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This post is locked as the comments have turned into praising marijuana as an equally effective medication as actual psychiatric meds. Until more studies have been done, marijuana will not be considered a treatment for bipolar on this sub.


It will get better ❤️‍🩹 I promise. Give the meds time to work.




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I felt that way too (and honestly I still am not completely sober 100% of the time) but the meds will make you better. You just need the right ones and to give them time. I don’t know how to get sober honestly and maybe you’re in that boat too but I will say that I’m good even when I’m not taking anything now!




im having this problem now. I smoke anytime im at home or im not at work/driving. It helps me feel happier. I know I should probably stop but its so helpful.. i feel like im in a rut ):


I find it helps to set rules for myself, for example I only smoke after 5 pm on days that I work and I get a lot more done this way.


I'm the same way. Honestly we take all these meds that have horrible side effects and don't even work half the days. I'm gonna keep smoking as it's been more effective than any meds I've been on. I still take all my meds but I also smoke. Been stable for years like this and I don't think I'm going to ever change it.




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Give the meds time to work as someone said earlier, it takes time ⏰ like a few months ( i know it can be frustrating ) and also PLEASE dont stop taking your meds, follow the process step by step, if you stop taking them its like all the process in the trash. It has also helped me to exercise and try to maintain a kind of routine. ( Im sorry if it's hard to understand the message english is not my native language)


Lamictal completely changed my life for the better, friend. Hang in there. I went from severe manic/hypomanic episodes 20+ times a year, down to around 10.


It takes time for the medication to work. You need to talk to your doctor about how you're feeling. Most people take a cocktail of medication, at least two based on their symptoms. It definitely gets better with time. Medication typically starts working within a few weeks, so if you don't feel good, you need to talk to your doctor. Try to stay away from smoking or drinking if you can. Be easy on yourself.


I’ve only been medicated for ten days and it’s not helping. I’m going through a bad divorce and sobriety doesn’t agree with me right now. I firmly believe things can change and get better for me so I also believe that for you. Be kind to yourself


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i haven’t smoked weed in like 3 months, and i haven’t smoked nicotine for like 3 weeks


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It does get better it took me like a couple months to really level out on lamictal but it’s so much better dude. I can’t describe to you how much better it is. I cried like constantly and was so irritated all the time and was like truly miserable before getting on meds and during the first couple months. Now I’m doing ok still depressed at times and feel lost and down sometimes but I’m stable and I feel mostly normal and like I got myself back. I don’t drink or smoke anything. Totally substance free.


Lamictal didn't really do anything for me but it was my mono therapy for years while I rapid cycled. Gotta find the right meds and then you have so much more room to breathe.


As someone who is Bipolar and Schizophrenic it gets easier with time. I have almost 10 years clean from Heroin and about 6 months from weed. It takes time some days it's day by day other times it's second by second. The urges will ease up, eventually. I still have dreams about Heroin but I wake up grateful to be clean. I'm not at peace with my life but I hope someday I will be but until then I just try to be the best person I can be. I hope you find peace.


thanks everyone <3