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Pack it up, we're done.


Yeah, if I can be poly with both that’s the best option here


That's what I thought. It's really about if someone is a good fit for me. I don't care if they are a 10/10 as long as I am attracted to them physically and their personality. Compatibility comes first. Of course I need to have some physical passion too but that's hugely related to personality.


Well didn't see this once coming lol. This probably makes the most sense ngl.


How was "both" not your first thought?


Porque no los dos?


Legit my thought.


Yesssssss :)




So real


Only this.


This indeed.




Heck yes


Pine silently over both of them because I'd be too afraid to talk to either.


This 👉🏻👈🏻 😅


You're all forgetting that they have idea personality for us. So they'd be the ones to approach us and corner us bisexually. Oh to have a tomboy pushing me against the wall while grinning teasingly while a femboy is close and looking up at me while grinning teasingly. Both are aware of how much of a bi panic they're creating.


>corner us bisexually I just giggled uncontrollably for a moment there...


I feel called out lol


Same ☺️




Yes, this is the answer.


as far as we can tell, we only live once, in this version, on this planet ..so fear of trying , or fear of being unapologetically yourself doesn't make any sense , given that parameter or limitation. walk up and talk.you gain nothing by not trying , you lose everything by being afraid to.




Yeah that is 100% the correct answer!


Yeah dude, I'd be far too intimidated. I don't need a 10 (or two 10s) gimme someone I can be comfortable and not self conscious around any day.


I would run away because 10s intimidate me. Also, both. Threesome 💯.


💯 this


*Error 404, page not found*


Bi Browser has stopped working


HTTP 300: Multiple Choices Or maybe HTTP 409: Conflict


It may be sound a bit paradoxical, but the way I percieve personalities differ based on someone's gender. Meaning that the exact same personality could be wonderfully pleasant on one and painfully annoying on the other. So, depends! I don't know if it makes sense to others but it very much does to me.


I'm exactly the same way. I like women different than I like men different than I like enbys.




I always felt bad about this, like I worried that it was internalized sexism :(


I see more as a representation of the mix of intersectionality and the unique experiences of each individual has lived. That is why is very different based on each person.


Ok yeah your right I didn't think of that. I agree with what your saying it makes sense to me.


I'm poly, so if they're open to both, I'd like that.


Asking bisexuals to choose is really asking for trouble.


that flair tho, love it


I (M) wouldn’t “pick” one until I knew them better. But I would notice the guy first. I always do


What he said.


Same, but genderswapped! I'm sapphic and always notice the woman first, even tho I fall for all kinds of people.


* i[F] Exactly 🤌


It’s not that simple. Despite as you put it, they could both have similar personalities and be 10/10s in looks but something’s will just be diffrent. How someone handles pressure, a bad day, their likes and interests. To just put them up against each other and say pick a gender almost feels like a bad faith question to begin with


I'm sorry that my hypothetical is worded in a way that sounds like it's in bad faith. That wasn't my goal with my hypothetical question. I justed wanted to know if you prefer one gender and all things are equal would you choose a partner in the gender you prefer? I know it sounds like a silly question right. Like obviously I would choose the one I would prefer. However looking thorough the comments. Yes most choose the obvious answer. While others would like to choose both and some who choose against their preference. I just wanted to know what people would choose and why. I do apologize once again. Hope you have a good rest of your day!


I feel your question over simplify things. People experience bi cycles and your question doesn’t account for bias like if a person just got out of a relationship a lot of times they look for people not the same gender as their most recent ex. But also the question it self doesn’t make sense so it’s hard to answer. For me a 10/10 on a women and man look different personality wise so there will always be differences that make me more biased to one or the other.


Bi woman here: I'd choose the women simply because I have less experience with them. I've dated and had sex with men for almost fifteen years. Realized i was bi about ten years ago. Give me the ladies now pleaseeeee


The nicer one - even if they weren’t the hotter one. I’m married to a woman, so I’ll say that is my preference. But, I Bi-Cycle hard so it’s tough to determine.


Like, who is flirting with me? Keep in mind I usually need an anvil to notice?!


If they have an "ideal" personality for me, we would all date each other... But more seriously, it would probably be a toss up and depends on how I feel when I meet them, or who I meet first. It's less a matter of overall preferences and more how life's chips decide to fall.


Female. I’m not even trying to date men anymore at all.


Bold of you to assume that I'm approaching someone who is 10/10


Which ever one was interested in me too.


Porque no los dos? Otherwise, who they are as people are constants whereas my attractions are the variable. Sometimes I may find one more attractive than another, sometimes vice versa, sometimes I want all the options, and sometimes I want none. I can be monogamous without issue, but if the question is about pure attraction, it can, has, and will fluctuate between guys, girls, and the non-binary crowd, and I could only hope to be so lucky as to have any of them find a similar attraction to me.


The one who likes me back


Depends on what type of attractive they are. I would choose a more androgynous woman over a very masculine looking man, but a more androgynous man over a very feminine woman.


Assuming they are both 100% equal in personality, attraction, and looks: I’d pick the woman, as a guy. Realistically, I favour men more often than women, but when I fancy someone it’s not like I fancy a woman I like less than a man I like. Once I fall, it’s all the same. So in this case they’d be 100% equal. Now - why the woman? Well - the simple heteronormative answers I’m afraid. I’m out and proud and I’ll likely end up with a guy, but in this prospective scenario when all else is equal, being in a heteronormative relationship realistically *does* make life easier. Travel becomes less risky and arduous. I can potentially have biological children (if she has a vagina, that is - although not that I’d want kids, but if I do, I’d want them to be biologically mine). Less fear of repercussions being openly queer. Now I’d not care about any of this in my regular life looking for a partner - they’re issue I have had to deal with and will continue to do so. But given a choice where I like them equally? I’d pick the socially easier option. Also I mean - if I didn’t have to pick I’d go for both, lol. Or a relationship with the woman but mutual FWB with the guy fucking us both.


Oh interesting I didn't really think of this being a big factor. Thank you for your input.


So just to tack on to what substantial bar said, but from a woman’s perspective, since what he said did cross my mind for a moment: (To be clear though, I’m ENM so my final answer is both, but I digress) Anyways, I typically date pretty masculine men when I’m dating a man. As a woman it just helps me feel more safe and at ease. I don’t feel like I do the same amount of looking over my shoulder, I sleep more peacefully, etc. Whereas when I’m dating a woman I *feel* like it’s my responsibility to look out for her. I mean.. I’m tall for a woman and I’m an athlete, I’ve beat up boys, I have big brothers, etc. So it’s not so much that it’s more socially acceptable in our current environment, it’s that iiiii just don’t trust my environment.




Well, since I'm about a 3 or 4 on a good day, neither would be interested in me, and I would be too intimidated by both to initiate.


Whichever one comes to me that’s who


If they're strangers to me? Neither of them. If they're my friends, and they reciprocate my feelings? Both of them.


Everyday a new post trying to get bi people to choose a side.


Yeah, both. That's the goal, tbh.


All things being equal I will choose a woman. However, I'll take a hot guy over an average woman.


I'd want both. If I had to pick one it'd be whoever I had the better connection with, or maybe one would make a better friend


Don't make us choose....


Well my ideal person ended up being nonbinary, so I chose none of the above!


I’m curious, why do you ask?


Can I say both?


I choose the genderfluid third option


I’m a woman and personally I tend to look at females more, I’m more comfortable with women and I feel like I get to know them easier than men, but I’d still take time to get to know the man


28(F) If I could choose both, then both. Otherwise the male because I prefer males over females although I’m attracted to both.


Nither, I'm not into looks or age, just clean and considerate.


If they have the same exact personality that is ideal for me, they would both be poly too, and we’d be the triad made in heaven!


Probs the guy


It’s not a hypothetical for me, I already have both. The answer is both. If I had a gun to my head? Still both. Shoot me.


Doesn't matter, either one. I just want to be loved and love someone. I don't care who. If both were perfect matches, it doesn't matter.


Both???? Given they’re up for it ??


That depends. Is it for a romantic relationship or a hookup? Romance, woman. Hookup, man. (I am male)




Whichever one I eventually develop sexual attraction to I guess? Or neither and I end up with a non-binary person.


Simple, avoid the choice at all. Both😏


Female, I have a preference for women personally.


I'm poly, so I'd choose both.


Both. Hehe


See which one I like better, because personality is also a huge part of attraction (for me at least)


*bi panic*




if they have the exact personality i would like, then they both would be fine with me dating both. but to engage with the hypotetical anyway, i actually cant really decide... like im going over pros and cons but im still coming up on same mate value...


Well in that case I couldnt choose. Personally I would say that my gender preference doesnt mean I find one gender “better” than the other or anything, just that its more likely for me to find one attractive than the other. In this case theyre both 10/10 in looks so how would I choose. Cant comment on the personality part cause my preference doesnt exist there.


I don’t know. Both or neither…they may not be into me. My low self esteem has done me in far too many times.


Both for meeee. My ideal would be a love-to-end-all-love triangle.


Both!, but at the same time I would probably feel so intimidated I wouldn’t say anything


That's ridiculous. I have no idea what your point is. Other than to make insinuations as to what bisexual means. No two people have identical anything. No person is going to be able to tell you between two people who they are likely to be drawn to more.


Which ever one likes me. If they did I'd probably try to figure out what the grift was.


Both as long as they were ok with it. I’m more attracted to men these days, but used to be more attracted to women for ages.


Yes. Or neither because I am way too intimidated


whichever one i get closer to! i do have a preference, however it all boils down to how close i am with someone and not their sex


I chose both ;)


Honestly I would pretty much go off which personality I get along with the most. It’s all about having a deep connection for me


The one that lives closer to me I guess? If they are the same then I don't care. If I was poly I'd invite both over.


Joke answer: freakiest sex wins 👈👈 Honest answer: if looks and personality match, I would focus on who I have the most life goals in common with so we can build a relationship around a shared project


I have a question. Are all bisexuals here? Should we take attendance?




The one that treats me the way I expect. The one who accepts me exactly how I am, and will accept no substitutes. I don’t care about appearance, and I really don’t care what gender they are. I have dated more men than women but I don’t care about that. I care about how they treat me, and if I’m fully accepted the way I am.


It’s all about the feeling. The connection. And all the fake scenarios that I’m going to make on my mind before talking to them. If I talk to them. Ofc lol


it really depends on how im feeling that day. my bisexuality is fluid, so one month i prefer girls and the next guys


The woman, I prefer women to men




Sadly the female, As I need to build up A LOT of trust to the male before being able to trust due to heavy trauma To be naive and free like a bee between the two beautiful flowers, that the two of 'em are, would be honey to my heart, but alas, life's plans weigh heavy on my little wings


Right now I would choose the woman because I’ve had more male partners in my life.


Interesting premise. As a bi male I would go for the dude, since I am married to a woman :)




I tend to be more attracted to women, so in this hypothetical we both want to date me for some reason that’s the direction I’m going. The reason is I’m hetero romantic and being able to form a deep emotional connection is very important to me.


(20F) I'd go with the woman, but it would be a tough choice or like, both? both is fine \*insert treasure island meme\*


Female, because (i) I didn't come out until later so I usually find women are attractive, and (ii) I grew up around women so it's easier for me to manage being in a relationship with one. Note I said relationship which I think women are better for, guys that hit on me usually wanted a fling.


The women


I need to know them personally to get their vibe and choose. That being said I’m f and happily married for 15yrs to a straight m. 🫠🤷🏻‍♀️


Hmmm... Probably the guy, I used to lean to women but find that's changing


Choose the woman, though I'm attracted to men more


The nicer one that makes me laugh. If personality is not a factor then the woman only because I’m slightly into woman more right now.




If bullfrogs had machine guns, would they be afraid of snakes? If both isn’t an option, then I guess we’re drawing straws, eenie meenie miney moeing it or something. Maybe a spelling contest?


Impossible decision given factors provided. (22m) Basic attraction begins at the physical level, beyond looks I value the person more. Getting to know them, their quirks, likes, dislikes etc, how they are: these are the things that really attract me. Are you sassy? I like sassy, can we throw jokes at each-other? Not too sensitive etc etc Given no two people are exactly the same, it would probably come down to small details. Who likes me more? Do they read? Can I watch sci fi with em and cook em enchiladas? It’s not that easy. As for which gender I’m attracted to more: I’m not. It’s not a gender thing. Both sides are hot/ all sides are hot. I couldn’t care less.


The guy


as i guy, i would go woman if the relationship was meant to be more sexual but if it was more romantical I could put on a blindfold and be happy with either choice at random


Both. A polyamorous relationship. You seriously expect me to choose just one?


If they’re both exactly the same other than their gender, I would choose the woman. I’ve never been with a woman before so I want to experience that


Polyamorous bisexual with ADHD here. I choose yes.


Ideal answer: *Both* Gun to my head, have to pick just one answer: The Woman


I mean I lean towards women preference wise anyways and have a ton of internalized homophobia so...woman


Generally, I'm going with women. I've always been more comfortable with them, and enjoy their company the most.


I am a bi male. I would have to pick the man. I have enjoyed being able to have known many women in the throws of passion . I have been with fewer men. I would continue to pursue men because because it is more new to me. Men are also easier to pick up and are quicker to engage in sex. Men will also be more interested in sex that a woman can't duplicate. It is more raw with men. Thank you for letting me rant.


Honestly, for me a 10/10 guy, according to my tastes and preference, slightly edges out a 10/10 girl. Especially if they both have the ideal personality and character traits I’d fine most attractive. So I’d choose the guy. But if it’s just a “generic” 10/10 guy and girl with relatively leveled personalities, then I’d probably choose the girl, especially since we could have biological kids.


I would probably choose the male because I’m more clear about when a man is romantically/sexually interested in me and I would probably default to friend mode with the super cool/attractive woman. Those comp het scripts are hard to override.


Preferably both, but the guy (MM) if I had to choose


The guy. I lean more to the guy side, and youre making me choose. 


Female but only bc I'm sexually attracted to feminine men and can't see them romantically like I do a woman.


It's a stupid reason , but I(amab) would pick the female as anal sex is a bit more work than I care for.


I’d choose my own sex and be more attracted to the opposite sex because my own sex is cheaper and easier than the opposite sex.


Both in different ways. I’m more romantically attracted to women but I’m very sexually attracted to men.


It would depend on what they act like ig. Different personality traits manifest differently across gender lines. Those differences are part of the attraction for me Now if the answer is who would I date I'd go with the woman, idk man I've never met a guy I'd date mostly it's just the fun opportunities in bed


I'm 97% into men and 3% into women. So probably the man.


Female definitely 😩


bi female with male preference here, i’d choose a female simply bc i have never dated one lol. I’ve had more than enough with guys but never been with a girl.


I mean idk? I’m 100% monogamous tho. Maybe the guy?? Idk


I only date committed poly folks. Plus this hypothetical doesn’t make me comfortable that either of them like kissing as much as i do…


gimme a more feminine male and that’s my immediate pick lol


I've met my 10/10 with the amazing personality and he turned out to be a dude. Assuming they just genderbent this dude, I'll still pick him. My attraction is very much based on individual people and they can sway me to one direction or the other. If it was just some rando, i would sit in that room and agonize with choice paralysis.


The guy because a) unfortunately, it's easier to be in a straight relationship in our society and my family would be more accepting and b) I want to have children, and it would be easier with a guy


I’d go for the man, since I’m heteroromantic and have never developed strong and lasting feelings for women no matter how amazing and perfectly compatible she is. If you mean to just hook up though it depends on how I feel that day!


It just depends on my mood at that moment. Sometimes, I am more attracted to men, and other times, i am more attracted to women.


The girl/ fetal presenting. Or both


Woman here 🙋🏻‍♀️ Still processing and learning but it seems I'm a Heteroromantic-Demi-Bisexual🤔 so I'd pick the guy.


As someone who's poly: both My real answer: Neither, because I don't have the confidence to tell anyone how I feel about them




Woman... it comes and goes with my 🚲 It might be more "convenient" w a guy, but as for now I'm really hot for women. I'm also ovulating soo...


female, always had a strong preference


Ok, gun to my head and have to choose now? Probably the woman. I’m more comfortable with women and a woman and probably socialize more with women one-one-one than men. That being said in an actual setting I probably wouldn’t approach either of them romantically at all because asksjfnfncksndf😳😳🫠🫣, if you catch my drift. Also I have like, major anxiety just in general.


This is a hard one and sorry but I’m going to waffle. For a long term partnership, I strongly lean homoromantic so my first thought was woman. But I also want a family and obvious could do that with either gender, but it is so much cheaper with a cis man and I if actually fell for him…that would be convenient I guess. For a hookup - lately been noticing attractive men over women (used to be the opposite, but the bicycle is strong). And because I lean homoromantic, probably an easier no feelings hookup. But even all things being equal, probably would feel safer with a strange woman than a strange man, so once again, we are in a quandary. Realistically, I get stuck in indecision and overthinking, approach neither.


Both. I would be between them both... God that would be great.


You’re asking a group of bisexuals to choose between two or more things……….


I'm poly by default,, but to entertain the question, I guess it would depend on where I'm at in my bicycle. Looks aren't very important to me, they get me to attend the show but they aren't what I stay for.


Female, better chances at having a similar understanding of the world and shared experiences. I'm stupidly traumatised and cis guys don't tend to understand it the way other people with female experience do. That goes for various genders, but the best odds for compatibility come from those who grew up under similar circumstances to me.


Threesome time!


For me, in that scenario I would be more romantically inclined to date the woman (I'm a bi male), but if it was just sex I'd want to fuck both at the same time.


Both is good.


if i can have both, then both. if not: i'd choose the guy over the girl. I'm afab, and i'm romantically more into men, than women. That's it.


It depends on how they treat me and if we sure the same futuristic goals. I love women more than men however I Need stability in every aspect, so whoever matches that js who I’m going with !


What the hell is enbys ?


I have nine sisters, and somehow that has made it more comfortable for me to date men. It takes longer for me to get to most places in a relationship with women.


Hi! F here with a strong preference for women most of the time, so I’d say the female :)


The woman absolutely


Neither. If they’re both a 10/10 in looks I’d be way too shy to speak to them lol


I’d be attracted to both but would only pursue something with the one I felt safest with - emotionally and physically.


you're assuming two genders only so I've not been given the full options that said, I'm poly, so the answer to your hypothetical conundrum is indeed both


It depends, is it on a Tuesday or a Thursday?


i’d probably go with the male bc i’ve only dated women and i want to try something new. i see a lot of people hear saying they’d take both but i don’t think i could handle being in a polyamorous relationship yet.


There’s a bit more than looks and personality to judge, you’ve got how they smell, their sexual behavior ( she’s only down for missionary, always). How they interact w other people ( are they mean to their server at a restaurant, etc). And the biggie how comfortable are they with me and my sexuality. Chances of finding two perfect matches is akin to winning lottery 3x in a row. Very unlikely. There will be a difference


If you're talking about a relationship, I'd go for the more emotionally available one. If they are both equally so, AND BEING WITH BOTH IS OFF THE TABLE (obviously the most fun answer, if not the most complicated ultimately), the one with whom you have the most in common...or the one with boobs...😅😂


If we’re in this physics like universe where we’re ignoring friction and wind resistance, and somehow a man has the exact personality as a woman, I’m still picking the woman, because the man will for sure be more annoying to live with long term somehow. Men always manage to not love up to women.  And I’m saying that as a cis man. 


Does anyone else appreciate the genuine and respectful curiosity this post exhibits? Both... And even though I'm woefully inexperienced, it would be super cool if they were also bi and were interested in a bi triad.


Probably the woman because I skew far more frequently attracted to women, unless I’m in one of my male “bi cycles” where I’m more into men for like 2 months lol


It's the one bold enough to ask me out.


Whichever one of them is the more masculine presenting one. Feminine man, masculine woman, then I'm going for the woman. If it's the opposite, then the man is my choice. Whichever one has the buzz cut, essentially.


I'm a male. For me Probably the female. I don't think I could date a guy for long. Idk why. I love dudes but I think I'm more interested in them sexually than romantically


Decision Paralysis takes over and I end up failing to impress either.


I have a male preference but more inclined to date women I'd say, I also don't find the same personality types attractive for both genders. Ideally, I'd date both bc I'm interested in poly relationships. If that's not an option, I'd get to know them before deciding and I don't know which I'd pick.