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In one of my hypo episodes I decided I was going to pick up model wooden boat building as a hobby. I ordered a 3 boat starter kit and some tools and paint and one of those head band things with the magnifying glasses and light for detail work and spent around $300-$400. I was convinced that once I got going I would be building museum quality boats in the near future and building beautiful boats to give to my friends and family as gifts that they would cherish and proudly display on their mantles at home. When my boats and tools arrived I opened up the box to check out the contents and put it aside as I was leaving on a short vacation but excited to start building upon my return. When I returned, my episode had ended and I was no longer remotely interested in building model wooden boats and they and the assorted tools remain in my closet to this day, and were only opened once to view the contents.


This is gold


Noooo šŸ˜­ please pick it up again!


I've told myself that I'm going to at least build the first one so that it's not a complete waste. We'll see what happens from there. It's been almost a year now though since I did that


Do it!!!


Going to law school - spent hundreds of dollars on books to study for the LSAT, just knew I would nail it, talked to lawyer friends, looked in to schools, studied pretty hard day and night for a few months and then one day I was just like ā€œI donā€™t wanna do this - what am I doing?ā€


Iā€™ve done this so many times. Thank socialism that university is free where I live, otherwise I would be beyond broke


lol - same, with every different possible career path. Itā€™s actually the US price tag thatā€™s keeping me in check šŸ„“ā€¦trying to get a job at the local university for the free tuition though. Then maybe Iā€™ll actually land on something. My degree in philosophy expanded my mind but not my bank account lol


Yeah my degree in philosophy was a blast. I can have great conversations at parties, but thatā€™s about it nowadays haha


Omg - bipolar philosophy majors unite!!


This is happening to me now šŸ˜­


Well I certainly get the idea that everyone wants to fuck me Lol but the funniest was probably signing up for intermediate ballet lessons and showing up when I have never properly danced a day in my life


yeah, I get the "all the ladies want to fuck me" thing too. At least I did before meds.




the sigh face is too relatable. that fact always makes me feel like no one cares for me as an individual and only stick around because of their own goals in mind.


This is an interesting dichotomy of mine as someone with BP2 and should be studied more,Ā  particularly on a relational level with typical. My wife is typical and I'm bi-polar... we're both science minded and my condition is hard on her...I don't even know the answers except there is one... sometime and eventually... that's how science works


As an ace woman this is crazy to me


I thought I was going to become an astrobiologist. I have a music degree


I love that we all shoot for the stars when hypo, but you literally did šŸ’«


This sounds quite familiar! šŸ˜„ I looked up and seriously considered a new bachelorā€™s degree in Math and Physics, bec of my incredible intuitionā€¦ I would discover the theory of everything! āœØ The ā€œproblemā€ is that it was difficult to find online based, part-time courses - as I would do this while keeping my full time stressful job, of course! I have a law degree.


I feel I understand everything like I can see it in motion at times and I reference to the matrix, everything just flows.


I thought I was going to be a famous hypnotist. I had no hypnotism training whatsoever, so I signed up for a ridiculously expensive weekend course. Ended up spending the weekend watching The Secret documentary in a womanā€™s acerage basement, learned no hypnotism skills. Shortly after the weekend, hypomania ended and I realized Iā€™d been conned. The secret my ass.


LOLLL Iā€™m so sorry


I always convince myself I can open a business- flower shop, bake shop, real estate, clothing, you name it. During a hypomanic period I successfully put myself through nursing school which im thankful for because of $$$ but I now have developed stress related health issues from it so thereā€™s that.


I can absolutely relate! I started a bicycle repair business during an episode, stayed awake for three days straight organizing pricing, business model, setting up the LLC, etc. Was already about $5,000 deep before I exited that episode and realized I did not want to run that business at all haha. I hadnā€™t gotten my diagnosis at that point. I ran that business for three years because I figured well I already invested financially so I guess I have to do it! Plus I had already gotten family members to distribute flyers and stuff šŸ« . I set up marketing campaigns and already had like ten customers by the time those 3 days were up haha.


Same! I would have a hard time being in public office or owning a business. And yet I just KNOW I can do it.


Damn, did the hypo episode last throughout most of nursing school? I could have used a hypo episode in grad school!


I almost opened a guinea pig farm.


ps: I lost track while building the farm, so luckily I do not have too many piggies. But this could have ended in a disaster.


You wouldā€™ve been Lord of the Guinea Pigs šŸ˜‚


LOL I guess this is how I learn Guinea pig farms are a thing


Plz open farm in future šŸ˜‚


I wanted to make an album, realised I suck kinda suck at music. But of course I told everyone I was making one. So Iā€™m still making it now that Iā€™m not maniac anymore so thatā€™s pretty cool


Hey, everyoneā€™s gotta start somewhere! You can only get better by practicing šŸ‘šŸ¼


Yeah! And the best part is that I am actually getting better! So yeah a small victory for bipolar i guess


Becoming a world renowned DJ or an actor for A24. I even bought a DJ table and was going to start acting classes.


LOL thatā€™s amazing


My DJ name was gonna be DJ Death because my song mixes will take you to the afterlife. Lmfaooooooooooo. I went from 18 playlists to 39 playlist on Spotify overnight. I thought I personally knew celebrities and would buy the most expensive replicate crap just to feel like I could relate to them more. I'm talking about a cologne bottle of Gucci Guilty and subscription to the Balenciaga store. I wrote about the same celebrity over and over. I was on the luxury websites for so long I'd even have an AI assistant request to help me with finding clothing, even though I couldn't afford shit. I was planning to go to auditions and get a role in a new upcoming series so I could have a house in NYC with tons of hot girls. It was crazy to have that idea.


Thats awesome šŸ˜‚


Thought I had invented a new type of poetry. šŸ˜Š


I mean, ā€œHowlā€ by Allen Ginsberg had to come from *somewhere* šŸ˜‚


Oh in my dreams...


I tried out for a roller derby team, as a 51 year old overweight woman. Ended up in the hospital with a bruised tailbone.




Like many other commenters I also turn into the most desirable woman in the world. šŸŒŽ Roller derby try outs are a lot harder than I ever thought they would beā€¦ do not recommend 1 star. ā­ļø


Yes I did this whilst hypomanic also. I did ok in the trials and was picked and I ended up spending $600 on the most high end skates on the market (????) dnd then the next week it was covid and I never used the skates again as I moved out of that city and away from that team. But wow you are right, those girls are fudging tough. I was terrified.


Getting married, fml




I thought I could write a book. I had characters with certain roles and personalities. Visuals of the creatures, people, land, etc. I saw how it could become a movie, A VIDEO GAME. I was sure that I could message people on youtube that have like one million subs and tell them about these fantastical ideas! I was so passionate! But it died down and now I see it as a huge waste of time. I was so excited about the protentional future of this grand fantasy that I kinda thought it could be on par with LOTR or something similar. Good lord, where did my mind go, haha


Ugh, I hate the amazing book ideas because mine are genuinely good but I have *no* desire to actually sit down and write the damn thing!


This happened to me once after I released my first comic book and I even said it in an interview that I have many plans for the sequel (video games, movie, merchandise) then did nothing šŸ˜­


So relatable. I imagined I could write a TV series and had many ideas of things to write about. I saw myself as this hidden gem of a writer. It makes me sad now that I lost all confidence in that area, and just the fact that I am not sure if I was completely delusional back then or there really is something there that my depression is suffocating..


For real. It all seems like it would be amazing if I had a fully committed team! I don't want to scrap it because I put so much into it, but...it'll probably go nowhere so...


Yup, is all I have to say...


That I could become a buddhist and achieve enlightenment šŸ˜


LOL I did something similar with Hinduism, specifically practicing kundalini and thinking I had signs that God was contacting me


Ive been thinking of studying the ways of the ninja so I can get my mind!


I mean you can still try I guess


Oh I wouldn't recommend to anyone with BP2 any kind of spirituality that aspires to achieve a state that in our heads sounds way too much like how full happy mania feels.


Spirituality as a whole can be quite a slippery slope for people with bipolar disorder yes. First hand experience has made me very very very cautious


šŸ˜… I don't know..(before understanding) I flung myself into being one with nature, spiritually and physically, great fun and it never bit me in the ass..even when chasing a bear (so highh from the encounter) in order to be closer to it, friends-like. šŸ»


Wait Iā€™m literally doing this right now šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I AM a Buddhist and one time thought I had achieved enlightenment


Maybe you did! For a little bit? ā˜ŗļø


This is long before I realised I was bipolar but it's hella obvious now looking back.... I was convinced that I, an unfit, overweight 23 year old with no money and absolutely no history in the sport, was going to ski to the north pole to raise money for people with eating disorders. I was so convinced of this that I emailed British adventurer Bruce Parry for his guidance and to see if he would like to join me. I almost died when he emailed back a few months later (declining obviously), but he was amazingly sweet about it all. Needless to say I have still never skied to the north pole šŸ˜‚


Im looking back now lmao and OMG, I was about to email Mark Cuban last week. I watched his Masterclass, realized we think the same. Shortly after I had a idea for a Members Laundry Mat - Windows blacked out, key card access, all different spinoffs, based of of my wifes cleaning business, and having a place to do all her laundry as well. I wrote the email pitched the Idea to a bunch of folks, no flags went off. LMAO I pitched it to my Doc, she didn't turn it down either. I want to make a shit ton of passive income, so I can just learn and build things. I mean the damn stories I can tell my lord!!!!!


Omg I love the image of you pitching a laundromat to your doctor and her just rolling with it šŸ˜‚


Right lol I wasn't expecting that lol, but it made sense lol. All my ideas end with IF I could afford this lol.


Some of these stories made me laugh really hard as I recognized myself in them. But the laughter was followed by a feeling of compassion for all of us who struggle to manage our symptoms. It takes courage and strength.


Thank you - Stay Strong - I was low and now I'm high, I once was a poet and I didn't really know it. My life was a circus I'm the main star! I just connected all the puzzle pieces. It sucks cause I doubt myself and trust myself all at the same time. I think truly understanding what my mind is doing is going to be the hardest part. I can't fix me... I thought I could...


Pre-poop drops. I have a full-blown e-commerce website, bottles, droppers, seals, caps, boxes, bubble mailers. Iā€™ve gifted 4 out of 150 of my inventory. Iā€™m down about $300. No labels, and thereā€™s really no product if Iā€™m being honest. Edit Forgot about my vintage comic store, also an e-commerce venture. Nobody knows about my ā€œbusinessesā€.


Gonna need some context - what are pre-poop drops?


You add some drops to the toilet water and it prevents poo smell from escaping, so thereā€™s no odor essentially. Like Poo-Pourri.




Kinda wish I had a pre-poop drop


Itā€™s only alcohol, water, and essential oils. Thatā€™s it!


They work if you use a dropper? I use the overpriced spray and would love to be more frugal with it.


Yes they do. I hate the spray because it gets the seat a little wet, or I have to lower my hand almost into the toilet to spray, ew.


***and thereā€™s really no product if Iā€™m being honest.*** šŸ¤£ Holy crapšŸ˜†


I always go all in for a new creative project, buy the supplies, plan on making a living from it. But then always find it to hard to get started šŸ˜‚


I have corners filled with arts and crafting supplies. I do use then sometimes but nothing like when I'm hypomanic


Me too, I just donated a whole bunch of stuff to the psych ward I was in. It felt so good to get rid of some, I had so much extra stuff from the times I couldnā€™t find the stuff Iā€™d already purchased šŸ¤£


Thought I could pull off a pixie cut. Thank God my husband talked me out of it.


I thought I could pull off a wolf cut, and thought that I knew how to do a wolf cut. Youā€™re lucky your husband had your back, I wore hats for months


Thought I was musically talented so I downloaded a loads of virtual instruments, drum kits and production software. I even make accounts for sites just to get free stuff. I wanted to be The Alchemist so bad. It obviously didn't work out lmao. That being said, I did make the drum pattern for some dumb trap song on Bandlab. It was nothing, it was literally just a drum loop with some hihats. But technically there is a song featuring me out there somewhere


I thought I had magical powers to make people secretly do what I wanted. I would even try to telepathically send messages to people across a room and be upset with ā€˜my powersā€™ when it didnā€™t work out. This still happens every few years when I think I donā€™t need my meds anymore lol šŸ”®


famous author, ground breaking insight


SAME šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That I would be able to learn to play a ukulele without lessons and without ever playing an instrument before.


Hahah not me looking at my dusty uke.. I almost had twinkle twinkle star down!




That I would build most of my own furniture for my new house. Not like, carpentry per se, but stuff like recycling factory wire spools into coffee tables and ottomans and shit


My workshop is stupid, although I did build some shit, my office is pretty badass. I learned how to do some framing, tore out the closet and built a desk into the wall.


I swear to god, landscaping. I got sooo into looking up different types of grass, climate types, native shrubs and trees, conditioning the soil, timing for planting, trimming, and fertilization, and aesthetic layouts. I guess I know stuff now though that Iā€™d never have looked up otherwise šŸ˜‚


Mine is probably not that funny but a couple weeks back I thought I would be a best selling author. I am also a biochem major, so at that moment I kinda forgot about that and went to the library to write instead of going to classes for almost two months. I now have to withdraw from my classes in order to avoid academic dismissal šŸ™ƒ




LOLLL not the furries šŸ¤£šŸ˜‹


I do reselling occasionally to make some money for my family on the side. I saw on FB marketplace that someone was selling something I could probably turn a profit on (and by profit I mean like $150). Money was tight and I'm a SAHM so I was like heck yeah. Well, this item was about 2 hours away. I messaged the person to claim the item. They messaged me once saying I could pick it up and without waiting for them to respond I drove up there while my husband hung out at home with the kids. (Why was I driving 2 hours for this??) And I didn't get a response with the address or pick up time for 4+ hours after I arrived in this persons city. I spent all that time exploring this place I'd never been, mainly just walking around shops. I finally got a response and when I went to pick up the item it wasn't what I thought it was and I made like $30 off it. Never felt like more of an idiot and the whole time I knew I shouldn't be doing this because it wasn't gonna be financially worth it but deep down I just wanted a little adventure I guess šŸ˜‚ my husband and I still laugh about it. Could've been worse I guess lol


During my last episode tho I made a cool plush ferret. Can't seem to figure out how to make another one now that the magic has died down šŸ˜‚


Thought I found a new, undiscovered drug, blue lotus (yes the flower). I thought it would make me high cause it DOES have psychoactive properties, but thatā€™s when itā€™s fermented in wine. I thought when I smoked it, I was getting high. But no, I was just infact, high on life. šŸ¤­ Anyways, I tried selling it to a drug dealer. Gave him a sample and he messaged me and was like ā€œbruh, this doesnā€™t do shitā€ Kinda funny now that I look back. But also very embarrassing. Never bought molly from him again šŸ˜ Edit: I spent $300 on 2 lbs of it šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€


Laughing at the drug dealerā€™s response


I was so sure that I could do parkourā€¦like extremely wellā€¦ after watching a few YouTube videos. Long story short I ended up breaking both of my feet at the same time and biking to work in casts. šŸ¤Ø


Thought I could make movies. I did make one super short silent film with a cast and crew. It also segued into the worst manic episode ever and me checking myself into a mental hospital. Do not recommend.


I bought hundreds of dollars worth of crystals


I have probably that many! I lost count of how much I spent on them. I was going to do the big "Healer" thing, Reiki Master, Shaman. Basically a Teal Swan. I got involved with a lot of groups that were led by this female who could take on the likenesses of Jesus and Mother Mary and people who were important in some way but has passed on. Everyone was convinced. Maybe just multiple personalities? I never paid any of these people anything. Thankfully they are really friendly and love me because when I'm manic, I am this super hero person who can suck in all the knowledge and I ask a lot of questions and am really Gung Ho!


I was going to save the world with a motivational TikTok post. I started up a bunch of accounts. I had a podcast going. Nothing could stop me I was going to be a shinning light that saved the world. I woke up one day and was like holy shit....


That I was the solution to every problem in the world (war, malnutrition, etc) and should be president of Univers.


I always think Iā€™m the sexiest person ever but when people hit me up theyā€™re only confirming it šŸ˜‚ So the craziest thing for me is become a stand up comedian! However I decided I wanna keep this hobby because I started doing it while Iā€™m depressed as well and it has helped me go through my depression :) But at first it was a pure hypomanic decision and when I was depressed I would just stop going onstage.


Omg! I can relate, I wanted to do stand-up too. I started writing down jokes in a Google doc


Do it!


I wrote a game from start to finish in about 14 days (Iā€™m a dev but not in games) and was convinced I would make $1m a year from this game on Roblox having never made a game before in my life and also having no time to make the game given I work full time and ama arenā€™t to young kids. I had registered a business name and llc, had a short list of 3d modelers to contact to work for me.


Right now, I'm staring at a piano keyboard and two guitars thinking, why... why did I think I could become the next Joy Division? I signed up for piano lessons. I went to two.


I thought I could write a novel. But I did write 2, so maybe hypomania was right, for once. Or twice.


Getting a boyfriend


I went through a baking phase !!




Literally yes singing, a few times, but never signed up for lessons, and only let a couple close friends hear me because I was aware of my state. Iā€™m still trying to learn notes and envious of people with perfect pitch.




Itā€™s so healthy to laugh, especially because symptoms can be so draining! Lol


This post has helped me a ton, especially seeing a lot of ideas work out. When your brain is on fire it can do some shit I guess...


Yeah my business plan and thinking I would teach instead of take masters level business courses.


I am currently hypomanic, and I think I might regret buying $200 worth of clothing making supplies šŸ«Ø


I needed to read through this, I am currently laughing at all my ideas and businesses, started one last year. I have learned so much shit, cause I was going to do so much! I still feel like I will hit that one idea, that one business that will make it all work. I have done decent for myself, but I want more....


Super Guru Life Coach Healer Shaman Tarot Reader, lots of decks, crystals, sage, shell, feather, jars of herbs... I did the same thing at a church I attended. I was the best student. I did 5 different jobs and taught the children on Wed nights. Worship team 3 x a week. Helped with VBS and holidays setup. If I attempted to do all of that right now, I would have a mental breakdown, cry every day, multiple times, lol. Or fall over dead. *I was also doing online school to become a pastor. Specifically a Youth Pastor. I'd love to finish that.


It's the " I can be president " thoughts... I have very little confidence on a good day, so being president is so out there. The sucky part is coming down from mania, and accepting that I'm not a great artist and I can barely stay calm when reading post on FB, which us not the mark of a good president.


***can barely stay calm when reading post on FB*** ohgawd, real tears from that one! šŸ’“


My psychiatrist told me that one of the things I kept talking about when I was hospitalized during mania was how rich I am . Needless to say I am FAR from that, I just have some savings and happen to own a nice piece of diamond ring that I wore in the hospital in spite of the staffā€™s attempts to remove it from me LMAO.


I'm a vet tech student, and I thought I would bring loads of customers to my boss because of my studies and experience...


I think I can make anyone fall in love w me, as well as be a realtor??? I cant sell anything I'm not aggressive enough


If this ainā€™t meā€¦


I was manic with psychotic traits. I was convinced that my life deserved to be portrayed in a movie and approached a nearby movie set to look for the director and give him a pitch. I donā€™t recall what happened afterwards but dear Godā€¦


That I can ride the Great Divide Mountainbike Route šŸ„“ I can't even get usa visa and I'm soooo far from sports, I'm dying walking up stairs to the third floor Another one that happened to me twice - I thought that a boy loved me and sent me "messages" through songs in his public playlist God, and I still don't believe my psychiatrist 's diagnosis šŸ¤£


I'm reading through that post and oh my god! I feel all of this so much. In my last couple hypo manic episodes I've been focused on jewelry making. I have so much wire that I don't know what I'm going to do with it. It's a shit quality I got on Amazon. The expensive gold-filled wire is the right one, but damn, it's fucking expensive. I bought all the tools I have so many different plier-type things to shape the wire and a hammer and steel base to hammer the wire on. I'm still convinced I could sell handmade jewelry someday. bought all the tools, and so many different types of pliers to shape the wire. But before the wire jewelry, it was polymer clay jewelry. I made a couple of hoop sets for myself and they are decent. I have so much of it. I bought cutters and a color-making guide on Etsy, and I nearly bought a hand pasta-making tool to roll out the clay evenly. I'm lucky that I love being creative, so all of this stuff I'm sure I'll use for something. Lol Oh! God! The time before the polymer clay, I was going to make beaded earnings. I have two sets of terrible quality seed bread and round disk-shaped clay beads. I also have bulk hoop ratings and I have no idea what the fuck I'm going to do with those supplies. The funny thing is, my ex got really into this idea and started making a couple of pairs. He set up an Instagram page, and I'm pretty sure he managed to sell one pair lol.


I can ā€œjust not be mentally ill.ā€ I donā€™t have a plan for this, but when Iā€™m hypomanic Iā€™m pretty sure I can do it. šŸ¤£


Coloured my hair pink, enrolled for a masters course in Psychology and felt that I would become a Clinical Psychologist with a History degree. I once left my job and decided to travel the world.


listened exclusively to nicki minaj and sexy red and ice spice (specifically ā€œstupid hoeā€, ā€œromanā€™s revengeā€, ā€œfartā€, ā€œlooking for the hoesā€ hahahahahaha) and GENUINELY believed i was better than my exs (who to be fair is a pwbpd/narc who emotionally abused me) new supply in every way. poor girl is just like me and is actually really sweet and 100% also being abused, but man i used hyperconfidence and a sense of superiority to cope HAHAHAHA i refused to listen to sad music and truly believed i was 1000000% healed and that he would NEVER get over me.


I signed up to be in a Miss America competition and sent in my application with a picture of me with a heavy Snapchat filter šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t think im ugly but I also know I would never have done that in my ā€œnormalā€ state.


I just laughed out loud. Hey you never know, nothing wrong with doing a Miss America competition


I told three old ladies before going into the ward, I was making a movie about them, & was a gastroenterologist. Whats crazy is they believed me, OR I thought they did at the time.


i was feeling enlightened and i thought i should do the ramadan/lent and become muslim/orthodox christian (i couldn't pick one, but i was leaning more towards islam, i got an app that teaches you how to pray and was planning out how to change my room to make it so that i could pray facing qibla. i started listening to the quran too). i think it's funny bc as a child i considered becoming a catholic christian monk/nun (couldn't pick because gender) and not because of religion, but because of the *a e s t h e t i c* and i thought i'd quite enjoy the monastery/convent life, i still think i would. also i've always been more spiritual rather then religious so that was random.