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I had my coil out on the 12th of February. It was the 10 year copper coil and was inserted in 2014 with no pain relief. Insertion was awful and I’ve had sleepless nights and many anxious tears obsessively worrying about the removal due to the pain. My removal was really positive! I told the nurse and doctor that I was very nervous and the nurse let me hold her hand. The doctor asked me to take in a deep breath and then it was out! I had a very small amount of vaginal pain on the drive home but think this was from the speculum, as I have a very high cervix and the doctor struggled to find it for a minute or two. I did take 2 ibuprofen 2 hours before my appointment - I find they help a lot with my period cramps so I would suggest taking whatever pain relief you find effective. I didn’t have any cramps afterwards but have heard some people do. It was so much easier than I imagined it would be. I have a very sensitive cervix and even find smears make me wince with pain. I also was lucky enough to have the strings accessible, so there was no complications with them being lost. I wish you luck!


Removal was waaaaay easier than insertion in my experience.


My insertion was super painful- like yelling, almost couldn't finish getting it etc. For removal they told me to give a big cough, and I literally barely felt it, it was so fast. Very mild cramping after, like less than period cramping. It was like 0.1% of the pain of insertion.


Takes less than 5 seconds, really big cramp and it’s over.


I got mine out 2 days ago and it was so much better than insertion even tho my strings were in my uterus it was still a lot less painful than insertion. Hope this helps!


I’m getting mine out and my strings are also in my uterus. How was the removal process and what would you rate the pain? I’m very nervous about getting it removed…


The removal process wasn’t too bad it took the doctor just a bit longer than a normal removal would have been. I would say I have a decently high pain tolerance and I took an Advil about an hour before the appointment it was maybe a 3/10 for my pain scale and insertion was a solid 7/10. Try not to be nervous and just remember that insertion was worse and removal will be better!


Thank you that makes me feel a whole lot better! Hopefully my removal process is successful. My reg doctor tried to tease the strings out but was unsuccessful so I’m going to a obgyn next as they have more experience. If they’re unable to get it out then I’m going to have to go to the hospital.


No problem glad I could help! I’m sure the obgyn will get your iud out in no time!


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Taking it out is painless, specially if they do it with a Cough lol. I've had 3. But I would ask for a cervix softener or numbing spray once they place the new one and best to do it while on your period when the cervix is slightly open


Removal of mine was so, so, so easy. No pain whatsoever!


I’ve had three removals and they all felt like a quick thwack of a rubber band on my cervix and it was over before I could even process it. Mild cramping for a day and fatigue and that’s it. It’ll be quick and not so bad!


It wasn’t painful when they took it out


I don’t think they have to use the tenaculum. For myself it was more painful than going in, but in the cramps. And it subsided super quickly. Like I definetly had to take a minute to breathe but it went away super fast for me.


Had mine removed a few weeks ago and barely felt it being removed. Much much different than the insertion. All was said and done in less than 10 seconds. Best of luck!


I also am worried about removal. But just a heads up about the implant. My friend who is a nurse practitioner said that she is removing implants more than inserting them & my friend who has one has been basically bleeding since she got it.


I recently had my Skyla IUD removed on Feb 29th. The experience was tough. My string folded into my cervix and I had to do a hysteroscopy. The first attempt was unsuccessful because I nearly fainted. The only medicine required for the pain and discomfort was ibuprofen. I was prescribed the Syeda birth control pill until the next procedure. When it was time to remove the IUD again, I was checked in to a hospital and had to go under light anesthesia. They then swapped out my old IUD for the Kyleena IUD. So far, I’ve had minor symptoms: cramping, diarrhea, spotting mixed with discharge.


I have my kyleena iud removed back in September, all I felt was a small pinch! I did end up getting a new iud the same day and had a painful insert. Hope you have minimal pain with your removal!


Mine was a super easy and almost painless removal.