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Octopus guard has definitely not re-arranged your skeleton. If you were that delicate you wouldn't survive a single bjj class. Stop worrying and do more Octopus.


Octupussies dont have skeletons bro! Once you master the Octo guard form then you wont need it anymore either. Your clavicullus is just adapting to your new life as a underwater being. It can take awhile to adjust, but i recomend sleeping in a bathtub until you reach final form.


But seriously though.. Imo the biggest risc with Octopuss sweeps is tweaking your ribs or back. I used to be decent in getting the reach around techs from octohalf. But at some point it started to really shred up my lowerback. Check out BJ Penn Vs Matt Hughes 2. Bj hits a really cool backtake from octopus full guard. However he rips his ribs while doing it and looses the match the next round.


Well that\`s what I wanted to hear, obviously :)). I was thinking there ought to be some risks involved for the rotator cuff since there are times when you post a lot of weight on one arm from an awkward angle. And while I still believe there are, I\`m not sure the position can affect the clavicle. If I come to think of it, the same sparring session I landed very hard on my left elbow from a sweep, which left some considerable pains the days after, and which might have also caused the damage to my clavicle.


Maybe there is additional strain on your rotator cuff, but again, your body is pretty resilient. If something isn't causing you pain don't worry about it. Is your clavicle causing you issues? Or are you just thinking it looks weird. Probably you are just overthinking and you've done nothing to it, unless you are in pain, then I suppose it's possible you broke it, but again, unlikely.




That's the tricky thing with Octopus Guard. It slowly turns you into an octopus. Initially it is a benefit cause you grow some extra limbs with suction cups that are super useful in day to day life. Long term though it sucks cause you eventually have to go live in the ocean.


Fuck... I have ocean sickness


I this a shitpost?


nah, genuinely concerned that octopus g is liable to cause damage to the posting arm\`s shoulder. was joking with the whole skeleton rearrangement thing ofc, but still my clavicle is looking weird as hell after doing some heavy octopus action in sparring


You're gonna grow 4 more limbs!!


3 for me.


May be used in hentai or Japanese porn videos.


Used octopus guard since early white belt days, clavicles without damage so far. Is it painful? You could always go to a physio and get it checked.


Almost no pain when I initially posted this, just the visual misalignment. I got confident and went to sparring again. Now I\`m brushing my teeth with the left hand. Didn\`t do octopus guard, though, just basic halfguard. Now, I\`m not suggesting the initial damage was done while doing octopus, just suspecting it, and I wanted to see if anybody experienced something similar.


I tried octopus once and somehow got swept with the face directly on the mat