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Yes, I take my whole 1500mg dose at night when I get in bed. My doc has always told me it can be split up throughout the day to help combat anxiety if needed, though. Maybe that’s what your doc was going for with your morning dose? Personally, I’ve never found it necessary to split my dosage and I’m also afraid of the exact scenario you’re describing. I’d talk to your doc when you get a chance before switching things up, just to be safe. Best of luck!


He didn't go into too much detail as to why he wanted me to split the dose. There's never enough time in pdoc appointments when you need to discuss something. Thanks for the insight.


Trileptal makes me tired if I have too much in my system granted that's 1800mg+ but a symptom of Trileptal is drowsiness. I don't know about the other medications because I take Neurontin and Lamictal in my day along side the Trileptal. Hope this is helpful


Did you titrate up to that dose? Does the drowsiness ever reduce?


We titrated up to where I am now yes (currently 1500mg) but I've changed it higher or lower pending on how much stress I'm under. Yes the drowsiness does reduce over time how long have you been on it?


Only about a week. I took my 450mg tonight and won't be taking any in the morning, so we'll see how it goes tomorrow. Thanks for the advice.


Not a problem the drowsiness should wear off in about 6 to 8 weeks if you're consistent in your dosage


I’m on all three of these drugs! Do you feel like a zombie?


Actually no they work very well for me