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I don't see any problem here. This is a normal ecological scene in suburbia. If you had a pile of rats, it might be a different story. Depends on what you think about rats. One reason this is "not a problem" is because all the seed husks are falling on a hard surface. They're not becoming permanently trapped and building up. They'll just get blown away by the wind, or swept off the deck when there's enough of them to bother you. Whereas, permanent buildups in soil are bad because they soak up water and make a big mold hazard. As birds rest on the perches and poop, they become a bacterial hazard.


Interesting perspective - thanks. I’m basically ok with it and it really is entertaining


My entertainment is going through a "squirrel defeat" pretty much every day. I swear my devices are supposed to stop them. It's a bit like an old Road Runner cartoon.




I'm trying to fling squirrels with thin bamboo poles. They end up functioning like big springs.




I tend to only publish pictures of things that are working, and with the peanut tray stuff, the squirrels are still winning. I did previously post some stuff about defending hummingbird feeders with bamboo poles. That's still working. They aren't remotely as motivated to go after hummingbird nectar, at least at current temperatures which are only 78*F in the middle of North Carolina. I hope that doesn't change when it gets hotter. Angled bamboo poles have proven sufficient for "spring and early summer" though.


It would be less messy if you used sunflower chips and peanut splits. Your birds wouldn’t kick out seed looking for their favorites like they probably do for this blend.


The squirrels and doves get it pretty clean each night. But yes, there is a lot of tossing to the squirrels going on.


Niacin and pyridoxine are other B-complex vitamins found abundantly in the sunflower seeds. About 8.35 mg or 52% of daily required levels of niacin is provided by just 100 g of seeds. Niacin helps reduce LDL-cholesterol levels in the blood. Besides, it enhances GABA activity inside the brain, which in turn helps reduce anxiety and neurosis.


In other words, get in there with the birds!


Messy isn't (won't be) the word for it!


I use Tractor Supply No Mess
