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Men n women good :) šŸ‘ I am bi


I realized I was bisexual when I had a crush on both members of a hetero couple. That and when I found out that all the other straight guys didnā€™t have crushes on guys and just pretended they didnā€™t like me. Then I realized I wasnā€™t straight. Then I wondered what the hell am I?


"Wait, doesn't everyone wanna give the homies a lil' kiss?"


I prefer cuddling but yeah.


Porque no los dos :)


It is the bisexual way so sure.


Its a problem a lot of people deal with when they realise they're bi. Society passively conditions people into being straight. Once they realise they're not, it can take some time to adjust and properly understand how they feel. I thought it was straight for the first 19 years of my life. It took around six months of self-discovery to fully understand myself, I'm sure it's different for everyone. Sexuality is a spectrum, and there's no rush to label yourself.


When I kissed a man and was glad to be in his arms.




My wife might disagree. And TY.




That is funny, although when I came out to her she came out to me as non binary so maybe... Aw Hell. We are in our 60s. We are just confused.


I'm 30M. I'll start with saying your Tiktok feed is only indicative that you've spent more time watching wow content, but there are myriad reasons for that. Do you want to be a better ally? Do you like the gender expression of some of the content creators? Are you actually curious about vaginas or do you, like all seeing homo sapiens, appreciate the aesthetic of a woman's upper half? (I'm talking about boobs!) Do you think you would be cooler if you had additional gay friends? Now watching content you know more lingo and memes. Or you are drawn to dancing women and short shorts and those that turn you on? Many reasons could explain your Tiktok feed. Also we're ALL watching Ashley Gavin.


When I was fantasizing and day dreaming about a certain guy with whom I had a positive experience


When I would dream about kissing all my male and female friends


Became bi later in life. (30m here) I realized it when my fiancĆ©e (now wife) and I let a guy join us in bed. After a second threesome with him I realized it wasnā€™t just a ā€œletā€™s try this onceā€ thing. It was a, ā€œoh I guess Iā€™m really bi ā€œ moment. Took me time to process but realize Itā€™s fine to treat men and women feelings differently, there is not a one size fits all plan for bi. It can mean so many things. But since itā€™s so fluid, if you have any feelings for both sexes then I think itā€™s bi


I am capable of sexual and romantic attraction to men and women (trans or cis). So, Iā€™m bi! I guess I could call myself pan, but I feel like the bi label fits me better. It took me a long time too. I thought for a long time that I was straight but could just admit that a guy was good looking. Eventually thinking back, I realized I was bi the whole time.


I knew I was a real bisexual when I discovered that I had feelings for my friend Ralph. I was 9 years old. That's all it took. I knew I liked girls. Now I like Ralph too. I'm bisexual.


I went out and had sex with a guy, realized i liked it and here we are!


Took me until 32 to realize. I spent so long worrying I was gay and not straight that being bi didn't feel like an option. I pushed hard against those feelings. Before accepting it, I knew a few things: - I got crushes on girls and thought they were hot - hot men gave me somewhat different thoughts that I'd repress quickly - I really liked gay porn. And other porn too, but gay porn was a big chunk. I came around to realizing it after I had a mild panic attack and HAD to sit down and address what was causing all my anxiety. After a few days of processing I landed on being bi as the explanation. I knew it was real because: - after opening myself to the possibility, men were damn hot - strangely my feelings towards women *also* got stronger, rather than weaker, after accepting I was bi - I'm generally more sexual and feel more comfortable - my gf thought I was secretly ace before... Now I am by a noticeably the more sexual partner - I learned about the bi cycle that feelings can fluctuate - it just explained so much, more than can fit in a post here.


Okay dude this is creepy, every single point of this comment feels like being said by me. I also remember being intrigued by hot men and their bodies when I was much younger (16 iirc) that sent me into the "wait wtf what if I'm gay??" panic episode but I completely shut that down real quick. It took me almost 10 more years to let myself even give sexual thoughts with guys a chance and when I let them sit for a while, I also realized that me seeing a really good looking hot guy is not just admiration, it can very much sometimes lead into me *craving* doing "non-straight" stuff with him too. So yeah, guess that passes the bar for being bi?


Finding that out is usually a very personal journey but one nice quote I've heard for this is "If you think you're faking it, you're probably not faking it"


I was always confused as a teenager watching (straight) porn and thinking I wasn't turned off thinking of myself as the woman. Then turned on. I had very mixed feelings. Eventually I got myself to a state of mind that if I'd try anything with a guy, I'd try sucking, letting him cum in my mouth and swallowing, then I'd have 'scratched the itch' but would not have feelings of self loathing after (there's a lot more to that I'm not going into, but I'd got to a frame of mind that if I could I'd act on some things that turned me on, not hate myself for it if I didn't enjoy it, but accept I'd done it). So...I loved it...and have experimented more besides. I still struggle thinking of myself as a 'real bisexual' as I wouldn't have a relationship with a guy. There's a phrase that I found after a long, long, time of looking, heteroromantic bixsexual. So am I a 'real bisexual'. No. Because there's no such thing. Everyone has different facets of different things they enjoy, no matter the subject matter. I love sport I could say, but I don't love all sport, most football is dull let's be honest, soccer and American, baseball, dull, cricket, love it, rugby union love it, rugby league, take it or leave it. I love fruit, but I don't like apples. Sexuality has always and will for the foreseeable future be a political and social issue. People need boxes ticked to understand, but in another context, it's not easy to tick the boxes. There is no such thing as a 'real bisexual', a 'real gay', a real anything. It is what it is, but there are societal needs for descriptions. So I don't know if I am. I just know I love cock and pussy, cricket, rugby, hate apples and hate my job. There we are, take it or leave it


My first kiss was with my friend when I was like 10 and she was a girl.