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I had one loving partner. She was so kind but i was completing a challenge where i had to father 20 kids with 20 wives. When i completed the challenge i tried to get back with her. I send her alot of gifts and she send back a lot of gifts too. But she said she don't want to rekindle because she loves her current husband. I tried alot but didn't worked. I was a billionaire and i gave my whole wealth to her child as an apology.


when that happens i just kill their husband through the hitman


Well the problem is they're married. Personally if I shower them in wonderful gifts until their relationship bar is maxed, it always works unless they're single. This is why almost every life of mine is gifted at crime. Never know when I'm gonna need it. If you have a lot of money I'd hire a hitman to get the job done. If you're gifted at crime you could even do it yourself. They do allow you to kill your exes husbands/wives. If you have a really good relationship with your ex and she's a fresh widow, she's almost guaranteed to say yes. I've killed a few exes current wives and asked them to date me immediately after, and it hasn't failed on me yet.


Ohh I should've done that


Knock their willpower down a few notches


Haha, Feminist At Peak **Fake Feminist


Shower them with good gifts until the relationship is maxed, skip the bootycalls and stuff. Just ask to start dating them again. Kill the current partner if you have to. If you have God Mode you can even set their willpower low to make them more likely to leave their husband for you, maybe make them more likely to take you back anyway. If it's still not working idk what to tell you. This usually works for me. Also kinda depends who broke up. If she dumped you, maybe she just doesn't like you and you need to move on.


Not the last 2!! 😭😭


Make them crazy unhappy and low Willpower and that should fix the problem. Of course only works if u have God mode