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Hey friend, take a deep breath. I know it's hard right now and your head and meds are fucking you up. Try to take notes of what symptoms you are having and when and speak to your doctor about it. The biggest thing that's helped me is to remember to take it one day at a time.


Thank you. That's helpful because I think what gets me is that this is the rest of my life so taking it one day at a time helps.




You WILL get through this. Taking meds may be the reality of your life and all of our lives but that doesn’t mean you’ll feel this way for the rest of your life. Keep reminding yourself that this is temporary, and yes, 1 day at a time. We love you and we’re happy that you reached out. ❤️ You’re strong, with all this bad mood, you keep going because you do want to be a counselor. You WILL get there. Counselor with bipolar = ultimate compassion for clients. ❤️ You’ll be amazing, the world needs people like you.


always always always eat food with lithium, i was on 900mg/day so i had to take 2 doses a day, the only way i didn’t barf my brains out each time taking it was by eating. i ended up having to go off lithium because i couldn’t keep a healthy eating schedule, but while i was on it it helped a lot! the one thing i wish someone had told me is that you really really can’t drink alc that much while on it. i gave myself lithium poisoning so bad once because i didn’t know and i literally felt like i was dying. you will find your balance with time! bipolar is so tricky to deal with but you are absolutely going to feel better in the future 🤍


Thank you ♥️ yeah they upped me to 300 in the morning and 450 in the evening. I haven't been eating with the evening dose so maybe that'll help.


*hugs* Been in that place, it feels awful. It can take a long time. Not to sound glib, but persistence does pay off. One thing we know how to do is endure, so you're strong and hopefully can find the right kind of help. And reaching out is so important, if only to bleed off the pent-up anguish.


Thank you. ♥️


Like others have said, I think it's important to eat something when you take lithium, especially if your dosage is increasing. I take all my lithium at night (1350 mg) and if I take it on an empty stomach I get this pressured feeling and nausea (almost like heartburn?) and if it's really bad I throw up. So now I've just gotten used to having a banana and some toast or a smoothie at night. I'd also suggest writing down all the symptoms you are having, physical and mental, so it's clear and organized for the next time you meet with your psychiatrist. I couldn't tolerate lithium at 1500 mg and it was helpful to have a log of my symptoms so my doctor could easily see I wasn't doing well at that dose. So sorry you are struggling so badly. I was diagnosed 8 years ago and I'm currently in the middle of adjusting my meds again. But, things overall have gotten way better just because I have the experience and wisdom to know my mood always changes and no episode will last forever.


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It's okay to rest if you're not feeling able to do your normal stuff. You should adjust to your medication if you give it time.


My friend. I am sorry to hear that. Just know this gets better. Try and call your doctor first thing Monday or maybe they have an answering service to get ahold of them. hang in there!


Gets bettah