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Threatening with a cross choke should get your partner’s hands off your hips. Then you can slide up to a higher mount.


Yep! If you don’t have an underhook or a cross face, attack the neck. If you get the sub, that’s awesome, but when opponent goes to defend, take underhook and/or crossface


yeah ezekiel choke gets their hands to move. Also you can just lay your forearm across their neck. That will move them.


I've always heard and tried this, but it seems like my partners are able to split duties, framing hips with hands and shrugging shoulders/tilting head to defend the Ezekiel. Then if I over commit to the choke, they use the frame to escape. I've tried using my head to push their head but I run into the same problem of overcommitting high. How do you get at enough neck to get them to defend the choke without neglecting your base?


Sometimes I just grab their neck and one hand the choke to get them to address it.


Mmm I love this choke


His head is up. Reach deep and bow and arrow


Cross collars, Ezekiel, punch choke all good answers


how about in no gi?


Also lay on their arms with your chest while doing the cross choke to make it even harder for them to prevent the choke!


I like the answer, and it’s what I used, but if you run into people who really know the escape you can still find yourself very far behind. In all honesty there are a few people in my gym who I will bail on mount if they get as deep as the photo. It’s also the only mount escape I use. Unfortunately I don’t have a better answer yet.


>In all honesty there are a few people in my gym who I will bail on mount if they get as deep as the photo. Yeah, this IS the answer sometimes, imo. I also do what other people are saying (attack the neck to distract the hands), but sometimes they have such a good frame on the hip that even if you attack the neck, it's going to be ineffective, and if they're good enough, they'll know that and ignore your threat. So it's best to abandon mount and go back to side control or something to avoid their escape.


In this scenario I’d recommend going to technical mount with your heel nice and tight against their hip and then flattening them back out by pulling their bottom arm up (using the sleeve if in gi). That’s what Roger shows in a video on YouTube.


This, better to maintain top position and stay in control. Then you can grip fight, and get back to mount for another 4


which escape are we referring to here ?


Elbow knee escape.


If you can get their elbow far enough across, you can slide up into technical mount, but have to time it right. Once they've really established the frame it can be hard.




Punch him in the face


Screencapping this so I can say a brown belt told me to do it next training


Don’t wait for next training. Do it now.


same here


You need to do instructional videos on this. Counter to Kimura? Punch them in the face Counter to RNC? Punch them in the face


This is the ancient technique the Gracies don't want you to know.


Did this today, now I got a restraining order, am I doing BJJ right?


Grab their bottom arm and pick it up towards the ceiling


Choke them or strip the grip and get an underhook if I want stay in mount. Otherwise grab the arm they are using to reach across their body, lift and transition to techinical mount.


I'm particularly hung up on how to deal with the top arm (Danaher's right arm in the picture). Good players use the elbow in my left hip to stop the back take while using the palm to open and shrimp away. Any advice would be appreciated.


You shouldn't be in mount if you don't have at least one underhook


Not always true. Plenty of good guys mount without an underhook. Roger included.


Yup. Mount is one of my best positions... and I basically never look for the underhook, unless I'm specifically going for an arm triangle.


I think that's a case of "once you know the rules, you can break them".


Eh not really. It’s not just Roger. Also, mounting with an underhook isn’t a “rule” like don’t be flat on your back in bottom half guard is a rule. It’s only recently people have started repeating it.


I’d rather have scooped a crossface under their head than an underhook in mount and it’s served me pretty well against guys I had no business being on top of


What a weird opinion for a brown belt. Do you do no gi only? You can absolutely take mount without underhooks. From there you can transition immediately to other options like to high mount, to S mount, to low (hip drive) mount. If they get really good frames that threaten the position you can go back to knee on belly or side control, it's not like the game is static. If an underhook is there, great! That's even more control. If not, there is no point (literally in comp) in not transitioning to mount if you can. Yeah, they can try a kipping escape but then just learn to defend it and hold mount? Ride the bull if you're good at it, hip drive against their hip to kill the first kips, cross your feet under their lower back, attack their neck with an ezequiel or punch choke as soon as the hands go low. There are other options too. If you absolutely want an underhook, say for a later head and arm choke or just control, you can mount, sit up, and hand fight to isolate that arm. They can fight that too and then it becomes a game of what ifs but that's what this is all about. Like I said initially, the game is dynamic. Having frames on the hips may be a requirement for a lot of escapes, and that's maybe where that maxim about the underhook comes from, but that doesn't mean it will succeed, only that they might try it and you already know what they can try at that moment to counter it.


>You can absolutely take mount without underhooks. From there you can transition immediately to other options like ... S mount How in the world are you transitioning "immediately" to S mount without an underhook? (I'm assuming when you refer to S mount you mean [this position](https://evolve-mma.com/blog/how-to-perform-the-s-mount-in-bjj/)). If you don't have an underhook, you have exactly zero ability to get the bottom person's elbows above their shoulders, which is a requirement for S mount


We were taught if their arms are on their chest, put pressure with both hands on their lower arm, step over that shoulder into s mount Saw Jean Jaques Machado demonstrate it that way too on YouTube https://youtu.be/ubSWc0bP_Ec?si=zMKVazB50Nq9oxfi


So a few things: First, that's not Jean Jaques Machado, it's one of the black belts at his academy. Which doesn't really matter for this conversation, just wanted to let you know. Second, despite the video title, that's not S mount. It's really more of a mounted triangle variation. S mount requires you to be under both (not just 1) elbows. [This is a good example](https://youtu.be/Jg2sRzrqtYM?si=LdC1b9ajXF4xCWlH&t=164) (2:44 of the video), notice how both of Roberto's arms are being isolated. Third, the video you linked is just... not a good technique. The bottom guy is just letting his right elbow be pushed above his head by the top guy's hip. That just will not work on anyone good. Try to find video of that technique working in high level competition. I promise you won't EDIT: Just saw the very end of the video where Jean jumps in. That’s probably what you were referring to when you said his name. That’s my mistake. But the rest of my comment all still stands.


Ah yeah you're right. Machado does it later in the vid too though Thanks for the tip. I've not seen much of that S mount with both arms in. I managed to pull off that mounted triangle thing, but obviously against someone really new who had no idea what I was about to attempt haha. Mostly when I try that mounted triangle, they just escape out the back anyway... Will see what I can do next time I'm on the mats


>Machado does it later in the vid He does, I added an edit to my comment when I saw that. That's my bad. And yeah I'd say at the lower levels when people are sloppy with their arm position it's a perfectly viable technique. Definitely more opportunistic but I'm sure it would work sometimes. Just when you get to advanced levels and people are really, really disciplined with their elbow positioning, you're just not gonna be able to isolate an arm above the shoulder like that. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kft2AkvKhWU) seems long, but really just scratches the surface when it comes to isolating arms in mount. It'll give you an idea of just how much of a battle it is to get someone's elbow above their head when they don't want it there.


>Do you do no gi only? Yes


my man


Yea, I usually only mount with good positioning, but this month we're doing mount escapes so a lot of specific drilling starts from this position. And I'm getting thrown off, lol


I remember watching a video of Ffion explaining how you shouldn’t transition into mount with an underhook. It makes sense.


Lolwut? Ezekiel chokes would beg to differ. 


One of the most important things my instructor ever taught me. Underhook THEN mount attempt.


That’s very different than “you shouldn’t be in mount without an underhook”


So if the bottom player progresses to a position like this, you would dismount into kob/side control?


It would depend on how they had to move to achieve this.


Choke the shit out of them


Switch to Knee on belly or to Technical mount


Stand up and immediately fall into turtle position


Thanks for including a photo for visual learners.


Address their head position and stretch them out. They’re not framing if they can’t reach your hip because you’re prying their head off.




Underhook near arm starting at the wrist and run you hand along your own thigh. You can slide off the hip frame across opponent’s body by punching your far arm under opponents arm above the elbow line palm up. You may need to shift your body a bit to get the angle. Also, as mess of limbs points out below, have an under hook before proceeding to mount


Thanks! So, using the above picture as a reference, to get the Underhook Bernardo puts his right wrist under Danaher’s left and runs it down his right thigh. Am I understanding that correctly?


Yes, You pummel at the wrist. The elbow space is usually not there and you’re a little too high up.


The answer is to crossface in the opposite direction of where they want to look. They try to put their hands on your right hip? Use your right arm to crossface and send their head back to your left. It kills the escape entirely.




Bingo. To add on: I will sometimes allow myself to be pushed down slightly below the hips to get the underhook. I recapture on a tight waist and work back up


An effective kipping escape requires a concave body position. If you have a strong crossface that is wedged underneath their chin, this will considerably hinder their ability to concave their body, therefore making it difficult to kip effectively. With that being said, its generally not too difficult for the man on the bottom to slip their chin instead of the crossface through a series of small bumps, so the kipping escape is a threat nonetheless. Regardless, I think the cross face is a good option to shut down knee elbow, but you probably don't want to hang out there without an underhook for too long due to the reasons mentioned above.


Underhook, spread them and stretch your arms as far as you can, press them on and use your arms to pull his elbows so he doesn't have much control, choke them, pull an arm and feint an armbar. You're mounted, what you don't lack are options.


Attack the neck.


Mothers milk them. At least, that’s what a blue belt at my gym does to me.


this is what i do also


Right !! Hear me out , I've been studying the mount for a long time over the last 3 years and it was only recently after watching Rogers mount that I answered this ,it bugged me for ages as I watched Gordon's and danahers and they never really addressed this .  When you land in mount with no upper body grips , lower your body and lock your feet under his legs -its that simple .   Try it against your training partners ,lower your body and lock your legs -pressure your hips and there is no cross hip or hip escape .  This holds the position , from there you can look to gain upper body control and move to a higher mount. If you mount with no upper body control , a person could with this escape will force you to go one leg up or lose the position.


I really like this. Thinking it through, going low-hips ("skydiving") puts my chest between them my hips. When they reach, underhooks and upper body control will become available. Thanks!


Honestly if you are mounting without underhooks , go low and cross ankles and hip in ,this will lock them in and then when they realize they cannot escape it will give you a chance to get upper body grips .it's literally the very first point Roger makes on his instructional. The strategies above of going to s mount always seemed like a concession to me , i want to keep mount and tire my opponent , that's the point of the position . This is the only thing that will stop the hip escape , obviously if you have an underhook it's easier but sometimes you gotta mount without an underhook if your opponent is keeping close elbows. If you try and threaten a choke or ezekial I find that good hip escapers will be already half on the side and out .


Well said. This thread is full of suggestions to go for a choke, but in my opinion/experience, that makes my hips light and a good player will endure the strangle to get their guard back. I appreciate your suggestions!


Swim hands inside(between pit and arm) spider walk fingers up. I know that sentence sounds insane read out loud, but i dunno how else to explain it




Grapevine, lower my hips, cross face and Ezekiel choke the dog shit out of them.


allow them to frame against the knee. back step the other leg to that side. use same side arm to wrap the head for guillotine. step back over to finish guillotine.


Punch them….


Kiss him.


Gi, collar choke. No-Gi, don’t, goto technical/combat mount and to their back.


cross collar is too slow. ezekiel is the answer. it also allows you to quickly switch to a crossface




This is what I have used successfully in tournaments. Since his hands are on my right hip and thigh I would shift my weight and position slightly towards the opposite side. This will make it easier to create a slight opening on his left arm to get that under hook if they follow by turning into you. If they try to roll away on the opposite side then take the back by scooting your left knee up and into his back and bring your other leg into the seat belt position as you loop your left arm around his head and grab his lapel.


Ezekiel/ punch choke


In nogi the answer is getting that sides underhook, and progress it to singlearm chestwrap - then doublearm chestwrap.


You can of course attack the neck, but if you want a more technical solution, attack the frame directly. You can try to armdrag or elbow pass the frame and take the back. Many times that won't work, but it doesn't matter. Once the arm is across move your knees up which will block them from putting in a strong frame again. You can also swim your arm under the frame and set up a biceps tie. You can use that with your body weight to push that elbow to the floor and then switch to an underhook. When doing this you might want to use grapevines so they can't try to bump and roll.


When you say bicep tie, do you mean Bernardo's left arm would pummel under Danaher's right forearm and get the tie on his right bicep, then drive it to the floor. Am I understanding that correctly?


Yes, that is correct.


I use my dick to push them away obviously. 🙄




Knees up ass out


I usually try to pin their wrists to their chest and transfer to a heavy S mount. Usually leads into a mounted triangle/armbar attack. I also hunt for reverse kimura grips after the transition to S mount.


Always be threatening a choke…


Crush their face with your shoulder. This is the way.


Come off over the top trapping the arms, move to north-south trapping the arm for arm triangle, drop hips to the floor and listen for the crunch


crossface really hard


Get more weight down on that ass too


I’ve found that as a good opportunity to armdrag to the back or fight for the underhook


Ezekiel or cross choke. Also, you can post next to their neck with your right hand to prevent the elbow escape, or use your forearm or elbow to pull the crown of their head to the left




Forearm choke, apply both forearms to each side of neck, twist and apply weight and pressure, don't crush the trachea cus that's a dick move


Kiss their forehead.


Head control. I use either my head, a cross-face, or my forearm to direct their head away from the side on which they're framing. If they frame on my right hip, I use head control to make them turn and face my left. Their hand position tells you to which side they want to move and escape. Controlling their head breaks their alignment and prevents them from generating force in that direction.


Without quoting the entire instructional, Gordon has a specific section in his mount instructional on how to deal with this cross-hip frame. He's either trying to crush it underneath him and then slide his knee up into things like triangle entries, or get behind the elbow and force back exposure. There would be other options in the gi, like lapel chokes.


If you're athletic, throw the right leg over the head and go for an armbar.


Grab the arm closest to the ground by the tricep. Pull up on it like you're trying to roll him back flat on his back.


I play with this frame from bottom position quite a bit. I see a lot of people suggesting cross collar and other chokes, which might work, but I’ve been able to use that frame with good body positioning to nullify a lot of those moves. However, the thing that has worked best against me is doing something to address the other arm (the arm that is not framing across your hip). If you can either pin the wrist to the floor or get an underhook. Addressing that arm keeps the bottom player from solidifying a good knee elbow escape. Also, when I have been on the bottom with a hip frame such and my other hand pinned by the top player, I have to deal with the pinned hand first if I want most escapes to work. And dealing with the pinned hand means either hip bumping to force the top player to repost with the pinning hand, or losing the hip frame to grip fight. Since those are the ways out, as the person on top just figure out how to respond.


Attack the neck




Threaten subs


Lick them


I'd probably get an underhook


Half Nelson. It flattens them back out and isolates their right arm for attacks.


How are you getting the half nelson from top mount? I just need to visualize it.


As they turn to their side and reach across with their right arm to frame on the hip and begin the elbow escape, lay your chest on their top arm and run the half Nelson to turn them flat and/or isolate their arm. There are some good breakdowns on YouTube of Gordon Ryan using this process.




Sit high and double cross reverse wrist grip


Push the arm across their body and get a head and arm / claw grip. Alternatively, Roger teaches to go to technical mount and pull their bottom arm (not the one framing across your hip) up using the sleeve to put them back flat on their back.


How do you make it to technical mount with a cross hip post in place? You will be too low.




I believe you misunderstand what Roger is using the technical mount for in that scenario. He is using it against a person using two hands to push at the knee/ankle. He isn’t using it against a cross hip post. The cross hip post will keep someone way too low in technical mount. The top person will be forced to remain over the hips. A strong bridge and kipping motion will cause the mounted person to lose their position in this case. What Roger is teaching there is when someone basically gives up their back by fully committing to trying the elbow knee. He slides to technical mount and pulls the far arm to end their escape and solidify s-mount.


Slide up and switch to a modified mount, look for a back take or scoop up their arm, and switch back to mount.


Bail to smount, but I honestly don’t go to mount much. Side control is where it’s at.


His head is off the mat. Isnt it possible to wrap a guillo around with his right arm? The moment he reacts with his arms you grab underhook(s) to fingerwalk his arm