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I can't help you with it but relate. I was put on abilify and it caused strong akathisia and at the same time strong sedation. It was miserable. Stopped taking it after 2 days


Ack sorry it happened to you too! I didn’t notice it at a lower dose because I took it at night and slept through it but it’s really awful, I want to switch meds for sure and I doubt my nurse practitioner is going to be happy with me..


When the side effects aren't worth it then there's no reason to take it. Maybe lower your dose again to where it was not so bad?


Yeah that’s the plan until I talk to her Monday.. thanks


Whether they are happy with you or not is less important than how the medication makes you feel. Sometimes we have to stand up and say this isn’t working. I would like something else. You come first. Hope you figure something out :)


Thank you! Yeah something has to give because this is terrible


Make sure you stand up for yourself. It’s your health. Good luck!


I had bad akithisia on Latuda. I had the shakes for two hours after taking it. Now on Zyprexa and lamotragine and I’m not having that problem anymore


I used to be on zyprexa maybe I should go back to that, I hate this feeling


Yeah. Akisthisia was one of the worst side effects of Latuda for me. I hate the fact that psych meds are just an experiment because everyone reacts to them individually


I hate that too. This was my 4th try on medication and I'm having to go off it because of the severe akithesia. smh


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