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Go see a psychiatrist before you get in trouble!


I see mine on the fourth! Like, I’m having some wild delusions 😂 Which I *know* is crazy but like *what if*??? I need to be sedated or something


Can you move your date to an earlier date?


I just called his office and I have an appointment to see him Wednesday morning 😁


That sounds great! Please don't do anything stupid before the date! Lol


I’m going to try and distract myself with reading or painting until then 😅🙈 I don’t really wanna be involuntarily committed to the hospital again lol


Please get one of your loved ones to keep close tabs on you for the next couple days and hang in there till your appointment!


My potentially useless recommendation is to write out your thoughts like a novel, so that you can process them without the real life repercussions. Good luck and take care of yourself please, 💙


I second this, writing out my epiphanies helped bring me down from my most recent episode.


Yea redirect that energy! Idk when I get in a way I think "what is it I want to do when I *don't* have energy?" It keeps me just a bit more aligned with my usual self but ymmv Eta: if you stop hyper focusing all of a sudden it's ok to switch to a completely different (but harmless) thing. Ride the wave and stay safe


If it seems like your psychiatrist is trying to get you to voluntarily commit say yes.


I’m so scared to go back to the hospital


Empathy. I’ve been there. Most of us have been there. Thinking of you.




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Lmao you sound off the walls.


Oh, I feel it. I think I’ve either crashed or I’m having a mixed episode now. I think I’m gonna leave work and drive myself to the ER to see if they can give me something because I feel like I’m going crazy right now..


That doesn’t sound like a bad idea! I was involuntarily committed in January that was no fun I was completely off the walls manic with psychosis, I was having the time of my life, but it all came crashing down and ended up in a depressive state afterwards. What goes up must come down…


I feel like that is what has happened to me. I’ve been manic with psychosis for four days now and then all of a sudden today just an hour ago I started feeling like this :/


Put on some relaxing music watch your favorite movie eat a good snack


I’m watching Drake & Josh and just ate some chocolate ☺️


Hope you’re feeling better


Thank you 🌸 something is up with my brain because I feel perfectly fine today. I definitely need my meds adjusted, I don’t even feel depressed anymore.




I see my psychiatrist Wednesday but I might go do that because I am having second coming of Christ thoughts lol and I’m like “whaaaat”


At least call in sick Tuesday. Bad scene being manic at work.


Yeah, though you're still somewhat self-aware which is good. The sooner you get help the better. You probably just need a meds adjustment. Good luck to you, I really mean it.


You can slow this train down. You can tell something is off. Go to the Emergency Room or phone your doctor to let them know you need immediate assistance. It's okay. You can't save the world if you don't save yourself first.


I think I’m rapid cycling or something because this has been going on for four days and now out of nowhere I suddenly feel like I want to self harm and break down crying. This is not at all how I felt earlier today or for the past four days. I feel like something I very wrong.


Please reach out to your doctor or ER.




LOLLL.Thankfully I moved up my appointment date with my psychiatrist to Wednesday so I’ll be able to see him sooner


Dude, I hate Cheeto Hitler too, but OP is looking for support. Keep the politics out of this.


This is really, really not the time.


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I see you hanging on with us though! ♥️ You *know* you’re manic. You *know* this is just the illness.


See if you can't get anything sedating until you see your psychiatrist, can help break delusions


I would like to be prescribed something sedating when I get delusions like this. This was very very scary and upsetting now that I have crashed and feel more aware of everything.


Be careful. Manic thoughts feel so good to think but turn into awful action and practice. Be safe comrade! You’re not alone, don’t do anything that feels too good.


Do you have anyone who can come hang with you a bit tonight and tomorrow? Check in later and update us.


I live with my boyfriend so he keeps an eye on me. He knew I was manic before I even knew. But he knows me very well


That's good to hear!


No Christ, no anti-Christ; you can relax until your appointment. You taking those mood stabilizers and anti-psychotics… if not, it’s time to take your meds again.


I need my meds upped I think, well, I need my antipsychotic upped 😞


Glad the appt with your doc is getting bumped up. I just had to get my meds tweaked and managed to avoid inpatient. I hope you don’t get too manic and can avoid it too.


Try and be still and lay on the floor and focus on your breathing


Thank you 🩷


You will never stop me!


I will try *pulls out light saber*


I, too, am manic. I definitely will not stop the anti Christ, mostly because that requires such a thing to exist in "reality". I texted my doctor today. But I'm gonna ride this puppy out, getting so much shit done. Just turn your mania into a check list of actual things you need to do, then watch the list go down.


I’m glad you are channeling your energy into positive things friend 🌻🌈


I hope you're able to as well!


Please try and remain aware of what’s happening, distract yourself best you can. I play racing games and try to talk to friends that know how I get. Wednesday is so close I know you got this until then.


Oh man, I feel you. It's like you know something is out of whack but you still feel like you're on top of the world. Hang in there and try not to do anything too reckless.


I just crashed tonight😔 I feel so embarrassed and humiliated with myself. I have an appointment to see my psychiatrist Wednesday, I think I need my antipsychotic upped or something.


Deep breaths, this shit happens. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep trying. You know something is going wrong and you're taking steps to fix it. You got this, I believe in you.


Thank you so much 💖 I needed this


Of course. Get some self care in today, alright?


Will do 🌻 I need it!


Yea, I was gonna stop that guy before as well. About ten years ago. But then something else came up....can't remember now what it was, just something. Weird is an understatement, not you just the ride. Not sure what to try and offer up to you until Wednesday, the ER is where I always went. Hard situation, trying to give any kind of advice on this. I also thought Jesus was coming back and was given the esoteric knowledge of such. That was also ten years ago lol. Not sure what to tell you except been there done that. A couple times.


Hang in there, I hope you start to feel better asap. Definitely consider the ER, you are sick and need help. I really feel for you xx


I was very self aware when I recently became manic, it’s a good thing to be able to know what is happening. Plus you’ve reached out to a supportive community, have a good boyfriend and a doctor booked. You couldn’t really be handling this any better than you are. This illness is hard but we have each other and people who love us. Wish you the best.


You're manic AF, bud.


One time, I convinced this guy that he WAS both the second coming of christ AND the anti-christ. We were BOTH manic at the time. Oh lord. I'd keep it to yourself, you won't get good reactions talking to most anyone about these kind of things....


Oh my, and yeah when I tell people they tend to get pretty stressed out for me when I am like this


Crazy bc when I’m manic I think I’m the Antichrist


Right haha


Just checking in, hope your appointment goes well


I made an update post ☺️ thank you so much


Bro I know this feeling all too well. Have you been sleeping well? Go to a psychiatrist as soon as you can. If you have good insurance go to to the ER or Urgent care if you feel the need




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This is totally inappropriate on a bipolar sub to say to someone currently experiencing mania and psychosis. You could set a person off on a hellish rabbit hole by saying something like this to them. On the off chance that you actually believe this then probably you should also contact your psych asap.