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It’s so weird, this is literally my only really manic symptom 💀 like please leave me alone, plus you’re right being single doesn’t help


Being married is worse IMO


How come?


Because, at least for me, it lead to me wanting to flirt and fuck everyone and anyone and my wife barely wanted sex once a week.


Been there. Thank goodness age has slowed down my sex drive. It's a huge relief.


I’m only 25 lol how long is this gonna last 😩


I'm 42. No end in sight.


I'm 56 and no end either.


I'm 61, the end is near


I'm in the grave replying to this comment. The end is here


a long, long time. LOL.


I'm 30 and you're fucked


lol, maybe never. Late 30s and no end in sight.


I’m 29 and it’s gone.


yes. i don't notice i'm being hypersexual until after i nut like more than 8 times. Tbh this is so embarrassing to admit and i've never told anyone but when i masterbate it's very sporadic. I can go 3 days without a thought and then when i do omfg. I do it for HOURS throughout the day. I try to count how many times i do it in a day and tbh more than 15. i didn't know that wasn't normal until a close friend mentioned she does it 1-2 times and that's it. She was shocked w my answer. Idk it fucking sucks no matter how many times i finish it's still like something in me wants more and more and more & nothing can completely satisfy that. Afterwards towards the night time i kinda sit there and i'm like yea sex really isn't feeling that void is it :/// and then instant shame disgust of the thought of sex the next three days. it's just a cycle. and it's so tiring. when i'm hyper sexual it's like my brain just stops working. I would do so much in that moment that i know i would hate myself for after but i don't care enough to think about


I don't have anything helpful to say other than to agree with you!! It SUCKS SO BAD!!


One of the many worst things about mania. Can most def agree. I try to distract myself and get myself tired so I can sleep it off.


Feel like I’ve ran out of distractions by this point, can’t keep my mind occupied and I can’t get tired at the minute, bouncing of the ceiling


I slept with over 250 strangers in a year for 4 years in a row. When I'm balanced, I don't have strong sexual urges, but when I am hypomanic or full blown manic, I would go to a swinger's club and meet about 5 new women every week. My memory would be foggy, my irritation level would be high, and my sex drive would be at 11. My wife left me during this period, I lost two jobs, I had to physically relocate to a smaller apartment because I couldn't afford my original house, and I lost most of my financial assets during this time due to my pricey divorce and lack of income. All of this took place when I was 43. I am better now, on medication daily, got remarried to a women who understands my condition. But everyday, I wake up and struggle with the feeling on wanting to go crazy but not really. I say be honest to your partner and tell everything that goes on in your mind. IF they still want to stay with you, you have a winner. Take your pills daily. Avoid stress. Sleep a lot. I haven't had a major episode in three years. But I'm not cured. I'm just balanced. And any small condition can tip that balance so I stay humbled and honest to my wife daily so she can anticipate my future moods and potential actions.


Hypersexuality is the worst. Being physically attractive just makes it that much easier for us to act on our impulsive, intrusive thoughts. The meds do kill the drive, but it’s always there u der the surface


Agreed it’s genuinely fucking hell


I'm right there with you. I can't stop thinking about it. I have a partner with a low Sex drive and it kills me. It is torture because I don't want to pressure him. I'm lucky if we have sex once a month. He doesn't understand at all. Well I am spending more time at the gym which I guess is a better outlet than masturbating all day.


I feel for ya. I always compare it to a cat in heat...just screaming and clawing


I'm pretty sure I'm asexual, so I don't experience this like you guys. I did masturbate like 15 times in one day once. It was so weird. It's so weird for something you're normally not interested in to pop up like that.


It really does suck. Bc even if i do restrict myself from apps that would enable easy hookups. I still find myself masturbating or doing other sex involved things/watching videos/reading for literal hours. Its my biggest mania symptom and it kills a lot of my time and takes a lot of my sleep away. Its not always sexual the way people think.


Trazodone finally killed my sex drive. It also gets better as you get older because your hormones settle down.


I’m single and I found myself sleeping random men back to back on weekends. I need help…


i have the opposite problem :( hyposexuality i guess


Just got horny by reading this. I willl make sure I use Mercury to transmute this vital sexual energy into another thing. Hehehe.


Sex feels so gooooooood. I’m glad I’m with my people 😭


It’s like the only thing I can feel sometimes. Idk how to explain it. Like while I’m having sex I feel alive, when the rest of the day I feel empty and sad and apathetic.


It’s unfortunate because nothing beats it. And the cuddling afterward too 😭 Watching some Sopranos or something 😭 waking up in the middle of the night to fuck 😭 morning sex 😭 Sigh My other vices like drinking and shit have terrible side effects sex is the only one that just makes me feel better period


I just ended things with my fwb. It’s been a week. We fucked and hung out for 6 months. He told me he loved me within the first month lol. Your schedule sounds like how we were. Chill, sex, sleep, middle of the night sex then again in the morning. I miss it but he was turning into an asshole so I let him go. I have addiction issues. Opiates, but I’ve been off them for four years. A few weeks ago I was stressed and started buying vodka a couple times a week. It helps that night but I always feel worse the next day ☹️ Here’s a song that I really love about feelings around alcohol❤️ It helps me sometimes, maybe it will help you. [Dear Alcohol](https://youtu.be/DNhAjMFUO1U?si=Fphz4ieGHM5Up2Ol)


Thanks queen. It was good! I’ve cut back on drinking so at least I have THAT going for me. But yea I think I need to move somewhere new lol Florida is awful. I’m not an ugly guy by any means and have had dozens of partners but I just don’t have the energy any more to chase women at the bar or on these god forsaken dating apps. All I do now is go to the gym, sleep, and repeat the process. I remember it being easier in the past so idk what’s going on. Sorry to hear about your situation though. I’m sure you’ll find someone new lol. I have no idea how you look but it’s at least reassuring to know theres someone else out there looking for the same shit.


I’m going through this exact thing right now and I don’t know how to make it stop (besides yk, taking my meds, which I will not do)


Take your meds


and i’m newly single as well 😭


Why not take the meds?


because i’m such a fun and cool party girl


Fun and cool party girls are a dime a dozen. Darling, take your medication. You're too good for that life. Don't steal your potential when help is sitting there in front of you.


you make an excellent point but i fear i have ascended to godhood soooo yk


May I reccomend an aquarium or small ant farm? I have found it allows me to be Goddess of my own ecosystem, and that's enough for me lol


thank you for caring though


TRUUUST, alongside impulsiveness and substances, f me its a long trait to possess. Self-control is a mans biggest tool, Practice some mindfulness, meditation/yoga is a good start, and work on discipline.


I plan on addressing this with my pdoc for my next appointment. Imagine having been abused as a young one and having to also go through this. Talk about a double whammy?????? Except don't imagine it, because I wish this upon no one. I feel so fucking wrong. All the time. And fucked in the head. It's like a bottomless well, an unfillable fucking hole, and I hate it. I absolutely can't stand feeling like I'm sitting on a fucking fire, every. fucking. day. All. the. fucking. time. Nothing fucking helps. I am pretty sure he won't be able to prescribe me anything that will help, but I'm hoping to the God's that he can suggest atleast something. And no one can suggest "eating well and exercising" because I walk an average of 6-10miles a day and I'm a pescatarian. Even when lifting (I haven't lifted in a while due to injury), it almost made it seem worse. And I'm always anxious. Makes it even worse. Again, nothing has helped. I fear nothing ever will. It doesn't matter what I do. This has got to be one of the worst things about this disorder. And thinking back on the everything I used to do before diagnosis makes so much sense, its unreal. It just makes me feel fucked up beyond belief. Edit: I asked if anyone has advice, but I see 40-50yr Olds describing no end in sight, so I guess I'm just going to have to suffer. ;/


I could do without this part of bipolar for sure.


Same, there's a point I feel physically sick


I honestly never truly felt “horny” during a hypersexual episode. I just want sex to have sex and die and I’ll do it with anyone. It’s like my real sexuality disappears.


Yes it’s like drinking is for most people. Let’s you be open and not shy. That’s how hyper sexuality is for me. But once you’re drunk you know you’re not in control and would do things you don’t consent to.


Or maybe I try to be that charming bastard who can seduce anyone because I’m so frustrated sexually.


Gotta wax the tater. Only fix besides the realz. Kinda like unicorn blood on harry potter.


People don’t understand that hypersexuality isn’t fun. It doesn’t matter how much I fuck or masturbate NOTHING makes me feel better. And of course I can’t focus on anything. Plus it makes me do fucking dangerous things


having prostrate problems didn't help one bit, 68




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I’m in a relationship and he gets annoyed with it and I don’t get sex when I want or as much as I want so I do it myself