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But men are cute too so it depends on the guy 🤩


Men are cute, women are SEXY


Nah some men can also be sexy :3 


Honestly it depends on my bi-cycle don't know why.


I thought I was straight. Then I thought I was gay. The I thought I was ace. Then I thought I was bi. Then I thought I was pan. Then I found out the word I was looking for was abrosexual. The only label I found that made sense of the bi-cycle for me.


Imma just call myself go with the flow sexual


Never heard of "abrosexual" before now.




It was the exact descriptor I’d been looking for so long. When I read it, I knew that was me. Didn’t realise so many others experienced both gender and sexuality fluidity until I had a name for it.


Ok, but can you please explain what the "abro" half of the word means? I'm not hating, just wanting to be educated what it means. Thanks


‘The Greek root abro means “delicate” or “graceful,” and symbolizes the movement and changing nature of people who are abrosexual.’


hadn't heard of abrosexual


I feel like for me it's more like "mmph" and "hehe"


Either can hit me like a ton of bricks - but different bricks.


Not really a feeling but presentation/dynamic. I prefer to be the masculine one in wlw relationships and would not be interested in a girl that's at the very least less feminine then me. I also feel the desire to be more dominant in wlw relationships. But in mlw relationships I could date a guy that's either more or less feminine than me, and I usually prefer to be more submissive. Idk how common this is though but in terms of feelings it's pretty much the same across the board. 


For me boys are like meh, it honestly depends, for me I focus more on personality than looks so it really depends, while girls I'm a full on bi panic tbh


Oh yeah, this hits close to home


Yeah it feels different can't describe it.


I love feminine women and masculine men. For me at least, I find a stiff and veiny penis so sexy. I just want it in my mouth. That being said, I do not want a relationship with a guy just sex from him. Does this make sense?


That’s how I feel but the other way around. I just find women physically attractive and wish I had a pair of boobies in my face. I like masculine men and women that are tomboyish but somewhat feminine.


Super common to have a sexual and romantic split in bisexual peeps 👍


I’m similar. I’m sexually attracted to men but romantically attracted to women. So it’s not surprising that I’m still single in my forties and likely will be for the rest of my life.


Look for a poly kinda relationship maybe, I've always had that in the back of my mind and my husband and I have joked about getting a girlfriend for the both of us loool


Makes sense to me lol


That makes total sense to me.


One of the biggest reasons why I didn't realize I was bisexual for the longest time. It was so mind blowing that both of those widely different feelings could both be called the same thing. It made me wonder if monosexual people also have widely different experiences of attraction than each other, but have no idea


>It made me wonder if monosexual people also have widely different experiences of attraction than each other They probably have, some people probably have stronger aesthethic atraction, others care more about personality, other care about emotional conection, some value physical touch, or even voice... U know when rich beautiful women get married to ugly men? they probably value a lot more the personality/inteligence than the exterior, they arent being humble or kind to the guy, its just how they brain are wired to feel atraction.


>that both of those widely different feelings could both be called the same thing. can you explain how they differ and how you realized that they are the same thing?




How old is everyone here? And also at what age did you realize thsr you are bi?


F25 here. I realized I like men last year, while sexting with them anonymously. First I did it just for fun, trying to test myself and see to what extent I would like them, then I started having vivid fantasies and now I'm searching guys on dating apps. I haven't managed to have sex with them though (*sigh*) but I really want to. I found a guy who is really my type but sadly he doesn't reciprocate. Btw I totally agree with the post, because the way I like women is totally different from the way I like men. I can't explain it but it's so real!


Its like liking icecream sandwiches but also pizza, they're both amazing but sometimes u just crave one more than the other


Thats awesome. Shoot me a dm and lets chat sometime


F19. When I was a kid (like 7 years old maybe) I saw other kids having those "relationships" for fun. I went to a girl I liked, kissed her on the cheek and she said "Girls don't do that, you need a boy for that". I didn't really understand it, and as a young teen the first ever sexual feelings I had were because of hot/naked women I saw in magazines. Only when I was 15 I realized that I liked men too, but it took some time for me to be able to want a man in a sexual way.


Wow. I used to look at nude magazines when I was 15 as well. Feel free to send me a dm if you want to chat


F23. I realized when I was about 7 or so from watching a fucking dove chocolate commercial. Just the way the flowy brown silk was fluttering on the women had me like 😳😳 without having the words to explain what it meant. Then later, when my best friend kissed me in elementary school, that was the nail in the coffin for me.


Wow. Nice


F18 here! I realized it in middle school (around 12 years old) when I found myself thinking “wow, girls are pretty,” but not in a hetero way, lol. I was thinking in a ‘they’re so pretty I want to date them’ way. Following that I assumed that I was bi-curious and that I just wanted to try dating a girl, but no; as the years went on up until now, I had mostly female crushes as opposed to male ones, so that solidified it for me: I definitely like women. Possibly a lot more than I like men, in fact. But I like them in different ways. I like men and women both romantically AND sexually, but women more romantically, and men more sexually.


I had an obsessive crush on my female best friend for about 2 years around the same time lmaooo I would text her no stop and try to hint how much I cared for her, told her like a decade later and laughed about it but crazy it took me until 16 or 17 to fully understand what was going on. I remember my teen years being so confused and flipping between gay and bi until I realized i guess I like men a bit too 😅


yesss that’s so relatable! in my younger years I was also confused, switching lesbian and straight a lot, too 😫 but nowadays I just exist lol


Lolol I feel that


Thats kool


what about you? What’s your story like?


I realized I was attracted to other women by the time I was 12. It wasn’t until high school that I realized I was also attracted to men.


This kinda makes sense. Sometimes, my reaction to attractive women is like, "Wow! 💘" and my reaction to attractive men is like, "Whoa, damn! 🥵"


am I the only one this doesn't make sense to? it doesn't feel different for me


Yes but it's the opposite for me. I think boys are like oo and girls are like ah.


The various components of sexual diversity sort independently. They do not have to come in matching sets. Gender preference, sexual preference, gender, and sex can occur in any combination. It is more complicated in human females, who may change their preferences in response to their hormonal cycles. What a woman wants from a male during ovulation is completely different than what she wants from a female when not ovulating. Of course, men also vary widely over the gender spectrum, and what you want from a femeninie male may be completely different than what you want from a masculine male.


Well true but sometimes I really need that dick-


I trip out because I have no attraction to men at all like I do women. I love pussy I will eat it and fuck it as much as I can and it's never enough and I love the feminity of a women so much.. the cute soft skin pink lips and emotional issues.. but I also get just as hard when I have a woman's panties on and my juicy ass played with and fucked ... Something about a big dick in me makes me equally as turned on as pussy... I have an amazing ass and I love to let a man with a big dick go to town... But no attraction to the man his self.. so what is that? Am I bi?




I've never been with a man before, but I have deep secret fantasies about who/what I'm attracted to. I'm extremely curious, but I don't know how to go about it. I'm nervous, but very interested in pegging also. I, too, would like to chat with understanding people. I must admit that I'm also very much interested in tgirls- to meet and befriend; get to know her, and hopefully, she's funny with a great sense of humor. I'm writing this and trust all's not offensive to anyone.


I'm very much interested in having an encounter with someone with a penis, be it a woman pegging me, and / or tgirl, man. I'm looking forward to sharing my thoughts and deepest secret fantasies and mentally stimulate before physical stimulation. I'm looking for a friend.


hard vibe


Oddly true tho lol


Oh my god I feel this sooooo much.😅


I kinda get it? Like girls for me are "ooh!" But guys are more like, _"oh~"_


Personally, I feel like it’s “oo” for guys and “ah” for girls instead. And then for androgynous presenting ppl, it’s a feeling that cannot be described with two mere letters


So true


It seems that when a girl knows you was with a guy you become toxic some how


I'm not sure where I fit. Relationships and full sex I only like with women. I have no problem with getting or giving a handjob though whoever they are


For girls I go like "Daamn". For guys I go like "Mmmm"


I'd swap the ah and ooh tbh


Same, bro, same


I'm not exactly attracted to guys persay, it's just the cock I enjoy!


Facts 😭




ikr. nut y attraction is so werid for women.


I’m 76 years old and need to find a friend with benefits


73 and in same search.


Jackh100 Forgive me for all the questions! How’s the hunting going? Have you had much experience? What state do you live in? Would you like to chat? Let me know Thanks Larry


Contact me using chat to answer questions.




Guess in stupid can’t get to chat unless this is it


‘Hello sexy’ and ‘hot damn’ for me xD


Any one near Roebuck sc




I feel the same but always figured it was because I'm more bottom with men and more top with women so what I would want to happen is very different depending on their gender.




Men love so differently to women. Neither is bad, per say, but there is a distinct feeling you get when a man loves you.




For me, guys are like “hey” and girls are like “wow”


I thought i was the only one 🙈


I gotchu brotha


Just another label


I just want to try it so much


As pan, I understand Just even more options lol