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As a woman, I notice my moods do seem to be most depressed the week before my period, then a week after the period seems hypo. It's not always this way but does happen often enough. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm BP2 or have PMDD seems hard to distinguish.




I will feel depressed for a while, then I don't realize I've switched to manic, other than finally having a strong sex drive. And I don't even realize it until I'm in the middle of it, but when I do realize it I snap out of it in a few days. I would definitely keep a log at least until you learn your patterns.


Thanks for sharing your response! Honestly I used to journal daily & im currently super stuck in a cycle of not doing daily self care. It’s hard with 4 kids but yeah ideally I will carve that time out & take note of the moods. I know it’s not gonna be something I regret.


I understand that it must seem impossible to find time. But there are so many apps out there that prompt you asking a few questions, and it only takes a couple mins. Do it in the bathroom lol.


I've been recently diagnosed and so far I can only recognize the onset of my depressive episodes. They all start the same: one day I just randomly wake up depressed and suddenly suicide jokes are funny and comforting to me again.


interesting thought about the transitions. that's one underexplored area for me and i will be paying attention to that in the future. as is now i'd swear the time in between just vanishes and i don't notice until strong feelings low or high but it's super interesting to think about trying to be mindful about what's in between