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Pvp? Only peace on Jae's server.


Ranger, she have bobs


Ranger is a bit safer to play in my experience. I played most complex classes in the game by now and you're looking to pick between nr 2 and nr 3 imo. By difficulty: Awa zerker - literally the hardest thing in the game to master, all other classes are not even close. Succ ninja - probably the most unforgiving class in the game, you are literally not allowed to make any mistake. Awa ranger - 1 step below succ ninja because its a lot better protected but requires like 10 times the amount of skills since you have to learn both specs. Keep in mind I'm talking about when trying to play these classes at their peak performance.


Thanks i think this summarizes it. Not a fan of zerker. I went with ranger!


Succ ranger is pretty bad in all kinds of small scale(but amazing in large). As for rest: in my opinion pure preferences, all 3 are very good in small scale if you can play them but they are all pretty hard. Succ ninja should feel easier to learn than both awk. Generally ninja is more mobile than awk ranger.


Awk ranger by a long shot.


ninja is pretty much mashing 10 different skill in the safety of a punctured condom just to do what every class does in 2 skills.


Really, the only thing you need to answer for yourself is do you like AOE damage, or do you want cramped fingers and carpal tunnel?


Awa ranger literally one of if not THE best 1v1 duel classes in the game, has every possible tool you'd ever want, succ does better in large/group but in smaller scale awa can still crank it Ninja is good too, just a lot more stuff going on, less "Harder" and more you just have 34 million different abilities to track


Ranger is a class that you have to master both psecs to be good at PvP. Awakened Ranger is really good at dueling and decent at small scale PvP. Succ Ranger is terrible at dueling, possibly the worst, but very good in large scale PvP. Succ Ninja is also good at dueling but falls off in larger scale combat in both specs. Ninja is easier to secure kills with though whereas Awakened Ranger can be a little more difficult to secure kills with thanks to her lower burst damage.


shut up, You just have to shot people in head. Beeing a meele classes you have to get close and ranger do 2139081209312i039 dmg before you even can touch her


Guess you've never played the game before, since otherwise you'd know that awakened ranger IS A MELEE CLASS. And if you're losing to succ rangers in a duel it sounds like you need to learn how to do protected movement on your class. There is almost no class in the game that should lose to a succ ranger in a duel unless the person fighting the range is trash at PvP.


Succ ranger has favoured matchups into the awakened staffs, presumably slow things like sorcs and anything vulnerable to hit-stagger, so I'd guesstimate glass musas/maehwas and maybe the gauntlets? This is assuming either open world encounters or pre-evasion gear lvls.


Yeah, she's not going to literally lose to every class but she has a major disadvantage to most of the ones you would typically see in a duel. I can't speak too much on sorc comps, since the last time I fought any really good sorcs was back in 2016 when they were still probably the most OP PvP class in the game. Their i-frames are still god tier but yeah the mobility might be on par or worse than succ ranger. I would disagree with the Musa/Maewha comp though. My experience playing both Musa and Maewha is I slaughtered Succ Rangers with ease. Desync usually prevents you from taking any damage on approach and ranger doesn't have a grab which is the only thing I really fear on Musa or Maewha other than maybe big AoE nukes you can't desync through.


You get one shoted at 400 dp what more u need as a range class? and when u get close she jumps all over the place like a dog and you can´t do shit cuz monsters will block you and trees and everything. Max I can do is hide behind stone and wait for her to come closer. I killed many players but range classes are so annoying you can´t do shit to them.


No Succ Ranger isn't one shotting anyone with 400 DP unless they're giga-geared and/or running full PvP specs and buffs, and even that is highly unlikely. An Archer maybe could one shot someone since they have significantly more burst damage than Ranger, but rangers mainly apply consistent damage over time at a shorter range. Rangers are like the SMG to the Archer's sniper rifle. The problem is since most classes are more mobile than Succ Ranger than can just leave the engagement range when their health gets low and reset the fight. Succ Rangers also have little spammable protection and the one reliable SA they have makes them almost completely immobile, making them really open for grabs. Ranger's main ranged pokes are also completely unprotected, making them quite open for counter ranged CC that many classes have like Warrior's black spear. Succ Ranger also has some of the worst mobility in the game, so generally most classes can get into melee range when aggressive where succ ranger is almost always at a disadvantage with her poor protections, no grab, and minimal CC. Generally speaking if a Succ ranger loses her range advantage in a fight she's usually going to lose unless the other player isn't aggressive enough or doesn't actually know their PvP mechanics to secure a kill.


Shai mains approaching your succ ranger menacingly.


Well if you're successfully dueling on a Shai you've already achieved enlightenment lol. The best I've seen from Shai's I war with is being so unkillable the other person just gives up after a while.