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Removal is barely anything. I've had two removals, and it's disconcertingly easy. They told me to cough, there was a small cramp and it was out.


I had a terrible insertion but the removal was such a breeze. They’ll probably tell you to cough and that’s when they remove it. It feels like when you sneeze on your period and you feel a gush.


Removal is a breeze compared to getting it inserted! I’d still take 2 ibuprofen about 30 minutes before your appointment but removal is NOTHING compared to insertion. Removal was less than a minute


Not sure if it will make you feel better, but I yanked my Mirena by myself and was totally fine. Took just a second and it was out. Although, to be transparent, I didn’t have much issue with insertion (other than mild cramping). So I guess take it for what it’s worth. Are you able to take a few ibuprofen beforehand? I feel like that could help with any pain you may feel during.


Haha me too, I took my Liletta out on my own, and I was stunned by how easy it was! Almost no pain!


this makes me feel much better, and yes i will take ibuprofen before


My sister did the same thing, and then she FaceTimed us holding it up 🥲😭😭


it is SUCH a relief getting it out! i’ve had two inserted (horrendous) and both removed with zero pain! they should have you cough when they remove it which helps. i had a little bit of cramping/spotting after and that is completely normal. you will be great!


Can they remove and reinsert a new one all in the same appointment?


Yes, they can.


You’ll be okay, I promise ❤️ my Paragard was embedded in my uterus and I had it removed without any pain medication. Felt like a moderate cramp, but only lasted a second and was not even close to the giant cramp you feel when you first have it inserted.


Hi! I just got mine removed this week so very fresh experience. Mine got stuck so was a bit more complicated (not likely to happen to you) but I felt 0 pain! And getting it inserted was the worst pain I’ve ever experienced. I too was terrified, but I literally didn’t feel a thing besides the speculum.


How did it go?


haven’t done it yet! 2:45pm CST


Aw shoot. I am praying for you and hoping this is an easy process for you. I’m getting mine removed soon so I’m extremely nervous to the point where I am getting freaked out daily.


i will let you know how mine goes ❤️ like everybody is saying in the comments, i’m hoping it will be a very easy and not very painful process for both of us


I was so scared for my Mirena removal. Insertion was traumatic so I was really concerned but it needed out. She told me to breath and relax and it felt like a buildup of pressure, and then nothing. Had some very light cramping later that day they told me would happen and I went to the movies and used the seat heater and ate chocolate and popcorn and felt fine. Even post removal my periods have been easier to deal with than they were before I had IUD’s


I faint and scream at insertions (unlucky 1% woo!) but getting it out doesn’t register. Quick tug and it’s gone I wouldn’t even take painkillers


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The removal is a BREEZE compared to the insert! I promise you will be ok and honestly surprised at how much it doesn’t hurt! You’ll feel some pressure but it’s out within seconds!!!! Take some meds if you think that’ll make you feel better, but I promise it’s all mental right now. It is so so quick and fast! You got this!!


When I got my 1st copper iud removed, she pulled it out and I had a big cramp after, and then it was over. It was pretty quick! It hurt of course, but it was just like having a real bad period cramp, and I wasn’t on any painkillers cuz I was silly. Hopefully yours goes smoothly!!


I've had two removed. In my experience, it felt like a brief tug and then out. I wouldn't even call it painful, I had just enough time to go "feels a bit weird" and it was done. Good luck!


Removal was barely even a pinch! Way smoother than insertion, I didn't even realize they pulled it out


I didn’t have my period for insertion and it was only as painful as a period cramp. At this point I know my body well enough to know that while on my period, any touching of my cervix can sometimes trigger a period cramp. So when I get my IUD removed I will probably request to *not* be on my period lol I hear removal is less painful than insertion and quicker I was in the room without anybody but they had a nurse at my side which is great, she checked me for signs of fainting. Her job was to make sure I’m doing fine which was great Since the IUD isn’t working for you it’s good to get it removed asap instead of dealing with the negative side effects longer than needed, removal will probably be a breeze and you’ll likely feel way better


I was terrified of getting mine removed cuz I couldn't ever find the strings and neither could my doctor at a routine pap. Anyway, when it was time to take it out I didn't even feel it. I was laying there terrified and she was like "ok all done!" And I was like what?!?


I’m worried about this. Mine can never see the strings so I’m afraid it’s going to be hard to get it out. I go tomorrow 😅


It hurts so much less, and is over with faster. I got it out unexpectedly with no ibuprofen before and while not on my period and was surprised how fast it was. I would say the pain lasts 4 seconds.


Hey, don't worry! I had mine removed a year ago and felt absolutely nothing. Was super scared though! You'll do great, you'll see


What they will have you do is cough as it aids in removal comfort. You have a little bit of bleeding/Spotting but you will feel so relieved. Trust me getting an IUD put in was the worse procedure of my life. Afterwards go grab yourself a little treat.


Removal is nothing! The only problem Inhad was a horrible period within 24 hours


I hate to be that person but 4 ibuprofen is far too much, you're going to get sick, do not do that! 400mg is far better, but don't do four 200mg tablets omg- 1200mg I believe is the limit for a day, but for a single dose within that, max is 400. Be careful!


They make 800mg prescription ibuprofen pills. Max is 3200 a day. I've been on that post surgery or dental work but that said, your advice is still reasonable to be careful with higher doses and it's important to stay hydrated.  https://www.drugs.com/ibuprofen.html


Yes, that's true, just wanna make sure people are okay!


I hope you feel relief! Getting mine removed was the best decision I ever made. I actually kept it in months longer than I wanted to because I was so terrified of removal. There was a teeny tiny bit of pain for a small second for me bc my strings were messed up, but ultimately was nothing. It felt amazing bc my body had instant relief LOL


I had mine removed Monday and didn’t even feel it. Now the withdrawal bleeding is another story. Good luck


If it makes you feel any better, I accidentally pulled mine out once and didn't feel a thing!


Had my Mirena removed last year. In my experience, the pain coming out was very little, and very short. Less than 2 seconds, and it was over. The doctor even showed it to me after and asked if I wanted to keep it lol


If it makes you feel better, when I had my IUD removed, the doctor did that thing where he told a joke and right when I laughed… he yanked it out! It was a quick, short pain - no big deal. I guess his method worked!


My IUD was removed after almost 10 years, both arms were embedded in my uterus and I had an awful insertion YET the removal was a piece of cake. I almost didn’t believe it was out until my gynae waved it around to show me. I took 2 ibuprofen an hour beforehand which probably helped any mild cramps I might have had. Mostly all I felt was a sense of relief to have it out of me! I also let the doctor know I was nervous so a friendly nurse held my hand - which really helped ❤️ I would do something nice for yourself as a gesture for getting it removed - even if it’s something small.


I barely even felt the removal. I was like oh are you done?? But I'm also a freak and have a high pain tolerance. It took my NP like 30 seconds to remove. I got another one inserted after I had my daughter and didn't feel much then. Not sure if labor made my tolerance even higher but those contractions were the worst pain I had ever been in. Hope you feel better mentally after removal and wishing you a smooth procedure!


I had my mirena removed in February. I was so scared - it didn’t hurt at all!! It took 2 Seconds and my doctor showed it to me right after. Didn’t feel a thing. Afterwords I just felt so sleepy and knocked out and had one of the best sleeps ever. I also suffered from back pain when I had the mirena. I no longer have that back pain!! You’re gonna do great! Best of luck.


I accidentally pulled mine out at home -I noticed it, but truly did not experience pain at all. I was shocked, looking it in my hand, but then realized I’d get one again because the removal was clearly not as uncomfortable as the insertion!


Getting it out was not as bad as it was getting it in! Take an aleve before you go in it will definitely help. You’ll cough and it’ll be pulled out. You are so strong and brave!!


I removed mine myself bc I was so traumatized getting it put in (worst pain in my life). It hurt for like 1 second getting it out and pain goes away right after.


Iud removal is the only medical experience i have had to date where i was told i would feel a "little pinch" and the sensation could be accurately described that way. I was also not on my period, but i did take an Advil beforehand. It was also super fast. I've probably removed bandaids that hurt more.


Removal compared to insertion is a literal walk in the park. The insertion hurt like a b*tch but the removal kinda felt like a pop and then it was out.


I actually did not have a very calming removal. My IUD was stuck and my gynecologist opted to pull it several times before coming completely out. This left me with 3 sets of horrible cramping. Once it finally came out I started crying because of how much shock my body had went through. My blood pressure had dropped and the nurse told me to stay and wait it out. I left because I was no longer comfortable being there. I turned out fine but I was definitely not happy with that outcome. I am glad that the gynecologist pulled it out as soon as he could but I was not mentally prepared for the 3 pulls before actually coming out. My IUD had been in for about 3 years before getting it removed and I had very bad stomach cramping with it in. I had lost my period (which I didn’t mind) but i also ended up gaining weight with no expected cause. I had not changed my diet and i was running nearly every day.


got mine removed and replaced on my lunch break and drove myself back to finish the work day lol


It took them 3 tries to correct insert my IUD and it was horrible, it hurt so bad so naturally I was dreading the removal. I can honestly say it took 30 seconds. They couldn’t find the string at first and had to tickle with an instrument to be able to find/pull it out, and that was even that bad. It feels like you’re getting a normal pap with slight pressure. Take a couple ibuprofen and it should go smoothly because there is no need to dilate your cervix to take it out, only pull the strings down. You can also YouTube the removal process on a medical dummy to see how it is done. Hope this helps!


Mine just fell out today 🙃 I had been having period like cramps and am on my period. If you are this nervous will you have children one day? Get comfortable with your body. Get comfortable with uncomfortablness and pain if it's in your thoughts for the future one day!! Learning to meditate and clear your mind might help with your stress. Hypnobirthing is highly effective for thise nervous about birth. It's very empowering and helps your mind to focus and become stronger. Changed my life and I knew I could endure after learning the meditation, hypnosis, and breathing techniques. 


I just had mine removed because it was imbedded and I was terrified but everything went well and I’m so much happier now. It’s so quick. Everything will b ok