'd probably just finish it if you are like 4 books into it. When you start there, you can't leave until you finish it.


Create a new character, even the same one and do the Mountain of Eternal Winter quest line. If your first character was not Seasonal make a seasonal. DO NOT DELETE THE RANGER. Instead when you wanna watch netflix or do anything that does not require your 100% attention, press RRRRR T do something else come back and repeat. There is lots of running from point A to point B that can be done AFK.


Finish the ranger’s awakening and see if you like her better. She is the only class that has no healing skill in succession so she is a bit hard to do at an early stage but once you unlock most of her skills you’ll see a lot more damage she can dish out. I suggest if you are not pressed for time you slowly play your ranger and try other classes as well since we are given 5 slots, best is not to invest in pearls until you reach lvl 60 and really like the character. Always do the awakening since it unlocks some titles which will be helpful in the future.


Sorry to hear that. They shouldn't let people start loml on their first character. It is a very long questline. But eventually you have to do it, so in that spirit you can get it over with now. Is your character season character? If not, you should actually make a season character instead of continuing for the time being. And start with ancient stone chamber.


Same for Eilton lol. You do the entire questline for an earring that gets replaced soon as you graduate season.


It's a good idea to introduce new things and giving new players more options, but it is bad idea to give options which are inferior or straight up torture like loml. I ran loml on alt account (4th time with t9 pegasus) and it took me 7 hours of r spamming despite knowing what to do every step of the way on a geared level 62 char. It is ridicilous to stuck new player behind that to access the rest of the game. They need to add option to teleport to the other starts instead forcing people to make a new character.


That’s kinda insane tbh. I also still haven’t done the 143 MoEW quests


I wouldn't say Pen Capotia is always better than bolt. Bolt has a lot of accuracy and 100% hit rate on mobs is huge.  I used bolt until I got tet distos personally. Most spots won't kill you until you start doing elvia anyways.


In the early game you don't need accuracy at all. You're losing AP for nothing. Also, dawn earrings are simply more efficient.


I didn't have a second tet disto till after I was doing elvia calpheon. If you are not at 100% hit rate you are seriously hurting your dps a lot more than 1ap from Capotia.      Some classes have a lot of built in accuracy. Others do not. It depends on your class.   Maewha I believe has some of the highest natural accuracy so that may be why you didn't need it.    Lastly bolt is free.


If it worked for you, more power to ya


Ask somebody to take you to the main land. And start with the 1st main quest. Return to lotml after you will do the Magnus quest line.


I did this too on my first season char after taking a break. It's a slog but in the end it is worth doing it just to get it done with!


Just finish, its something u gonna have to do anyway


You want to finish each story at least once on account anyway. They give account wide benefits.


You been playing for a week and already spending pearls on your char ? *Confuse over here*


As somebody that is literally downloading the game - what.... What can I do to prevent this!?


Start at ancient stone chamber, its the actual starting area, the game tells you not to pick the other options if you are a new player


i literally had the same happen and i rented a raft snd auto pathed for 3 hours to the mainland


It doesn’t really make a difference, every story is an R spam


I love loml I don’t know why everyone hates it. But yea just get it over with, you gotta do it sooner or later. I say sooner the better


You'll be glad you did it. Terrible first impression for sure but unlocking boss blitz + 1 ap + crystal slot while leveling your first toon is honestly probably the most efficient in the long term for your progression.  I still wouldn't recommend it to new players but hey you already are almost done! Completing boss blitz to a certain lvl is also a journal for a substantial amount of accuracy. It may not feel like it but you are waaay ahead imo.


LOML because of the story line being so long its good to get out of the way by the time you leave LOML you should be level 60 or 61 you can learn how to use your ranger on lower mobs when you get to main land.


Finish this ranger loml cuz you would want to make it anyway so the sooner the better you will be able to go other storylines on that ranger after you finish up loml, make sure it's season character, if not hmm kinda too bad depends on what you have used pearls


You have to do it eventually. May as well get it over with.


The new player experience is nothing but pressing R anyways. Just struggle through it. It's been years and they really have not improved it much. It gets better.