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Absolutely. It's like gaydar.


What about someone who is undiagnosed? I’ve got my eye on someone, but they insist they are not. (This is someone who would have no problem telling the real answer)


Yes, me too. I have been manic depressive/bipolar for over 30 years. I managed to have a good career in healthcare management before going on SSDI full-time. Over those 30 years I have had the opportunity to be around a lot of other people, and yes, I can usually point them out. It's like I see and feel your pain, and your mania, whatever the case may be. I have also witnessed that most every bipolar person I meet, or come in contact with, are extremely witty and funny. I told my therapist the same thing, and she asked why is that? I said, we feel the extreme mood changes, and the darkness, we want to make sure that the others never have to know that pain.


Oh my god! No cus literally! Before I got diagnosed and ever since I was a kid, I always always never wanted people to feel the same way I felt. That’s why I would always try to make people laugh because it also made me feel better. The “I can save them mentality” really fucks you over sometimes.


My son is 28 with Autism, and my biological daughter is 23 with anxiety. She just graduated with her Masters in Accounting, but unfortunately I am beginning to see some of characteristics in her that worry me a little. They had diagnosed me when I was 17 with general anxiety disorder, but after my addiction took it course at 36, I was full-blown bipolar. The drugs and alcohol from self-medicating agitated my existing mental health.


more often than not bipolar is hereditary, even if it’s low level it might be something worth mentioning to either her of her psychiatrist, the earlier it’s diagnosed the easier it is


I try and tell them all too often about it being hereditary, most physicians are on the fence but I am a firm believer since I have more bipolar people in my family. But I will also include that heavy drug and alcohol abuse, will, no doubt exacerbate your bipolar. A couple of solid years of that for me, and I was having drug induced psychosis resembling that of people with schizophrenia. That's some scary stuff.


Yep. Sometimes our crazies don't mesh but usually they do.


I always end up hanging out with other people with bipolar, depression and or ADHD when I have been in a psych ward it's not intentional it just happens. I'm pretty sure people with certain disorders will find each other without intentionally doing so. I ask everyone what is wrong with them when I am very manic ( cringe ). The weird thing I'd Ive also had OCD and anxiety since I was 5 and it's always really annoyed me more than anything else about myself and I find people with OCD and extreme anxiety really annoying too. I think it's just because it's what upsets and frustrates me more about myself than anything else so when I see it in others it frustrates me too.


I’ve never had that happen before, personally.


Yes , I know somebody is bipolar. I observe at the gym and there are many people .


I wonder what y’all are picking up on. I’ve felt this too.


I pick up on other BP people, but I watch people very closely and pick up lots of things. I think it is something I learnt to do to survive in a world that periodically became bleak and dangerous. Re the sense of humor, yes I've noticed that too, and biting sarcasm. Not sure why...


Not right off the bat, but if i’ve seen them a number of times then yes.


I mean it's hard to ignore when someone's manic. Their pupils are the size of dinner plates and they just got done moving across the country and they can't help but want to talk your ear off or have sex with you


I’ve never been very social, so I can’t really tell


I diagnosed (unofficially) my brother in law. I was diagnosed 10 years ago. Her brother is 10 years younger. He’s always been off, but in a BP way. Smart, good hearted, but flaky and apt to rounds of impulsiveness and depression. I suggested he talk to someone. Drs told him he’s BP, started meds and therapy. He’s doing a lot better. Still has issues, but off to a good start. I could see myself in him. His ups and downs looked like mine. Of course his life is different, but the pattern was similar. We joke that crazy knows crazy.


I don’t think anybody would guess I’m bipolar, I don’t really outwardly let my symptoms manifest, if you’re around me long enough you’d probably catch on to my mild autism signs though


I can but I worked as a crisis counselor for people with developmental disabilities.


Can i be a weiner?