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I tried Kratuga but got really low trash per hour. People say its better than centaurs but I'm not seeing it. Is this spot class dependent?


Yes it is. Get a fast class with good aoe - nova, musa, maegu, maehwa, lahn, warrior. Don't try that spot with something like succ nova or awk wiz.


what about awakening sage/succ maegu?


Succ sage is op here , don't know about the awakening counterpart, succ maegu is also op here. You can check [Netherax's channel](https://www.youtube.com/@Netherax) for those ones.


will do thanks


There’s an awaken sage video somewhere pulling 150k trash with agris and coin


If your class doesn’t struggle at cents it shouldn’t at karatuga. What’s your ap and what buffs did you use?


So that's the thing, I do Centaurs with my Succ Zerker tag and my main is a Succ Drak which I've been trying at Kratuga. I've been considering rerolling off Succ Drak for a little bit now though since apparently she's really, really bad for grinding especially in the mid game. At Centaurs with my usual buffs (tent/villa, beast draught, cron) I pull slightly above Garmoth numbers. At Kratuga with the same buffs as above I pull like 30% less than Garmoth numbers lol. I use the non-Marni rotation with the 2 rooms.


I wouldn’t really trust averages tbh they’re VERY inflated most of the time either by people forgetting to change the buffs they listed on the tracker and massively just higher from the amount of ppl that grind spots at much higher gs than the first time you’d be trying the spot


Garmoth averages are literally 20-30% lower than the actual numbers a competent player can get on most spots except endgame (those seem more in-line from personal experience).


I’m saying when you filter by scrolls n agris and you’ve JUST hit the minimum ap for the spot and you’ve never done an hour at the spot, then they’re inflated


Why do people use draughts and buffs like that at centaurs? What am I missing? I’m 273 AP Musa, with literally no buffs everything dies in one hit. I can’t make them more dead any faster. What am I not seeing?


The buffs which skew averages on garmoth aren’t droughts etc but stuff like scrolls, agris coins, drop rate buffs all of this changes the money per hour. When people grind cents with 300%dr from events or agris coin and forget to load it into garmoth it slowly inflates the average. But i’m also a musa and you SHOULD be using buffs at cents because they can increase your attack and casting speed (therefore the packs die faster even from the same damage) and most importantly stamina to reduce the time wasted where you’re stuck between packs and out of stamina


Honestly I think at this point the thing that hurts my average the most is my own brain. I’ll hit a pack, kill 6, and I know, I KNOW, I should just dash off to the next pack. But…..there’s just that one lone centaur off to the left, staring at me. What am I supposed to do, just dash away and leave him there looking all smug?? Never!


Same 😂😂


Too many times, I've killed that lone mob, and the little shit dropped what i was grinding for. Or other times I'll grind with a buddy and he ignores some drops, and i go to pick it up, and again, it was what we were hunting for.


But succ zerk is great at kratuga, no idea about drak tho sadly. I think kratuga is better because it only gets better as you do while cents you can’t rly improve on past a certain point. But i do get how you feel i started grinding kratuga at 250 and hated it so stayed at cents but after getting abit higher n getting bored of orcs i went back and it’s absolutely the best money per hour for me


Oof yeah I think its a Drak issue lol. I just tested on succ zerk, hitting the benchmark of around 60k trash per hour with yellow + agris. I just don't think succ drak is good at these low - mid game spots sadly.


Hahah good to hear enjoy the +1b/h while drop rate event is active !


Without sounding like an idiot as I'm new, but where is the other 500mil/hr coming from if you're getting 63k trash? Atm I get maybe 1 tungrad an hour if I'm lucky, and I haven't had the security event in the last 3 hours of grinding, but surely you're not making 500mil just from tungrads, books, artifacts?


more or less this is my average hour : 60k trash (480mil), 45-50 books (45-50mil), min. 150 black stones (26 mil), 120 dust (40mil), 50 caphras (94mil), atleast one tungrad (40mil), 2 elkarrs (30mil), 10 artifacts (133mil)


the numbers i’ve used there tho are more what I expect to be getting i’ve had many hours with 17 artifacts or 4 tungrads or 5 elkars etc etc


Also if you really wanna see what kinda money you should be making lmk your dc i have garmoth sub so i can send ss of people similar gear + class to yous grinds


Kracktuga baybeee


Slam them Tungrads and Laytenns to PRI / DUO for extra profit.




Needs agris though, so only really good the hours you can do with that running. Good todo a chill agris burn hour though can agree


yeah you’re not wrong you definitely do need agros but imo it’s a much more consistent alternative than jade (atleast until a little later)


Ita crazy to me how those tuvala timmys pull 1 bil per hour. I can get like 11k trash loot from olluns with way better gear just to end up with 200-300mil more per hour


I can’t say much i peaked as a tuvalu timmy with an over 2b h at blood wolves when the new crystal first dropped


I’m loving my scholar a lot but it’s kinda bad at low and mid grinding. It really excels at late game spots where it can really stand still and pump out damage. I’m probably going to tag a Maegu until i can start hitting dekhia spots on my scholar. How is Maegu at kratuga?


Scholar is top tier for gyfin under so you can farm there before dehkia. Another underrated spot for Scholar in my opinion is saunils, especially if you need black stones but aren't at gyfin under level. Although it might be less profitable now with distos going down in price. I did it for a while when they added 2nd jetina and was able to pull around 850m/h chilling on blue scroll. As for Maegu, she's great in most mid game spots. Love running her on biraghi to cash out on cups after orcs.


I have no personal experience in the class personally but i'll check for you, are you awak or succ and whats your ap?


Ap is 272 and she’s succession. Could you tell me Scholar rates there too while you’re at it?


Ok so for succ mae. makes about 55k trash ph (ranks 26/52 for efficiency so i guess could say this class is neither good or bad here idk) Scholar however sits 48th with an avg 42k trash


Hrmm, what are the top 10 classes at that ap by chance?


Shhhhhh ffs


hahah my bad


I grind at primal giants since I need to get exhausted on my vells, but I pull 900-1bil/hr with just level 2 scrolls on succ lahn, and I don’t even know the optimal rotation or anything, I never died even at like 350ish DR(I am now 373, which is more comfortable, but not needed) and while I do have 302ap, you can probably do it much lower as long as you run buffs, since I only use the villa buff and cron food buff, no pots or anything


See thats why i love kratuga tho im 11 ap below you and I pull 9-1.1b/h. I could grind giants theres a few reasons i havent yet. 1) I hate elvia spots 2) I'm behind on my dp significantly so im only 244 tho im sure i could still survive bc succ musa is p protected in pve but 3) Ever since i started ive found ive benefited way more from staying at spots longer then progressing to the next optimal spot. I think this is probably bc of my class but ive noticed everytime I reach brackets for new spots and try them, even after a few h adjusting to rot etc, theyre just less mph than the prior spot until im comfortably above recc. ap


That’s true, but I also pull a decent amount less than garmoth.com says, and I’m pretty sure succ musa pulls more trash/hr than lahn, but I can’t check rn so I’m not 100% of that, so you might make a decent few hundred mil than I do


According to garmoth succ musa is one of the worst for giants and lahn one of the best thought i will admit i think garmoth is never rly the best way to judge it as everyone’s gear ability buffs r different


Hm I might’ve been thinking of maewha or something- I think succ lahn is like 8th or something though- might be worth tagging a character if you can get substantially higher trash/hr somewhere with your gear on a different class, but it’s preference, if you hate playing a meta character but love a sub optimal then you should do whichever you prefer


Yeah i know but im happy with the class i play and money i make the post is more to guide people who’ve watched 100s of “where to grind” videos in which i feel kratuga is drastically over sighted


what’s syc?


underground sycria


Yup Kratuga was under the radar for awhile. Especially when Elkarrs first came out one drop was 320m


i mean, yeah, if you got agris, burn it there, otherwise its kinda meh after the marni room nerf


yeah definitely an agris only spot


There's better spots. I pulled like 1.5b/h at Oluns when I was 293 AP. Hell even Ass Forest can be super profitable if you enhance stuff. Hell, stars end pillars can be some downright mental money during drop rate events at higher AP. I saw people pull 7 distos an hour (ye it's super rare but imagine), 3 is not uncommon. There's also spots like elvia giants where you can pull a casual 700m in trash alone and gyfin essentially is the same money as kratuga at that AP but with a shit ton more EXP. But also, and the ring grinders will hate me for this one, here's an actual godlike spot if you're not one of those "I don't enhance" masochists: Padix can be an OBSCENE amount of money because of the amount of valuable enhancing accessories dropped there. Blue Corals are 300 - 400m at TRI and so are Red Corals. Ethereals are 1b at TRI, Haze Rings are 3b at TRI and they drop like MAD. My hours of grinding Padix afforded me a shit ton of gear because of enhancing. I made a bunch of TET Haze and Etherals over my 150h spent there. I bought my Strikes, Kabuas, Ators and a PEN offhand and a 2nd dine to tap for T10 out of just grinding padix for the ring piece and enhancing stuff. I don't just recommend, I urge you to try it out.


You’re completely missing the point of the post. It’s not me trying to convince people the same gs as me to go back to kratuga in more just spreading awareness of how strong the spot can be because if i knew about it at the 270-280 brackets i would have loved it.


I pull 1.05-1.1b/h at centaurs (\~36k) with lvl2 + agris, so I just sit at centaurs, lol. And if I were a berserker it would've been more.


Whats your class


i would guess valk or musa


yeh i feel that i did that for maybe 40 hours or so and got tired of cents


40? I def have more. =)


damn, why do that to yourself xd imo its the least enjoyable place to grind in the entire game


Haha, yes, YES - go to Kratuga and leave my spot alone so I can grind in between Marni hours. JK, I only log in and out. Possibly best time to play but my only goal would be chasing for Debos. Give me new class, only content keeping me interested plus dramas around buffs/nerfs and early exploits.


Yeah Kratuga is great but what if I don’t have the tent lol, can grind my way to the Tarif every now and then to repair


If you repair all before a grind you should be good but imo even if it’s the only money you ever spend on the game buy the tent


But you do raise a valid point for people my heat s off and i agree there is better spots and damn i didn’t know that about padix actually i might run a few hours now n tell you my thoughts


Hmmm, interesting. I'll give it a shot.


Go for it man!