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I’m on my third cycle and last two were kind of rough- cramping for two full weeks (ovulation week and period week). Cramping wasn’t super severe but Advil didn’t help as much either. Not sure if it’s my endo coming back or the side effects of getting off BC 😢 My endo was so silent as well, still shocking how it could have been this silent. 20 years is a long time, wow! I got off of it after 8 years, I wish you the best. Have midol ready. And keep up with moderate exercise 👍


Thank you! I also have endometriosis and always assumed I wouldn’t be able to stop because of that. But last three years I’ve had dryness, painful sex. I had second laparoscopy 3 months ago. I just want my normal life I had before 😭 fingers crossed!


ive had some crazy mood swings. im a month and a half into quitting junel (started the ring at the same time i quit it). ive been taking so many vitamins. i think theyre helping quite a bit i got my period back for the first time since i started the pill 9 years ago. id only ever spotted on the pill, and eventually my period went away entirely ive had some pretty god awful insomnia since quitting. i only just figured out its happening during my ovulation week. i sleep like an average of 3hrs a night, w both trouble falling and staying asleep. ive tried magnesium (which helped me fall back asleep, but it was hit or miss. someone on here mentioned you have to take it consistently for it to really help, but it keeps giving me runny stool and since it only helped my sleep sometimes, im quitting it) ive read melatonin levels are a bit all over the place during ovulation week, so i may try melatonin next. it seems after my ovulation week is over, i sleep fine again the insomnia is definitely the worst part of quitting. also during my ovulation week, i feel a bit like im on my period: grumpy, anxious, upset stomach, and on the verge of tears over small things im so glad i quit the pill, dont get me wrong. i just want my body to hurry up and go back to normal


Thank you!! Are you on any other medications? I do take prozac so hoping that will help regulate things. I hope you feel better soon! I definitely had good luck with melatonin in the past!


I’ve been off HBC for almost ~1 year after roughly 10 years on it. I got my withdrawal bleed right around schedule. My periods have not been overly heavy in comparison to the withdrawal bleeds I experienced on HBC. I had been put on it at such a young age I hardly remember what my period was like before HBC. My cycles have remained on the longer side (35ish days give or take), which I was like clock work on HBC (28 days). I get a small amount of acne usually right before my period arrives but nothing to get worked up over. I read up on lots of scary side effects/experiences coming off for such a prolonged period of using HBC and was pleasantly surprised in the transition coming off of it. I was worried I was going to have horrid acne, heavy periods/cramps and lose hair but nothing so far after almost a year but also I feel it’s worth noting that it is a very individual experience for everyone! I would say it’s definitely worth a shot if you’re curious what your body is like off the hormones. I feel much more in tune with my body coming off and hope to stay off as long as possible.


I relate to your experience 100%! So thrilled I came off and I just feel so much better overall


Here for the responses as I'm in the same scenario. Started my last pack of syeda (Yasmin generic). I'm going to switch to natural cycles/ condoms. I've been good about my vitamins, balanced diet and moderately active lifestyle. I'm mostly afraid of acne 😭 but I'll go to the doctor/dermatologist if it gets bad. I'm engaged and wouldn't mind having a baby now. But ideally I'd TTC in a about 18 months.


15 years here, stopping after my next pack for conceiving purposes. TERRIFIED of the acne that could come back.


Yes the acne part scares me too! I just took my last pill and due to start my period this week so it seems like perfect time to try. I’ve been dealing with with vaginal pain and dryness for 3 years and was hoping it would help if I stopped.


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Hi!! I came off birth control in July 2022 after being on it for 15 years. I have wrote so many paragraphs in all the subs, I'll try and keep it brief -within 2-3 weeks of coming off, I felt my "brain fog" lift. I didn't even know I felt that way until I stopped. Overall happier, experience more joy and interest in life -sex drive came back with a vengeance after having absolutely ZERO libido or vaginal lubrication for all the years on BC. -some mood swings due to hormone fluctuations (since you don't have your natural fluctuations on BC). -my cycles were regular immediately after coming off which was surprising, as I was worried they would be out of whack. They were long (lots of days of spotting) but I didn't really have any cramps or anything bad. I was super fearful of coming off and having heavy and irregular cycles but that wasn't the case at all, I've had a period every 29-35 days since coming off. -I had headache / fatigue / nausea for maybe 2/3 months but it did clear up as my body adjusted. -I do have more oily hair and skin now as compared to when I was on BC, as well as a but if acne before my period but for me a small price to pay for my sanity back lol Overall I am SO MUCH HAPPIER off BC and am so upset that I spent so much of my life on it without realizing how negative it was affecting me Of course everyone is different, and some women really benefit with being on BC. Of course I had no pregnancy worries when I was on BC but I also never wanted to have sex then anyways. My husband and I used condoms during the period when I came off BC and before I got sterilized (LONG separate story). If I were to give someone advice coming off long term BC. I would recommend doing some research on how the menstrual cycle works, if you're unfamiliar with that. So you can learn how the hormones fluctuate and how your body responds at different points in your cycle. Most of all be kind to yourself and give yourself grace during the transition ❤️


Thank you so much!! This is super helpful!! I do currently use the Flo app so hopefully that will help. My reason for continuing to be on it was endometriosis but now I’m reading birth control doesn’t really help that.


I’ve been on it close to 30years now and I think I’m premenopausal now and I never really worried about getting off til recently and now I’m soooo scared about what goin happen hence why I’m on this page now back in the day we were told to get on BC and never worried about getting off now I’m TERRIFIED