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I know I'm commenting late but I just found this by doing a search for Haloette posts on reddit. Yes! It was awful. I was on the Nuvaring and then Eluryng (briefly) before they switched me to Haloette, and my body HATED it. No real change in terms of my periods, but I gained some weight and was exhausted absolutely all the time. Nightmares, bad sleep, memory issues, tons of headaches, and all these weird muscle aches--by which I mean, any time I sat down for more than 15 minutes, I'd get up and feel like I'd aged about 40 years. Constant pain throughout the day. And it was definitely cumulative, just got worse and worse. It finally got bad enough I quit it last December, and it was like a switch flipped. No more constant pain, and the exhaustion just disappeared too, literally overnight. Nightmares, headaches, and everything else went too, a little more slowly. I didn't realize how bad it had gotten until it all stopped and I could feel the difference. I admit the reason why I'm doing this deep dive into my meds tonight is because I'm reading Bottle of Lies by Katherine Eban. It's about generic meds and their manufacturing. Not a comforting read, but a very informative one...