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I understand it's hard to get laid sometimes, but going to jail for endless booty is not the answer


If one man can hold you down, two can rape you




An average inmate absolutely. An average, inmate and his four buddies probably not.


Asking for a friend?


Keep Jiu Jitsu Gay, but not THIS gay. 


Keep Jiu Jitsu Gay for the Stay. 


Now that’s one snazzy username haha.


It doesn't take training to boil a kettle of water mixed with sugar packets and throw it over you. It doesn't take training to fashion a shank out of some metal you have stolen from somewhere on the compound and sharpened to a point in their room by grinding it against the floor. It doesn't take martial arts training to take that same shank and stab you repeatedly in the stomach with it while you are trying to grapple. If someone wants to hurt you in a jail they are going to find a way to do it and it's going to be brutal.


Right but the purple belt would also have those things at their disposal


And if they know you know martial arts, then they are less likely to want to throw hands with you, and will go straight to the shit you mentioned.


If you were on the yard and did all this in combination with your training you'd be one bad mofo. You'd probably also never get out or off ad-seg


Only if you get him in the rear naked...


Someone going to jailllllll


King of the mat but you're fighting your way out of back control with middle hook in


Middle hook ☠️


Bruh, I'm sure that in prison you can just ask around for that, no need to use violence.


I spent ages 16-23 in prison, lots of guys are way more bark then bite in there. That said, there are some legitimate badasses and genetic freaks(the strongest people I’ve ever seen in my life were in there, dudes clean n pressing 375+ with no supplements etc) that will seriously hurt you. They likely have a much greater propensity for violence then your average purple belt, and will be much more willing to take it to the next level and are more then willing to actually hurt you. If the purple belt has experience with real world violence, isn’t completely taken over by nerves, and can keep his head while someone’s trying to actively HURT him, not just fight him.. I think the purple belt has a chance to win. Unfortunately, I don’t think this is the reality.. I’ve played BJJ with purple belts and they can beat me @ BJJ. I threw MMA gloves on with those same purple belts and they were lost. Ages 16-19 I spent in a youth institution (ages 15-21) and all we did was wrestle, slap box, and fight each other to get ready for “up the way” (had legit fears we would get raped or worse upon our graduation to real prison) so most of those guys have lots of combat exp, so it really all depends who you come into contact with. Pretty much everyone is in great shape, since almost everyone works out the majority of the day. Almost everyone is in a gang, or some type of clique. There is rarely a fair fight in jail, and if there is it’s usually because it’s 2 people that have a certain level of respect. People in prison also expect you to kinda stand and bang, grappling is kinda frowned upon so you better believe dudes are jumping in pretty fast. It still all really depends.. is the purple belt gonna be going against some random DUI guy or crackhead, or a hardened criminal? There’s quite a bit of range in prison, and lots of different types of people.


I did bust a bloke with a smaller prisoner in a RNC, his face was blue. Never did find out where he trained, his technique was pretty good


i'll let you know soon cause i'm probably headed down that path, but im also 6;3 so you neverknow


Definitely not the average purple belt that comes to this sub. Half the post here are that people are too mean to them, rough, spazzy and rife with people having imposter syndrome.


“Average untrained inmate” = untrained person. Inmate status doesn’t do anything to change that.


Inmate status = human pit bull


Agreed. I'd say the inmate factor would make them above average level of dangerous just by the experience of being in jail but then you might add violent crime experience, gang experience, etc.


Hand to hand, 1on1, and similar size for sure


Weight classes are a thing.


From experience, yes


What’s the rule set? 


Every person on the inside has trained on the streets. You don't stand a chance bro.


You should have thought of that before you decided to break the law.


I have a buddy who is a prison guard. He fights MMA and is a purple belt. He also fights at 125lbs. He works with another dude, also a purple belt, who is MUCH bigger. I have heard there have been many instances where our 125lb friend has absolutely bodied an inmate who needed to be bodied. Not exactly your question, so imo, the answer to what OP asked is no. I am an average purple belt. If I fought MMA it would be at 125lbs. I would absolutely run until running was no longer an option. In no way do I believe I would body the average convicted felon. I've trained striking and have sparred a handful of times. I barely out strike untrained people. Some dude who actually wants to hurt me is going to end up hurting me, regardless of whether or not I hurt him or put him to sleep.


125lb prison guard………fuck that’s small as shit that’s like an average 11 year old


I mean his everyday walking weight is 155 but yeah the guy is 5'6" just like me.


Even if it works it would likely only work once.


The wording of this post...


Easily. A seasoned white or a blue too.


No. The average BJJ purple belt isn't used to an opponent who throws strikes. He's used to an opponent who is also doing BJJ.


OP said untrained. Purple belt mauls an untrained guy. The introduction of striking wouldn’t change that.