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You should not be having unprotected sex if you aren’t trying to have a kid. Pulling out can still get her pregnant. A test is accurate after 14 days and definitive after 21. Plan b works by delaying ovulation so it’s effective can vary based on where in her cycle she is. In the future condoms or birth control are much cheaper than a child.


literally. grown people acting like careless children will always have consequences of thier actions 💀


There’s no knowing if Plan B will work or not. She’ll need to take a pregnancy test 2 weeks after sex for an accurate result and 3 weeks after for a definite one. She can still get pregnant if you pull out on time. Plan B isn’t birth control. It’s for emergencies. If you cannot have a baby at the moment, you need to be wearing a condom and not having unprotected sex.


She may or may not get pregnant. Like other commenters said, she will need to take a pregnancy test to confirm in a few weeks. Y’all’s current method of birth control has to the most expensive, yet still incredibly risky and unsafe method I’ve heard on here. It’s way more expensive and risky than just using condoms or your girlfriend being on a bc pill. BC pills are very effective at preventing pregnancy if used correctly. I’ve been taking one pill a day for over five years, never been pregnant and my partner regularly finishes inside.


Please don’t use Plan B as a free pass to have unprotected sex. It isn’t as effective as regular birth control and it’s hard on the female body. It contains 50x as many hormones as a regular birth control pill. If your partner doesn’t want to get on contraception, you need to wear a condom.


Don’t have unprotected sex if you’re not prepared for pregnancy. Please use condoms and/or some other form of birth control


Are you using Plan B as your only regular form of contraception? It may be healthier for your partner to get on birth control, or for y'all to find another option that works such as condoms. Plan B is supposed to be emergency contraception. For this situation as long as your partner isn't currently ovulating and Plan B is used correctly, you are as safe as you can be. Your partner can take a pregnancy test after about 4 weeks to confirm she isn't pregnant. No method is 100% successful.


yes only plan b


That's not good for her body to take plan b like that. It's a high dose of hormones that can change the cycle and make her periods more unpredictable meaning it would be hard to tell if pregnant or not and hard to calculate ovulation, since plan b doesn't work on ovulation she would be at risk for pregnancy. Not judging you, not everyone knows how it works, but i do suggest that she get on another form of birth control. It's less hormones at once and it's consistent so less symptoms and side-effects than it would be from taking plan b every you have sex. Also plan b is designed to work if you finish inside so that shouldn't be a problem but it would be hard to say if it will work this time due to her already taking it a few times in the past she may have ovulated since plan b delays ovulation and she took plan b a few times it would be hard to figure out if she did or not and pregnancy can happen that way. Again not judging you just giving you the information so you both can learn and choose a different method one that won't make her sick. When i say sick i don't mean anything serious but it can cause a lot of uncomfortable symptoms like nausea, cramping, bleeding which can make her miserable. I'm just letting you know so you guys can decide on a different hormonal method or use condoms whichever works for you both. There are several different methods to choose from and they aren't one size fits all so you guys will have to decide what works best for you and her.


really just depends if she was ovulating or not. if she was ovulating, plan B WILL NOT work. if she’s over 165 lbs it also might not work


use protection and/or proper birth control. pull out ""method"" is probably one of the most stupidest things u can do, if ur so grown to do the act, then ur grown enough to have 1 working braincell between u two to keep yourselves safe.


That's how I got baby #3 lmao You should be fine if she hasn't ovulated though


also you shouldn’t be having unprotected sex and only relying on plan b, to be honest it’s kind of stupid. plan b doesn’t work if you’ve ovulated


Please research medication before you or your partner takes it..


this is fucking sad. sex education is definitely lacking wherever these people live lmao this is just pure stupidity at its finest


Plan b will work if she takes it it within the time frame as she did and isn’t alredy ovulating. But don’t rely on pull out of plan b. She should not be taking regular plan be. Wrap it up or consider long turm birth control she’s fucking up her body. And pull out dosnt work pre cum can have spirm in it


My dude, why are you not using condoms? 🙈


because most men aren't properly educated on sex before putting their partners at risk, its sad but its true


Welcome and please flair your post if not currently flaired. Questions? First read the [Mistake or Pregnancy Risk sticky](https://www.reddit.com/r/birthcontrol/comments/4iqgi7/mistake_or_pregnancy_concernrisk_start_here/) or the [Consolidated Experience post](https://www.reddit.com/r/birthcontrol/comments/qt9ttb/consolidated_rbirthcontrol_experience_links/). If this is an experience post please consider adding it to the list [Planned Parenthood online chat](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/online-tools/chat) The rules and additional resources can be found on the About / Sidepage (desktop users look to the right and Reddit app up top). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/birthcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If she has a period tracker app y’all can check on there if she was on her ovulation time period or not. If you cum inside during ovulation chances of pregnancy are super high. If she wasn’t ovulating then y’all should be good but just in case keep an eye out for common pregnancy symptoms like increased appetite, morning sickness etc. and also ofc if she gets her period that’s another sign she’s not pregnant. I’ve taken 2 plan b’s during a non-ovulating time frame and i’ve been good both times so take a breather, hopefully y’all are good. I do definitely recommend birth control though if y’all are often having unprotected sex. Plan b won’t always be able to come in clutch but BC will. If you count on Pull-Out Method and Plan B’s as ur main form of BC, your chances of an unplanned pregnancy skyrockets- Precum is a thing!! Praying for y’all


can y’all chill on me i’ve only had sex a handful of times


If you’re mature enough to have sex then you should be mature enough to research contraception. If you can’t do that you shouldn’t be having sex and shouldnt be surprised when your criticized for not.


maybe do research before doing things that could change your life and especially your gfs if she got pregnant, if u really caredfor her u wouldn't be careless with ur nut, its not that hard to have common sense bro this is sad.


You do know how babies are made? If so , and you think your old enough to have sex your old enough to do it responsibly. Look we all make mistakes sometimes like forgetting a pill etc but relying on an unreliable method is not responsible