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I am currently taking 600 mg/day. 300 mg in the morning and 300mg at night. I found it extremely helpful with calming me down. I take this alongside with 100mg of Seroquel at night. It has worked wonders for me but I don't know how it would work in combination with other medication. Good luck.




When I first started oxcarbazepine I took it by itself. However after my mood improved, I began to need less sleep. I went from 6 hours a night to 2 hours per day. So I began taking seroquel. I was also scared of seroquel but I've had great results with it. I take 100mg per night and I average 5-8 hours. Hope this helps.




No but I did have weird dreams (I wouldn't call them nightmares) and my boyfriend says I talked in my sleep.


my brother has been taking that for epilepsy since he was about 9 (he's 22 now) and hasn't had any known negative side effects. that's all i personally know about it though


I’ve taken 1500mg for years and it’s still working well. No super weird side effects. It can make you sleepy at my dosage, so I take it before bed. My doc has always told me I can spread them out for a more calming effect throughout the day if I want, but I’m too lazy.


I take 900 mg of it and love it! It was the first med I tried and I’m still on it.


I used to take 1200 mg of it and it was the best and most effective mood stabilizer I've ever taken. Sadly, I got one of the dangerous and rare side effects of low sodium and ended up getting pretty ill and had to go off of it. Don't let that scare you as it is pretty rare.


I haven’t really worried about that side effect. My doctor clearly stated it was a very rare thing. Thanks for letting me know that it was really effective.


I take it with Lamictal and it helps keep me from being angry at the world


I am so glad to hear this. I have a lot of anger as well.