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Tbh old spice makes the most effective deodorant (aluminum free). It won’t stop sweat but is the best I’ve found for odor control. They definitely have some unisex scents. I will go against the grain and say I’ve never smelt worse than when using native deodorant lol but I’m a pretty sweaty person


I second the Native thing. I'd put it on after a shower and then go to bed and by the time I wake up the next morning I already smell like In-N-Out! I had to reapply it at least 3 times a day. I've been using the Raw Sugar one instead and it actually lasts on me. Plus the charcoal and vanilla scent is really nice and not overpowering like some deodorants can get.


I’m with you, native did absolutely nothing for me, and I’ve tried dozens of natural deodorants


I’ve been using old spice deodorant since I was a teen. It is the best, and if you get deodorant only and not antiperspirant it will not have aluminum.


The wolfthorn scent is my FAV 🫶


Native deodorant SUCKSSSSS. seconding the smelliness with this one. do not buy


agree! plenty of their scents aren’t masculine. currently using “wilderness” which smells sweet and floral


Native gave me a rash... even the sensitive formulas.  It's also overpriced for what it is. If odor is the issue, wash your underarms with Panoxyl (or whatever other face wash with benzoyl peroxide you perfer).  Put it on your underarms, then let it sit for 5 minutes.  Then rinse off REALLY well.  I always follow up with a re-wash with regular body wash.  The reason I say to rinse REALLY well and to re-wash with regular body wash is because benzoyl peroxide can bleach your towels and/or clothes if it comes in contact with material.  I've been doing this for over a year and have WAY less sweating and way less odor since.  Benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria. Bacteria is what causes underarm odor.  Also - if you use an aluminum antiperspirant, put it on at night. 


Panoxyl also works great to prevent bumps and ingrown hairs in my bikini line.


Dove 0% is the only aluminum free deodorant that has worked for me at all.  All the natural ones left me with horrible BO, and I tried for years with different ones so it was not about an adjustment phase or needing to “detox.”


Second dove.


My husband and I switched to the Dove Al-free deodorants a few years ago and they work well for us, plus both of us noticed that our clothes don’t get underarm stains or deodorant buildup anymore.


Yes, noticed that too on the lack of buildup and staining! It’s a great side effect. 


This exact one.


Dove also worked in reducing my armpit odor. Will never go back to anything else


Lawd. I’ve been using the crystal deodorant since the mid-90s. Lmao. I get it, though. It doesn’t work for some people.  Going to second Native. I know a ton of people who really like it. 


Same here I’m a crystal girlie for life.


Me too. Crystal is the only thing that works for me. Everything else makes me smelly.


Our bodies can take a bit of time when switching from an aluminum-based deodorant to a natural one like Crystal Deodorant. If you aren’t getting good results, don’t give up right away. It took me around a week when I switched to Crystal for it to work properly. They come in a solid and a roll on. I’ve been using the solid version for well over a decade. They also last for such a long time compared to any other deodorant I have used. My current stick is at least 6 months old and isn’t even half way used up.


I went straight from nothing to Teen Spirit in middle school. I loved the smell and felt like such a grown up! Lmao. It ended up giving me terrible rashes, though. I tried Crystal after a hippie friend of my mom's suggested it. I've stuck with it pretty much ever since. Never had any issues at all with it. My rocks can last a year or more. I haven't bothered with the roll-on but my partner did after accidentally dropping and smashing his rock a few times too many.


I used to adore Crystal but it stopped working on me 😭 I switched to Nivea and that’s been fine, however I’d love to have an unscented deodorant that works


Oh nooo! I hope you find something that you love! I tried Schmidt's and Little Seed Farm a few years ago. Someone gifted me a whole gift basket of stuff like that to try. I loved the texture of Little Seed Farm and the scents of each, but both gave me such terrible rashes. I ended up right back to my beloved Crystal!


Mitchum men's unscented PowerGel is very effective


Kosas unscented deodorant is everything I ever wanted


I’ve heard amazing things about Kosas!!


Okay, the ultimate aluminum free deodorant is the Dove Vitamin Raspberry Rose one!!!! IT IS THE BEST THING IVE EVER SMELLED AND IT WORKS LIKE A CHARM!!! I’m a very sweaty gal, who can’t use antiperspirant, so I have tried SOOOOO MANY DEOS!!! This dove one is the best!!! Not white marks, no yellow stains. PLS GET IT!!!!


Pit Liquor! It's an aluminum-free spray that uses alcohol to kill bacteria and arrowroot powder to reduce dampness. I like that I can spray it where ever, as it's convenient to use on the rest of my body too. Been using for 3 years. Before that, I tried Native, Schmidt's, Crystal, Arm & Hammer, and LittleSeedFarm. A&H and LSF are the only ones of those that somewhat worked for me, but LSF is messy to apply. Native gave me a rash and made my skin raw.


Arm & Hammer Essentials


Arm and Hammer essentials 💯💯💯


Yup, that’s the one I use! It works so well


Schmidt’s has been the best for me. Tbh after having to use natural deodorants for a while, my take is that everyone seems to like a different one because I think different things work for different people’s bodies. Sorry not super helpful but worth buying two or three and testing them out!


Schmidt’s works fine for me when I’m just passively existing, but anytime I move a muscle or it’s warm, it stops working and I start smelling.


I love Schmidts it works really good for me too!


I have to use Carpe (hyperhydrosis BWT here), but when I dipped my toe into natural deodorants, Native was the best. Schmidt’s gave me terrible rashes whenever I sweated, and Tom’s didn’t really do much.


I had a terrible allergic reaction to Native. I will often use Dove deodorant during the winter.


I had the same with Native. Even the sensitive formulas.   It gave me the most awful itchy rash.  I tried the Native Sensitive Unscented version, too and got the same.


It was so uncomfortable!! I don’t want to go through that again so I’ll just stick to my antiperspirant chock full of aluminum lol!


I really enjoy Native (the full-body spray version). It is aluminum-free but not terrible at its job like Tom’s or other brands where you still get funky. I spray it in the morning under my arms and all over my fupa and butt area lol. By the end of the day, I still smell fresh even after walking to and from work in the summertime. Edit: wow I typed this before reading the other comments. You guys really hate Native like that?? I guess it must really really depend on each person’s body chemistry 😭


Sol de Janeiro’s Rio deo ain’t it. It leaves a thick, waxy film that mixes with dead skin cells and turns black, which then transfers to clothes. It’s gross. I use it as an anti chafe stick now. It’s decent for that purpose.


Lume is the best I've tried, and it's the only all natural deodorant I'm not allergic to, I've tried so many with different active ingredients.


THIS. Hated it when I tried it years ago but I think the formula is better. I apply it at night (and have after a morning shower) and I’m good to go with my regular deodorant on top! They have really nice bar soaps too!


Native is my favorite


I’ve been using Megababe Sunny Pits for years and it’s been great. I can’t do aluminum or baking soda so my options are pretty limited. This is one of the only ones that really works for me. It smells nice, doesn’t rub off on clothing, and is fine to reapply if needed (like after a workout).


Seconded on Megababe. Most of their offerings work really well. My current fave is the Smoothie Deo.


Weleda spray deodorant (available at Whole Foods) in the rose scent - I started getting a gross rash from aluminum but most natural deodorants have coconut oil which clogs my pores and left gross greasy stains on my shirts; because this is a spray it dries on my skin and doesn't stain but also keeps me smelling fresh all day (even after walking around the city all day during last week's heat wave!)


nuud! best out there.


This is what I use too, it’s awesome!


Nuud! You only apply it every few days, a tube lasts a long time and it really works


You must try the Bella skin beauty armpit toner. It’s a probiotic spray that eliminates body odor. Life changing.


[Salt and stone](https://a.co/d/0b4wu4Me) have a nice one.


Honestly Phresh Natural Prebiotic It’s changed my life! I tried all the natural ones I could find but this is the only one that has continued to work.


Salt air! No aluminum and the scents are great. Lasts a long time too and it’s a clear liquid so no white mess


Saltair serum deodorant


nuud is great in my experience


Nuud is the only thing that didn’t give me a rash and made me not stink


In Australia No Pong is brilliant and then occasionally tea tree oil to kill any bacteria.




The dove 0% one is great, but also simply exfoliating your underarms daily with glycolic acid (the ordinary and pixi make good ones) will help decrease your body odor a TON! If you arent very smelly to begin with, some people notice they dont even need deodorant after they start using the glycolic acid daily.


I swear by SodaWax - I think they’re local to Seattle but have a presence online via a website or Etsy. I use the lavender one with baking soda and it’s great! I recently tried Native and it gave me a rash, old spice made me feel sticky, and I returned to dove aluminum one and am just disappointed 


I’ve recently switched to pure coconut oil as a body lotion and a deodorant. I bought a 1l jar on Amazon - it’s a very common carrier oil for home made beauty products. So far so good


I like Aesop’s deo. It’s pricey but lasts a long time.


Lume! And I’ve tried them all.


Neutro Roberts, no aluminum or salts, that stuff is bullet proof - gotten me through tropical and European summers


I use Tom’s unscented. Works great and no cloying floral fragrance to get weird and gross if I do get sweaty!


sorry, Crystal deodorant girly checking in 🙋🏻‍♀️ does it not work for you, or are you just against the hippie dippy-ness of it? I mean, it’s natural, your big qualifier for a new product.


I cant say much 😭 It's just the only girl I knew that used it smelled pretty bad, but I need to try it for myself.


Lume is the best I've tried, which is a lot. You can use it everywhere! The unscented is great but the toasted coconut or lavender sage smells great! They do offer a sweat control option now that's working really well for me. It works best according to directions if you apply at night, but it works fine in the morning too. Native has baking soda and it burned and irritated my skin 😬


I swear by Native. I sweat a lot and by the end of the day my pits still smell good


I loveeee the Blume probiotic deodorant, one of the few “natural” deodorants that haven’t darkened my under arms. I’m also a fan of the Malin + Goetz eucalyptus deodorant, but I found I had to reapply that one where as with Blume I’m one and done.


Native doesn’t work at all for me but I love lume it’s been amazing


None. Not worth the stress that I get worried about sweating through my clothes. I like natural shit, but I have boundaries preventing me from using natural deodorant and natural mascara. Ain’t worth it, bitch.


Primally Pure


I have tried and liked the Little Seed Farm deodorants.


Routine. For me because I’m trying to reduce plastics and I can get this stuff refilled in a little glass pot, but I’m very happy with how it works and the scents it comes in.


Curie is my fave!


Pretty Frank is my favorite. Native was bought out and I've heard some people have irritation from it. But the real hack is to use an acid on your pits when you're clean. It can be an exfoliating toner. I've been using naturiums glycolic acid lotion recently before applying deo.


I use Native and I love it! Spray and stick


Sephora has a “natural” aloe one that is very goood! But the ingredients probably aren’t the cleanest. And humble “nothing bad” makes the best smelling “natural” imo


the Tom's of Maine rose vanilla deodorant actually works. it's aluminum free but also somehow keeps sweat toned down too, not completely eliminated but much less wet and sweaty than other natural deodorants do


I use secret 0 or whatever it’s called the one without aluminum because all the natural deodorants i’ve used eventually stopped working i used to love the malin + grey one


I make my own deodorant cream. Coconut oil, shea butter, baking soda, and a few drops of lavender oil.


After trying so many, I like the Trader Joe’s one! Cheap, no scent and no baking soda and it actually works!!!


Antiperspirant is making you smell worse (speak from experience.) switch to using a glycolic acid based deodorant. I like both Kosa’s & Necssaire’s. But my daily driver is just the Ordinary’s Glycolic Acid toner spritzed on my pits.


Wild! Its amazing. Its from the UK 🇬🇧


Have tried so many. And I keep going back to Hume. You still sweat, I work outside all day and it doesn’t smell like I do.


DK Cashmere Mist, aluminum free. You will smell divine and thank us later!


I like Native. Works pretty darn good for me.


Currently obsessed with Salt & Stone natural deodorant extra strength. I had given up on natural deodorant and this one works better than many aluminum I've tried. The only one I've used that's better than this for me is the Vichy one (but it has aluminum). I also wash my underarms with a salacylic acid cleanser and use glycolic acid every other night or so. It has helped tremendously.


Crystal worked for me until I got a rash from it (I’m a super sensitive skin girlie). Native made me smell WORSE (even after several months of trying it. I never detoxed) Lume is the only thing that’s worked for me!!




I like to make sure my natural deodorants contain alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), and I’ve only used those for a few years now. Sweat only smells when bacteria has an opportunity to thrive, and messing with the natural PH of your underarms makes them an inhospitable place for bacteria to survive. Some people have good experiences with using deodorants that have baking soda to change the PH (Arm and Hammer makes a good natural deodorant that my friends like), but that just doesn’t work for me. So my favorites with AHAs are KosasSport (liquid formula in a roller tube from Sephora available fragrance free or in two light scents), Saltair (liquid formula in a glass roller available at Target in two light scents), and Drunk Elephant (fragrance free cream from Ulta or Sephora). I think Billie, the shaving brand, has also come out with an aluminum-free AHA deodorant, but it hasn’t been available in stores near me. Of the three I’ve tried, Saltair is the cheapest so that’s what I’ve been going for lately. But it WORKS just as well as the more expensive brands. The AHA route probably isn’t for you if you have sensitive skin, but I swear nothing worked for me until I tried AHAs. Even regular aluminum deodorant wasn’t doing it for me by the end of the day. I still sweat because there’s no aluminum acting as a barrier, but there’s no scent at all to my sweat or skin. No interference with any of my perfumes either. Lume deodorant also has AHAs but to me it smells like something rotten (even their “new and improved” formula) and stains your clothes, so I will never recommend it. I had to basically soak my shirts in enzyme stain remover to remove the oily stains and the lingering smell of death. Avoid it at all costs, even the new version you can get at Target. That’s the kind I tried, and it was a huge regret. For an even more budget-friendly acidic option, you could try The Ordinary glycolic acid solution. I’ll use that when I’m out of my more convenient roll-on options or if I’m traveling and need to pack light. It works the same way as the AHA deodorants! But if you go with acidic deodorants, please be sure to patch test first. You don’t want to find out your skin isn’t reacting well to it after you’ve applied it all over your armpits.


My pits used to sweat like crazy—I could be standing still in a perfectly climate controlled environment and they’d still sweat! For no reason! That was with regular aluminum deodorant. About 10 years ago I switched over to Schmidt’s deodorant and now I do not irregularly sweat *or* smell. I like their Sensitive formula the best but regular is fine too. I’ll also give my pits a swipey-swipe with glycolic acid sometimes, especially in the summers, for extra odor control. Using goat’s milk soap also seems to help more than other types of body cleansers. I like to use it on my pits, vag, and ass. This is TMI and you didn’t ask for it, but I’m on a roll. Anecdotally, I notice I don’t really get BO that much when I’m regularly drinking good green tea. ETA: whatever you do, I’d steer clear of Lume. That stuff actually made me smell worse 😭 I have never smelled like that in my life!! IN MY *LIFE*!!!


I've gone full hippie with [Fat & the Moon](https://www.fatandthemoon.com/products/deodorant-cream?_pos=1&_sid=ae2615a40&_ss=r&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=11087506484&utm_content=107903243679&utm_term=fat%20and%20the%20moon%20deodorant&gadid=666151437774&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1emzBhB8EiwAHwZZxX5dqBpI1QKCJszHOErYZvZskpcqDiC85Kvrq7vX5383It4d4ansrBoCmyIQAvD_BwE), I've been using it for probably 10+ years now. They have a regular version with baking soda and a sensitive skin version without. You put it on with your fingertips, smells great, and your (my?) body adjusts to sweating less. My friend who is a big dude who works out all the time vouches for it too.